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What is Shengyi S1190 PCB

The Shengyi S1190 is another PCB material with high quality. If you knew
everything about the Shengyi S1190 PCB material, you would not be here. So we
welcome you to learn and gain vast knowledge about the Shengyi S1190 PCB
material. We will be discussing its features, properties, and benefits.

The Shengyi S1190 PCB materials have a superior thermal resistance, excellent
anti-CAF performance and extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion in the
Z-axis. Also, they are very useful in high layer count printed circuit boards. This
information we are about to give will be of great help to you. Please continue reading
to learn more.

Table of Contents

What is Shengyi S1190?

The Shengyi S1190 is a PCB material that offers great qualities. These include its
temperature for glass transition at 170 degrees centigrade, its excellent anti-CAF
performance, and its great thermal resistance.

Furthermore, its through-hole reliability is excellent. The main application of the

Shengyi S1190 is for any high count printed circuit boards

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General Properties of the Shengyi S1190 PCB


The Shengyi S1190 PCB material has some special properties, which makes them
unique. Below are some of them.

Temperature for glass transition (Tg)

The Shengyi S1190 PCB material has a Tg of 170 for the TMA condition. This means
that at this temperature, the printed circuit board material will change from the hard
stage to the soft one. This property makes it great for use in printed circuit boards.

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At Tg 170, you are sure that the printed circuit board’s mechanical stability
throughout the entire operational life is ensured.

The Tg for Shengyi S1190 PCB material for the DMA condition is 200 degrees

Decomposition Temperature (Td)

The Shengyi S1190 and its printed circuit board (Shengyi S1190 PCB) have a
decomposition temperature of 350 degrees centigrade. Furthermore, this temperature
is one at which the Shengyi S1190 PCB material decomposes chemically. This means
the Shengyi S1190 PCB material loses a minimum of 5% of its mass.

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (Z-axis)

As mentioned earlier, the CTE for the Z-axis is very low. At 50 to 260 degrees
centigrade, the value stands at 2.3%. This shows how much the Z axis of the Shengyi
S1190 PCB will contract or expand when cooled or heated.

Before the glass transition temperature, the value stands at 45 ppm/℃, while after the
glass transition temperature, it stands at 210 ppm/℃.

Thermal Resistance

The Shengyi S1190 PCB material has a high thermal resistance. This means that the
Shengyi S1190 PCB has a high ability to resist heat flow. This is one good reason
why devices having the Shengyi S1190 PCB material will not experience any
damages easily.

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Dielectric Constant

The Shengyi S1190 PCB material has a dielectric constant of 4.6 and 4.8 at 1GHz and
1MHz respectively. This frequency plays a huge role in the value. This means that it
drops as frequency increases.

Also, this value is significant for impedance considerations and signal integrity. These
factors are very significant for electrical performance of high frequency.

Great anti-CAF Performance

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The Shengyi S1190 PCB material also has great anti-CAF performance. With this,
damages that may happen as a result of oxidation will be prevented. With this
property, you can be sure that the product’s durability will be increased.

Storage Conditions for the Shengyi S1190 PCB


When the Shengyi S1190 multilayer pcb material is 3 months, you should store it at a
maximum temperature of 23 degrees centigrade. Also, storage should be at a
relative humidity of less than 50%.

Furthermore, when the Shengyi S1190 PCB material is 6 months, you should store it
at a maximum temperature of 5 degrees centigrade. Note that, before you use it, you
have to normalize it at room temperature for a minimum of four hours.

Also, be very careful of moisture and wrap it using a damp-proof material. Always
keep it in a normal condition. This is because the prepreg may end up absorbing
moisture, leading to the weakening of its bonding strength.

Furthermore, during storage, avoid ultraviolet rays as well as any strong light.

Applications of the Shengyi S1190 PCB Material

There are lots of applications, which need high temperatures when operating them.
When making use of these applications, you should consider making use of the
Shengyi S1190 PCB material.

Here are some applications where the Shengyi S1190 PCB material is useful

Computer Applications

There have been great advancements in the technological world today, which has a
great impact on computers under any high temperature. This is why any computer
having the Shengyi S1190 PCB material can handle high temperature conditions.

Equipment for communication

Remember that most communication infrastructures pass via heat of high

temperatures. This is why it is important that printed circuit boards of Shengyi S1190
PCB material are present in equipment. This helps in enhancing its performance.

High-layer count PCB

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The Shengyi S1190 PCB material is also useful in high-layer count printed circuit
boards. This type of printed circuit board is seen in weather analysis, satellite systems,
medical equipment, GPS technology, data storage, file servers, and more.

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What are the Benefits of the Shengyi S1190 PCB


The Shengyi S1190 PCB material has a great advantage. This has to do with its
relevance due to its high Tg. One great benefit of using this material is its stability.
Other benefits of the Shengyi S1190 PCB material are highlighted below.

Excellent Heat Dissipation

Shengyi S1190 PCB material possesses excellent heat dissipation. This means you
have nothing to worry about when it comes to heat burdens.

Great Processability

It is very easy to process Shengyi S1190 PCB material. This is because of its high Tg
at 170. Processability becomes simple because of its closeness to the best possible
temperatures necessary for processing.


The Shengyi S1190 PCB material has lots of great properties and we hope we were
able to satisfy your expectations as regards the topic. As mentioned in the article, it
has great thermal resistance, great anti-CAF performance, and very low coefficient of
thermal expansion at the Z-axis. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us here.

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