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Bl om'lvis t
Box 50_46
Hakan 151 05 SODERTAtJE 5

The Interplanetary Intelligence Report is the official publication of the Interplanetary Intelligence of Unidentified Flying

Objects (IIOUFO), with international headquarters located at 3 005 West Eubanks, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Published bi­

monthly, subscription rate of $3.00 per year, ppd.

VOL. ·1-NO. 1 MAY, 1965 PRICE SOc


PAGE TWO The Interplanetary Intelligence Report MAY, 1965

Information appearing in this report MEMBERSHIP PUBLICATION

may be used providing credit is proper­ Membership in the IIOUFO is free "The Interplanetary Intelligence re­
ly given to the IIOUFO. and open to all interested persons. port" has been on the drawing boards
Membership is composed of 1. Board of since 1957. I hope that it will be of
W. F. Riefer Director & Publisher interest to all persons interested in
Director 2. Technical Advisory Board,

H. C. Hewes ______ Associate Director 3. Photo analysts, 4 District and For­ scientific study of Ufology.
& Editor eign Representatives and 5. Members.
J. Maney Deputy Director The IIR will separate fact from fic­

V. C. Johnston ------------ Secretary This is your first issue of "The In­ tion. We will publish UFO reports and
A. C. Roberts & terplanetary Intelligence Report", the results of our investigations.

D. V. Critchfield Photo Research which will be published bi-monthly,

(3.00 per year) ppd. Members of the
As for myself, I have never sighted
IIOUFO ORGANS IIOUFO aren't required to subscribe.
a "flying saucer" but on one occasion
Scientific Panel FUTURE ISSUES did observe a large unidentified flying
Technical Advisory Board Future isues of the IIR will carry object with many other persons. I am
District Offices many interesting articles, UFO sight­ of the opinion that UFO's are real,
State and Foreign Representatives ings and the results of our investiga­ but just what they are, and where they
Members tions, as well as newspaper clippings c::Jme from is the mystery.
and photographs.
INFORMATION INVITED Also each issue will carry an arti­ WELCOME

cle by the Oklahoma Science and I will welcome your opinion on this
If you have any questions about the subject, and will talk with anyone who
Arts Foundation, Kirkpatrick Plane­
IIOUFO, would like to become a rep­ thinks they might have a solution to
tarium, in Oklahoma City.
resentative, or report a UFO sighting,. this mystery.
feel free to get in touch with us. All COOPERATION
manuscripts, articles, photos, etc., The IIOUFO will work with all or­
cannot be returned unless the proper ganizations and persons interested in
postage accompanies the same. We re- - solving the UFO mystery. If you have
serve the right to publish all infor­ any questions about IIOUFO wouid
mation we receive unless otherwise like to become one of our representa­
-·stated. tives, or report a UFO sighting, please
feel free to get in touch with us.

Please fill out the chart on page
5 and return so we can tell what you
thought and what YIOU want more of.

All photo work in this issue is cour­
Associate Director
tesy D. V. Critchfield.
Hayden C. Hewes
The IIOUFO was an idea in 1957. In
1958 the idea had materialized into a
scientific research organization. To­
day, over 4,800 strong we are adding
what information we can to the UFO
This is the first issue of "The Inter­
As for my personal opinions, space
planetary Intelligence Report", (IIR),
does not permit me to make a detailed
and judging by the interest in ufology,
statement, but the possibility of in­
it will not be the last. The IIR has been
terplanetary origin is possible.
on the drawing boards since 1957
when the Interplanetary Intelligence AIR FORCE
Of Unidentified Flying 0 b j e c t s, By special authorization from the
(IIOUFO) was organized for the scien­ Pentagon last September 8, 1964, I
tific investigation of unidentified fly­ visited the Air Force UFO Investiga­
ing objects. tion headquarters located at Wright­
Patterson AFB, Ohio. Future issues of
the IIR will include articles and photo­
The IIOUFO now has over 4,800 graphs of my visit. This August I will
members world wide with a State Of­ visit NASA at Houston to see the de­
fice in most all the 50 States, with velopment of the U.S. space program.
15 Foreign Representatives. The pur­
poses of the IIOUFO are: 1. To collect Director
Last November 6, Oklahoma City
and evaluate UFO reports, 2. To bring
had a rare visitor from space. An ar­
about a better understanding between
INTEREST ticle with photograph will be forthcom­
civilian UFO study groups and the
Air Force, 3. To expose researchers I became interested in the subject
who distorted information and cast of Unidentified Flying Objects during MYSELF
the War Years, but did not become ac­ I have been interested in UFO since
a bad light on the true scientific re­
tive until 1947. I followed the subject of 1957. At the present time I am working
search of the subject, 4. To show the
Ufology with great interest, in 1957, at Central Merchandise Co. and major­
possibility that UFOs could be inter­ Hayden and I put an idea on ing at the University of Okla. in aero­
planetary spaceships. paper and the IIOUFO emerged. space.
MAY, 1965 The Interplanetary Intelligence Report PAGE THREE



1947 79 22
22 Planetarium
1950 169 22
1951 156 22
1952 1501 303
1953 425 44
1954 487 46
1955 543 25
1956 669 15
1957 1005 16
1958 623 11
1959 387 13
1960 556 14
1961 585 12
1962 469 15
Deputy Director 1963 393 13
1964 532 16

I'm Jim Maney, Deputy Director of 8908 663

the IIOUFO. I have been in the or­
ganization almost since it was or­
ganized long ago in 1958. My interest
in the UFO goes back farther than that DALE �OHNSON
by about a year. I really don't have
Assistant Planetarium Director
any firm opinions on their origin. To
me, the interplanetary hypothesis is
tenable, and if it has been disproven, Only a few decades ago the word
I am ignorant of that fact. But I "planetarium" was a strange and little
wouldn't reccomend anyone putting understood sound in the ears of the
money that particular theory. Any populace, for only a handful existed
UFO organization (and there are pre­ in the entire world. Only a few plane­
cious few of the greats of the mid- tariums were in operation in the
1950's left) which sets itself up to United States on the East and West
prove one particular thesis is, to my Coasts. Today, hundreds of planetar­
mind, violating the tenets of scientific iums exist in towns small and large
research. That is why IIOUFO has al­ all over the U.S. and Oklahoma City
ways insisted on a strict organiza­ is no exception. Now Oklahomans can
tional neutrality concerning any visit The Oklahoma Science Arts
thinking on the "ultimate question" Foundation Building at Fair Park,
of ufology. "under the blue dome".
VICTOR C. JOHNSTON In slightly over two years of opera­
FUTURE tion the Kirkpatrick Planetarium has
served the community in many capa­
Me personally? In May, I graduate
One autumn day in 1944, I noticed cities both culturally and education­
from the University of Dallas with a
at a local bookstore a copy of Amaz­ ally. Thousands of young people from
cum laude B.A. in History. This fall,
ing Stories featuring "I Remember pre-schools through high school have
I will enter the University of Notre
Lemuria," by Richard S. Shaver. Thus passed through the doors of the planet
Dame to do graduate work with a
was I introduced to the "Shaver Mys­ arium to watch and listen as the
fellowship. As my time permits, I hope
tery", a most ccmtroversial subject. wonders of the universe unfold before
to do articles in this publication on
Being interested in the unusual, I them; but the planetarium is more
topics in the UFO field which have
followed the subject very closely, read­ than a circular room forty feet in dia­
interested me in my work. We in
ing every story and article pertaining meter with a domed ceiling forty feet
IIOUFO solicit the support of all those
to this matter. I carried on extensive high. We think you'll agree that the
interested in this, the greatest enigma
correspondence with other research­ planetarium is one of the greatest aids
of our age. We hope, Bill, Hayden, Vic
ers. to education and culture ever de­
and I, with a mighty assists from
vised, for it is not confined to the
many of you, to perhaps do our part UFO'S NO STRANGERS realm of the stars, but can be directly
in solving this question of the UFO, applied to the study of the realm of
Having been "broken-in" by the
the "riddle of the heavens". man and his struggle for knowledge
"Shaver Mystery", I was not surprised
and enlightenment.
by the announcement of the Kenneth
We feel that you will acknowledge
Arnold sighting on June 24, 1947. This,
the value of the planetarium to the
NOTICE I thought is something to be fol­
community and we cordially invite you
lowed very closely.
EVERYONE IS INVITED TO THE to join us in the "Theatre of •,he
Therefore, early in 1960, I took over
Sky," the Kirkpatrick Planetarium,
UFO LECTURE BY HAYDEN HEWES, the directorship of the INTER CON­
Oklahoma Science and Arts Founda­
tion, Fair Park, Oklahoma City.
FOUNDATION, a world-wide research
group founded by W. T. Jordan of NOW BENG PRESENTED:
THE NEW AGE CENTER, 145 N.E. Milwaukee, Wise. Due to financial
14th STREET, OKLAHOMA CITY reasons I had to put the organization "What Time Is It?"
OKLAHOMA. in mothballs.
A fascinating history of the keeping
However, the organization is now be­ of time. Public showings at 2:15 p.m.
ing re-activated, under a new name, 3:30 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. Saturdays, and
Watch for the OKLAHOMA the INTERNATIONAL AEROSPACE 2:15 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Sundays.
of the Interplanetary Intelligence of is presently recrUiting new members Cover photo MGM's ' 'Forbidden
UFO. Coming soon. throughout the world. Planet".
PAGE FOUR The Interplanetary Intelligence Report MAY/ 1965

Reeve's sketch of the vehicle showed

UFO Lands? four stilt poles for landing gear, which

protruded at an angle. However, the
four holes found in the ground were
UFO LANDS AT BROOKSVILLE straight and appeared to have been
By Joan Whitenour
No radioactivity was found in the
East Coast Headquarters
The two "space papers" were found
34 Ave. N. St.
to be composed of fibers common all
Petersburg, Fla.
over the world and corresponded to
the fibers used for lens tissue or sten­
Mr. John Reeves, a resident of a
cil paper. The hieroglyphics found on
trailer park near here told of :oeeing the paper were deciphered to read:
a flying saucer with a robot-like pilot, "Planet Mars-are you coming home
which he first saw while taking a walk soon-we miss you very much-why did
you stay away too long." Tests on the
jn the woods.
LEAVES EVIDENCE paper were conducted at the Institute
of Paper Chemistry. Appleton, Wis.
He qescribed After he was inside some blades
it as being about 700 yards away and on the rim of the saucer started to Reeves statement after hearing the
move like venetian blinds. They opened Air Force conclusion stated: "Maybe
it was bluish-green and reddish­
and closed. Then the rim started going the saucer and the robot came from
purple in color, about 20 to 30 feet in
around - counter-clockwise- made a another country on this earth that's
diameter with two windows on top. The whooshing sound and then started smarter than us. I never believed in
windows, he said, were about two ft. going around faster. Then the gear flying sauchers before, but I do now.
retracted into the saucer and the sau­
in diameter. It stood on a four-legged The Air Force is ·just trying to shut
cer went straight up. "I watched it and this whole thing up."
landing gear about four ft. high with
it was out of sight in less than 10
a top about six feet thick. seconds." Reeves said that the robot See photographs in the July issue
dropped two pieces of paper on his way of the Interplanetary Intelligence Re­
back to the saucer. This evidence was port of the landing holes made by the
found and turned over to the Air craft, a photograph of the footprints
Force investigators. Reeves said the left behind by the Alien and photo of
Reeves described the robot thusly: paper was like tissue, but very strong. the two peces of paper that were also
"About five feet tall with a human­ The papers were about 14 inches long left behind.
and about 8 inches wide.
like figt1re. W.eartng a canvasLlike
The saucer left holes about "four
suit of a gray-silver color with a glass
inches in diameter and four inches
APRIL 24, 1964, Socorro,
dome helmet. He said the eyes were deep." The robot-like pilot left foot­
farther apart than a normal human's prints which he described as being New Mexico
and its chin more pointed, but added "round on both ends and very narrow
in the middle." APRIL 24, 1964, Socorro, New Mexico
this could have been caused by glass
On 24, 1964, a Socorro, New
distortion. He pulled something from BACKED BY NEIGHBORS Mexico police, Mr. Lonnie Zamora, re­
his left side, lifted it to chin level ported an object on the ground a mile
I did some intensive investigation
and it flashed. He flashed again and south of the town at approximately
int'O the Brookville affair, and I found
5:30 p.m. Lonnie Zamora said the ob­
I took off from the bushes. As I ran that the home:..towners are solidly be­
ject was white, egg-shaped and sup­
my glasses fell off and I just lay there. hind Mr. Reeves. They believe that he
ported on girlerlike legs. He heard a
really saw what he says he did. This
He flashed the thing again and walked roar and saw smoke and flames com­
landing is unique in that evidence was
back to his saucer." "There was some ing from underneath the object. Th�
left behind in the form of the two
UFO rose to a point about 15-20 feet
kind of opening under the saucer and pieces of paper. It is my guess, and
above the ground and the flames and
he got inside." Reeves said the opening many others, that we will all grow
smoke ceased. The UFO remained
long, gray beards before we hear any
had round, cylindrical steps leading up stationary for several seconds and then
official confirmation either on the
into it. flew off in a southerly direction.
landing or the evidence of the papers.
Photo credit: St. Petersburg Times, The Air Force sent investigators
March 5, 1965. from Wright-Patterson AFB to Socor­
ro. The investigation disdosed the fol-
lowing facts. No other witnesses to the
object could be located. There were no

The alleged spaceship landing at unidentified helicopters or aircraft in

Brookville on March 2, was officially the area. Observers at radar installa­
termed a hoax by the Air Force. tions observed no unusual or unidenti­

The sighting-landing was investi­ fied blips. There was no unusual me­
gated by MacDill Air Force Base per­ teorological activity. There was no evi­
sonnel and by Dr. C. W. Bemiss, Pan dence of markings of any in the area
American Airways technical staff man.
other than the shallow depressions at
The Air Force found it "extremely the landing site. Laboratory analysis of
doubtful" that a 20-30 foot object could the foreign material or radiation above
have taken off at the alleged rate of
normal. Laboratory analysis of the
5,000 MPH in vertical ascent and been
seen for any more than five seconds. burned brush showed no chemical
which would indicate a type of pro­
The vehicle would have reached an
pellent. Air Force conclusion: "Un­

altitude of 36,430 feet in that time.
There was also no evidence of blast­ known". The AF is continuing its in­

off. vestigation and the case is still open.
MAY, 1965 The Interplanetary Intelligence Report PAGE F IVE

Investigation Results


This is to announce that the Inter­

New Age Continental Aerial Research Founda­

tion is being reactivated and reorgan­ Mystery Object
ized. It is hereafter to be known as


WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 (AP). -The

We are in need of personnel to man Air Force is investigating the reported

E.S.P. Experiments Now Being Car­ observer posts, for purpose of spotting sighting of two high-speed unidentified
ried On At The Oklahoma City New and tracking unconventional aerial flying objects by Navy radar operators
Age Center. objects. Also needed are researcher, spe­
at Patuxent Naval Air Station, Md.
cial investigators, public relations peo­
The New Age Center of Oklahoma ple, State Coordinators, photograph
City has become a gathering point for analysts, and persons with college or The Navy said Tuesday that the op­
people throughout this area who are university degrees (B.A. or higher) in erators observed "two objects on their
interested in E.S.P. and Metaphysics the sciences or engineering for our
and many other subjects which cannot scope approaching at approximately
Scientific Panel. Members will receive
ordinarily be discused with the neigh­ "The Tracking Station", a quarterly 4800 miles an hour from 30 to 40
bors or oftentimes even close personal publication featuring sightings, land­ miles south" of the base at 8:30 P.M.
friends. (This last would include Flying jugs and related incidents, and news of Dec. 29.
Terran space efforts. For further
and more detailed information on
!APR, its purposes and policies, along The objects approached the naval
As a matter of fact the idea for the with membership requirements, write air station, executed a tight turn
"Center" grew out of the minds of a to Victor C. Johnston, Director !APR, and disappeared from the scope, the
number of people who met at a 3300 N. Bryant, Oklahoma City, Okla­
Navy said.
Rhinehold Schmidt lecture here in homa.
Oklahoma many years ago.
About the fastest aircraft in exis­
tence is the X-15 experimental plane
The chart below identifies the feat­
Since that time most of the top ures in this report. After you have which has flown at 4104 miles an hour.
names in the Flying Saucer field have read it, please fill in the appropriate The X-15 is based on the West Coast.
lectured here at least once and some boxes with check-marks and return. It has a very short range.
of them several times. A few of them This will give us an idea of what
I recall at the moment are Dan Fry, you thought about our first issue.
George Van Tassel, Wayne Aho, Otis IIOUFO's investigation into the re­
Carr, Paul Woods, Hayden Hewes, Dr. I Want Don't ported sighting determined that false
Frank Stranges and there are many Like More Like
radar targets were mistakenly report­
other who are not so well known. Style I I ed as UFO's on 29 December 1964.
WELCOME Cove_r________ , ------ , ------
Study of the shape and illumination of

_ ---
Articl_ es , --- ,
the return indicates that they were

The "Door" is always open, at the

center to all comers and the lectures
Clippings - , --- , --­
created by some other electronic device
and classes offer a great variety to Civilian UFO-- , --- ,
within the station or were caused by
----- ---- ---- ------ -----

choose from no matter what ones Research I I I an intermittent abnormality within the
tastes. It is located at 145 N.E. 14th Planetari� , -- , --- , ---
Street and the phone number is CE circuitry of the radar set itself. This
I would -likeMORE �ESS­
6-3886. Charles Rhoades is the act­ conclusion has been further verified by
ing director at the moment. Those who Articles , ,
a check with an independent radar
----- --­

might be interested in receiving a s --------,

Clippin_g_ ,
complex at Patuxent NAS and with ad­
--- ---

monthly schedule on activities at the Civilian UFO 1 I jacent radar sector centers on the
"Center" should write and request =- e-
R _ � h----------, --- , ----�
same. East coast which reve-aled no corres­
Planetarium , ----- ,-----
ponding radar return on that date.
ACTIVITIES Photograps ,---,---

One of the most popular activities at

UFO-Phot_o_ l ___ l ___
the moment is the Monday evening UFO-Researcher , --- , ------
meetings where personal problems (De­ PhOtographs ,---, ---
sire to lose weight, to quit smoking,
etc.- are dealt with through hypnosis
I would-like added: G T -1
and later in the evening time travel, age IIOUFO's investigation into the re­
regres3ion and other types of E.S.P. ex­
port of four UFO's and the GT-1
periments are conducted. I suggest you Mail to IIOUFO, 3005 West Eubanks,
try it. launch. "No unidentified objects were
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
observed accompanying or pursuing the
NAME --------------------------------
GT-1 spacecraft, launched into orbit
NOTICE: EVERYONE IS INVITED ADDRESS --------------------------­
on April 8, 1964. Objects observed
TO THE UFO LECTURE BY HAYDEN CITY ------------ STATE ---------- which were detected on radar, have
Enclosed is in CASH in been identified as minor structural
IIOUFO AT 8:00 PM ON FRIDAY, ______ ______

APRIL 16th, AT 145 N.E. 14th OKLA­ Check. ------ MONEY ORDER ------- pieces which routinely break free
HOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA. for __________ issues of THE INTER- from the expendable booster section
PLANETARY INTELLIGENCE RE­ in the spacecraft ·and booster separa­
PORT published bi-monthly at $3.00
tion process. There is no indication of
Don't forget to read the April issue per year., ppd. Single issue $.50.
of FLYING SAUCERS, page 6-15, and Know anyone that might be interest­ the presence of any material that was
page 76, 78 and 80-83. ed? not part of the launched vehicle."
PAGE SIX The Interplanetary Intelligence Report MAY, 1 965


Full Page ---------------------- $25.00

IIO U F O Doctor ·s r;�es Soy 'Y�'
--------- � �h

Half Page ---------------------- $15.00 We, the Board of Directors of the Flying Saucers For Re
Quarter Page ------------------ $10.00 IIOUFO in order to detl�rmine if
UFOs represent a threat to the securi­ �t,_:�- ,:__: '
,_....,.. ----·­
-- �"".,...,. .-..-.
�__,-�·� �­ ,.._::..._�
ty of the planet earth and or alien in­
��c-t� .. ,... :E.. ::a..-.. ,.,�

E� � ;_r= "-=-_.--.,....,

terplanetary space vehicles, do ordain

�-=� !'---.=<£ z..
� ,..,. " r ' ­ ���.:��-:
-- -� �-- --.., ----

and establish the IIOUFO for the sci­ 7�-��� o::a....a.--���"'1:""'--

--- ---� """",_,".

We reserve the right to exclude any

J:,. ._ ...... ._..,
��--- --=---­

entific investigation of said purpose.

E!JIF;.££!"1!1-. �,. ,...
� - __,,.,.....,.,..-,.� .-

advertising which does not conform

4---��� .,___ -�""� ... �
� -�-----� -..... .._� "- """"" = �- --· r •
� ..,.,...,f k It-&--� �

The IIOUFO UFO program is carried

·�-£ � ....
-. ._

to standards. Rates are 25c per word,

�_ _, ,_.,�..-..,....::;.

�--=� *�:c�_�
• .,...=-,..,. �=---� --=-�--- -
::-o-:,- ,...., F.....::.C - :..-... -

including name and addreses. Orders

out in three phases. 1. The detection, ,. --=.....- .......
....,.,.-...:�-.. :...-%""""'
-� ���----=�== � ......� � _.,__ _
.......... ,_ .a--. s... .. ...._

cannot be accepted unless accompanied


investigation and reporting. This is

�_...,4:1<& ,. __ �
-- ""
.. ......, ---��:�
·� �-.,#._.....,.. �.oc=!<-""­
,___ --- -...-
....... � -----� '"="� �.. - - - =-- �=-=

by payment.
'-- 'LC,. ... -- .-=--- ...--
........__--�-o="-.::....__..,. �- .. ...
carried out by IIOUFO members in the �-- ,.__ ......, ,___
-=-=- �- �-
- --�r
·� �- -- ·-

nine different districts. 2. The second

M l�t��H '"' � '"'�::-:-:--:�..::.:.. --- -- ,.1; �


:- �--
UALS, rock and roll band. Dances, phase includes analysis and evalua­
-= =- =-;: :-::--::-
schools, parties, clubs call Charley tion. This is carried out by IIOUFO's
j::-��a� :_fEo-:��r� �5 ,..___ ... � ., _ ,.

Carey, GA 7-1301, Okla. City. -: .;- -�- � ::.._· -� ..-:. t1 ��-:. _-:--
Scientific Panel, 3. The third phase

""' • ---=-----�

includes dissembination of informa­

.. . ....
__ .. -.,.�,._
...... _'Z"_ __, � ...


...... t�""=:o--� i2'-- ·- � - .2-.... -=-t

tion. This is carried out through the

��- t-- ... - .,_

F'ine food, quick service at low prices.

See Nick or Paul at 9 North Broad­ Board of Directors.
way, Oklahoma City.
Membership in the IIOUFO is FREE
and open to all interested persons. The
IIOUFO is working with all organiza­
PROTECTION CO. 15 West Main, Ok­
lahoma City, Oklahoma. tions and persons interested in solv­
ing the UFO mystery. Our files are
ENLARGEMENTS: Send negative of
open for review by all new medias, re­
your favorite black and white photo
searchers, and interested persons.
to PHOTO SERVICE 1157 N.W. 89th
St. Oklahoma City. 5x7-$ .75, 8x10 The IIOUFO neither endorses or
rejects the claims of any so-called

l CONTROVERSIAL P H E N 0 M E N A contactees. We investigate with an

f BULLETIN-Write to Armand A. Lap­ open mind.
rade, 48 Great Brook Valley Ave.,
The IIOUFO investigates all UFO Copyrighted: September 1, 1964
Worcester, Massusetts-01605 USA.
reports, fireballs, and other items often by the Oklahoma Journal. OKC
WANTED: Newspaper clippings and connected with flying saucer through
UFO photographs. Write to Mr. Albert
on-the-spot investigation by IIOUFO
Onori, 84 summer Ave., Newark 4, N.J.
representiatives in the area and
WATCH FOR IIOUFO ARTICLES IN through correspondence.
In the eight years IIOUFO has ex­

CONGRESS OF SCIENTIFIC UFO­ isted our investigations of UFO sight­

LOGISTS, June 26th and 27th, 1965 ings show no evidence that UFO's rep­
at 9906 Pleasant Valley Rd., in Parma resent a threat to the security of the
Ohio (minutes away from Cleveland).
planet Earth or that they are inter­
For more information about the activi­
ties write CONGRESS 2875 Sequoyah planetary spaceships.
Drive, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30327.



- ��- �--=

Oklahoma City. has a real "flying

saucer". As for the man from Mars,
he is only an earthman investigating.
Read about this event and see many
more photographs in the future issues
of The Interplanetary Intelligence

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