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Vol. 1, No. 2 July, 1965 Price SOc

The Interplanetary Intelligence Report (IIR), is published bi-monthly by the Inter­
planetary Intelligence of Unidentified Flying Objects, (IIOUFO), International Head­
quarters located at 3005 West ubanks, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Subscription rate: 6
issues, $3.00 or $.50 per copy.

Here's What McDivitt Saw

• • •

See story Page 13, 14 and 15

Board of Directors and Representatives . ... .... ... ............... . .. . . . .. . . . .. . 2
Statement of Policy . .. . ... . . ... . ... ... . . . . . .. . .. . ................. . . . . . . .... .. . . 2
Editorial by Hayden Hewes .. ...... .. . ... .... ........ ........ . ... .. . .. . . . ... ... 3
From the Desk of . . . .
W. F. Riefer - Senior Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �

D. V. Critchfield - Associate Director . ................... . ... . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . 5

H. D. Crawford·- Art Director . ..... . . .... ........... . .... .. . .. . ....... .. . . . 5
General News . ... ...... ......... ... . ............. .......... ........ .. . .. .. . . � 5
J. W. Maney - Deputy Director .. . ..... . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. ... .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . 8
V. C. Johnston - Secretary .......... .. ... . .. ............ .. .. .. . .... . .. .. . . . . 7
Project Bluebook . . . . .. .. .... .. .. ... .... .. . . . . .. . . .. .... .. .. . ........ . . ... .. .. . . . . 8
Air Force UFO Censorship? ... ... ..... . . . ... . .. . ... . .. . ........ ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . 9
"Orbit" article .. ... ... . .. ........ . .. . ... . . . ... . ... . .. .. .. .... . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .... 10-11
Flying Saucers Called Real . . . ... .. ... . . . .. .. . . ... . . . .. .. ..... ........ . ........... 11
"Anatomy of a Phenomenon" (Book Review) ... . ..... ... . . ... .. ... ... ... . .. . .. . . 12
"UFO's" Watch GT-4 . .. .. . 13
� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

GT-4 Photograph and Data Information .. . .... . . ..... .. .. . .. . . .... .. ..... .. .. . . .. 14-15
Kirkpatrick Planetarium .. ... .. ... . .. .. . . . ..... . ... . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . 15
UFO Sightings ... . .- ... . . .. ... . ...... . . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . . . ... .... .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. 16
French Landing? . ... .. ... . .... . . . .. . .. . . . . ... . . . . . , ... . .... . . .. . . . . .. . . ... . . 18-17
. ·� .

Terra Space Explorations (Mariner 4) .... ..... ....... ... .... ... . . : ... . .. . .. . . . . . . 18
Civilian UFO Research ... .... .... . ..... . .. .. ..... ...... ........... ... . .. . . . . . . .. 19
Two UFO's Photographed ............... ..... ..... ....... . ...... . .. . . .. . . .. . ... .. 20
'�)'. Jaauary U. 1 HUIIOIU. Cl"rY 'l'limJ

A list of all IIOUFO State Directors Hayden Hewes to Speak at Meeting of Delta Theta Chi
will appear in the September issue of
the IIR. We need Directors for the our nine Districts and twenty-eight
following states. Ablska, Louisiana, foreign countries.
If you have any questions about the
Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Interplanetary I ntelllgence Report
IIOUFO, would like to become a ·rep­
Hampshire, North Carolina, South Car­
resentative, or report a UFO sighting,, The IIR is published bi-monthly for
lina, North Dakota, South Dakota,
feel free to get in touch· with us. All all interested persons at a subscrip­
Information appearing in this r£!­ manuscripts, articles, photos, etc., tion rate of $3.00 per year ppd. If you
The duties of State Directors are to
port may be used providing credit is cannot be r-urned unless the proper· are a member of another UFO re­
report UFO activity in their state.
properly given to the IIR of the
• postage accompanies the same. We search organization and would: like
They will receive the IIR free and be
IIOUFO. reserve the right to publish all inform­ mention made of your work and in­
supplied with IIOUFO stationary.
I IOU.FO Board of Directors ation we receive unleSs otherwise vestigations we have a special section
IIOUFO Research Laboratory is lo­
W. F. Riefer .... . . . . Senior Director stated. for you entitled CIVILIAN UFO RE­
cated at 3300 N. Bryant, Oklahoma EDITORIAL
H. C. Hewes .... Director and �tor SEARCH. We would like to exchange
City, Oklahoma.
D. V. Critchfield .. Associate Director This is our second issue of THE IN­ the IIR with all other UFO publica­
East Coast Headquarters - 6464 34
J. W. Maney . .. ..... Deputy Director TERPLANETARY INTELLIGENCE tios. A list of all UFO Organizations,
Ave. N., St. Petersburg, Florida, Mrs.
V. C. Johnston ........... . 1 Secretary REPORT, and we have received a UFO Publications and active research­
Joan Whritenout, Director.
H. D. Crawford ... .. . .. Art Director good many number of suggestions ers will be published in the future for
A. C. Roberts ...... .... Photographer IIO U F O which have resulted in the immediate all interested persons. If you have a
Photo Analysis We, the Board of Directors of the improvement in your favorite UFO UFO organization, know of a new one
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio IIOUFO in order to determine if publication. Let it be known here and . just getting started, publish a. publica­
Eastman Kodak, Chicago UFO's represent a threat to the securi­ now, that you will receive 100% fact­ tion, -want your name on our UFO re­
Scientific Panel ty .of the planet earth and or alien in­ ual information. We will in the IIR search list, just drop us a line and
Major C. W. Dutreaun - Director terplanetary space vehicles, do ordain state our Civilian investigation side of you will be added.
Civil Defense, Oklahoma City and establish the IIOUFO for the sci­ the case in question and also the re­ I IO U FO H I STORY
Mr. W. M. Greene - Astrogeologist, entific investigation of said purpose. sults of the Air Force investigations I first conceived the idea for a UFO
Huntsville, Alabama The IIOUFO UFO program is carried as. we did on the Brooksville landing. research organization in November.,
Mr. J. Gumm - Photography, Okla­ out in three phases. 1. The detection, As promised in Vol. 1 No. 1, of the IIR 1957. Nine months later, we were offic­
homa City investigation and reporting. This is page 8 carries photographs received ially organized and known as the In­
Mr. F. Halstead- former curator, Dar­ carried out by IIOUFO members in the from the Air Force of the landing site, terplanetary Intelligence of Unidenti­
ling Observatory, Minnesota nine different districts. 2. The second aliens footprints and two pieces of fied Flying Objects (IIOUFO). Our
Mr. D. Johnson - Assistant Planetar­ phase includes analysis and evalua­ paper that were left behind. investigations over the years led us
ium Director, Kirkpatrick Planet­ tion. This is carried out by IIOUFO's I wish that we could publish the IIR by special authorization from the Pent­
arium, Oklahoma City. Scientific Panel, 3. The third phase each and every month, but at the pre­ agon to Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
Prof. N. N. Kohanowski - Geologist includes dissembination of informa­ sent time this is impossible. Maybe in last September 8, to see and question
and Mining Engineer, North Dakota tion. This is carried out through the the future we can. the AF · files on their investigations
Mr. C. King - Photography, Oklahoma Board of Directors. We will always be trying to improve into over 9,000 UFO reports sinc�e 1947.
City Membership in the IIOUFO is FREE the IIR. As you can see by issue 2, My trip to Wright-Patterson ·is de­
Dr. Askold Ladonko- Psychology, ·Car­ and open to all interested persons. The we have increased from 6 to 20 pages, scribed in the April issue of FLYlNG
acas, Venezuela IIOUFO is working with all organiza­ improved the quality of paper we use SAUCERS. Additional comments can
Dr. F. B. Salisbury - Plant Physiology, tions · and persons interested .in solv­ sa well as the photograph reproduc­ be found on page 9.
Colorado State University ing the UFO . mystery. Our files are tion. Our first issue was more or less Since my trip to Wright-Patterson
open for review by all news medias, a "hello" issue to get better acquaint­ AFB. the IIOUFO has become the
Foreign Correspondents
researchers, and interested persons. ed with our members and correspon­ fastest growing UFO organization in
Argentina Germany Polynosia The IIOUFO neither endorses or dents. the world. Due to our large member­
Asia Holland Porto Rico rejects the claims of any so-called NEWCOMERS ship and the fact that the general
Australia Italy Scotland contactees. We investigate with an For all of our new readers that· are public is wanting to know more about
·Bahamas Indonesia South Mrica open mind. unfamiliar with the IIOUFO we were IIOUFO's inv�stigations and UFO
Belgique Japan Switzerland In the eight years IIOUFO has ex­ organized in August, 1958 for the news in general, the Interplanetary
Brazil Korea Sweden isted our investigations of UFO sight­ scientific investigation of unidentified · !ntelligence Report began its first
Canada Kenya Venezuela ings show no evidence that UFO's rep­ g
flyin objects, (UFO's) called and Issue May, 1965. Membership is free
Colombia Mexico Turkey resent a threat to the security of the known the world over as 'flying sau­ and open to all that are willing to ap­
Denmark New Zealand planet earth or that they are inter­ cers'. We have over 5,000 members proach the subject with an op�n mind.
England Philippines planetary space�hips. and correspondents located throughout Hayden Hewes
D. V. Critchfield - Ge1eral News ......
Associate Director
in charge of public relations and
head Oklahoma City Photo labora­
GENERAL NEWS . . . .... . . . .. . ..
See and read about IIOUFO's new
tory. International Headquarters to be built
It i.s with a great deal of pleasure near Oklahoma City at a cost of ap_­
Senior Director that we announce that D. V. Critch­ proximately $100,000. The . building
field is now the Associate Director of will include office space, smali ob­
the IIOUFO. In charge of public re­ servatory and lecture area for 1,000 ...
lations and head of the Oklahoma City Come to the Oklahoma State Fair
Like many of you, I too, was in­ organization in 1958 it has grown into photo laboratory. Almost all photo and see IIOUFO's exhibit. Fair show­
terested in the scientific investigation one of the largest and most scientific work of the IIR is carried out by De.. ing September 25 to October 3, Okla­
of unidentified flying objects by per­ UFO- research organizations in the Wayne. Working with A. C. Roberts, homa State Fair grounds. 800,000 are
sonal acquaintances and news articles. world. Membership free and open to Wayne, N. J. you will in future issues expected.
all .
of the IIR see many UFO photographs
Almost any one of you approach
and well connected events. NOTICE I IOUFO ACTIV1TIES....
something about UFO's, but not as For those that are interested in
much as they would like to. For some UFOlogy, the IIOUFO is the organiza­ Everyone is invited to the UFO lec­
one unfamiliar with the subject, the tion for you. The IIR will
H. D. Crawford -
Art Director
tures at the New Age Center at 8:00
p.m. on Friday, July 23, and Saturday,
clipping -below would perpose a ques­ fact from ficti6n.
tion. To those familiar with the sub­ The second addition to the IIOUFO July 24, 1965 by Hayden Hewes, Direc­
ject, that question would add one staff is H. D. Crawford who is Art tor IIOUFO located at 145 N.E. 14,

more file to the UFO mystery. Editor. Hal has been interested in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Due to the overwhelming responce
UFO's for the past five years. Be­ Don't forget to read the April issue
to the first issue of the lffi, if a reply
No matter what side of the UFO sides keeping up to date he attends of FLYING SAUCERS, pages 6-15 for
to your letter has been delayed please
mystery you are on it is indeed an UFO lectures in and around the Okla­ .an account of IIOUFO at Wright-Pat­
accept our apologies. A reply to every
interesting subject to investigate. To homa City area. With four years of terson AFB, Ohio. A copy of our Con­
letter directed to the IIOUFO will be
many persons it is easier to ridicule space art behind him, Hal is an out­ stitution can be found on pages 76-78
than investigate, but to those that ap­ standing artist in the field o space and 80-83, which will help answer any
proach the subject with anopen mind, drawings and illustrations. It is a questions you may have about the
I will welcome your opm10n and IIOUFO. FLYING SAUCERS, Am­
the scientific investigation is the only pleasure to welcome Hal to the staff
questions on this subject and talk with herst, Wisconsin.
way. of the IIOUFO. You will be seeing
anyone who thinks they might have Watch for information about IIOUFO
many of his works in the IIR.
a solution to this strange mystery. toappear soon in FATE.
To learn all I· could about this un­
usual subject, the Interplanetary In­ �-- NEW BOOKS....
Story Page 13, 14 and 15.
telligen� of Unidentified Flying Ob­ ANATOMY OF A PHENOMENON.
jects was organized. Si11ce its official � ByJacques Vallee (see review page
-:i. 12), Henry Regnery Company, lH W.
Illinois St. Chicago, Illinois $4.95.
PATERSON, N. J., SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1965 210pp.
Gemini Has Company DESIGNS by · Kenneth Larson, 450
South Kenmore Ave., Los Angeles,

Weird Object In Space

California, $2.50, 190 pp 50 drawings.
UFO analysis, mathematics.
HOPE. By Michael J. Campione 2202

Sighted By Astronaut
New Albany: Rd., Cinnaminson, N.J.
. "' � $1.00 9 pages.
SPECIAL for all IIR readers: 8X10
=-:.�J (
- - ·'

/��.-r::: ��,.
��.,. ? -
$.50, X1 $.25 . Send negative of your

Courtesy A. C. Roberts

J �
favorite black and white photo to
PHOTO SERVICE, 1157 N.W. 89th,
4 � �
5 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
J. w. M aney
Deputy Director
V.C. Johnston
In my last article, I stated no one their existence. Both Marconi and Tes­ Secretary
--had as yet proved the impossib�ty �f la believed they had received intelli­
the interplanetary origill of the U�t­ gent radio messages from the Red
dentified Flying Object. Yet there IS, Planet. Mars' two satellites, Phobos
·to be perfectly honest, a great weight Here are a couple of ideas I wou}d fed into a sensitive receiver, then dis­
and Deimos were discovered by Aspah
-of argument against this theory. I like to put forth as to why UFOts played as a luminous spot on a screen.
Hall in 1877, as though they had never
should like to devote this column to a sometimes fail to appear on radar The number of spots, or pips as they
existed before; in 1959, D. S. Shklov­
discussion of the difficultes of the in­ screens, though visual sightings are are called, corresponds with the num­
sky, a soviet astronomer, stat� that
. made of the same objects. The first ber of objects beings scanned by the
terplanetary hypothesis. they were decaying in therr orb1� a�
To postulate this theory, one natur­ deals with plasma or ionixation, the radar set. The arther an object is
de artificial satellites. Mars' ellipti­
ally assumes that UFO's are o�rated, second phasing. from the radar set, the longer it takes
cal orbit causes it to be nearest to
controlled, or piloted by sentient or Earth when it is in "appasition" - the reflected waves to return, thus
thinking beings. Yet the hard fact. re­ As you will recall during the Mer­ the closer an object is, the closer it
about every two years. At several of
mains that the existence of sentient cury program, communication with is to the center of the screen while
the appasitions, UFO sightings have
life on any other planet has yet to be the capsules was blacked out during the father an object gets the closer
increased noticeably. Yet at others.
proven. The probabilty of life on Mer­ re-entry due to the layer of ions to the edge of the screen the pip ap­
including the very close appasition of
cury or on any trans-Martian pla11et surroundings the craft during the pears (this is for PPI scopes). That,
1956, no increase in sightings was
is so slight as to not merii present period of maximum heat. This layer in a nutshell, is how radar works.
.noted. Mars is universally accepted
consideration. The existence of sent­ of ions acted as a shield, preventing
today as being the home of vegetative
ient life on Venus is possible, but not the passage of radio waves. An ion, Now, as previous�y mentioned, short
life. Yet it could also harbor sentient
probably; moreover, such beings, cov­ or plasma field of this strength would pulses of very short radio waves are
life ifg one supposes such life to be
ered by a perpetual thick overc�t, of course, show up on radar. emitted by the radar antenna. While
vastly different from that on Earth.
would almost certainly lack the cuno­ due to Mars' climate, its shortage of the pulses are only a few hundred per
Now, let us consider a condition
sity about the stellar universe that water and its lack of oxyg�n. Perhaps second, at very precise intervals, the
where the air surrounding an object
has driven men ever upward since the the July pass of Mariner IV will give radio frequencies are in the order of
is not so heavily ionized. In this case
days of the Iaarus legend. Such beings· further evidence on this matter. thousands of millions of cycles per
we will assume that the occupants of
could readily attain technlogical ad­ The problems in postulating the or­ second. A cycle is where a wave starts
a craft are able to vary th� strength
vance equal to ours in its general igin of the UFO on a planet and o�t­ at zero intensity, increases its strength
of the ion layer at will. By adjusting
level, but be unaware of the existence side the solar system, are, to the In­ in one direction until it reaches a
the field to a low intensity, radio
of the stellar univ�rse. credible distances involved, seemingly peak, falls back to zero and swings to
waves (radar waves are nothing more
Mars presents quite a different prob­ insurmountable. Such beings would a peak in the opposite direction, then
than radio waves pulsed· at regular
lem; in September, 1959 b�ed on have had to have mastered propulsion back to zero. Now, let us assume
intervals) would be absorbed rather
thirty minutes research, I was abl� sytems far beyond anything we can again if we may, that as a radar be�m
than reflected. If they do manage to
to- write a five-page letter to the edi­ project today. Tbey would either have strikes a UFO, the UFO immediately
penetrate the ion layer, strike the
torial staff of a nationat magazine to live in colonies with a complete starts emitting radar pulses 0 it own,
target, and exit they would be so at­
on the riddle of Mars - the literature reproductive cycle or else have lif� keeping in exact step with the pulses
tentuated that they would be so weak
and evidence is that extensive. I do 8pans for beyond ours. Thus communi­ of the radar scanning it. But with 'this
as to be below the threshold sensi­
not have here the time or space to re­ cation problems would be great. difference: the radio frequency waves
tivity of the radar scanning the object
count this data: but enough· evidence An argument for the overcoming of are of opposite polarity from those
in question.
has accumulated, especially in the every one of these obstacles can be of being reflected off the UFO, and
past century, to m�e �he possib ty � made. I do not believe this to be a
Now, let us regard phasing. A radar
precisely at the right intensity. Thus
of sentient Martian life something prima facie case against interplanet­ they would cancel each other, and
set "sees" objects by emitting short
that cannot be ruled out a priori. ary UFO's..But it is well .to give these nothing would be seen in the screen
pulses of very short radio waves,
There is the great mystery of canals problems serious thought before com­ at that particular spot.
which strike and are .reflected. from
(an inaccurate translation of the cav­ roiling oneseH to the interplanetary
whatever objects (such as aircraft, Regretfully, I do not have the facil­
ali or "channels"). Such great of theory irrevocably. buildings, missiles, thunderstorms, ities for checking the two above men­
Mars study as Percival Lowell and E. See September issue of II� for infor­
etc.) happen to be in the beam's path. tioned theories experimentally-. I
c. Slipher swore they had seen the mation received from Mariner IV. See
The reflected waves are picked up by would appreciate hearing from elec·
canals. Others of equal repute deny page 18;
the same antena that does the trans­ tronics engineers and physicists on
8 mitting. The reflected waves are then this matter.
By Hayden Hewes
UPO INY!niGATOil booster portion in the spacecraft and
AF-UFO REPORT ORDERED DESTROYED booster separation process. There ;is
Evidence that the All' Force destroy• aome orflcl&l UFO .._.,. b&a bee '111..,..
to Prof 01.\rles A. Maney. �p Board �r. by on AF -.rce. The pboco·
e�>py below reproduceo the lOP part or on Air lnt.Wgence Information Report, .....:•
no indication of· the presence of any
Ina a UFO siahtina by two AF oll'lcera. Thou&�> the NPC>rt Is not 1111111ual, lt.e
"Dutroy" order--which the IOU..,_ aaid Wal not WICOIDIIDI••Inclle&tu a ronn
material which was not originally part
or ceuorablp prevlou.!ly unknowri to NICAP.
of the launched vehicle".
�� This would explain why it was kept
�...-�.:o---..,_.,r. ,...
==--.--:-.: : :-
. ='7
::: .:-
.. --,
r'ESTROY from the public.
�·�... --
,....,_ �)
· -�.r��:;t;.J;;:�
� ....... ,.
:.:_ ____, .. As an Air Force UFO Censorship
In Vol. 1, No. 1 page four of the The United States Air Force has the of information, the IIOUFO would
May, 1965 issue of the IIR we car:ied responsibility under the Department of have to say "No". We have received
Defense for the investigation of uni­ --�-:---::-:...:::!��-=.:::::.::·::::::.:-..:.:."!:·=---:..�
the story on the famous Brooksville, Key points or sil!hiina: no censorship of information. If there
March 2nd landing as reported by our dentified lying objects (UFO's). The AF' witnesses: ea.c..l.L. Pollack, USAF, Flight Commander, 5:i1b Fialtter Bomber
S...-.dron: Lt.I.S. Belshelm. USAF. Squadron Armament Officer . is a censorship why was I permitted
East Coast Headquarters and the AF name of this program, which has been · .Swrunary: Two ll]owlna objects were sighted nur the squadrm b&ae at Little
Zuron, Essex, Entll&nd. 9 Oct. 1956. Larl!l'r U:>0 was the size� a pu held •t
�:m's len(lth (abou �-half the size or the moon, similarly meuured). Object by the Pentagon to visit Wright- Pat­
Conclusion. Hoax: operation since 1948, is Project Blue 9uaated, emlttlna five or six rays, with smAller ra ys between. At times. a long�r.
oroader ray appeared, possibly a rraU or exr.aust. Second object, smaller. desc:enL«! terson AFB, to see and question the
The evidence that was left behind Book. It has been identified in the :nd approac:bed me first �. then dlsappeored. FUght Command&r Pollack w�s
:ated as "very rcliahlo" liy the Squadron lntelllge.,� Q(f
....r. Firat Lieut. D.W. AF Project Blue Book files? All ques­
past as Project Sign and Project
Ketchum, USAF.
was two pieces of paper, foot prints, As stated above, It Is the "Destroy" order. no: this slahtinllo which Is u..c>rtont..
The destruction of slmllar .- orflclliUy verified reports wUl reduce the number or tions that I have ever asked have been
and the landing indentations. Grudge. AF pilots ond ,&her competent observers who ore 00 record. �rdlUI or the
purpose, clcletlal of such Ui'O records can only result In mlslnformlna the �. answered as well as all files I have
On page three we carried a break­ Air Force interest in unidentified requested I have received (both while
down of UFO sightings from 1947-1964. flying objects is related directly to the U FO Investigator I was at Wright-Patterson and since
So far this year the Air Force has in­ Air Force responsibility for the air my return to Oklahoma City) . The
vestigated 176 UFO reports as follows: defense of the United States. Pro­ The January issue of TRUE maga­ photo below shows an Air Force fil �
January . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 40 cedures for this program are estab­ zine carried an article entitled "U. S. we requested on their investigations
February . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 lished by Air Force Regulation 200-2. Air Force Censorship of the UFO into the 4 December 1952 Laredo AFB,
March . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 The objectives of Project Blue Book Sightings". The article stated the Texas sighting which is "Unidenti­
April . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 35
. .
are two-fold: first, to determine UFO's hit the front pages 15 years fied". This is one of several on file
).\fay .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

whether UFO's pose a threat to the ago and have been with us since at IIOUFO headquarters. If there is
security of the United States; and, (which we agree), in spite of a mas­ a censorship of information it is not
176 second, to determine whether UFO's sive Air Force blackout on facts. The to the degree that many research
exhibit any ·unique scientific informa­ article goes on to tell of the sightings claim. It is suggested that if you have
tion or advanced technology which on radar of four spacecraft accom­ a copy of AF regulation 200-2 to go
could contribute to scienti ic or tech­ panying the GT�l launch of April 8, back and read it carefully.
nical research. In the course of ac­ 1964, and this information was kept
complishing these objects, Project from the public. The following inform­
Blue Book strives to identify and ex.; ation was received from the AF by
plain all UFO sightmgs reported to the the Chief of Mission Support, Apollo
Air Force. Flight operations; NASA, Washington,
The Air Force no longer possesses dated January 18, 1965.
and thus does not have available for "No unidentified objects were ob­
distribution outdated reports on Pro­ served accompanying or pursuing the
ject Sign, Pro]ect Grudge, Blue Book GT-1 spacecraft launched into orbit
Special . Report No. 14 and outdated on a Titan II booster on April 8, 1964.
Project Blue Book press releases. Non­
military UFO publications should be
requested from the publisher and, not Objects observed which were deteced
the Air Force. on radar, have been identified as
Obtained from 1965 Project Blue minor structural pieces which rou­
Book released by SAFOI, Washington, tinely break free from expendable
Photo Credit "Official AF Photol. 8 D. C.

Flying Saucers Called Real, Explanations Pure Fiction

The article below appeared in the "Flying Saucers called Real, Ex­
Sunday Oklahoman, April 18, 1965. It planations Pure Fiction" was in the
was published by the Oklahoma Pub­ Oklahoma City Times on Friday, June
lishing Company, with a circulation of 26, 1959. It was in the form of a re­
more than 303,000. Since all back sponse to an article tJtat explained the
�issues were sold, we have reproduced existence of flying saucers as explord­
it as it appeared. Written by request ing comets.
for OPUBCO by Hayden Hewes.

Phole by George Wilson

l..aft 1"1 - •li� fJ-Atwtman in

tl.lUth� (.)t.;l�_,.$1: ft'[Jf.l\'tttf 41 'SJ.fl:\l'i'f. tJb.
;n.t in�.,.

td �.,;� �:!h;!:·:i:�t��:;;:\:t:
;,,g a tld�TV A('Wian;an. OtJjn.1s wn-e f*·
l'tC'Jfte<l ll"t'tf Dun<�n .m:nut� la·trr.
Aptll, tm-Oiio ·r. Can >lt<n>J>I<d '"
l4uoch an • t;�tm·�"JUIHJn4.l'' fiying �·
ct:t. The. O'rCXI wu six fet:t in d,anwter,
'""' f«t bipo, "''"ghrd ..,._..,. 600 pounds
and .,. ,.., $2�.000. It ,...,. 1'!11 •>f(
May :16. 1�->\n <li>je<t dn<rihcd &J
··"'"r<d lih a li�bull>. bot m»<ll biuer, ..
••" u. 8 p.m. n..,·er lbr A&.lllU.S·

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M.-�ty oJ UOIJH) .,d .u I<•" t,.o ollttt
,...,.....,, t>bit<t .,... Ol:bh<,. (.oty.

lo��!, ���;�"":;.�
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So-J>f•"""'•· 11164 - {)f'O >i�M.-.1 o•••
r.>f,.bl)o:tt':'l" C..!ty X IO,OI>h (tn It wa.-. "li�tr
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rhf�c:;,;u�s}KJ \lH'f (�l.d\an�. P'H.fmC .<l'f
tllf:'fJ � l>. 8•tmm�
S.f'•· 9. 1964 ··- lted •ll>r..-t Ji�lot.-.llrt>·

Flying Saucer Mystery Still· Unsolved

dm:: .:t., tn ea.\t '-�<"rt·�M .an Uta.Jt • ... ...,;;.
�·•4c:tp \1St ( h·<\!:!t">i un:•f T,:kt"r·A·f pN:¥itl"!.lttJ� W "\('(Uftlli.b,

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-=·�� �!.:."::"".:!�: .. Oa. J4, ••• A W.·•lMrt. -""
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,o\4'ID\� ..thf�)l'ni,\ .�\:y:· ·" ft:� u:n.;\lh� b�u.
,..., f1'l""'<d to flle<W> potlc<e at' I'·"'·
J u.-....�t.�J .m���.·k- tnt•tk-J · Mr�u·rr ( Tllotft''s "" mood ol the "/I!A'"It "'
0\'t'l GuJf:· In tW f<dltw.u't� .o�1 '.d'ld WriJI>t,...__.) No<-. ti. 1964 -·· A _,d UI'O .,..
n"ttWh$.. I !W•lc."t'd will (lfhtt :ltiM:Ift MJCh u.
A...... I�'- M. N. hili. """"­"Y .;""" ,,.., -- 01<....... Cily by
''Ait fM't; Adm'tf. lCto;ht Re.1l
�b'!tt<y"' ito -�·H), . .,........ S.. ,_.!"'«)" ....t bi• l....,; ly 'f'O<kd aa«t whil< dri•· Mmf J>t"'"''· It .....W alk1 •a t«.<"�
br li<-1< a.-._ Aft"' an "",... ..,.,..;.
�!"'t��i���-�;it:·!(s.���t �
i«t• W.O.·tt O<'Cr Abmc'll'·"do," "H•te Qb.
Sip(. u. 1�'·-0r.
••11 olc••r: li S. !rt.l <OOJ!h ,,r 14•w.-.
f'oli.• Sc-hw•n• •...d
,_....,. l'f th< tc:idrr•"i<� Pl.wod- _.
the IIOUFO,th< _..;,.- idcntif..., •
"'' ..r� ....... hed with ...... iltdhr>ln ,..;. � ...�...t ul il\
dena .. • btill<>nl cA;j«t .,ith ao -'
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·:�, s;.;:';... aa:-�lr:"�!"'::.J:; :IIC'tM�-�- hijjlo <Me the -�•-n p>lt ul OII:W....
.,.. (.ilya 7·"' a.m. •�• ........ ... .. . ....
•istdt: t11 1ft)''!fttioft.
In A•s;>IOt. 19'8, "'""· � lwlp ol 91';1.
lwn P. li<ln, W< ��<,o:;omrKd I>Wctp�
n��g '!.,"l>o<t<d

..,..,. boll, apf>Nrifl� .ol.ouo lhetiwnf •I""
,.._.,, l!llC - A orbil<, a•lll·tluped City. ,.._. bra . min- ...... ...... . �.
<!�>jut lit "\' the poond lltfUte -'•l! C!lll
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Ot.:bbo.lml (;,',, f.tP,t )�.tn later.
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:��,.;:�·�� ���:lr"t"...;.: '!.�:
pto•inukly 1,.!00 mole. J'C' hour. Thi• ••i Nov. 9, ' "' ·-
Dur*"t. M•dill, Ada =·��- ...... ..
.ond Ak"' tiptiag <...W - bot iclcntific.t.
.,H,ml rui>Ji<otioo. '"The C:•>nlffl<·mi•l
........_.,. llullt<on. . . it p<>bli<h<d in M••·
al 8'.'10 p.m. At IOoJC) Lm.• I""' UI'O's
. """"· ..... .,. ;...
$0(,_, � . , ;;::. ."l.':';.' ,;;:tcdot!= ;�� '::: �. 1�1 - Gleu 1\lortl�Ntt,. Ito..! ""
. ....... ......
.... ....
All • All. cht-tt- att- Q\:(1' JOO ..�vm.... ..;1«1 '"''" the <it) •nd aut �... .,. .. ...., ..
UFO Ofl!...,;..,.. ·no... at< lcnled in
f.arlv 1950 ·- >\
n( si,ght.
<.bj«t .,..
--�tro ocfittt .,_..
WMt - """� ...._ .... *' ...
=-�.;... Ontltf��":.;.� �
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· Ia l�l - Nr.. lluJtb EUio. Midweat .ond......,. ........ ,,. r.;.,":.::.� :::" .:.'- "
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OltAMOWA'S Oltt!
,..,..1, "'"" ... ,.,., OltlAKOioiA'S OIIIT

10 u
UFOs'' Watch
Review of Jacques Vallee, "Anatomy of a Phenomenon." By James Maney.

Of the many book s on the subject of long known by us at IIOUFO, but

the UFO, only a few have been of a ignored by many UFO groups, that

level to be considered "scientific" or
"scholarly": the most important of
these are the two works of the great
Air Force interest in the matter is
limited only to its relavance to the
security of the airspace of the nation:
French ufologist, Aime Michel, "The and the harsh words for private UFO
Turth About Flying Saucers", and groups, especially those in the United On June 3, 1965, GT-4 Pilot Major Gemini control asked McDivitt: "You
"Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line States. He states that very few pri­ James McDivitt and U.S. Major Space still looking at that thing up there?"
Mystery". In a sense, Jacques Vallee vate UFO groups have risen above a walker Edward White were launched
has written Aime Michel's third book. level he describes as "generally hid· into orbit from Cape Kennedy. McDivitt replied: "I've lost it. It
eous.'' had big arms sticking out of it, it
Vallee's book briefly reviews the Edward White in the opening orbits looked like."
history of the UFO phenomenon; pro­ This reviewer with seven years of got out of the GT-4 and walked He said he had only seen it for
bably every sighting of importance background in UFO's, • is frankly through space for 20 minutes, twice
about a minute, and had taken pic­
found in Ruppelt, Michel, Keyhoe, et forced to admit that this book has lit­ as long as Alexei Leonov did for the tures with a movie camera although
alii, is repeated in these pages, along tle of value to the experienced re · USSR. the position of the sun prevented any
with a discussion of pre-1947 UFO re­ searcher, save on some lesser, more
recognizable photographs.
ports. There are some reports here specialized point; moreover, a person In a letter 'from Major McDivitt to
There was some speculation it was
that are new to this reviewer. One of whose mind on UFO's is a t�bula rasa Hayden Hewes, dated April 22, 1965,
the Pegasus 2 meteoroid detection
the most interesting involves the Kan­ could readily be lost by Vallee's pre­ Major McDivitt relates that he has
satellite launched May 25. 1965.
sas farmer who, in 1897, swore that suppositions of familiarity with much seen a great number of peculiar lights
Space agency officials ordered · nn
one of his. cows was kidnapped (cow­ of the basic material of this field. The and objects in the skies at night and
immediate check by space tracking
napped?) by a UFO and was later book, however, is ideal for one who even in the day. However, in almost
agencies to see what the objects were.
found butchered. is a novice in ufolQgy. Vallee makes every instance he was able to identify
The Air Force tracking center at
a very strong case for the scientific these objects. As for sighting an ob­
Colorado Springs, Colo., which keeps
This entire book, as stated above, respectability of the UFO, but I doubt ject ·that he for certain identify the
track of man-made objects in space is
closely follows the style of Aime Mi­ this volume will be read by many shape and size of and not be able to
currently 'following 1,391 objects. Ob­
che,l, to whome Vallee acknowledges most in need of his sage advice. explain, ''I'm afraid I just haven't
ject No. 1,390 is GT-4 and object
his debt; this similarity goes aU the seen this sort of thing," But he added
No. 1,391 is its burned out second
way to the use of long humorous ana­ Alone among UFO books, Vallee "However, I know that there have
stage rocket booster.
logies to prove the author's point. It makes an attempt at documentation. been many reports of UFO's, and I
is written in a dispassionate, lucid He has a 196-item bibliography to just cannot speak for the other peo­
The Pegasus 2 was about 1,200 miles
-· style, although it is in parts on such which he refers within the text by a· ple."
from the GT-4. Dr. Dwayne Catterson,
an intellectual plane as to be a bit confusing system of quasi-footnotes.
flight medical expert, said he did not
tedious . to the reader who lacks a The bibliography is extensive; how­
Major McDivitt sighted three objects know if an object within 1,200 miles
· background either in the UFO field or ever, much of it is material which
while in space during the four day could be identified by the human e�.
the physical. sciences. is either yet to be published, or is
space flight. . ''But certainly if the contrast was
out of print.
McDivitt said the first object was great enough between sunlight on the
Vallee reserves his strongest lan­ Jacques Vallee is the first new fig­
a cylindrical object sighted over object and background he could see

guage for three parties: e berate� his ure to publish a UFO book of sub­
Hawaii. He took five frames of movie an object there and he might well see
fellow scientists (he IS a tramed stance in some years. By securing pub­
film of it, but officials said all it shows reflection giving shape from the arm."
astronomer and a consultant to the lication by a national publisher, is a unidentifiable white dot with a The third s_ighting came on the 38
National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ Vallee has brought UFO's to the light
tail of light and a fanlike glow. (Cov­ orbit, officials said McDivitt describ­
ministration) for their wholly close­ of day in the nation's bookstores
er photo) ed the object which was siglited over
minded attitude to UFO's since the once again. He has other more spec­
The GT-4 went into its 21st orbit at China as looking like "a bright star
phenomenon became "tainted" in the ialized material in preparation which
6:55 p.m. moving fast.'' He did not attempt to
late 1940's; he makes much of the lim­ should raise him quickly to a high
MsDivitt spotted the second object make pictures of it. The space flight
itations of the Air Force investigations rank among serious saucer research­
took them 62 times around the globe,
. during the 20th orbit, as the Spaceship
in this area, making clear a point ers. 210 pp., $4.95. a total of 1,609,684 miles.
was whirling across the United States.
12 13
Klrkpatrlc Pla1etarl••
This photograph, made from 16mm Now being presented Jn the "Theatre
movie film exposed by Astronaut of the Sky"
James McDivitt, shows the satellite May-July 'l1 Evolution & Revolution.
he observed on the 20th revolution of Story of astronomy, with its proofs
his four-day space flight. and disproofs. Theories and supersti­
McDivitt was over Hawaii when he tions. July 28-September 10 "Next -_

sighted the object He said the Gemini Stop The Moon".

-4 spacecraft was turning and the sun Public showings at 2:15 p.m. 3:30
coming across the window when he p.m. and 7:45 p.m. Saturday, and 2:15 -- _

filmed the object. p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Sunday.

McDivitt was using 16mm Eastman During the summer 2:15 p.m. Tues­
color film operating at six frames per day and Thursday.
June 4, 1965

HOUSTON, TEXAS -- Analysis by Norad Spadat computational

facilities reveals the following earth satellites were within

1000 km (about 600 miles) of GT-4 Spacecraft at the time Astronaut

James McDivitt reported the satellite sighting:

Object Spadats Distance in Kilometers

Identification Number Time �CSTl from GT-4

*Fragment 975 2:56 439

*Tank 932 3:01 74()

*Fragment 514 3:04 427

Omicron Transit 4A 646 3:06 905

Omicron Transit 4A 477 3:07 979

*Fragment 726 3:09 625

*Fragment 874 3:13 905

Omicron Transit 4A 124 3:13 722

10x20 Foot Debris

of Pegasus -- Shroud
(A or B) not a work-
ing part of Satellite 1385 3:16 757

Yo-Yo De-Spin
Weight- 2 • to 3 • 167 3:18 684

Pegasus B at 3a06 (CST ) was about 2000 km in the proper direction to

be observed by the astronauts.

*4' �o 6' in length down to 15" in length, 2' to 6" in width.


Argentine, British and Chilean mil­
itary and scientific personnel in the
llterpla 1etary French Investigate Phenomenon

antarctic watched what they called a

curious celestial body for about 20 llRV or A F lyi ng Sa uce r Or A ' Beati e? '
minutes on Monday, July 5, 1985.
Air . Force headquarters released a
copy of a report from the Air Force
Coleaptere on. ...w.•••• ,.•• aorlouab' 1111JU1b to malot aa ol!lelal ..,_, form _....., _,,... ..... hl, . -ra Muao aald tbo abjoct londod had
PARIS - A llyiJW oaucor londodatdawn ln..ltlpllon and ,_rt oa tho tneea lalt ODd -lod In •t could haw been a been , ocoopod � In a obalJow dlpreoalon
Tbllnda7 an the pla!Mu ol Val-o, In -• llllh. wbllo ot lout ..,. -rponon with four croo....,. prlnU ODI! a contnl
commander at Pedro Aguirre Cerda lbo -mdop•n1n-olthoBuloi­
by the ._ ... landbW· no1 dooerlbod
MuM u a lOber, leveJ..IIIAdld penoa. wu dlaeornlblo lnaldo. (Muao wu 10 or holo. Tbo .......,_ llld - .....
A!po., put ano pu-r Oiround. but unllkob' to do<ol.. hlmaolt or -.o, and 70 ;ranll from tho ob)od-flr """"" to oarllor ._nod four cnlldl - llllo lop
base in the antarctic saying that per­ ......,..S blm .., and - ol!apln-dlo­ unllkob' aloo to - curious cnnod1 to bo ...- for orror In Jullrlnr tho bolcht
ol lbo plcturo bo aaw.)
lnotoad ol olx•

On April 24, 1964, at Socorro, New

turllod. ..._q down tho la- ln hll lloldo.
Ao bo ljiProoebod, tbo llcun 011 tbo
sonnel there saw an object "glowing Anyway, that'a 1lhat farmer Mauri� no ..,.n1 aplnlOII ..._ _ tn tho
racton who doll't know Maaoo 11 - bo IJ'OIIIIII oeuttlod bock lnto tbo objoct, and lt
But It mQ ...Uhawboentbo colocllltero.
no 11'1111 bo<l -. ._...... ......,. dUo
Mexico, Mr. Lonnie Zamora reported - all obi i9Mb' - • wbllliiOI IICIUnCI.
MuM, tt, the aole witne11 aaya.
lOW I mllllarJ boJI<q>ler In tbo ....rtatn
with a white light crusing in a nortb� On the buia d MuM'& drtaertption to llculty wlth tbe crall, but lf tllla la ­
Muae NW, IUCCHI mJcbt Melft to be
tbe loeal ,.ndarmea, French aelenUata 5 a .m• ._ alnee Hwral ol them an
Maaoo lnal- that tbo obJo<t bod
east-southwest direction at a high rate an object on the ground a mile south llld - tho only known
wlddl hllac-colndclool atheonewltlch
with lOtown to bo m.-WriOI In tbo ......
Maaao _..ml1 -.p -·· - It
no rutor IDd ''loc*ed Uka a IPlder." On
doacrtption, It 11 boq

wu, ' lbo lula at tlllo

br11!11 mooaton up from tho deptha ol at lint.
of the town at approximately 5:30 p.m.
1bll uplan- -INI � IIir
-- - -t Mouo aaw wu an
of speed. The report said the object Loch Nou and little men doom from tho
Then ho 1.W It wua't a bolleoplior. m.rowd wraion ol ,tbl coleqJten, a
tha miUtaty autllorltloe' roll>aal to «D­
..-_ If no mllllar7 craft had modo o
..rttcal landbW plano wllb ...,.dl tho
Lonnie Zamora said the object was When ,_r�on COIIIIIt 1011 wlthhlmSUnd17,
aldeo about tho MUOII - MWII bocomol
acarce lftd tempenturea hJch. It wu a landbw In Maaao'a lo-r llold, It -.Ill
turned, new a zigzag course and seem­ aui!J7 -re111.. day Tbunda7.
corroctod tbo..,_,_._Uor,._rt
hll leoti-. no corrolt.Ciwnlon
Fnndl aney Ia llollowd to have been
-n-ttrw In dNp --7 for .... ral
aMm - - tbo ll'llll obould
� ao. no raet lhal lt roll>- to talk
ed at times to hang suspended in the white egg-shaped and supported on They al10 remarked tblt every almllar
.._n In tho put-and there have been la ltke thlat
;raoro. Coleapten mo- l>oatlo, ODd tho lo tllorafora bebw llllarp.-od u •­
cnft, ...,.ch lando OII thln opldocy.llkel•l, that Muao did - 101110 -rotmWiarJ
m. four girlerlike legs. Hvenl elrcurrltlntlal
li onea tn Franee­
had tumecl out later to bo olthor a hoax
no llyiJW ob.lo<t - tbo alaool .. -
mobllo, lhapod -... m•a nllbf boll,
dooe lOOk -lrw ilkll an IMKt. plano, ...,.dl _ ol! hurrlodb' at hlo
or a balluclnatlon. IUJlllOrted 011 1lx cl111c1Wlko loci and � Tbere mQ' � 101M diiCJ'II)U'ICY, IIDce opprorJi
o boeOUH at tbo .,._ _,.

llOUFO Foreign Representatives in­ The Air Force sent investigators HOinlver, tho ......,.. _ tho atory central " plwt. A dollr alld uldo, ODd a tbo ...,.Sanl
no ._rted - tha IJ'OIIIIII at tha craft.

from Whight-Patterson AFB, Ohio, to

vestigating. Socorro. After a detailed investigation
of the sighting, the following conclu­
STRANGE OBJECT SEEN IN sion was released, "unknown" . (Vol.
WATER, PHOTOGRAPHED? 1, No. 1, May, 1965 IIR)
A marine scientist planning to ex­ "It has been argued, and even cate­
plore the gulf stream's depths says gorically stated, that the Socorro ob­
he detected and may have photograph­ ject was not interplanetary, but very
ed a fast moving, unidentified object probably one of the experimental de
on the bottom of the warm-water vices recently developed by the U:S.
stream that fiows from the Flor;da for the exploration of the moon and
Keys north to Newfoundland. planets". (Taken from page 138 "Anat­
Capt. L. Jacques Nicholas, said Dr. omy of a Phenomenon" by Jacques
Dmitri Rebikoff of Chicago conducts Vallee)
one-man submarine operations at 90- The Lunar Landing Research Ve­
100 foot depths. hicle (LLRV) will be used to study the
The pear-shaped object was sighted piloting and operational procedures
beneath the various schools of fish that will be involved during the ini­
moving at approximately the same tial portion of the lunar takeoff. The
_speed as the stream (3% . l&ots) . At LLRV is slightly more than 10 feet
- first from its size it was thought to high with four aluminum truss legs
. be a shark, however its direction and spread 13.39 feet. A General Electric
.speed were too constant. lt may have CF 700 turbofan engine is attached to
lleen running- on a robot pilot since a gimbal system at the apex of the
no signals were received from it. legs. The complete LLRV weights
Efforts were made to take pictures. about 3,600 lbs. (See NASA photo) .
The film was not processed immedi­ On· June 29. 1965, at Valensole,
ately. France, Mr MaUrice· Masse reported
IIOUFO's East Coast Headquarters an object on the ground. The object
located at St. Petersburg and under was about the size of an automobile.
the direction of Mrs. Joan Whritenour shaped somethirtg like a rugby ball,
is conducting an investigation into the suported on four crutch-like legs and
sighting. There was some speculation a central pivot. (See clipping) .
that it may have been a Russian sub­ The IIOUFO as well as French au­
marine, since the area is a frequent thorities are investigating. The re­
route of heavy-instrumented Russian sults of which will be published in a
fishing and hydrographic vessels. future issue of the IIR.

16 1'1
Terra Spac:e Exploratio ns
... ........ ...... -- Joly l l, lt41

The Oklahoma City New Age Center, The American UFO Committee
located at 145 N.E. 14 Street, is oper­ (AMUFO) was ·founded about two
ated as a non-profit corporation and years ago, for the express purpose of '-
is recognized as such by both the bringing new life and vigor to the UFO
State and Federal governments. field. It is an active supporter of in­
tergroup c o o p e r a t i o n programs
Individuals seeking help with per­
through the UFO group union, the
sonal problems are always welcome
United OUFlogical Association. It also
and those who are experiencing dif­
FROM RANGE R TO MARI N E R pioneered and cosponsors the famed
ficulty in finding someone who can
The photo of the moon taken by Ranger IX is one of 26 on file at IIOUFO headquar­ annual Congress of Scientific UFOlo­
help them to understand experiences
ters. gists, to be held this year in Cleve­
"outside" the five senses will find
The Development of the U.S. Space Program will be carried in future issues land, Ohio. (The Second Congress of
of the sensible answers to almost any mys­
IIR under "Terra Space Explorations". Today all is well on the Mariner
�� 4
spacecraft tical experience (Clairvoyance, Clair­ Scientific UFOlogist, was held June
schedul t�
o take 21 photos of e planet Mars n July
� 14�.We considered delaying audience, out of the body experiences, 26th and 27th, 1965)
.. . so they could be mcluded, but decided
the July m..,ue to wait and include -them in tbP. AMUFO is one of the larger UFO
· True dreams, and all forms of E.S.P.
September issue if all goes well. groups in the U . S. our membership
and mind over matter experiments-.
This would include, of course, UFO stretching across the nation and to 9
sightings and contacts. foreign countries AMUFO is one of the
very few groups organized with a
Charles Rhoades, Director of the broad-framed multiple leadership, its
"Centers" activities, says he is sur­ leaders all being long - experienced
prised to learn that many of those UFOlogists. The membership fee' of
who enter the New Age work, are led $3.00 per year brings our profession­
into it by an interest in "Flying Sau­ ally published REVIEW, plus alJ
cers". This interest, of course, when standard benefits. But standard bene­
studied, overlaps into any number of fits are only a beginning with AMUFO . .
other areas of study of the New Age. Our goal is an active and vibrant,
Consequently, anyone avidly seeking mature and reliable UFOlogy field.
information about UFO's is exposed to Everyone is invited to join our tight.
these other fields of endeavor or learn­ Our editorial Director, Allen Green­
ing, and usually develops a grow;n� field, invites you to inquire eare of ·.

interest in them, in conjunction with our Atlanta Office, 2875 Sequoyah

his other efforts. Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30327.

Among the other areas of the New

Age, hypnosis seems to be the most
popular, particularly with the newer
groups, those who have just begun
to study. On Monday evenings, meet­
ings are held at the "Center", at
which hypnosis, as deals with person­
al problems (desire to lose weight,
to quit smoking, etc.) , is discussed,
utilized, and studied ; and as time per­
mits, experiments in time travel, Age
regression, and other forms of E.S.P. ,
are conducted.
Two - U FOs Photog ra phed
Taken from information received
from photographer.
' 'The exact day the photo was taken
- is not remembered. It was, though.
sometime during the first week of
September, 1984.
- We then lived at Black Hills Army De­
pot, Igloo, South Dakota. It was a
very cloudy day with high winds,
about 11 o'clock in the morning. My
mother was looking out of the window,
when she sighted two objects. From
the position, of . the objects above the
trees, I would say they were about 15
degrees above the horizon. She then
photographed the objects with a
Brownie Hawkeye 620 camera. It was
very stormy out, so she did not see
the objects and does not know what
direction they were traveling. " Au­
gust Powell, Flagstaff, Arizona. (State
Director IIOUFO)
Read the AF evaluation 'Of the photo­
graph as well as Eastmans Kodak in
September issue of the IIR.

"Just one clrlnk ancl I see the stlang­

Mt thlllfll".
International Headquarters
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