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How ordinary farmers make char from

rice husk and bagasse (traditional ways
of manufacturing char) ??





burning mix

Livestock biological
bedding BURNING
2. Dose C-credit of the forest widely
accepted and properly activated in your
→ Policies for recognizing and promoting C-credit from forest
- C-credit is one of the assets of forest;
- Government Decision on National REDD+ Action Programby 2030;
- Recognizing C-credit is one of economical tools for promoting
reduced GHG emission;
- Promulgating regulations on measures to reduce greenhouse gas
- Regulations on mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and protecting
the ozone layer;
- National strategy on climate change up to 2050;
- Commitment to self-determined national contributions;
- Decree on Pilot transfer of emission reduction results and financial
management of GHG emission reduction in the North Central region;
Lacking points in such policies:
- Mix points among policies; need more detailed policies;
- Hard in monitoring emission levels;

→ “Process for developing, registering, approving and appraising a

project of providing forest carbon sequestration and storage services
and reduce greenhouse gas emissions” just in the progress.
Some agreed projects to trade forest carbon in Vietnam by December
Projects Period Payment Potential of Transactional Price The issues are still being discussed and
activities emission & paid of therefore projects and programs cannot be
reduction emissions implemented in practice
Emission Reduction 2018-2025 Emission ≈25 mil. tons of Transfer 5 US$/ t - The Ministry of Agriculture has submitted to
Payment Agreement reduction & C CO2 agreement of CO2 the Government a pilot Decree on transferring
(ERPA) signed with the sequestration 10.3 mil. tons emissions reduction and is awaiting approval
World Bank CO2 - The Ministry of Agriculture is developing a
Benefit Sharing Plan. The draft has been sent
and asked for comments from relevant parties.
Minimize emissions to 2022-2027 Payment for ≈ 6.7 mil. 5 US$/ t This is a large project, budget mobilized from
contribute for REDD+ tons CO2 many sources including IFAD and GCF, through
implementing the goals implementati CO2 ODA grants and loans and includes many
of the National REDD+ on results components related to many sectors, so it takes
Action Program (RECAF) time to be agreed.
"Emission reduction 2023-2028 Payment for ≈48.6 mil. tons ≈48.6 mil. 5 US$/ t The focal unit/project owner in Vietnam, the
payment" project REDD+ of CO2 tons of CO2 CO2 content, and amount of payment to each
chaired by JICA, GCF implementati province have not yet been agreed.
program on results
Challenges for operating the forest carbon market in Vietnam

Stakeholders do not have knowledge in this area

Information on this issue is limited

The policy system in Vietnam is not ready for implementation

Financial limitations to develop carbon projects and policies

Challenges of people's participation and ensuring social safety
Challenges challenges
of people's in carbonand
participation measurement, appraisal,
ensuring social safety
reporting and other technical issues
There are no buyers

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