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alert: this is a g rated room intended for a general audience including minors.

offensive language is not p

alert: room is to practice english.please participate using mic. native speakers are urged to talk and stay l
onger to assist the;usa;canada and australian volunteers needed

nanako: potential, someone is on the mic, can't you hear ?

potential mention: i cant
forrest303: but can we break that sentence apart ,then turn out to be.america
can't reelect for leading human rights ,which is the first time ever in histopr
y becoz his friends are against them,not his enimies
laurence-22: it is impossible, there must be some problem form yourself
dj-night: brb, pitstop
nanako: hb dj
colorfulcloud: why are you talking about politics?
nanako: who did?
scrivenor -: he is just talking about the metaphor implied by the word "heart."
kritika_1: might be he is from political background
colorfulcloud: human right?
kritika_1: ok
kritika_1: respect his speech, he is talking abt somthing great
helen131: hi , room
kritika_1: hi helen
nanako: hello helen!
skywalker_vn: hi helen
nanako: lol jitij
kritika_1: nice
laurence-22: lol, soundful
skywalker_vn: you sould to be a singer
nanako: done? jitij?
nanako: 222
jitij_love4ever_jidij: yes
nanako: oh you should say, " the mic back to scrivenor"
nanako: lol
nanako: i thought i got stuck here
nanako: 1
laurence-22: 11
colorfulcloud: i see
kritika_1: can we raise some topics?
scrivenor -: ni hao, helen!
nanako: 1
laurence-22: 11
nanako: ni hao!
laurence-22: hi colorfulcloud
helen131: hi hao, scrivenor
helen131: ty
scrivenor -: yes...
laurence-22: it is ok, sometimes it is not very easy to understand all the stuffs
worth_treasure: yes
jitij_love4ever_jidij: olypic game will take place in beijing china
laurence-22: go on the olypic
jitij_love4ever_jidij: 2008
jitij_love4ever_jidij: i think i will be great olympic never had before
scrivenor -: do you have an extra room, colorfulcloud? ....
laurence-22: i could not agree more jitij
kritika_1: bye scrivenor, bye guys see u latr on
jitij_love4ever_jidij: bye kritika
scrivenor -: kritica..goodnight...
scrivenor -: i didn't want to sleep on the street....
ianne_2: hello to everyone...hello mr. scri, nanako
laurence-22: if you dont mind the size of the room, i can grab a room for you
jitij_love4ever_jidij: dont mind scriver
scrivenor -: hi iannel......
nanako: hello anne! happy holiday, long time no see!
ianne_2: happy holiday too...nice to see you again
jitij_love4ever_jidij: in beijing the street very clean
jitij_love4ever_jidij: lol
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laurence-22: it is not the truth jitij
scrivenor -: laurence, are you going to be back in china for the olympics?
jitij_love4ever_jidij: haha i am joking with scrive, laurence
laurence-22: not all the streets in beijing is very clean
nanako: no more tickets?
laurence-22: scrivenor, i cannot, the flight is so tight
jitij_love4ever_jidij: if you know what i mean laurence
linda shen: but i think now the environment in beijing is improved a lot
dj-night: back
laurence-22: i cannot buy the ticket. nanako is right
wrest_2: hi everybody
nanako: wb, dj
dj-night: laurence, check ebay, they have tickets, only 400% +
zoorba_nl: hi again
zoorba_nl: hi scrivenor
dj-night: ty nanako
scrivenor -: i will fly to shanghai and ride the train across eastern china...willt
hat work?
zoorba_nl: hi nana
laurence-22: ok i will check later dj ty
zoorba_nl: hi dj
dj-night: are you awke, zoorba ?
dj-night: awake
zoorba_nl: yes dj
laurence-22: no scrivenor, even the ticket to shanghai is still very tight
dj-night: no work today, zoorba ?
helen131: scrivenor, you can try
helen131: lol
zoorba_nl: no dj and a bit ill
nanako: scrivenor, of course it will work, shanghai already at the eastern chin
a, and they have the fastest train there
scrivenor -: i will just fly to taipei then...
linda shen: yeah,nanako.
zoorba_nl: and you? dj no more work until jan?
nanako: lol scrivenor
laurence-22: i check many agencies last week, they had no tickets back to chin
scrivenor -: nanako, don't forget that you promised to come with me, ok?
nanako: china? scrivenor?
nanako: i have to buy a private plane first......
laurence-22: the fastest train is only across the shanghai city, not the whole c
scrivenor -: yes, about three years didn't forget, did you?
dj-night: scive, the are 9 million bicycles in beijing, and i guess there is one fo
r you too.. so i would say " just take the bike "
nanako: nope
linda shen: now we have the high speed railway between beijing and shanghai
laurence-22: bicycle is not allowed to cross the tiananmen square by the law
nanako: yup, linda, my uncle went there, and he likes it so much!
dj-night: laurence, scrive is a good
serafina4: be right back
nanako: hb serafina!
dj-night: cars are on the irght ?
laurence-22: i know, wow, but if scrive want to across the tiananmen square, h
e will be in trouble. dj
dj-night: right
nanako: thanks, colorfulcloud!
linda shen: tks,color.
helen131: 22
nanako: 1
linda shen: 11
helen131: 11
worth_treasure: 1
zoorba_nl: 11
dj-night: scrive will never be in troubles..... he knows how to handle it
nanako: long time no see, laurence!
scrivenor -: laurence lives in western canada...
linda shen: last time,a team of europeans rode bicycle accross afica and at la
st they arrived in beijing.
dj-night: linda, after how many years did they arrived ?
nanako: lol
scrivenor -: yes, the price of petrol has driven europeans to do some desperat
e things.
linda shen: about 8 months
nanako: hello bexy!
dj-night: i guess all the cycles had a beard that time, huh, linda ?
bexy2: nanaaaaa!
linda shen: they said they had wonderful adventure
bigsong: and laurance dose not speak in english but spanush?
linda shen: lol
bigsong: ...spanish.
scrivenor -: today, oil reached $100.00us per barrel.
nanako: laurance is speaking english
dj-night: your english is great, laurence
linda shen: great,laurence.
nanako: laurence, don't feel that way, your english is not bad at all!
scrivenor -: your english is quite good, in canada is helping y
ou a lot.
dj-night: hello bexy
bexy2: hi dj..ssshh! lol
bexy2: how are you dj?
dj-night: what about living in epr, scrivenor ?
bexy2: hi sir scrivenor!
scrivenor -: hi bexy!
dj-night: i am lazy, bexy
linda shen: yeah, said that is because of buhtto's assasination.
bexy2: hmm why dj? no spaghetti?
linda shen: and the stock drop a lot
scrivenor -: yes, they were looking for an excuse to bid it up.
dj-night: i will rent a room in epr, so my english can be better in the future
bexy2: lol dj
bexy2: zzzzzzzorba?
bexy2: hello jove!
zoorba_nl: hi bexyyyyyyyyy
bigsong: i like chinese food too.
bexy2: wow! zoorba is alive!
zoorba_nl: i thought you're very busy
bexy2: as a bee yeah! lol
linda shen: all kinds of chiese food here,if u like.
scrivenor -: hi zoorba!!
dj-night: linda, can you cook ?
zoorba_nl: hi don
sxzxjt: hi jessica821
nanako: zoorba, i thought you were sleeping
bexy2: dj, hows q & j?
bigsong: i though all canadans speak english.
jitij_love4ever_jidij: why do you think because of buhtto's
assasination make the worl oi
l's price increase linda?
laurence-22: boggle
linda shen: yeah.i can make dumpings
dj-night: doing great bexy, after the fight from yesterday
bexy2: dumplings linda?
nanako: lol linda
bigsong: i thought all canadians speak english.
linda shen: yeahlol
dj-night: one has a blue eye, and one had a bleeding nose
zoorba_nl: yes nana i was and jst 5 min ago i greeted you,, don,, dj and the ot
her dear
bexy2: fight dj?
dj-night: yes bexy
bexy2: when dj?
nanako: zoorba, i greet you 5 hours ago!
bigsong: fench?
dj-night: i have boxing gloves a,d the challenced eachother
bigsong: cool.
dj-night: and*
nanako: greeted***
bexy2: grr dj
scrivenor -: when you come to canada you don't have to speak english.....unle
ss you want a job, to get information on residency and few other minor thin
linda shen: cool dj..
zoorba_nl: oh ye nana but 5 hours ago i was sleeping dear and forgot to shut
down the pc
bexy2: nana, zoorba only recognized my buzzer! lol!
dj-night: i was the ref, so i ring the bell when it went too wors
dj-night: worse
dj-night: yes bexy ?
nanako: brb few mins
dj-night: you want to box too, with one of them ?
scrivenor -: dj, you don't have to have a boxing match with anyone
on boxing
day......unless of course they are wanting the same merchandise as you do.
linda shen: my school has a cooperated programme about studying in canadia
n .but it cost 1,400,00 rmb
bexy2: never encourage them to have a fight..ill spank you dj!
dj-night: lol
zoorba_nl: >>>still a bit ill and fever plus headacke
scrivenor -: how much is that in us dollars, linda?
dj-night: zoorba, drink some genever
bigsong: 1 us dollar equals 7.2 rmb yuan.
zoorba_nl: does it help? dj?
dj-night: bexy, i said.. i was the one who ring the
laurence-22: 1
linda shen: not sure,maybe 70,000
helen131: 11
linda shen: my math is bad
laurence-22: yeah
bexy2: zoorba lovesick or over analyzing the grammar?
bigsong: rmb means chinse currency.
linda shen: yeah,bigsong
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scrivenor -: is that 1,400.00 rmb?
zoorba_nl: ohhh bex could you finaly get the pont of that sentence?
bexy2: why gave them the gloves dj?
dj-night: ohh is he lovesick bexy, i don;t know what kind of nmedicine can hel
p him for that
bexy2: brb phone
linda shen: yeah,scrivenor.
zoorba_nl: point**
dj-night: zoorba
laurence-22: which is cost 1400 rmb
linda shen: oh,i lost a zero
dj-night: i thought it was zoorba
bigsong: welcome to china for olympic game friends.
zoorba_nl: what was zoorba? dj?
laurence-22: linda
nanako: back
dj-night: wb nanako
nanako: about money?
laurence-22: linda which school has that program?
linda shen: wb,naanko
zoorba_nl: bexy is naughty girl what can i say to her?
linda shen: yeah,scriv.
bigsong: yes.
laurence-22: for one semester
nanako: $200.00?
bigsong: not sure
laurence-22: nope, it is impossible
linda shen: 1 year for tuition
nanako: $194.44
nanako: us$
helen131: $20,000 per year , maybe
laurence-22: you know my tuition fee is 13000 canadian dollars
linda shen: we have to pay cost of living by ourselves
laurence-22: not too much
nanako: if you are resident, you don't pay that much
laurence-22: it is true for one year
laurence-22: one semester is 6250
laurence-22: canadian dollors
laurence-22: yeah
laurence-22: but it wont last long
laurence-22: yeah
dj-night: collecting dollars here for the future
laurence-22: i am studying the money
laurence-22: wow
laurence-22: lol
dj-night: 1.47
linda shen: lo l laurence
dj-night: usa is going to be a cheap country for us... hehehe
bexy2: back
dj-night: i will try to buy some cars from there
laurence-22: yeah, i also want to study master to usa
linda shen: not,i like to go to usa more
bexy2: zoorba am not naughty..grr!
nanako: dj, you will realize that you are wrong when you visit usa, lol
zoorba_nl: lol bex
laurence-22: almost the same between the usa and canada
bexy2: sir scriv can attest to that a good girl from madrid
golden star_3: hello everybody..
nanako: hello helen!
dj-night: everything in usa is cheap.. but only 1 is i guess still expencive, i ne
ed to take 2 bags with money with me
laurence-22: hi helen
golden star_3: what's going on here? friends
laurence-22: helen where r u from?
bexy2: haha dj..2bags only/
dj-night: are you from madrid, bexy ?
bexy2: hi helen!
laurence-22: 17000
golden star_3: i wounder what would be nanako?
bexy2: hmm dj
laurence-22: it is reasonable
scrivenor -: are you already a registered nurse, helen?
laurence-22: tell us where r u from helen
dj-night: my hands aren't good for the nursing job
golden star_3: no doubt on that dj,
golden star_3: how are you doing? dj ,,
scrivenor -: the u.s. government usually doesn't get involved in things like tha
golden star_3: merry xmas to all of you, happy new year
scrivenor -: you were already over here?
bexy2: hi star!
golden star_3: hi bexy
laurence-22: in canada the local students' tuition fee is 3/7 of the internationa
l student's tuition fee
linda shen: they are lucky.
scrivenor -: yes, the cost of living for all americans has increased greatly.
bexy2: star, where are you from/
laurence-22: how long have you been in usa
linda shen: in china the cost of living is also increasing now
laurence-22: what is your program?
scrivenor -: right, resident tuition is much cheaper at most universities.
linda shen: that 's a world-wide problem, maybe
laurence-22: what do you study in usa? helen
bigsong: the prices in china are getiing up.
scrivenor -: americans hate paying taxes....
laurence-22: as well as canadians
scrivenor -: we have the lowest taxes of any of the major countries...and we st
ill whine about them...
scrivenor -: exactly...
laurence-22: medical expense
scrivenor -: when i was born there were just over 1 billion people on the whole there are over six times that many.
laurence-22: it is different
scrivenor -: they have socialized medicine...
bigsong: medicines are very expensive here in china too.
laurence-22: beyond the 3% of income is being paid
scrivenor -: what do english teachers earn in china?
laurence-22: the medical expense beyond the 3% of incoem is being paid in ca
laurence-22: average is 800 dollars scrivenor
linda shen: the big difference between the city and country ,scrven.
scrivenor -: $800.00 per month?
laurence-22: 800 per month is for a average wage for my instructors in the uni
laurence-22: it will be less if you are a high school teacher.
dj_koko-1: salam
dj-night: hello dj
linda shen: but my professor told us that they have only nearly 4,ooo yuan pe
r month,laurence.
dj_koko-1: hello 7abibi night
scrivenor -: our high school students working in macdonald's get over 400.00
per week here....and all the french fries they can eat.
laurence-22: for a foreigner to teach in univerisity it will be more than 12000 r
mb per month
dj-night: 7abbi nighth ?
dj-night: i thought there was only 1abbi night
laurence-22: helen, you are so rich people in china
laurence-22: how many people can afford to pay 300 rmb to the teacher
laurence-22: yeah
laurence-22: 3 semesters
laurence-22: yeah
laurence-22: the number is very small
laurence-22: yeah
laurence-22: your english is good though.
laurence-22: how long have you been in usa
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laurence-22: what is your program?
bigsong: helen has very nice english.
scrivenor -: helen, you could have come to epr and learned for free...
zoorba_nl: bye friends
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using utilites from third parties such as button holders, remote typers, etc ... are at risk of hav
ing their passwords stolen!
many of these utilities contain trojans that report your nickname and password to the progra
m's creator. we encourage everyone to change their password reguarly, and to uncheck the sa
ve password checkbox on the login screen.
if you do this, you will have to enter your password every time you log in, but it is a small price
to pay to keep your account and password protected.
linda shen: the first snow is beautiful,helen,
dj-night: english practice room
nanako: english practice room= epr
laurence-22: english practice room
scrivenor -: english practice room for people around the world.
scrivenor -: our parking area is a huge valley of snow now.
linda shen: i remember a writer who described it
laurence-22: so does my place
bigsong: in southern china, we can meet snow anyway.
bigsong: ...we can't meet...
scrivenor -: yes, we have had that much already this year...
scrivenor -: ....but it melted off some.
linda shen: for a long time i only dream snow.
dj-night: i have to go folks, need to pickup my passport from the cittyhall
scrivenor -: our snow is too cold for snowmen...
jovelyn_0604_: bye dj
nanako: bye dj
laurence-22: bigsong, it is cold though in southern china, it is uncomfortble fo
r us northern people to live in the southern
dj-night: ye everyone
scrivenor -: bye dj...
dj-night: bye nanako
dj-night: bye jovelyn
dj-night: bye scrivenor
dj-night: bye helen
linda shen: bye,dj.
dj-night: bye bexy
jano_zakho19: helloo room
laurence-22: by dj
dj-night: bye linda
dj-night: bye zoorba
laurence-22: ty helen
laurence-22: 1
helen131: 11
nanako: 1
bigsong: yes, laurance.
laurence-22: which province r u in
laurence-22: bigsong
helen131: ty
kareem_43: hi
linda shen: nice, helen.
bigsong: i am in hunan, mao's homtown.
bigsong: ...hometown.
laurence-22: i c
linda shen: helen,u speak very confident.
jack524: hi, helen, you speak well,
jack524: where are you from?
laurence-22: jack helen is from china
jack524: great
linda shen: yeah,she is from tinajin
laurence-22: tianjin
bigsong: tianjin.
laurence-22: me too
jano_zakho19: i'am from iraq helen131
kukuhu_3: u should know....
jack524: why can't i hear the voice right now?
kukuhu_3: so shame that you don't speak english
jack524: hehe
jack524: please try it
scrivenor -: the ielts...
kukuhu_3: u need to go to schools and study
jano_zakho19: helen i am from iraq i dont speak inglish
nanako: kukuhu, do you think your english is better?
kukuhu_3: yr english.......needs to improve
laurence-22: i am from tianjin too helen, which district r u
scrivenor -: all of you have superb english...i'm astounded..
nanako: lol
kukuhu_3: thailand,not good in english
kukuhu_3: very difficulto understand
laurence-22: we are not thailand, helen and i are from china ok kukuhu
linda shen: helen is a good example of ours
ritchieritchie: ello everybody
spring82: hi everybody
scrivenor -: so are you, linda....
jack524: is she a university student?
nanako: kukuhu needs to go school and improve, he was teasing you, helen, l
linda shen: yeah,practice english
bigsong: is laurance a chinese?
linda shen: ty,scrv.
laurence-22: yeah i am from china too
bigsong: i thought you were from canadia.
nanako: laurence live in canada now
bigsong: oh.
scrivenor -: always pass the microphone back to the moderator.
linda shen: our chinese students are always shy,lol
helen131: i would be back for a second
nanako: ok helen, hurry back
helen131: ty, nanako
helen131: bye for now
linda shen: just like liyang said, we should cry out english
linda shen: bye,helen
nanako: wb, munchkin!
linda shen: no, i listened to liyang 's class once
lilmunchkinfromholland: thanks nanako
alert: upgrade now -- get unlimited video all the time!
linda shen: hello,lil.
lilmunchkinfromholland: hello linda
linda shen: yean,me too
scrivenor -: konnichiwa, pianotrio...
pianotrio: konnichiwa
scrivenor -: ok...
nanako: scrivenor is eating
linda shen: hi,piano.
lilmunchkinfromholland: 2222
nanako: 1
lilmunchkinfromholland: 111
pianotrio: 111111111111
laurence-22: 1
linda shen: 11
jovelyn_0604_: hello lil
pianotrio: hi linda
lilmunchkinfromholland: hello jovelyn
laurence-22: bye everyone
linda shen: bye,laurence
jovelyn_0604_: bye laurence
linda shen: ok
scrivenor -: you are already quite good and you will get even better....
nanako: music instrument?
nanako: very good!
nanako: hi hamlet!
hamlet_87: hi room
hamlet_87: hi nanako
hamlet_87: hi linda
lilmunchkinfromholland: morning mr. hamlet
hamlet_87: morning dutchy
hamlet_87: hi scrivenor
bigsong: long fei road?
lilmunchkinfromholland: longfellow
linda shen: longfellow
hamlet_87: long fellow ?
hamlet_87: henry wadsworth longfellow
scrivenor -: you have vicarious snow.....
hamlet_87: be right back
scrivenor -: yes, hamlet, longfellow used "herny
wadworth longfellow" so that
those that couldn't remember "henry" would just use "wadsworth."
nanako: please read for us, linda
nanako: 1
nanako: very good, linda, you are doing well!
linda shen: ty,nanako.
lilmunchkinfromholland: well done linda
lilmunchkinfromholland: 222
linda shen: ty,lil.
lilmunchkinfromholland: 111
nanako: 1
linda shen: 11
spring82: hi
lilmunchkinfromholland: hello spring
lilmunchkinfromholland: take care scrivenor
nanako: good night, scrivenor
linda shen: maybe it's very late there.scriv.
nanako: yes
nanako: stay a little bit longer
nanako: like the song, lol
linda shen: ty scrivenor.
spring82: hi
linda shen: i also like the songs from u.
nanako: cds?
nanako: or machine?
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nanako: i have a magic mic, goes everywhere with me
linda shen: tomorrow it's thing
linda shen: u can sing best
nanako: singing is good for english practice, if you pick the right song
nanako: i didn't know the meaning before, till i learn it, lol
linda shen: but i can only sing very simple song ,like hello and goodbye by be
linda shen: music?
nanako: you say hello and i say goodbye?
nanako: something like that? linda
linda shen: yeah,very simple song
linda shen: yeah.nanako
linda shen: lol
nanako: linda, do you like to sing it?
linda shen: nanako want u sing,scri,
linda shen: that 's too easy,
nanako: linda, you, not scrivenor, lol
linda shen: maybe it will make others laugh
nanako: no linda, no one will laugh at you
teebye: no sound
nanako: linda, you can take the mic, i will protect you, lol

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