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Class 10 Computer Application

Today last two periods we are not going to have class online. I am
forwarding the assignment for you to do in the time of the periods. I
will be checking the copies in the third period tomorrow (Thursday
1. DTDC courier service charges for the transportation of any parcel
within eastern zone as follows:
Up to 500gms. : ₹100.00
For each additional 100gms.or part thereof : ₹.50.00
Write a program to calculate the charges of a parcel taking the
weight of the parcel as an input.
2. Write a menu driven program to perform either of the following
conversions depending on the user’s choice:
(i) KM to CM
(ii) Seconds to hours
(iii)Centigrade to Fahrenheit
3. Write a program to calculate and print the Binary equivalent of
any decimal number.
4. 1 11111
12 12221
126 12321
1 2 6 24 12221
1 2 6 24 120 11111
5. S = 1/1! + (1+2)/2! + (1+2+3)/3! + (1+2+3+4)/4! + ------

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