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alert: this is a g rated room intended for a general audience including minors.

offensive language is not p

alert: let's have fun learning english buddies!

lesh_bot: question 256 [general lesh trivia]: (vocabulary-noun)an event or

something that happens
english-me: fact
lesh_bot: hint: i#######
english-me: event
k s t n: incident
lesh_bot: fantastic! k s t n has correctly answered "incident". score: 278
lesh_bot: question 3179 [general lesh trivia]: 6. the woman is holding a cup
(at/in/into) her hands.?
english-me: wd
k s t n: in
lesh_bot: way to go! k s t n has correctly answered "in". score: 279
english-me: in
k s t n: in her hands
lesh_bot: question 1250 [general lesh trivia]: [plural form] moose?
k s t n: mice
k s t n: meese
english-me: mooses
k s t n: mooses
lesh_bot: hint: m####
k s t n: meese
english-me: moses
lesh_bot: hint: #o#s#
seattle_man_2: hi all in the room
k s t n: mosse
k s t n: hi seattle
lesh_bot: hint: #oo#e
english-me: moise
k s t n: moose
lesh_bot: wow! k s t n has correctly answered "moose". score: 280
k s t n: moose
k s t n: moose
english-me: moose
k s t n: no change
lesh_bot: question 196 [general lesh trivia]: [vocabulary-"n" words_nathan]
a photographic print is made from a ########
english-me: lol
lesh_bot: hint: n#######
english-me: neguative
english-me: negative
lesh_bot: excellent! english-me has correctly answered "negative". score: 5
k s t n: nice
lesh_bot: question 891 [general lesh trivia]: [word stress]: pre-po-si-tion?
k s t n: po
k s t n: si
lesh_bot: woohoo! k s t n has correctly answered "si". score: 281
mildness_82: si
english-me: ty
lesh_bot: question 8031 [general lesh trivia]: 9. however, if a player is sent
off during the game, he must not/need not be replaced.
english-me: pre
english-me: si*
k s t n: must not
lesh_bot: congratulations! k s t n has correctly answered "must not". score:
k s t n: need not
lesh_bot: progress: 1. beeboobeeboo (3147 pts) 2. ledinhcuong_99 (2595 p
ts) 3. jude - (2538 pts)
lesh_bot: question 5031 [general lesh trivia]: [word stress] schi-zo-phre-ni-
k s t n: zo
k s t n: phre
lesh_bot: woohoo! k s t n has correctly answered "phre". score: 283
k s t n: schi
k s t n: ni
k s t n: phre
english-me: zo
lesh_bot: question 2425 [general lesh trivia]: q. light travels around the ea
rth how many times in 1 second?(hint: it equals 1/2 the typing speed of em
linh) a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7?
mildness_82: goodbye everybody!!!
k s t n: 4
k s t n: 5
k s t n: 6
k s t n: 7
lesh_bot: woohoo! k s t n has correctly answered "7". score: 284
k s t n: bye mild
english-me: 8
lesh_bot: question 1055 [general lesh trivia]: [homophones]wherry?
mildness_82: good time!
english-me: weary
lesh_bot: hint: w###
k s t n: wery
english-me: where
english-me: were
k s t n: weri
english-me: wiry
beeboobeeboo: wary
lesh_bot: hint: #a#y
lesh_bot: good job! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "wary". score: 3
k s t n: wary
english-me: wd
lesh_bot: question 790 [general lesh trivia]: [word stress]: cap-tain?
beeboobeeboo: ty
k s t n: cap
k s t n: tain
lesh_bot: way to go! k s t n has correctly answered "cap". score: 285
beeboobeeboo: tain
lesh_bot: question 8314 [general lesh trivia]: [ajective +preposition]close
english-me: cap
k s t n: in
beeboobeeboo: to
k s t n: to
lesh_bot: good job! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "to". score: 314
english-me: on
lesh_bot: question 4157 [general lesh trivia]: [adjective+preposition]sure
k s t n: of
beeboobeeboo: for
english-me: to
k s t n: about
k s t n: in
english-me: of
k s t n: at
k s t n: on
k s t n: from
k s t n: by
english-me: to
lesh_bot: hint: o#
english-me: by
beeboobeeboo: of
k s t n: on
k s t n: of
lesh_bot: too good! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "of". score: 315
beeboobeeboo: lolzzz
english-me: into
english-me: of
lesh_bot: question 5073 [general lesh trivia]: 9the only enemy of the polar
bear (besides man) is the sea wolf, lupus maris. a) fact b) fiction
k s t n: nice bot
k s t n: fact
beeboobeeboo: lucky
k s t n: fiction
lesh_bot: way to go! k s t n has correctly answered "fiction". score: 286
beeboobeeboo: lolz
lesh_bot: question 9029 [general lesh trivia]: [prepo+form]-- +the left/right
k s t n: in
k s t n: on
beeboobeeboo: on
lesh_bot: woohoo! k s t n has correctly answered "on". score: 287
english-me: i said it first but
lesh_bot: question 8700 [general lesh trivia]: [antonyms] tiny, minute
k s t n: i know
k s t n: large
beeboobeeboo: but me got pint lolzzzzz
beeboobeeboo: poit*
beeboobeeboo: point*
k s t n: big
lesh_bot: hint: i######
english-me: wide
lesh_bot: hint: #m#e#s#
english-me: immence
k s t n: immense
english-me: immense
lesh_bot: way to go! k s t n has correctly answered "immense". score: 288
k s t n: immense
lesh_bot: question 2979 [general lesh trivia]: 5) this is ## expensive bike.?
k s t n: an
lesh_bot: congratulations! k s t n has correctly answered "an". score: 289
english-me: omg
lesh_bot: progress: 1. beeboobeeboo (3150 pts) 2. ledinhcuong_99 (2595 p
ts) 3. jude - (2538 pts)
lesh_bot: question 1856 [general lesh trivia]: he tried to explain _________ m
e what he wanted. a. to b. for c. with d. by?
k s t n: to
k s t n: for
lesh_bot: very good! k s t n has correctly answered "to". score: 290
english-me: to
lesh_bot: question 7648 [general lesh trivia]: 4. fred and frida have been le
arning french (since/for) 1998.
k s t n: since
lesh_bot: woohoo! k s t n has correctly answered "since". score: 291
lesh_bot: question 6216 [general lesh trivia]: they live in their house _______
__ the corner. a. on b. against c. to d. towards
english-me: since
k s t n: on
lesh_bot: fantastic! k s t n has correctly answered "on". score: 292
english-me: on
lesh_bot: question 8066 [general lesh trivia]: 2. too much/many cooks spoil
the broth.
k s t n: many
lesh_bot: good job! k s t n has correctly answered "many". score: 293
english-me: many
lesh_bot: question 2480 [general lesh trivia]: a series of metal rings which
are joined together in a line and used for fastening things, etc?
lesh_bot: hint: c####
k s t n: chain
lesh_bot: fantastic! k s t n has correctly answered "chain". score: 294
lesh_bot: question 3336 [general lesh trivia]: 4. fred and frida have been le
arning french (since/for) 1998.?
english-me: wd
k s t n: since
lesh_bot: good job! k s t n has correctly answered "since". score: 295
k s t n: oh
k s t n: repeat?
english-me: since
lesh_bot: question 3242 [general lesh trivia]: 1. we had little/few snow last
k s t n: ke ke
k s t n: little
lesh_bot: excellent! k s t n has correctly answered "little". score: 296
english-me: few
lesh_bot: question 3534 [general lesh trivia]: my uncle is afraid of (go) by
english-me: littkle
k s t n: going
lesh_bot: way to go! k s t n has correctly answered "going". score: 297
english-me: going
lesh_bot: question 2643 [general lesh trivia]: [passive/oractive]cricket is pl
ayed in australia. ### ???
k s t n: passive
lesh_bot: oh yes! k s t n has correctly answered "passive". score: 298
lesh_bot: question 5293 [general lesh trivia]: 12. out of worka. not leading
to a conclusionb. to stay in one placec. immediatelyd. no longer working.
k s t n: no longer working
lesh_bot: way to go! k s t n has correctly answered "no longer working". sc
ore: 299
lesh_bot: progress: 1. beeboobeeboo (3150 pts) 2. ledinhcuong_99 (2595 p
ts) 3. jude - (2538 pts)
k s t n: 1 point
lesh_bot: question 4098 [general lesh trivia]: [superlative form]little---les
k s t n: lest
k s t n: least
lesh_bot: good job! k s t n has correctly answered "least". score: 300
k s t n: huh
k s t n: ok
alert: upgrade now -- get unlimited video all the time!
k s t n: bye english
lesh_bot: question 2812 [general lesh trivia]: she (must) stay at school yes
terday afternoon.?
k s t n: bye all
lesh_bot: hint: h## t#
beeboobeeboo: had to
lesh_bot: oh yes! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "had to". score: 31
lesh_bot: question 9052 [general lesh trivia]: [antonyms] economise
english-me: least
english-me: least lesser
lesh_bot: hint: w####
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ ashley886 _.反?/p fon t> )
beeboobeeboo: waste
lesh_bot: way to go! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "waste". score:
lesh_bot: question 4355 [general lesh trivia]: [antonyms] dislike, unlike?
beeboobeeboo: like
lesh_bot: good job! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "like". score: 31
lesh_bot: question 4487 [general lesh trivia]: [antonyms] 036 kind -?
beeboobeeboo: bad
beeboobeeboo: cruel
lesh_bot: hint:m###
lesh_bot: hint:#e#n
beeboobeeboo: mean
lesh_bot: good job! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "mean". score: 3
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ lol_debian_lol _.反?/p fon t> )
lesh_bot: question 1631 [general lesh trivia]: the capital of east timor?
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ vitconhocnoi _.反?/p fon t> )
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ english-me _.反?/p fon t> )
lol_debian_lol: hello all
lesh_bot: hint: d###
lol_debian_lol: hello all**
beeboobeeboo: dili
lesh_bot: congratulations! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "dili". sco
re: 3155
lesh_bot: question 3432 [general lesh trivia]: many londoners, however, ha
ve chosen go/to go/going by bus as delays to buses are now down by half.?
beeboobeeboo: hi lol
lesh_bot: hint: t# g#
lol_debian_lol: hi beeboo...
beeboobeeboo: to go
lesh_bot: woohoo! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "to go". score: 31
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ happyghost2006 _.反?/p fon t> )
lesh_bot: question 2936 [general lesh trivia]: 9) she has never been to x /t
he alps before.?
beeboobeeboo: x
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ prideiiicommunist _.反?/p fon t> )
beeboobeeboo: the
lesh_bot: very good! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "the". score: 3
lesh_bot: question 4416 [general lesh trivia]: [superlative forms]tall taller?
beeboobeeboo: tallest
lesh_bot: too good! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "tallest". score:
lesh_bot: question 9149 [general lesh trivia]: [antonyms] attractive
beeboobeeboo: distractive
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ english-me _.反?/p fon t> )
beeboobeeboo: unattractive
lesh_bot: hint: r########
lesh_bot: hint: #e#u#s#v#
beeboobeeboo: repulsive
lesh_bot: congratulations! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "repulsiv
e". score: 3159
english-me: repulsive
lesh_bot: progress: 1. beeboobeeboo (3159 pts) 2. ledinhcuong_99 (2595 p
ts) 3. jude - (2538 pts)
lesh_bot: question 4060 [general lesh trivia]: [past participle] have had?
english-me: had
beeboobeeboo: had
lesh_bot: congratulations! english-me has correctly answered "had". score:
lesh_bot: question 7803 [general lesh trivia]: -if i'm tired in the evenings, #
#### to bed early. (i'd go / i'd have gone /i went/i go)
beeboobeeboo: i'd go
lesh_bot: hint: i g#
beeboobeeboo: i go
lesh_bot: too good! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "i go". score: 31
lesh_bot: question 8157 [general lesh trivia]: [adjective+preposition]experi
ence +
beeboobeeboo: in
lesh_bot: wow! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "in". score: 3161
lesh_bot: question 2185 [general lesh trivia]: 9 portland, oregon, is known
as a)the city of roses b)the city of bridges c)rain town?
beeboobeeboo: the city of roses
lesh_bot: too good! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "the city of rose
s". score: 3162
lesh_bot: question 4221 [general lesh trivia]: [past participle] wed wed/we
dded wed/?
beeboobeeboo: wedded
lesh_bot: congratulations! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "wedde
d". score: 3163
lesh_bot: question 556 [general lesh trivia]: [word stress] en-zyme?
beeboobeeboo: zyme
beeboobeeboo: en
lesh_bot: congratulations! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "en". sco
re: 3164
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ tiny bee _.反?/p fon t> )
lesh_bot: question 2283 [general lesh trivia]: falling vending machines kill
this many people at the beach in a typical year: a) 1 b) 13 ) 252?
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ thanh binh hp _.反?/p fon t> )
beeboobeeboo: 252
tiny bee: 252
beeboobeeboo: 13
lesh_bot: very good! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "13". score: 31
tiny bee: 13
lesh_bot: question 3933 [general lesh trivia]: [ajective +preposition]differe
nt +?
thanh binh hp: from
tiny bee: from
beeboobeeboo: from
lesh_bot: wow! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "from". score: 1158
tiny bee: from
lesh_bot: question 1455 [general lesh trivia]: [homophones]clew?
tiny bee: clue
tiny bee: clue
lesh_bot: way to go! tiny bee has correctly answered "clue". score: 402
lesh_bot: question 8791 [general lesh trivia]: [antonyms] 068 under -
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ corrado100_1 _.反?/p fon t> )
thanh binh hp: above
beeboobeeboo: above
tiny bee: over
lesh_bot: fantastic! tiny bee has correctly answered "over". score: 403
tiny bee: over
beeboobeeboo: over
lesh_bot: progress: 1. beeboobeeboo (3165 pts) 2. ledinhcuong_99 (2595 p
ts) 3. jude - (2538 pts)
lesh_bot: question 2682 [general lesh trivia]: [lesh's vip/starts with letter
m]who always feels shy in lesh(nickname's meaning-mimosa)hint:m #####
thanh binh hp: m mimosa
lesh_bot: excellent! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "m mimosa". sco
re: 1159
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ tahija _.反?/p fon t> )
lesh_bot: question 2739 [general lesh trivia]: [exercise on conditional sent
ences type 3]if you (study) for the test, you (pass) it.?
thanh binh hp: had studied would have passed
tiny bee: study will pass
beeboobeeboo: had studied would have passed
lesh_bot: too good! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "had studied wo
uld have passed". score: 1160
lesh_bot: question 5004 [general lesh trivia]: [word stress] po-sit-ion-ing
beeboobeeboo: sit
thanh binh hp: sit
tiny bee: pos
tiny bee: sit
thanh binh hp: po
lesh_bot: too good! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "sit". score: 316
lesh_bot: question 4977 [general lesh trivia]: what city was originally calle
d edo
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ english-me _.反?/p fon t> )
thanh binh hp: tokyo
lesh_bot: good job! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "tokyo". score: 1
lesh_bot: question 136 [general lesh trivia]: [jobs] where does a busboy wo
rk?a. bus b. restaurant c. airplane?
tiny bee: restaurant
tiny bee: res
lesh_bot: wow! tiny bee has correctly answered "restaurant". score: 404
thanh binh hp: restaurant
tiny bee: rs
beeboobeeboo: restaurant
lesh_bot: question 7838 [general lesh trivia]: -hurry up or you (be) late for
english-me: restaurant
thanh binh hp: will be
lesh_bot: woohoo! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "will be". score: 1
beeboobeeboo: are
tiny bee: ywiil be
tiny bee: weill
lesh_bot: question 5635 [general lesh trivia]: [homophones] buy/
tiny bee: bewill be
beeboobeeboo: bey
thanh binh hp: by
english-me: by
tiny bee: by
beeboobeeboo: bye
lesh_bot: hint: b##
beeboobeeboo: buy
tiny bee: bye
tiny bee: b;ye
lesh_bot: woohoo! tiny bee has correctly answered "bye". score: 405
beeboobeeboo: bye
tiny bee: bte
thanh binh hp: bye
lesh_bot: question 631 [general lesh trivia]: 1about how frequently must a
vampire bat drink blood in order to survive? a) once a day b) once every th
ree days c) once a week d) once a month?
beeboobeeboo: hm
english-me: bay
thanh binh hp: once every three days
lesh_bot: oh yes! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "once every three
days". score: 1163
tiny bee: once a week
lesh_bot: question 6378 [general lesh trivia]: 7. quickly. s _______
beeboobeeboo: speedily
tiny bee: swiftly
lesh_bot: too good! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "speedily". scor
e: 3167
tiny bee: swei
lesh_bot: question 826 [general lesh trivia]: [word stress]: re-quire?
english-me: rapidly
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ anhduyxxii _.反?/p fon t> )
thanh binh hp: re
tiny bee: re
thanh binh hp: quire
beeboobeeboo: quire
lesh_bot: congratulations! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "quire". s
core: 1164
tiny bee: quire
lesh_bot: progress: 1. beeboobeeboo (3167 pts) 2. ledinhcuong_99 (2595 p
ts) 3. jude - (2538 pts)
lesh_bot: question 5792 [general lesh trivia]: 5what color is a wild goldfish?
a) orange b) silver c) green
english-me: quire
thanh binh hp: green
tiny bee: green
lesh_bot: congratulations! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "green". s
core: 1165
beeboobeeboo: freen
tiny bee: green
lesh_bot: question 2617 [general lesh trivia]: no other british city has as
(many) inhabitants as london.?
thanh binh hp: many
tiny bee: many
lesh_bot: congratulations! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "many". s
core: 1166
tiny bee: as many as
lesh_bot: question 450 [general lesh trivia]: [word stress]: a-llow?
thanh binh hp: a
beeboobeeboo: llow
thanh binh hp: llow
lesh_bot: excellent! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "llow". score: 11
tiny bee: flow
english-me: llow
lesh_bot: question 2583 [general lesh trivia]: [lesh's vip/starts with letter t]

a girl who knows lesh very well, is very good at computer , has the endin
g #####ttn?
beeboobeeboo: tuyenttn
lesh_bot: oh yes! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "tuyenttn". score:
thanh binh hp: oi zoi
lesh_bot: question 3052 [general lesh trivia]: 10) they was/ were in front
of the supermarket.?
beeboobeeboo: lolz
thanh binh hp: were
beeboobeeboo: were
tiny bee: were in
lesh_bot: too good! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "were". score: 1
english-me: were$
lesh_bot: question 4127 [general lesh trivia]: [adjective+preposition]impre
ssion +?
beeboobeeboo: to
thanh binh hp: in
tiny bee: of
beeboobeeboo: in
lesh_bot: good job! tiny bee has correctly answered "of". score: 406
tiny bee: of
lesh_bot: question 855 [general lesh trivia]: 2. creature of habit : a. someo
ne who always does the same thing b. to become ill.c. havning the energy a
nd the desire to do something.d. to use time with no obvious purpose, ofte
n in one place.?
thanh binh hp: someone who always does the same thing
lesh_bot: way to go! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "someone who
always does the same thing". score: 1169
english-me: often in one place
lesh_bot: question 1393 [general lesh trivia]: [homophones]bread?
tiny bee: bred
thanh binh hp: breed
lesh_bot: oh yes! tiny bee has correctly answered "bred". score: 407
tiny bee: bred
lesh_bot: question 6580 [general lesh trivia]: this family of flowers includes
a bearded species. do you know this flower family's name?a) manflower b) r
azor flower c) lily d) iris
thanh binh hp: iris
lesh_bot: oh yes! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "iris". score: 1170
tiny bee: razor flower
lesh_bot: question 233 [general lesh trivia]: (vocabulary-verb)to act or wor
k together
tiny bee: co-operate
tiny bee: cooperatre
lesh_bot: hint: c########
tiny bee: scoperws
english-me: razor
tiny bee: cooperate
lesh_bot: too good! tiny bee has correctly answered "cooperate". score: 40
beeboobeeboo: cooperate
lesh_bot: progress: 1. beeboobeeboo (3168 pts) 2. ledinhcuong_99 (2595 p
ts) 3. jude - (2538 pts)
lesh_bot: question 7551 [general lesh trivia]: 5. my grandma once owned t
he painting, but she gave it to me on my birthday. so it is a picture ## my g
thanh binh hp: of
tiny bee: of
beeboobeeboo: of
tiny bee: by
tiny bee: by
thanh binh hp: for
beeboobeeboo: of
thanh binh hp: to
lesh_bot: hint: f###
tiny bee: from
thanh binh hp: from
beeboobeeboo: from
lesh_bot: excellent! tiny bee has correctly answered "from". score: 409
lesh_bot: question 6516 [general lesh trivia]: the capital of new zealand -
thanh binh hp: ko bit
tiny bee: wellington
tiny bee: wel
lesh_bot: way to go! tiny bee has correctly answered "wellington". score: 4
tiny bee: wellongotn
thanh binh hp: wd
lesh_bot: question 7199 [general lesh trivia]: [exercise on conditional sent
ences type 2]but if my friends' holidays would be/were over, i would feel/fel
t very lonely on my lonely island.
lesh_bot: hint: w### w#### f###
thanh binh hp: were would felt
tiny bee: were over would feel
beeboobeeboo: were would felt
english-me: were would feel
tiny bee: were woull feel
lesh_bot: very good! english-me has correctly answered "were would feel".
score: 54
beeboobeeboo: were would feel
lesh_bot: question 5139 [general lesh trivia]: 12 if you are attacked by a sh
ark, you should punch it in the nose as hard as you can.a) true b) false
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ k s t n _.反?/p fon t> )
thanh binh hp: true
tiny bee: false
thanh binh hp: false
tiny bee: falsew
lesh_bot: excellent! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "false". score: 1
beeboobeeboo: lolz
lesh_bot: question 2124 [general lesh trivia]: a wooden frame that you put
a painting on while you paint it?
thanh binh hp: lolz j
k s t n: sketch
thanh binh hp: choi voi bee fai the thoi
beeboobeeboo: easel
lesh_bot: wow! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "easel". score: 3169
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ bonus hu _.反?/p fon t> )
k s t n: easel
lesh_bot: question 1950 [general lesh trivia]: 4. which two oceans are linke
d by the panama canal? the a) atlantic and indian b) pacific and indian c) p
acific and atlantic?
k s t n: rehi all
beeboobeeboo: cau hoi buon cuoi qua'
beeboobeeboo: pacific and atlantic
thanh binh hp: atlantic and indian
english-me: atlantic and indian
lesh_bot: fantastic! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "pacific and atla
ntic". score: 3170
tiny bee: pacific and indian
lesh_bot: question 7354 [general lesh trivia]: 2) i love x /the flowers in yo
ur garden.
beeboobeeboo: the
thanh binh hp: x
lesh_bot: good job! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "the". score: 31
tiny bee: x
lesh_bot: question 7109 [general lesh trivia]: matrix ii was (not / interestin
g) matrix i.
k s t n: not interesting
tiny bee: not interesting
beeboobeeboo: was not interesting
thanh binh hp: not as interesting as
lesh_bot: hint: n## a# i########## a#
lesh_bot: congratulations! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "not as in
teresting as". score: 1172
lesh_bot: question 5435 [general lesh trivia]: [homophones]mown
k s t n: moan
thanh binh hp: move
beeboobeeboo: maon
lesh_bot: very good! k s t n has correctly answered "moan". score: 301
k s t n: mone
tiny bee: moan
tiny bee: moan
lesh_bot: question 1226 [general lesh trivia]: [homophones]bay?
tiny bee: bey
beeboobeeboo: bey
lesh_bot: fantastic! tiny bee has correctly answered "bey". score: 411
k s t n: bey
english-me: bye
lesh_bot: progress: 1. beeboobeeboo (3171 pts) 2. ledinhcuong_99 (2595 p
ts) 3. jude - (2538 pts)
lesh_bot: question 4617 [general lesh trivia]: [prepo+form]-- +radio/televis
thanh binh hp: on
beeboobeeboo: on
lesh_bot: woohoo! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "on". score: 1173
tiny bee: on
k s t n: on
english-me: o鄋
tiny bee: on
lesh_bot: question 8569 [general lesh trivia]: [past participle] think though
beeboobeeboo: thanhbinh dao nay nhanh thi'a
thanh binh hp: thought
tiny bee: thought
lesh_bot: fantastic! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "thought". score:
tiny bee: thought
english-me: thought
thanh binh hp: hiiii
lesh_bot: question 5829 [general lesh trivia]: [homophones]bouy
thanh binh hp: bee day moh`
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ wislan _.反?/p fon t> )
k s t n: boy
tiny bee: foy
lesh_bot: good job! k s t n has correctly answered "boy". score: 302
beeboobeeboo: ha ha
tiny bee: foy
thanh binh hp: boy
lesh_bot: question 43 [general lesh trivia]: [vocabulary_"b" words_bacdon]s
omeone whose job is to cut hair is called a ___?
tiny bee: barber
lesh_bot: good job! tiny bee has correctly answered "barber". score: 412
tiny bee: barbver
k s t n: barber
lesh_bot: question 8124 [general lesh trivia]: [ajective +preposition]busy(a
t) +
k s t n: on
beeboobeeboo: with
thanh binh hp: with
tiny bee: in
lesh_bot: oh yes! beeboobeeboo has correctly answered "with". score: 317
tiny bee: ;in
k s t n: in
tiny bee: with
k s t n: with
english-me: in
lesh_bot: question 4748 [general lesh trivia]: [antonyms] cellar?
beeboobeeboo: seller
thanh binh hp: sellar
k s t n: seller
tiny bee: seller
tiny bee: seller
thanh binh hp: celler
tiny bee: seller
tiny bee: seller
lesh_bot: hint: a####
thanh binh hp: chiu
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ punishment07 _.反?/p fon t> )
k s t n: antonym
beeboobeeboo: oh
beeboobeeboo: nham
beeboobeeboo: lolz
tiny bee: acell
thanh binh hp: uh nhi
lesh_bot: hint: #t#i#
tiny bee: asell
tiny bee: atain
english-me: atic
beeboobeeboo: lolz
k s t n: attic
english-me: attic
lesh_bot: way to go! k s t n has correctly answered "attic". score: 303
english-me: omg
lesh_bot: question 3316 [general lesh trivia]: 1. this is the man (who/which)
built our house.?
thanh binh hp: who
beeboobeeboo: who
english-me: who
beeboobeeboo: who
k s t n: which
beeboobeeboo: who
beeboobeeboo: who
thanh binh hp: who
k s t n: hi hi
lesh_bot: hint: w###
thanh binh hp: who
k s t n: whom
thanh binh hp: who
k s t n: whose
beeboobeeboo: who
thanh binh hp: which
beeboobeeboo: who
tiny bee: whom
beeboobeeboo: whom
english-me: who,
tiny bee: that
thanh binh hp: vo van qua
tiny bee: that
beeboobeeboo: lolz
beeboobeeboo: chang hieu gi
lesh_bot: hint: #h#
beeboobeeboo: who
thanh binh hp: who
tiny bee: she
tiny bee: whop
english-me: who
tiny bee: who
tiny bee: whpo
beeboobeeboo: lolz
tiny bee: who
lesh_bot: hint: ##o#
thanh binh hp: ko fai bo tay ma la po tha^
tiny bee: whom
thanh binh hp: whom
tiny bee: whom
english-me: no
lesh_bot: question 3316 skipped! the answer is: who
english-me: who
english-me: lol
thanh binh hp: oi zoi
lesh_bot: question 5177 [general lesh trivia]: 3if you stare at the sun, even
during an eclipse, you could go blind. a) true b) false

thanh binh hp: \

thanh binh hp: true
thanh binh hp: false
lesh_bot: congratulations! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "true". sc
ore: 1175
tiny bee: false
tiny bee: fasle
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ peter nguyen2005 _.反?/p fon t> )
lesh_bot: question 8737 [general lesh trivia]: [antonyms] loud
alert: upgrade now -- get unlimited video all the time!
thanh binh hp: quite
tiny bee: quiet
english-me: soft
lesh_bot: excellent! english-me has correctly answered "soft". score: 55
tiny bee: quiet
tiny bee: soft
lesh_bot: question 389 [general lesh trivia]: [word stress] u-ni-ted states of
a-me-ri-ca - washington d.c?
thanh binh hp: me
lesh_bot: very good! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "me". score: 11
tiny bee: d
lesh_bot: progress: 1. beeboobeeboo (3172 pts) 2. ledinhcuong_99 (2595 p
ts) 3. jude - (2538 pts)
lesh_bot: question 296 [general lesh trivia]: [colours] the sky is ####
thanh binh hp: blue
lesh_bot: good job! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "blue". score: 11
tiny bee: blue
tiny bee: blue
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ thuthuy_26 _.反?/p fon t> )
lesh_bot: question 599 [general lesh trivia]: [word stress] e-pil-ep-sy?
thanh binh hp: e
k s t n: pil
thanh binh hp: pil
tiny bee: pil
thanh binh hp: ep
k s t n: ep
thanh binh hp: sy
k s t n: e
lesh_bot: way to go! k s t n has correctly answered "e". score: 304
english-me: pil
lesh_bot: question 8892 [general lesh trivia]: [antonyms] 031 hard -
thanh binh hp: easy
k s t n: soft
tiny bee: sof
lesh_bot: fantastic! k s t n has correctly answered "soft". score: 305
k s t n: easy
english-me: soft
k s t n: tender
lesh_bot: question 2388 [general lesh trivia]: the capital of mongolia -?

thanh binh hp:

nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ bonus hu _.反?/p fon t> )
lesh_bot: hint: u##########
tiny bee: ulaanbaabar
thanh binh hp: ulaanbaatar
lesh_bot: excellent! thanh binh hp has correctly answered "ulaanbaatar". s
core: 1178
lesh_bot: question 3640 [general lesh trivia]: -[preposition] he would have
never borrowed money ## you without good reason.?
k s t n: ulaanbaatar
english-me: omg
k s t n: from
lesh_bot: oh yes! k s t n has correctly answered "from". score: 306
thanh binh hp: from
thanh binh hp: for
lesh_bot: question 2351 [general lesh trivia]: q. which butterly migrates ov
er thousands of miles? a. arctic blue b. tropical leafwing c. monarch d. euro
pean peacock?
k s t n: ulaanbaatar
thanh binh hp: tropical leafwing
k s t n: arctic blude
k s t n: arctic blude
k s t n: monarch
lesh_bot: wow! k s t n has correctly answered "monarch". score: 307
lesh_bot: hint: m######
tiny bee: arctic blue
lesh_bot: question 6188 [general lesh trivia]: # [rewrite the setence using r
elative clause]you are sitting on a bench. the paint on the bench is still we
tiny bee: yoiu are sitting on a bench whose paint is still s
lesh_bot: hint: #h# #a#n# #n t#e b#n#h w#i#h y#u a#e s#t#i#g o# #s s#i#
l w#t#
k s t n: the piant on the bench which you are sitting on is still wet.
tiny bee: the paint on the bench which you are sitting on is still wet.
thanh binh hp: the paint on the bench which you are sitting on is still wet.
k s t n: the paint on the bench which you are sitting on is still wet.
lesh_bot: question 6188 skipped! the answer is: the paint on the bench whi
ch you are sitting on is still wet.
lesh_bot: question 1438 [general lesh trivia]: [homophones]choler?
k s t n: cholers
tiny bee: collar
tiny bee: co
lesh_bot: way to go! tiny bee has correctly answered "collar". score: 413
k s t n: cholers
tiny bee: collar
thanh binh hp: colour
k s t n: collar
lesh_bot: question 4028 [general lesh trivia]: [past participle] dive dived/d
k s t n: dove
k s t n: dived
thanh binh hp: dived
lesh_bot: fantastic! k s t n has correctly answered "dived". score: 308
lesh_bot: question 1153 [general lesh trivia]: [homophones]thai?
thanh binh hp: tire
tiny bee: tie
tiny bee: tie
lesh_bot: woohoo! tiny bee has correctly answered "tie". score: 414
k s t n: tie
lesh_bot: progress: 1. beeboobeeboo (3172 pts) 2. ledinhcuong_99 (2595 p
ts) 3. jude - (2538 pts)
lesh_bot: question 489 [general lesh trivia]: acronym soup: morf?
thanh binh hp: brb
english-me: male or female
lesh_bot: way to go! english-me has correctly answered "male or female". s
core: 56
lesh_bot: question 7 [general lesh trivia]: [vocabulary-"n" words_nathan]th
e part of the body which joins the head to the torso is called the ####?
tiny bee: neck
lesh_bot: way to go! tiny bee has correctly answered "neck". score: 415
tiny bee: neck
lesh_bot: question 1503 [general lesh trivia]: 5. the time is ten minutes _ _
seven. (2 letters)?
tiny bee: to
tiny bee: to
lesh_bot: too good! tiny bee has correctly answered "to". score: 416
tiny bee: to
lesh_bot: question 6287 [general lesh trivia]: 4.[rewrite the setence using r
elative clause] the elephants (live in africa) have big ears.--->?

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