30 Question

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✓ The use of non-programmable calculators is allowed.

✓ The candidate can tackle the exercises of the test in the
order that suits him/her.
✓ Avoid using red color when writing solutions.
✓ Write legibly and verify that the subject is complete: it
consists of 3 numbered pages from 1 to 3, this one included.


The test consists of three exercises and a standalone problem,
distributed across different domains as follows:
Exercise 1 Numerical sequences 4pts
Exercise 2 Complex numbers 5pts
Exercise 3 Limits, differentiability and integral calculus 3pts
Problem Study of a numerical function 8pts
✓ ln denotes the natural logarithm function

Exercise 1: (4 points)
Let (un ) be the numerical sequence defined by: u0 = 2 and for
all n ∈ N; un+1 = u2021u n
n +2020

1. Prove by induction that ∀n ∈ N; 0 ≤ un ≤ 1

2. a) Show that (un )n∈N is an increasing sequence. b) Deduce
that the sequence (un )n∈N is convergent.
un −1
3. Consider the numerical sequence (vn ) defined by vn = un
for all n in N
a) Show that (vn ) is a geometric sequence with ratio q =
b) Determine vn as a function of n and deduce un as a
function of n for all n in N
4. Calculate limn→+∞ un
2021 5
5. Solve the equation: (vn )n × vn+1 × (v2n )−3 =

2020 for all
n even natural numbers.

Exercise 2: (5 points)
1. In the set C of complex numbers, consider the equation:
√ √
(E) : z 2 − 2( 2 + 3)z + 10 = 0

a) Verify that the discriminant of equation (E) is:

√ √
∆ = −4( 2 − 3)2

b) Deduce the solutions of equation (E).
√ √
2. Let a = 2 − 2i 6; b = −1 + iβ; c = −1 + 2i; d = β + 1 + i
 √ 2020  √ 2021
a) Show that a+i√ 6
2 2
+ ā−i√ 6
2 2
(β−1)(β−2) 2
b) Verify that c−b
d−b = (2+β)2 +(1−β)2 + i (2+β)4−β
2 +(1−β)2 with
β ∈ R−
c) Determine the value of β for which the points B, C and
D are collinear
3. Consider in the complex plane referred to an orthonormal
system (O; ⃗u; ⃗v ), the points A, B, C and D with respective

√ √
zA = i 3 ; zB = −i 3 ; zC = 3+2zA ; d = 3+2zB

zC −zA 3
a) Show that zD −zA = 3 i
b) Deduce
√ the nature of triangle ACD then show that
3AC = 3AD
c) Calculate in cm2 the area of triangle ACD.
4. Let M ′ (z ′ ) be the image of point M (z) by the transforma-
tion T such that:

√ zC − zA
z′ = 3× (z − zA ) + zA
zD − zA
a) Show that the transformation T is a rotation whose char-
acteristics will be specified
b) Determine zF the affix of point F image of point B by
the transformation T.

5. Determine
√ the set√of points M with affixes z such that:
| 3z + 3i| = | − i 3z|

Exercise 3: (3 points)
Consider the numerical function g defined on ]0; +∞[ by: g(x) =

ln x − x
h √
1. Show that for all x belonging to ]0; +∞ ; g ′ (x) = 2−2x x

2. a) Draw the variation table of the function g then deduce

that :

∀x ∈]0; +∞[; ln x < x ( Note that g(4) < 0 )
ln x √1
b) Deduce that for all x > 1; 0 < x < x

c) Justify the result of the following limit: limx→+∞ lnxx = 0

3. Show that the function G : x 7→ x ln x − 1 − 23 x is a
primitive of g on ]0; +∞[
Re √
4. Verify that 1 g(x)dx = 5−2e 3

Problem: (8 points)
Consider the numerical function f defined on R by: f (x) =
−2x+1+e−x+3 e−x+3 − 4 and (Cf ) its curve in an orthonormal

system (0;⃗i; ⃗ȷ). (Unit: 1cm)

1. Show that limx→+∞ f (x) = −∞ and limx→−∞ f (x) = +∞

2. Show that limx→+∞ (f (x) − (−2x + 1)) = 0 and interpret
the result geometrically.
3. Calculate limx→−∞ f (x)
x and interpret the result geometri-
4. Solve the equation e−x+3 − 4 = 0 then show that the curve
(Cf ) lies below the line (D) with equation y = −2x + 1 on
the interval [3 − ln 4; +∞ [ and above the line (D) on the
interval ] −∞; 3 − ln 4]
5. Show that for all x ∈ R; f ′ (x) = −2 e−x+3 − 1
6. Calculate f ′ (3) then geometrically interpret the obtained
7. Draw the variation table of the function f for all x ∈ R.
8. Show that the curve (Cf ) has a unique inflection point with
coordinates (3;-8)
9. Show that the equation f (x) = 0 has a unique solution α
such that :
3 − ln 5 < α < 3 − 2 ln 2

10. a) Show that the function f has a reciprocal function f −1

defined on R 

b) Show f −1 (4 ln 2−5) = − 18
(Note that f −1 (4 ln 2 − 5) = 3 − ln 4

11. Construct the line (D), the curve (Cf ) and the curve (Cf −1 )
in the same system (0,⃗ı, ⃗ȷ).

( We take 3 − ln(5) ≈ 1.4 and 3 − 2 ln(2) ≈ 1.6)

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