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Task 1

Plan A below shows the ground floor of a particular art gallery in 2005. Plan B shows the same
area in the present day.

Provided are two plans illustrating the comparison of the ground floor of a certain art gallery in 2005
and now.

Overall, it is clear that while the East of the art gallery remained unchanged, the opposite side of the
gallery has many innovate facilities.

Specificially, in the year 2005, there was a cafe and shop which placed in the Northwest of the art
gallery, to the South of cafe and shop was gallery office and exhibition room 4. Meanwhile, in the
middle of the floor, there were rectangle reception desk and entrance hall. In the East of the gallery,
there were three exhibition rooms, while there were two stairs which one was constructed between
cafe and shop and exhibition room 3, and another one was placed in the entrance.

In the present day, the art gallery has many innovations. The cafe and shop has been replaced by
gallery shop and some vending machines, while the exhinition room 4 has transformed into
temporary exhibitions and children’s area. In the middle of the art gallery, entrance hall and
reception desk have changed by the new ones, while three exhibition rooms in the East of the gallery
have remained unchanged. The stairs to upper floor has been reconstructed with fewer steps and
there has a new lift next to this stairs. Moreover, the steps in the entrance has been redeveloped
with ramp to wheelchairs.

Task 2

Some people think that public transport should be funded by the government so that it can be free
to the people who use it. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some people hold the view that mass transit should be invested by the authorities. Therefore,
passengers who use it can be free. While i believe that the government should fund means of public
transport, i still agree that residents should invest in mass transit too.

There is a main reason why people think that the authorities should fund mass transit. This is
because if the government invest forms of public transport, it can bring many benefits for not only
people who use it but also society. For example, the ticket fee can reduce, or even free. This can help
peole not worry about price when use public transport, especially the poor, and it also encourage
citizens use means of public transport. As a result, the number of personal vehicles can be reduce
and the problem of emission can be tackle.

While I still believe that not only governments but also citizens should fund mass transit. This is
because goverment need to fund many other aspects of country, including medicine, education or
science, so if the government have to invest in public transport, there will be a burden on national
budget. As a result, the quality of the other aspects of nation can be reduce. Moreover, citizens are
the main user of mass transit, so they should fund forms of public transport as a responsibility.

In conclusion, while I belive that the authorities shouls fund the public transport, I still agree that
citizens should invest in mass transit as a responsibility.

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