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Set up Kali Linux environment

Task 1: Create User, Create Group, Add User to Group

Create a user named cdiaz. Take a screenshot showing the user account cdiaz.

Execute the command: adduser cdiaz

Create a group named analysts.

Execute the command: addgroup analysts

Add the user cdiaz to the groups analysts.

Execute the command: usermod -a -G analysts cdiaz

Run the appropriate command that shows that cdiaz is a member of analysts group. Take a
screenshot showing that cdiaz is a member of the analysts user group.

Execute the command: groups cdiaz

Task 2: Encrypt a file

Create a file name confidential with readbale content.

Show the content in the file using appropriate commands and take a screenshot showing the
readable content.
Encrypt the confidential file.

Encryption key is 1827390

Show the content in the file using appropriate commands and take a screenshot showing the
unreadable encrypted content.
Task 3: Encrypt a mail using Mailvelope

Open the browser in which you installed Mailvelope extension.

Create an encrypted email in Mailvelope that includes Cynthia’s username and password and

the encryption key for the encrypted file. The recipient of the email is

Take a screenshot of the encrypted email created in Mailvelope showing Cynthia’s username

and password and the encryption key for the encrypted file in the body of the message.

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