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Photosynthesis Part 2 PRELAB

Individual Assignment (10pts)

Name: Oreoluwa Alabi

Instructor: Zi
Section Number:016

Instructions: Using the UTA library databases, find one primary literature source that is pertinent to your
group’s photosynthesis experiment. The primary source you locate should be scientific research that
would provide background information on photosynthesis, the variable you are testing, characteristics of
the plant you are testing, or anything else you think would be important to know in order to understand
your experiment. Upload this AND the article you selected to the submission link. Then, bring both the
assignment AND a printed hard copy of your article to class next week. You will use these as part of your
in-class activities for the day.
Tip: Do not bring the same paper as your group members. The goal is to bring different papers that you
will share with your group in a discussion. This should give you several solid resources for which to
understand your experiment and write your lab report.

For your source provide the following information:

1. Title of the article.
Differential Impact of Decreasing Relative Humidity on photosynthesis under fluctuating light between
maize and tomato

2. List all authors on the paper.

Qi Shi, Xiao-Qian Wang, Bin He, Ying-Jie Yang, Wei Huang

3. Name of the journal in which the article was published.

Physiologia Plantarum

4. Volume, issue, and year.

5. Volume 176, Issue 1 2024

6. Motive for the study. Why was the study conducted?

7. Objective. What were the authors hoping to learn?
Ways to see how genetic yield can be improved for major crops.

8. Outcome. What did the study conclude?

Maize plants have a higher tolerance to changes in light and humidity compared to tomato plants.
They had more stale photosynthesis performance under different conditions.

9. Implication. What is the relevance of the author’s findings? What does the outcome of their
study mean, why is it important?
It is valuable for growing crops for the masses and smaller farmers as well. It is important
because it can help make more effective strategies to make sure there’s enough food to go around.

10. How does the information in the article relate to your experiment? We are working with different
humidities and how it affects photosynthesis, using spinach leaves.
Appendix B provides instructions on how to find primary sources.

IMPORTANT: Bring a this prelab AND your article to next week’s lab. Be prepared to discuss your
paper with your group.

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