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1. The base of the pyramid PABCD is a square whose side has length 10cm. If each of the other face
is an equilateral triangle of side 10cm as shown in the following figure.



a) The projection of AP to the base
b) The height of the pyramid PO
c) The angle with which each face makes with the base
d) The angle with which the edge PC makes with the base.

2. A right pyramid ABCDV has a square horizontal base ABCD of side of length 8cm. If V is a
vertex and VA = VB = VC = VD = 12cm. Calculate
a) The perpendicular height of the pyramid
b) The angle which VA makes with the horizontal base
c) The angle with which the plane VAB makes with the horizontal base
d) The angle between VA and VC

3. The base of a right pyramid is a rectangle of dimensions 12cm by 8cm and the slant edges are each
15cm long. Calculate its
a) Curved surface area
b) Surface area

4. A box has a rectangular base ABCD and PQRS are vertically above A, B, C, D. respectively as
shown below


If AB = 3.2m, BC = 1.8m and CR = 2.4m, find

a) The length of diagonal BR
b) The length of the diagonal AR
c) The angle between the diagonal AR and the base ABCD
d) The angle between the plane ADRQ and the base ABCD

5. The following figure is a right prism



a) The length of the diagonal FD
b) The angle between the diagonal BH and plane ADHE.

4 3 5 2
6. If P = and Q= then evaluate
3 2 3 2
a) P + Q
b) Q – P
c) 3P
d) PQ
e) QP

a 10
7. (a) If K = , find “a” given that |K| = 10
14 50
x +1 x−1
(b) Given that A = is a singular matrix, find the possible values of x.
2x x

8. Solve the following system of simultaneous equations by using matrix method

a) 4x + 2y = 40
x + 3y = 35
b) 3x + 2y = 12
7x – 4y = 12
9. Write the matrix of reflection in the given line
a) y = 0(the x-axis)
b) y = x
c) x = 0 (the y – axis)
d) y = -x

10. Find the image of the point (5,2) in the line y = 0 followed by another reflection in the line y = x
followed by another reflection in the line y = -x
11. A translation T maps the point (-3,2) into (4,3). Find where t maps;
a) The origin
b) The point (7,4)
12. Find the image of the line 2x – 7y + 9 = 0 under
a) A reflection in the x- axis
b) A rotation by 180º clockwise about the origin
c) A translation by the vector (1,2)

13. Ali paid 15000 shilling for 10 orange and 35 mangoes. Moshi went to the same fruit market and
paid 8800 shillings for 16 oranges and 18mangoes. Find graphically the price for a mango and for
an orange
14. Draw a graph to show the set of points whose coordinate satisfy each of the following inequalities
a) 2x – y ≥ 0
b) Y > -2
c) x ≤ 3
15. A farm is to be planted with wheat and maize while observing the following constraints

Wheat Maize

Days labour per hectare 2 1 10
Labour cost per hectare (shs) 60,000 60,000 420,000
Cost of fertilizer per hectare (shs) 40,000 40,000 240,000

a) Find the greatest area that can be planted

b) If wheat yields a profit of 80,000 shillings per hectare while maize yield 60,000 shillings
per hectare, how should the area be planted?
16. The manufacturing company has two plants, which produces three types of products namely
SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE PRODUCTS. The first plant can manufacture 3 units of SMALL
product, 12 units of MEDIUM product and 12 units of LARGE product at the cost of 24000
shillings per hour. The second plant can manufacture 9 units of SMALL product, 15 units of
MEDIUM product and 3 units of LARGE product at the cost of 18000shillings per hour. The
company has received the order of 204 units of SMALL product, 690 units of MEDIUM product
abd 330 units of LARGE product.
a) Formulate a linear programming problem to minimize cost
b) How many hours should be given to each plant in order to satisfy the order at the last cost?

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