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alert: this is a g rated room intended for a general audience including minors.

offensive language is not p

alert: room is to practice english.please participate using mic. native speakers are urged to talk and stay l
onger to assist the;usa;canada and australian volunteers needed

jewel_88: quiet
m-garmiynie: quarter
speedyeri: question
jewel_88: quest
vince2008: quantum
vince2008: ha ha ha
speedyeri: quam
margy07: qualm
espoir 12: never heard of it'
espoir 12: lol
margy07: boo
espoir 12: thank you
margy07: steak
espoir 12: slim'
m-garmiynie: seage
espoir 12: oops
jewel_88: wow margy wd
m-garmiynie: steak
margy07: lol ty
speedyeri: stereo
jewel_88: how many letters
margy07: stereo
espoir 12: humm
m-garmiynie: superb
jewel_88: wd speedy
m_lou1: wb english
alert: upgrade now -- get unlimited video all the time!
espoir 12: bonjour englih me
speedyeri: ty jewel
shou tewikhak: yes please
jewel_88: go on
margy07: yea
english-me: thank you louuuuuuuuu
espoir 12: contnue please
m_lou1: you're welcome, englishhhhhhhh
english-me: bonjour esp鬷r
jewel_88: wb mlou
m_lou1: ty jewel
jewel_88: wb englishme
jewel_88: how many letters?
english-me: hello jewelleery : )
jewel_88: lol
margy07: nurish
jewel_88: nourish
jewel_88: ty margy lol
margy07: nourish
margy07: grrrrrrrrrrrrr
jewel_88: saves me the thinking
margy07: lol
m-garmiynie: bye bye guys for now c u later
shou tewikhak: jewel haha
jewel_88: november
m_lou1: bye garmi.. see you later
margy07: just one!
margy07: lol
jewel_88: naked
speedyeri: nude
jewel_88: woo hoo
shou tewikhak: nuke
jewel_88: nude
shou tewikhak: nude
english-me: naked
shou tewikhak: lol
jewel_88: wd speedy are you nude now
margy07: lol
english-me: lol
english-me: opmg
margy07: jewellll, behave!!!! lol
jewel_88: < hides
english-me: lol
margy07: lol
speedyeri: not yet , jewel
espoir 12: devine?
jewel_88: forget i even ask speedy lol
jewel_88: divinity
jewel_88: decade
espoir 12: desire
margy07: death?
english-me: distin
espoir 12: no?
espoir 12: lol
jewel_88: destiny
margy07: destiny
espoir 12: oh
margy07: uff
espoir 12: lol
jewel_88: thanks englishme you're a star
english-me: destiny
speedyeri: wd margy
margy07: ty speedy
english-me: yw jewel
espoir 12: better to take my coffee then, haha
speedyeri: direction
jewel_88: deviation
espoir 12: deviate
jewel_88: yes!
english-me: deviate
margy07: wd jewel
speedyeri: wd jewel
jewel_88: ty ty
english-me: wd jewel
jewel_88: ty
english-me: h
margy07: d?
english-me: h
shou tewikhak: what does consicrate means first :d
english-me: h or d
margy07: holy
espoir 12: deduct?
shou tewikhak: h?
speedyeri: hollow
shou tewikhak: hallow
margy07: hallow?
speedyeri: o, margy
speedyeri: minute
margy07: lol
jewel_88: minuscule
jewel_88: minute
shou tewikhak: microscopic lol
espoir 12: devote=previous one
speedyeri: midget
jasser-: hello room..
espoir 12: mince
shou tewikhak: micro something?
m_lou1: hi jasser
supervisor_38: hi every one
shou tewikhak: how many letters?
jasser-: hi marieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hugsssssssssssssssss how are
you granny ?
shou tewikhak: minimum
espoir 12: minuscule
jasser-: the voice is too low am i right ?
jewel_88: gosh! so loud
margy07: ops
pianotrio: ping pong
margy07: lool
jewel_88: > almost heart attack
jasser-: jewel hi
jewel_88: hi jasser
margy07: me too jewel, lol
speedyeri: a tiny object
jewel_88: jewel_88: minuscule
shou tewikhak: 7!
jewel_88: i texted that first
jewel_88: but he said no
shou tewikhak: he said 7 letters
margy07: jewel was the first
margy07: lol
jewel_88: ha!
jewel_88: bounce me espoir i will love it
jasser-: ciao teacher margy lol
jasser-: lol
margy07: ciao jasser
jewel_88: yes you have
margy07: lol
jewel_88: lol
speedyeri: are you in a bad mood , espoir
jewel_88: and i came back for more, espoir
ai_irene: manuscript
speedyeri: no
speedyeri: yes
jewel_88: when she bounces shes happy
jewel_88: lol
puppies_14: boo espior lol
jewel_88: who is puppies?
puppies_14: me
jewel_88: ah ok
jewel_88: a newcomer? puppies
espoir 12: lol
jasser-: 111
espoir 12: yes, we have always lessons
jewel_88: hi puppies where are you from?
speedyeri: nice voice, puppies
ringo_liu: bb;
espoir 12: i hae one
ai_irene: puppies dad is a dog. he calls himself underdog. lol.
espoir 12: lol
ai_irene: right puppies? lool
espoir 12: yes
espoir 12: ok
speedyeri: no irene, underdogs are only losers
jewel_88: jewel_88: hi puppies where are you from?
espoir 12: about what?
espoir 12: no
jewel_88: religion?
espoir 12: no religion
earthmale: back
jewel_88: wb earth
m_lou1: wb earth
earthmale: should i continue?
jasser-: wb earth
speedyeri: jewel, she sounds south asian
jewel_88: puppies earthmale was doing an exercise
jewel_88: ok speedy
speedyeri: south east
ai_irene: i forgot where puppies is from. i think she is from singapore. right,
jewel_88: hmm which part of sea
earthmale: india, sounds like?
speedyeri: very clean city, singapore
earthmale: i watch a movie that took place in calcutta
speedyeri: it is too late up there , espoir
jewel_88: earthmale wants to continue with his exercise
puppies_14: yes if i can teach
puppies_14: that
earthmale: i can continue if you would like...
margy07: yes earth, go ahead
speedyeri: i mean in singapore
puppies_14: tmo
shou tewikhak: back
jewel_88: n?
speedyeri: no problem earth
margy07: or margy, lol
espoir 12: m
jewel_88: m?
puppies_14: espor i wil teach when i come back from my blood test
jewel_88: marlin
espoir 12: ok
dionysus_: minute
espoir 12: merlan
margy07: small
margy07: lol
jewel_88: marlin is not small eeek
jewel_88: hint please
espoir 12: in french =merlan?
caliyare123: hi there all
jewel_88: > not into fishing
jewel_88: hintttttttttttttt
pianotrio: how can i make these simptom caracter photo? earthmale
jewel_88: grr
speedyeri: minnow
espoir 12: could you write please earth?
espoir 12: it
jewel_88: what letter?
pianotrio: minnow?
shou tewikhak: m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 9 letters )
espoir 12: mine
jewel_88: granite
alert: upgrade now -- get unlimited video all the time!
jewel_88: > now is confused
jewel_88: what letter?
dionysus_: millet
espoir 12: me
speedyeri: mill
jewel_88: mill
dionysus_: millstone
jewel_88: say again?
espoir 12: millstone?
espoir 12: ok
margy07: grrr
jewel_88: ah ok ... subject closed
jewel_88: u
dionysus_: what
shou tewikhak: u_ _ _ _ _ ( 6 letters )
speedyeri: utopia
shou tewikhak: in the direction from which the wind is blowing.
jewel_88: ty shou
jewel_88: hint
dionysus_: upper
jewel_88: up
dionysus_: upscale
jewel_88: upswing
shou tewikhak: : d
dionysus_: upface
jewel_88: lol
speedyeri: upstair
margy07: upward
jewel_88: lol
jewel_88: gosh
speedyeri: upwing?
espoir 12: upwind
margy07: grrr
margy07: lol
jewel_88: earth can you share your dictionary grr
margy07: a personal one???? lol
jewel_88: h?
martin_929: yollan hi
shou tewikhak: h_ _ _ ( 4 letters )
espoir 12: heat
jewel_88: heat
margy07: heat
speedyeri: haze
martin_929: yoor age
jewel_88: wd espoir
espoir 12: lol
m_lou1: hi rogel
jewel_88: > will copy espoir
jewel_88: p?
espoir 12: lol jewel
shou tewikhak: p_ _ _ _ _ _ ( 7 letters )
dionysus_: pollute
margy07: polluted
speedyeri: pollution
espoir 12: pollute
jewel_88: pollute
english-learner_1: pollution
jewel_88: wd dionysus
margy07: pollution
margy07: pollute
dionysus_: i got it first
dionysus_: hey
dionysus_: i got that
espoir 12: lol
jewel_88: earthmale sees selective text lol
shou tewikhak: p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 9 letters )
espoir 12: o dion , you got it
jewel_88: p?
espoir 12: lol
espoir 12: again please earth
speedyeri: polymere
english-learner_1: polymer
espoir 12: polyster
margy07: polystere
english-learner_1: polyester
jewel_88: polyester
jewel_88: wow englishme wd
espoir 12: not english me, god
margy07: polyster?
speedyeri: it is mine, english
espoir 12: lol
english-learner_1: bonjour espoir
english-learner_1: lol
espoir 12: bonjour learner
annita_x: papaya
jewel_88: papaya
margy07: papaya
jewel_88: pomegranate
jewel_88: hmm
speedyeri: pumpkin
espoir 12: grenate
margy07: wow jewelllllllll
jewel_88: >>> hi 5!
espoir 12: wd jewel
jewel_88: yey
jewel_88: woo oo
jewel_88: ty
jewel_88: t?
sachin_87: hello english
sachin_87: hello jasser
sachin_87: anybody?
sachin_87: hhmm
lucky_1373: hi everybady
speedyeri: trice
dionysus_: triple
jewel_88: how many letters??
sachin_87: hello lucky
jewel_88: triple
jewel_88: wd dion
sachin_87: what are you teaching now earth?
lucky_1373: hi sachins
sachin_87: sachin*
sachin_87: lol
margy07: letter?
sachin_87: no sachins
sachin_87: w?
jewel_88: no idea
lucky_1373: k sachin
sachin_87: singing boird?
sachin_87: bird*
jewel_88: how many letters
espoir 12: bird
margy07: woodpecker, lol
jewel_88: wisp
sachin_87: lol margy
margy07: lol
jewel_88: wren
sachin_87: dont know
jewel_88: gosh
margy07: wren
espoir 12: wren
espoir 12: ok
sachin_87: not gosh jewel
margy07: uffff
speedyeri: wren
margy07: lol
espoir 12: merci earth
jewel_88: thanks earth
jewel_88: lol @ peace out
speedyeri: thank you
sachin_87: finished?
sachin_87: fine
jewel_88: later all
sachin_87: so what up espoir?
margy07: ty earth
sachin_87: whats*
sachin_87: fire?
sachin_87: lol
soliman99_1: assalamo alekom
sachin_87: ohh okay
soliman99_1: hiiiiii room
sachin_87: hello soliman no large texts plz
soliman99_1: ok
sachin_87: 1 second finished lol
sachin_87: hurry up
jasser-: hello laila!
sachin_87: thanx soli...
soliman99_1: hiiiiiiiiii
sachin_87: dont know?
jasser-: sing laila lol z
sachin_87: you need a coffee now then i guess
jasser-: marie is sleepy i think !
jasser-: too late in phillippe
jasser-: n
sachin_87: cold coffee or hot coffee?
speedyeri: ok
sachin_87: which words?
soliman99_1: what is the address of this lesson ?
espoir 12: fkor
sachin_87: lol soli what do you mean?
dionysus_: fork
sachin_87: fork
speedyeri: fork
jasser-: fork
sachin_87: lol espoir
espoir 12: cehw
sachin_87: good
dionysus_: chew
speedyeri: chew
pesica: chew
sachin_87: chew
dionysus_: shoo chew
sachin_87: women always chew something
espoir 12: aest
sachin_87: teast
dionysus_: east
pesica: aset
pesica: east
speedyeri: east
sachin_87: test*
dionysus_: seat
sachin_87: test
speedyeri: seat
sachin_87: oops
sachin_87: lol sorry
dionysus_: i got seat
jasser-: east+
sachin_87: seat?
imane_274: hello all
dionysus_: bonjour
dionysus_: lol
sachin_87: hii imane
jasser-: hello imane!
imane_274: hello espoir
espoir 12: eirt
dionysus_: tire
jasser-: bonjour dionysus!!
sachin_87: tire
jasser-: tire
pesica: tire
speedyeri: tire
espoir 12: dhoo
imane_274: its already evenning here espoir
dionysus_: hood
sachin_87: hood
pesica: hood
imane_274: hello yasser
imane_274: germany
imane_274: yes
imane_274: yes
sachin_87: wow cool germany
imane_274: meknes
soliman99_1: libyain in libya
imane_274: thank u
dionysus_: northern city
imane_274: yes
imane_274: ohhhhhhhhhhh
jasser-: lol
espoir 12: moort
imane_274: hhhhhhhhhhhh
pesica: motor
jasser-: motor
speedyeri: motor
dionysus_: motor is not food
jasser-: homesick poor laila lolz
imane_274: i will fly in 12 februar
jasser-: br patient sister
jasser-: be*

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