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WORKSHOP GUIDE # 3 Management

Version 25/04 2023

Student’s Name: Date: D / M / A Subject: Grade: Period:


GOAL: To enhance your ability to communicate ef f ectively, it's advisable Performance: Score
to engage in exercises that involve using short responses and the zero Teacher:
conditional structure. One way to accomplish this is to craf t brief _______________
conversations utilizing the phrases and grammar patterns you have
acquired, integrating vocabulary associated with ailments, injuries, and Interacción con el
f irst aid. estudiante, validada
DBA 4. By honing your reading and listening abilities, you can develop the ability to con firma:
generate coherent and well-structured written and verbal communications. This can
be achieved by adopting methods such as note-taking to identif y crucial points and 30 %
supporting evidence, creating f act sheets based on magazine articles , and taking
into account the communication setting while selecting appropriate vocabulary and
text f ormats, and recognizing assertions and replies to convey your message
ef f ectively.
DBA 5. Ref ining language prof iciency and enhancing listening capabilities to
create a f act sheet necessitates prioritizing reading comprehension and ref ining
pronunciation to achieve a higher degree of accuracy and f luency.
Support program Test Recovery process Diagnosis √ Teaching materials

1. Listen and number the items.

2. Read the comic and label the symptoms and injuries.

3. Unscramble the words and match. 4. Think fast! Write two examples for each
category in your notebook.

5. Rate the health factors. How do they affect a person’s heath?

6. Write this information in your

7. Answer each question with Yes, you should. or No you shouldn’t, as appropriate.

8. Complete each condition with its consequence.

9. Listen and number the options.

10. Read again and match.

11. Listen and circle T (True) or F (False).

12. Read about chikungunya. Then answer the questions.

13. Make a fact sheet about an infectious disease.

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