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Physical Properties of Solutions


H. Esteban

A solution is a homogenous mixture of 2 or more substances The solute is the substance present in the smaller amount The solvent is the substance present in the larger amount Determines the state of matter in which the solution exists
7/13/2011 H. Esteban

Types of Solutions according to components


H. Esteban

Types of Solutions according to amount of solute present

saturated solution contains the maximum amount of a solute that will dissolve in a given solvent at a specific temperature. unsaturated solution contains less solute than the solvent has the capacity to dissolve at a specific temperature. supersaturated solution contains more solute than is present in a saturated solution at a specific temperature.


H. Esteban

Solution Concentrations
Mass percent. Volume percent. Mass/volume percent. (m/m) (v/v) (m/v)

Isotonic saline is prepared by dissolving 0.9 g of NaCl in 100 mL of water and is said to be: 0.9% NaCl (mass/volume)
7/13/2011 H. Esteban

Solution Concentrations
10 % (v/v) 8.03 % (m/m) 7.89% (m/v) Mole fraction Mole Percent Molarity Molality


H. Esteban

Solution Concentrations
= Amount of component i (in moles) Total amount of all components (in moles) 1 + 2 + 3 + n = 1

Mole % i = i x 100%


H. Esteban

Solution Concentrations
Amount of solute (in moles) Molarity (M) = Volume of solution (in liters) Amount of solute (in moles) Molality (m) = Mass of solvent (in kilograms)


H. Esteban

Separation of Solute
must overcome IMF or ion-ion attractions in solute requires energy, ENDOTHERMIC ( + DH)

Separation of Solvent
must overcome IMF of solvent particles requires energy, ENDOTHERMIC (+ DH)

Interaction of Solute & Solvent

attractive bonds form between solute particles and solvent particles Solvation or Hydration (where water = solvent) releases energy, EXOTHERMIC (- DH)
7/13/2011 H. Esteban

Intermolecular Forces and the Solution Process

H. Esteban 7/13/2011

DHsoln = DH1 + DH2 + DH3

Intermolecular Forces and the Solution Process


H. Esteban

like dissolves like

Two substances with similar intermolecular forces are likely to be soluble in each other.
non-polar molecules are soluble in non-polar solvents CCl4 in C6H6 polar molecules are soluble in polar solvents C2H5OH in H2O ionic compounds are more soluble in polar solvents NaCl in H2O or NH3 (l)
7/13/2011 H. Esteban


Factors affecting solubility

1. Temperature

For Solids; solubility increases with increasing temperature (with some exception)
7/13/2011 H. Esteban

Factors affecting solubility

for Gases; solubility decreases with increasing temperature


H. Esteban

Factors affecting solubility

2. Pressure i) Solids/Liquids - Very little effect Solids and Liquids are already close together, extra pressure will not increase solubility. ii) Gas - Solubility increases with Pressure. Increase pressure squeezes gas solute into solvent
7/13/2011 H. Esteban

The solubility of a gas in a liquid is proportional to the pressure of the gas over the solution.

c = kP
c = solubility of the gas (M) k = Henrys Law Constant P = partial pressure of gas
7/13/2011 H. Esteban

The solubility of pure N2 (g) at 25oC and 1.00 atm pressure is 6.8 x 10-4 mol/L. What is the solubility of N2 under atmospheric conditions if the partial pressure of N2 is 0.78 atm?
Step 1: Use the first set of data to find k for N2 at 25C

c 6.8 x104 M k 6.8 x104 M atm 1 P 1.00 atm

Step 2: Use this constant to find the solubility (concentration) when P is 0.78 atm:

c kP (6.8 x104 M atm 1 )(0.78 atm) 5.3 x104 M

7/13/2011 H. Esteban


1. A 11.3 ml sample of methanol ( CH3OH d = 0.793g/ml) is dissolved in enough water to produce 75.0ml of a solution with a density of 0.980 g/ml. What is the solution concentration expressed as (a) mole fraction of H2O; (b) molarity; (c) molality?
2. Laboratory ammonia is 14.8 NH3 (aq) with a density of 0.8980 g/ml. What is XNH3 in this solution? 3. A 10.00% by mass aqueous solution of sucrose C12H22O11, has a density of 1.040 g/ml. What is (a) the molarity; (b) the molality, and (c) the mole fraction of C12H22O11 in the solution?


H. Esteban

4. In which solvent is I2 likely to be more soluble, water or CCl4? Explain. 5. Henrys Law. At 0 degree Celsius and an O2 pressure of 1.00 atm, the aqueous solubility of O2(g) is 48.9 ml O2 per Liter. What is the molarity of O2 in a saturated water solution when the O2 is under its normal partial pressure in air , 0.2095 atm?


H. Esteban

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