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WORKSHOP GUIDE # 2 Management

Version 25/04 2023

Student’s Name: Date: D / M / A Subject: Grade: Period:


GOAL: Practicing present continuous with f uture meaning helps to Performance: Score
master its structure. To improve your communication skills, try creating Teacher:
short dialogues using the expressions and structures you have learned, _______________
incorporating vocabulary related to celebrations.
DBA 4. You will learn how to create clear and well-organized oral or written Interacción con el
messages through the practice of reading and listening skills. This includes creating estudiante, validada
a mind map while reading and understanding a description of a holiday while con firma: 30 %
listening. It's important to consider the context in which the message will be
delivered, as well as using appropriate vocabulary and text structures and being
able to identif y statements and responses to ef f ectively communicate your
DBA 5. Improving linguistic skills through the project of making a holiday
inf ographic will require f ocusing on reading and pronunciation to reach a greater
level of precision and f luency.
Support program Test Recovery process Diagnosis √ Teaching materials

1. Look, read and match.

2. Write the vocabulary in your notebook.

3. Read, find the mistakes and rewrite.

4. Read and complete.

5. Read and circle the correct option.

6. Write this information in

your notebook.
7. Read and mark (✔) the photo that shows what the text is about.

8. Read again and write Yes, No or Doesn’t say.

9. Practice at home for the quiz.

10. Read the facts about Mexico and underline the one that you find the most interesting.

11. Read and label.

12. Read and Answer in your notebook.

13. Make an infographic with a celebration’s origin and tradition. Add a party invitation to your

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