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3) An integral part of YSEALI PFP is the opportunity to design and implement a follow-on project that

builds on what you learned in your fellowship placement in the U.S. and addresses a challenge in your
home community. You would also have the opportunity to invite your U.S. placement host to your home
region to support the implementation of your project in a reciprocal exchange. Please describe your
follow-on project idea, including project goals, activities, possible stakeholders, and any other relevant

Changing school does not need to cost millions of dollars. It can begin if teachers are proactive and
allow students to step up to find and use their voices. Teachers cannot just say "this is a very important
lesson and we want you to learn it." It only matters to students when they feel that they are cared for and
valued. That is why a great classroom understands about life outside of school and demonstrates an open
space for conversations and collaborations.

Consequently, I proposed a project called "Teach to Lead." This project is designed for students to lead
the classroom, not teachers. We believe that working teaches students far more effectively than talking.
When students work, they enjoy a dialogue, they build communication skill, and they will construct
meaning and draw their own conclusion. Our peaceful and democratic community heavily depends on
dialogues, not blaming or complaining.

Here are the four main goals of the Teach to Lead project:
1. Transform and empower teachers by sharing ideas and best practices from Civic Engagement 2022
and other examples from existing teaching efforts
2. Building a proactive classroom by ensuring diversity is accepted and encouraged
3. Producing the next generation leaders with practical learning
4. Involving and encouraging collaboration among stakeholders at every level of education

Basically, two different trainings will take place under this project. Firstly, training for the trainers will
be conducted. After learning techniques and methodologies for becoming a great teacher from Civic
Engagement 2022, I will work with my faculty members to integrate this model and share it to
educators, especially members in the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Humanities and PUC-Executive
Leadership Institute. For each training, we will invite 10 participants to join. Secondly, other training
will be addressed directly to students in the classroom. A classroom of 25 to 30 students will be
conducted and then we will scale up accordingly.

Regarding trainings' activities, we will use 40% of theory such as lectures from guest speakers and
textbooks. The other 60% will be convened through games and activities in the classroom, outdoor
leadership camping, and community work. To make it happen, we also need the support from PUC
Rector, PUC Youth Clubs, and local authorities, especially when it concerns outdoor activities such as
leadership camping and charity work.

Managing the behavior, social emotional, and learning needs of 30 or more students is one of the biggest
challenges most educators face. To improve it and create better outcomes for our students in Pannasastra
University of Cambodia, particularly, we are proud to invite the U.S. placement host to our home
university to support the implementation of this Teach to Lead project. Let's make our classrooms the
future of the Abraham Lincoln, the Gandhi and the Elon Musk of the world. Let's teach our students to
speak up their mind. Let students engage themselves with meaningful activities. Let them be curious
about why, not what. Let them work in a team and build trustworthiness in and outside the classroom.

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