3Q Cot 2023

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Badiangan, Iloilo
SY 2022-2023
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of
literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine

B. Learning Competency
Compose an argumentative essay (EN10WC-IIh-13).

C. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
A. describe an argumentative essay
B. identify the parts of an argumentative essay;
B. appreciate the importance of argumentative essay; and
C. locate the essential parts of an argumentative essay in a given text.


A. Topic: Composing an argumentative essay
B. References:
Almonte, Liza R. et.Al. (First Edition 2015). Celebrating Diversity through World Literature-
Grade 10 English -Learner’s Material, pages 131-134.
Published by the Department of Education, printed by REX Book Store
Gladwell, M. (2020). How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay: Easy Step-by-Step Guide.
Retrieved from https://www.masterclass.com/articles/how-to-write-a-good-
argumentative-essay#3-main-types-of-arguments-and-how-to-use-them on January
20, 2021.
Folse, K.S., Solomon, E.V., & Muchmore-Vokoun, A. (2002). Great Essays. USA: Thomson
C. Instructional Materials:
Copy of the texts
Projector and projector screen
Prepared PowerPoint slides

D. Value Focus: Respect and cooperation



1. Prayer Joana, kindly lead the prayer. Learners are praying.

2. Greetings Good morning, class! How are you Good morning, ma’am!
today? We are good ma’am.

3. Reminders/ 1. Please pick up pieces of paper and Learners arrange the chairs and clean
Class arrange your chairs properly before the classroom.
Structuring we begin our class
and after the class.
2. Refrain from using cellphone while
the class is going on.
3. Be seated wherever you are most

4. Most importantly, everyone is

encouraged to actively participate,
and show respect during class
4. Checking of Who are absent today?
Attendance None ma’am.

1. Review Yesterday, we discussed an overview
of what is an argumentative essay.
and analyzed the text entitled
“Aggressive Driving Should Be

As a review, who can define what is Argumentative essay is a type of

an argumentative essay? writing which aims to convince the
readers to agree with the writer’s
stand on the issue.

What is aggressive driving? Aggressive driving as “the operation

of a motor vehicle in a manner that
endangers or is likely to endanger
persons or property”.

What are the reasons why aggressive Aggressive driving should be avoided
driving should be avoided? because it causes crashes, injuries,
and fatalities.

Very good!

2. Motivation/Drill ACTIVITY 1. Minute to Say It!

Directions: Given are the current
social issues in the country. Take a
stance on each issue by raising a
thumbs up emoji if you agree and
thumbs down if you disagree. Then I’ll
ask a volunteer to explain in a minute
why he/she agrees or disagrees with
the topic.
1 . Legalization of same sex marriage
Students answer may vary.
2. Legalization of Marijuana in the
Philippines Students answer may vary.

Good job class!

It’s like we are debating with each
What have you noticed with the other ma’am because we have
activity? different perspective about the topic.

Some of us have opposing ideas.

We provide reasons to prove our

How did you do to prove your point? point.

Very well said!

3. Presentation
The activity that you had has
something to do with our lesson which
is about argumentative essay. Just
like what you did, in an argumentative
essay you also need to provide
reasons to prove your point or claim
about a certain issue.

C. ACTIVITY PROPER To know more about the

argumentative essay, please do the

ACTIVITY 2: Complete Me!

Group Activity (Learners will be
grouped into 3.)
Directions: Read and understand a
sample argumentative essay entitled
“The School Uniform Question” then,
complete the given diagram. Write the
sentence/s number only. Each correct
answer will be equivalent to one point.
You will be given 10 minutes to the
activity and 2 minutes to present your
work in the class.
Please be reminded to choose your
leader to lead the group, secretary to
write the activity/report and reporter to
present the work in the class.

Introduction Hook
Thesis Statement:

Reason 1:
Supporting Details
Reason 2:
Body Supporting Details
Reason 3:
Supporting Details

The School Uniform Question

Individualism is a fundamental value in many
places. Many believe in the right to express their
own opinion without fear of punishment. This
value, however, is coming under fire in an
unlikely way, that is in the public school
classroom. The issue is school uniforms. Should
public school students be allowed to make Title: The School Uniform Question
individual decisions about clothing, or should all
students be required to wear a uniform? School
uniforms are a better choice because it makes Hook: Sentence 1
their lives simpler, influences them to act Introduction Thesis Statement: Sentence 6
responsibly, and promotes equality.

First of all, wearing school uniforms would

help make students’ lives simpler. They would no
longer have to decide what to wear every Reason 1: Sentence
morning. This would enable them to avoid the Supporting Details: Sentences
morning ritual of trying on outfit after outfit in an Reason 2: Sentence
effort to choose one. Students perform this Supporting Details: Sentences
morning ritual because what they wear influences
what their friends and peers think of them. In his Body Reason 3: Sentence
essay, What to Wear?, Surgent (2006) maintains Supporting Details: Sentence
that the stressed caused by the worries students Counter argument
have about what they wear is a real factor in their Refutation
everyday lives that could be avoided with
uniforms. Uniforms would not only save time, but
would also eliminate the stress associated with
this chore.

Secondly, school uniforms influence Conclusion Sentences

students to act responsibly in groups and as
individuals. Uniforms give students the message
that school is a special place for learning. In
addition, uniforms create a feeling of unity among
students. For example, when students do an
activity as a group, such as attend meetings in
the auditorium, eat lunch in the cafeteria or go on
a school trip, the fact that they all wear the same
uniform would create a sense of community.
Even more importantly, statistics show the
positive effects that school uniforms have on
violence and truancy. According to a recent
survey in Hillborough County, Florida, incidents of
school violence dropped by 50 percent,
attendance and test scores improved, and
student suspensions declined approximately 30
percent after school uniforms were introduced
(Thomson 2009). This evidence shows the
positive effects that uniforms have on the
students’ sense of responsibility.

Finally, school uniforms would help make all

the students feel equal. People’s standards of
living differ greatly, and some people are well-off
while others are not. People sometimes forget
that school is a place to get an education, not to
“promote a fashion show, like some public
schools these days” (MacLeod 2008).
Implementing mandatory school uniforms would
make all the students look the same regardless of
their financial status. School uniforms would
promote pride and help to raise the self-esteem
of students who cannot afford to wear stylish
clothing. Uniforms level the playing field while at

Opponents of school uniforms may argue

that wearing uniforms is an elimination of
individuality. However, we must keep in mind that
a school is a place for students to study, not to
engage in fashion shows. Besides, students can
always show individuality off campus.

In conclusion, there are many well-

documented benefits to implementing mandatory
school uniforms for students. Studies show that
students learn better and act more responsibly if
they wear uniforms. Public schools should
require uniforms in order to benefit both the
students and society as a whole. This change
should be implemented immediately.

Adapted from: Folse, K.S., Solomon, E.V., &

Muchmore-Vokoun, A. (2002). Great Essays.
USA: Thomson Heinle

Well done class!

After reading the sample An argumentative essay is a genre of
argumentative essay and analyzing writing that requires the student to
the text, how would you define an investigate a topic; collect, generate,
argumentative essay? and evaluate evidence; and establish
a position on the topic in a concise

An argumentative essay attempts to

change the reader’s mind by
convincing the reader to agree with
the writer’s stand or point of view.

Parts of an Argumentative Essay


What are the parts of an The parts of an argumentative essay

argumentative essay? are the introduction, body and
Great idea!

Based on the completed diagram, do

you have any idea what comprises the Introduction is the first paragraph
introduction of an argumentative which introduces the problem and
essay? gives the background information
necessary for the argument and the
thesis statement or the main claim.
This includes the
 Hook and the thesis statement
Do you have any idea what is the so-
called hook? Hook is a sentence that gets the
readers attention. It should be
powerful and eye catching.
What is the hook of the given essay?
Individualism is a fundamental value
in many places.
Do you have any idea of what is
thesis statement? Thesis statement is a short, one-
sentence summary of your stand or
claim. Primarily, it is a part of your
What is the thesis statement of the The thesis statement of the text is
text you just read? “School uniforms are a better choice
because it makes their lives simpler,
influences them to act responsibly,
and promotes equality.”
That’s right!

What comprises the body of an Normally, the body contains three (3)
argumentative essay? or more paragraphs. Each paragraph
talks about one reason. The reason is
stated in the topic sentence and is
supported by supporting details or
materials. These supporting materials
can be either examples, statistics,
personal experiences, or quotations.

It also includes the counter

argument and the rebuttal/

In the gives essay what are the The reasons why public school
reasons why public school students students should wear uniform it
should wear uniform? makes their lives simpler, influences
them to act responsibly, and promotes

What did the author use in supporting The author supported the arguments
his arguments? by presenting supporting details such
as examples, statistics, data, personal
experiences, or quotations.

Do you have any idea what is a Counterargument presents the

counterargument and a rebuttal? opposing view about the claim to build
a convincing argument and rebuttal is
your direct response to your
opponent’s argument/point to
explain/show how/why they are

In what paragraph can you find the The counterargument and a rebuttal is
counterargument and a rebuttal?
in the fifth paragraph.

What comprises the conclusion of an Conclusion

argumentative essay? The conclusion is the last paragraph
which appeals to the reader’s
emotions. It restates the thesis
statement or the main claim and
presents one or two general
statements which accurately
summarize the arguments which
support your stand.

He restates the thesis statement and

How did the author conclude his
essay? presents one or two general
statements which summarize the
arguments which support his stand on
the issue and includes a quotation or
a call to action.

Did you understand our lesson today? Yes ma’am, we clearly understood our

Do you have any question or None, ma’am.


Congratulations everyone for doing a

good job in our discussion!

Remember when you are going to

write an argumentative essay, you
need to research and study your
chosen topic to provide reliable and
reasonable reasons/ arguments to
your claims and make your writing
convincing and powerful.
Alright class, I hope that everyone An argumentative essay is a type of
understood the topic. Can someone essay that presents arguments about
give me a recap of what is an both sides of an issue. It could be that
argumentative essay and its parts? both sides are presented equally
balanced, or it could be that one side
is presented more forcefully than the
other. It all depends on the writer, and
what side he supports the most. It is
composed of the introduction, body
and conclusion.

As a student, why is learning to write Learning to write an argumentative

an argumentative essay important? essay will help you develop critical
thinking and research skills along with
developing how to rationally defend a
position. These skills will help your
progress academically and

What have you learned from the given Students answer may vary.

Very good!
Should Marine Mammals be in Captivity?
Directions: Find a partner then, read
and analyze the essay entitled There is no doubt that marine mammals should
not be held in captivity. They are part of the nature
“Should Marine Mammals be in
and should not be bought, sold or thrown in an
Captivity?”. Locate the essential parts aquarium. Marine mammals have the right to be kept
of the essay by: in their natural environment.
Captivity causes many health problems in
a. underlining the hook, marine mammals. Many tanks have water full of
b. encircling the thesis statement, chemicals and bacteria; this results to blindness ad
many skin problems in dolphins and other marine
c. putting a double underline on the mammals. Marine mammals in captivity die from
reasons, pneumonia, ulcers, and other stress related diseases.
Most of these helpless creatures suffer from
d. crossing out the counter argument, boredom. Dolphins in the wild can swim up to 40- 100
putting the rebuttal in the rectangle, miles per day, but in the pools, they go around
swimming in repetitive patterns. Due to boredom and
and limited space, many dolphins abuse themselves; they
e. putting the restated claim in the often bang their heads against tank and aquarium
parenthesis. Moreover, some of these poor innocent
creatures face abusive treatment by their care takers;
thus shortening their life span. In fact, Keiko, the killer
whale star in Free Willy, was a victim of this type of
abuse. It was known to be said that he was 1000
pounds underweight and developed a wartlike
disease. His teeth were ground down chewing the
sides of the pool due to boredom, and he also had a
problem with his dorsal fin.
On the contrary, some people think that holding
animals in captivity helps in studies and research. But
the truth is, scientists prefer to learn about animals in
their natural environment, so they get first hand
In conclusion, marine mammals should not
definitely be held in captivity. Mahatma Gandhi once
said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral process
can be measured by the way animals are treated.” In
a world where much of nature and the wild has
already been last, it is up to us to let these beautiful
marine mammals free.

I. Identification. Directions. Identify the what feature of an argumentative essay is being
described by the following statements.

1. It presents the background information of the topic or issue.

2. It is a part of an argumentative essay where you present your position with supported evidence.
3. It is short-one sentence summary of your stand point or claim.
4. It refers to an opposing side of a given claim.
5. It is a response to nullify the counter argument.
6. It restates the thesis statement or the main claim and presents one or two general statements which
accurately summarize the arguments which support your stand.
II. Essay. 7-10. Explain the importance of learning to write an argumentative essay.(4pts)

PERFORMANCE TASK. Directions: Group yourselves according to your interests and skills.
1. The Artists. For those who like to draw, create a diagram about argumentative essay.
2. The writers/poets. For those who like to write, compose a short poem about
argumentative essay.
3. The Linguists. For those who love to give meaning to the words, create an acrostic.
Think of adjectives that best describe an argumentative essay. These words should
correspond to each letter of the word ARGUMENTATIVE.
4. The singers. For those who like to sing, compose a song/jingle about argumentative

Please be guided of the given rubrics and present your work in the class as creative as you


(3 points) (4 points) (5 points)
Content and The output has a little The output was done using The output was done in
Style style and gave few an interesting style and extraordinary style and
information gave some new was very informative.
Creativity The output was not The output is clear and The output was
properly organized and presentable styles and commendable and
lacks style and creativity. showed a degree of
creativity. creativity and style that
grabs the attention.
Presentation The presentation is The group presented The group presented
difficult to hear and clearly. The presentation clearly and with
need more information demonstrates adequate complete enthusiasm
to prove knowledge of knowledge of what they and understanding of
what they learned. learned. what they learned.

Prepared by:
Teacher I
Observed by:
Principal II

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