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Team 16 Charter

Purpose The purpose of our team is to work together to develop a series of

training modules on project quality management for mid-level
managers at the Evergreen Organization.

Our goal is to develop a series of training modules that provide an

Goal efficient and engaging environment for the mid-level managers at
Evergreen Organization to learn the importance of project quality

Team Member Role/Responsibilities

Role: Project Manager
Trevor Wilson Scheduling
Team Turn-in
Provide Support
Role: Lead Editor
Kyra Supnet Make Final edits to documents
Ensure Information is correct
Provide Support
Role: Lead Writer
Juan Lead Document Crafting
Valenzuela Work with Support Team to ensure projects completion
Communicate Help Needs
Role: Support
Meagan Support Lead Writer
Waldbillig Support Lead Editor
Ensure support is available to those that need it
Role: Support
Christopher Support Lead Writer
Wren Support Lead Editor
Ensure support is available to those that need it

Milestone 1: Team Charter - due 1/28

Milestones Milestone 2: Project Quality Explanation - due 2/11
Milestone 3: Final Presentation - due 2/25

Team’s Dated Signatures

Team Member Date

Trevor Wilson 1/28/2024
Team Member Date
Kyra Supnet 1/28/2024
Team Member Date
Juan Valenzuela 1/28/2024
Team Member Date
Meagan Waldbillig 1/28/2024
Team Member Date
Christopher Wren 1/28/2024
What is Project Quality Management?

Project Quality Management is a combination of considerations that are taken to

ensure the quality of a project output through the quality of a project’s plan, procedures
established and progress throughout its execution. There are different views that exist
for project quality management, and they include quality planning, quality assurance,
quality control and quality improvement. The PMBOK guide states that project quality
management “includes the processes for incorporating the organization’s quality policy
regarding, planning, managing, and controlling project quality requirements in order to
meet stakeholders’ objectives” (Rose 2014)
Quality planning is the process in which the quality standards that are relevant to
the project are identified and a plan to satisfy the requirements is created. Then, Quality
Assurance is taking what is planned and applying quality systematic activities to
guarantee that all processes meet the requirements created in planning. The Project
Quality Control is monitoring the specific project results to regulate whether they comply
with the relevant quality standards and isolate undesirable outcomes in performance.
Lastly, Quality Improvement is a process in which the project's control throughout its
execution allows for flaws or inefficiencies to be identified and for improvements to be
designed and implemented. All four of these processes work independently and
simultaneously, each are their own element and may involve multiple team members,
leaders, or groups, depending on the project's needs. To have successful outcomes in
PQM the four processes mentioned must be practiced and overseen by Program
Managers in coordination with Project Managers and team members who understand
and are on board with a plan to meet quality expectations. “Everyone is responsible for
Quality. The project manager is ultimately responsible for project and product quality.”
(Rose 2014)
Quality Project Management is important because it ensures that all processes of
a project are executed efficiently and effectively. This allows for a greater amount of
customer satisfaction and generally comes with an increase in revenue through
commitment from customers and stakeholders to such a product. PQM practices can
help achieve these organizational goals and ultimately are the difference from
unsuccessful and low-quality project outcomes to projects that have exceptional quality
The Six Characteristics of Project Quality Management.

Quality is one of the most important aspects of managing a project and there are
a few characteristics that enhance your team’s project quality management. These
characteristics are not limited to these six, but we feel that these are the most important
for the Evergreen Organization to have a firm grasp on after their training.
Communication, reliability, relationships, policy, integrity, and analytics as they all build
off each other and directly impact the quality of the project.

Communication is important in all areas of a project and lack of

communication can negatively impact the quality of your team’s work. If your
stakeholders are requesting a certain level of quality, but that does not get effectively
communicated to your team then there is a possible quality gap between what’s
requested and what is being actively worked. Additionally, we want to ensure our team
is being brought into these conversations to communicate their own capacity to the
stakeholders. Communication and relationships can both work together as our
communication with our team, stakeholders, and sponsors becomes more fleshed out
which leads our relationships to be built out of trust, honesty, and integrity. Not without
intent does that flow directly into our characteristic of integrity being a main contributor
to successful project quality management. Our integrity is a huge indicator to our
stakeholders of how much they can truly trust us to deliver a high-quality product that
they are fully satisfied accepting. This integrity is built on top of a strong foundation of
communication and relationship building.

Furthermore, being a reliable team will improve your integrity as well. We

want our stakeholders to have no worries that our milestones are set, and these
milestones will be hit precisely with the schedule that we have set forth. When we
provide the stakeholders and sponsors with communication, reliability, integrity, and firm
relationships then we are unequivocally showing them our true intentions of exceptional
project quality management. Lastly, displaying our analytical talents to drive informative
decision making will only enhance our project quality management. Stakeholders are
the first to tell you that they want to see the numbers before decisions are made. The
analytical side of your team needs to shine bright in order to paint a picture that is easy
to digest for the stakeholders.
Chapter 8: Project Quality Management. (n.d.).

Brown, J. T. (2014). The Handbook of Program Management: How to Facilitate Project

Success with Optimal Program Management, Second Edition. Retrieved from
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