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Agro Foods 2024 Digital Media Coverage Strategy: Tattase TV's Comprehensive Plan for Engaging

Audiences and Amplifying Brand Presence

1) Plan for Define Goals and Objectives: Determine what the digital media team aims to achieve
during the coverage. This could include increasing brand awareness, engaging with the
audience, promoting specific products or services, etc.

2) Audience Analysis: Understand the target audience attending Agro Foods 2024 and tailor
content accordingly. Consider demographics, interests, and preferred platforms for

3) Content Strategy: Plan the type of content to be produced, such as live streams, interviews with
exhibitors, behind-the-scenes footage, product demonstrations, etc. Ensure the content aligns
with the goals and resonates with the target audience.

4) Platform Selection: Choose the appropriate digital platforms for broadcasting live coverage. This
could include Tattase TV's website, social media channels (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, Instagram),
and any other relevant platforms where the audience is active.

5) Team Roles and Responsibilities: Assign specific roles to team members, such as hosts,
camerapersons, editors, social media managers, etc. Clearly define responsibilities to ensure
smooth coordination and execution during the event.

6) Equipment and Technical Setup: Ensure all necessary equipment, including cameras,
microphones, lighting, and internet connectivity, is in place and functioning properly. Conduct
thorough testing to avoid technical glitches during live broadcasts.

7) Engagement Strategy: Plan how to actively engage with the audience during the coverage, such
as responding to comments and questions in real-time, conducting polls or Q&A sessions, and
encouraging user-generated content (e.g., by using event-specific hashtags).

8) Promotion and Marketing: Generate buzz around Tattase TV's coverage of Agro Foods 2024
through pre-event promotion on social media, email newsletters, and other channels. Utilize
influencers or industry partners, if available, to reach a wider audience.

9) Data and Analytics: Implement tools to track the performance of live broadcasts and
engagement metrics in real-time. Analyze data post-event to evaluate the success of the
coverage and identify areas for improvement.
10) Contingency Planning: Have contingency plans in place for unforeseen circumstances, such as
technical issues, schedule changes, or emergencies. Ensure team members are prepared to
adapt quickly and effectively.

Budget- data- 15,000 naira( to aid us work properly without a hitch)

Wireless microphone- for content creation to post on our social media accounts, concerning the event.-
16,000 naira

Total=31,000 naira.

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