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Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,

Project Report
Presented by

Mr. Yash Satish Bankar

Mr. Gaurav Shantilal Pachlore
Mr. Pranav SunilKumar Narwade

Guided by
Asst. Prof. Pradeep Ubale

Submitted to

Department of Information Technology

Marathwada Institute of Technology,
N-4, CIDCO, Aurangabad.
Department of Computer Science

Marathwada Institute of Technology

Marathwada Institute of Technology

This is to certify that Yash Bankar, Gaurav Pachlore, Pranav Narwade

e of B.Sc. (Information Tech)
have successfully presented the project entitled “ WishKart.com ” as per the requirement of Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad as per the partial fulfillment for the award of
Bachelor degree of Science (Information Technology) in the Academic year 2022-2023.


Guided by Head of the Dept Principal

Asst. Prof. Pradeep Ubale Asst. Prof. S. W. Quadri Dr. Mahendra H. Kondekar

At every outset we express our gratitude to almighty lord for showering his grace and
blessings upon us to complete this project.

Although our name appears on the cover of this project, many people have contributed in
some or the form to this project development. We could not have done this project without the
assistance or support of each of the following. We thank all of you.

We wish to place on our record our deep sense of gratitude to our project guide Asst. Prof.
Pradeep Ubale and course co-ordinator and Head of the department Asst. Prof. S. W. Quadri for
the constant motivation and valuable help through the project. We also extend our thanks to other
faculties for there co-operation.

Thanking you,

Yash Bankar

Pranav Narwade

Gaurav Pachlore

Class-B.Sc. (IT) - III Year


Sr. No. Name Page No.

1 Synopsis 6
1.1 Introduction to project
1.2 Purpose of the system
1.3 Scope
1.4 Technology Used
1.5 System Requirement
1.6 Overview

2 System Analysis 8
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Analysis Model
2.3 Study of the system
2.4 System requirement specification

3 Feasibility Report 12
3.1 Economical Feasibility
3.2 Technical Feasibility
3.3 Operational Feasibility
3.4 Behavioral Feasibility

4 Working of Present System 13

Disadvantages of Present System
5 Characteristic of The Proposed System 14

6 Introduction to Selected Software 15

6.1 Introduction to React (JavaScript) Framework
6.2 Mongo DB

7 System Design 19
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Data Tables
7.3 DFD
7.4 E-R Diagram

8 Coding 30
9 Output Screen 56
10 System testing and implementation 72
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Strategic approach of software testing
10.3 Unit Testing
10.4 Test Cases

11 Conclusion 77
12 Bibliography 78

1.1 Introduction to project :

WishKart is a clone of Meesho.com which provides user

to buy different categories of products such as Men's Wear, Women's wear,

Kids's Wear, Jewellery, Watch And Bags. User also Have Different types of

Products Available as per their requirements. Also this website supports

admin panel to have control over newly added products.

1.2 Purpose of website :

This website bring user the access to buy different categories of products as per their
requirement in just matter of time. Also this website helps user to get offers and discounts
available on products. This helps user to avail benefits while shopping.

1.3 Scope :
The scope of the project is the system on which the website is easily access, i.e.
the project is developed as a website. But later on, the project can be modified to operate it
online. User or customer can easily access different categories of products available across
the globe at their locations.

1.4 Technology Used: React




Chakra ui
1.5 Minimum System Requirement:

1.5.1 Minimum RAM: - 256MB

1.5.2 Hard Disk: - 40GB

1.5.3 Processor: - Intel Pentium4

1.5.4 Operating System: - Windows XP ServicePack2

1.6 Overview:
Products basically has one main module for proper functioning.

Search the different item can be taken in two ways:


• On the basis of types of different Products.

• On the basis of categories of the products.

i. User has following rights:

a. View Product

b. Search Item

c. Add to Cart

d. Order Product

e. Buy Product

ii. Admin has following rights:

a. Sell Product

b. Cancel Product Delivery

c. Provide Rental Services to Customer


2.1 Introduction:
After analyzing of the task to be performed, the next step is to analyze the problem and
understand its context. The first activity in the phase is studying the existing system and other
is to understand the requirements and domain of the new system. Both the activities are
equally important, but the first activity serves as a basis of giving the functional
specifications and then successful design of the proposed system. Understanding the properties and
requirements of a new system is more difficult and requires creative thinking and
understanding of existing running system is also difficult improper, understanding of
present system can lead diversion from solution.

2.2 Analysis Model:

SDLC Methodologies:

In the spiral model, software development is carried out in four main phases which
are shown as the four quadrants. The first quadrant identifies the objectives of the product
and the alternative solutions possible .In the second quadrant, the alternative solutions are evaluated
and the potential project risks are identified and deal with by developing and appropriate prototype. A
project risk is essentially any adverse circumstance that might hamper successful completion
of the software project. Thus, the spiral model provides direct support for coping with project
risks. The activities in the third quadrant consist of developing and verifying the next level of the
product. Finally, the fourth stage consists of reviewing the results of the stages traversed of are with
the customer and planning the next iteration around the spiral. With each iteration around the spiral
a more complete version of the software gets build respectively. Usually, after several
iterations along the spiral, all risks are resolved and the software is ready for development. At
this point, a waterfall model of software development is adopted. The radius of the spiral at any point
represents the cost incurred so frant the project, and the angular dimension represents the

2.3 Study of the System:

In the flexibility of the uses the interface has been developed a graphics
concept in mind, associated through a browser interface. The GUI’S at the top level has
been categorized as.

1. Administrative user interface.

2. The operational or generic user interface.

The administrative user interface has a broad range of administrative

privileges across a single website primarily managing the infrastructure of site contents.
The administrator easily manages the products, categories, order and shipping. The tasks
related to upload of images for our website are done by the administrator.

The operational or generic user interface can check the product details.
Website is so user-friendly and user can check the product details also, website will show
genuine products because of each user would not be confused about to buy things are not.
User can apply coupon code to get the exciting offers too, after purchasing the product
user will have to feel their details and the product ordered by user will be delivered safely
and swiftly at the given address.

2.4 System Requirement Specification:
SRS has two main parts

• Software

• Hardware

(1) Minimum Hardware Requirements:

All physical requirements i.e. input devices, processor, output devices and inter-
connecting processor of the computer is called Hardware.

• Minimum RAM: - 256MB

• Hard Disk: - 40GB

• Processor: - Intel Pentium4

• Operating System: - Windows XP ServicePack2

(2) Software Requirement:

• Windows

• JavaScript Compiler

• Mongo DB

The two criteria to judge feasibility are cost required and value to be attained. As
such, a well-designed feasibility study should provide a historical background of the
project, description of the product or service, accounting statements, details of the
operations and management, marketing research and policies, financial data, legal
requirements. Generally, feasibility studies precede technical development
and project implementation.

3.1 Economical feasibility:

Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the
effectiveness of a new system. More commonly known as cost benefits analysis the
procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a candidate
system and compare the with costs. If benefits out weight cost, then the decision is made to
design and implement the system. An entrepreneur must accurately weight the cost versus benefits
before taking an action.

3.2 Technology feasibility:

The assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements, to determine
whether the company has the technical expertise to handle completion of the

At this level, the concern is whether the proposal is both technically feasible
(assuming moderate cost).

3.3 Operational feasibility:

Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the
problems, and takes advantage of the opportunities identified during scope definition and
how it satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system

3.4 Behavioral Feasibility:

The system working is quite easy to use and learn due to its simple but attractive
interface. User requires no special training for operating the system.

4. Working of Present System:-
In the present system all work is done on paper. The whole session attendance is
stored in register and at the end of the session the reports are generated. We are not
interested in generating report in the middle of the session or as per the requirement because it takes
more time in calculation. At the end of session, the students who don’t have75%
attendance get a notice.

Disadvantages of Present Working System:

• Custom layouts are hard to use: The first downside is the layout which can be seen.
They might be customized, but they can be tricky to navigate through if you are not skilled
enough. The same goes for the design process when it comes to designing.

• Lots of updates: It’s a essentially running on your server which requires update. The
updates are going to be constant during the use.

• Manual control: All calculations to generate report is done manually so the res
greater chance of errors.

• Time consuming: Every work is done manually so we cannot generate report in

the middle of the session or as per the requirement because it is very time

5. Characteristic of the Proposed System:-
Word-Press combines simplicity for user & publishers with under the hood complexity for
developers. This makes it flexible while still being easy to use following is a list of some of the
feature that comes as standard with word-press.

1) Simplicity:-Simplicity makes it possible for you to get online & get Nothing
publishing Quikly should get in the way of you getting your website up & content out of there.

2) Flexibility:- Flexibility with Word-Press , we can create any type of website we want a
personal blog or website , a photoblog a business website , a professional portfolio. We can make
our website beautiful with themes & extend it with plugins.

3) User Management:- Not everyone requires the same access to your website. Administrators
manage the site , editors work with content , authors & contributors write that content &
subscribers have a profile that they can manage . This lets you have a variety of contributors to
your website .

4) Easy Theme System:- Word-Press comes bundled with three default themes , but if they are
not for you there is theme directory with thousands of themes for you to create a beautiful website
upload your own theme with the click of button.

5) Easy Installation & Upgrades:- Word-Press has always been easy to install & upgrade plenty
of web hosts offer one click word-press installers that let you install word-press with will just one
click you can create database upload word-press using FTP & run the installer.

PHP frameworks streamline the development of web applications written in PHP
by providing a basic structure for which to build the web applications. In other words, PHP frame
works help to promote rapid application development (RAD), which saves you time, helps
build more stable applications, and reduces the amount of repetitive coding for developers.
Frameworks can also help beginners to build more stable apps by ensuring proper database
interaction and coding on the presentation layer. This allows you to spend more time
creating the actual web application, instead of spending time writing repetitive code .

The general idea behind the working so for JavaScript is referred to as

Model View Controller (MVC). MVC is an architectural pattern in programming that
isolates business logic from the UI, allowing one to be modified separately from the
other (also known as separation of concerns). With MVC, Model refers to data, View
refers to the presentation layer, and Controller to the application or business logic.
Basically, MVC breaks up the development process of an application, so you can work on
individual elements while others are unaffected. Essentially, this makes coding in PHP
faster and less complicated.

Developers should utilize PHP frameworks for various reasons, but the number
one reason is for speeding up the development process. Reusing code across similar
projects will save the developer a substantial amount of time and effort. A framework
offers pre-built modules for performing tedious coding tasks, so the developer can spend
their time on developing the actual application rather than re-building the foundation with
each and every project.


The JavaScript Frame work stack:

Version Released Date Supports Until

1.0 8 June 1995
2.0 1 November 1997
3.0 6 June 1998 20 October 2000
4.0 22 May 2000 23 June 2001
4.1 10 December 2001 12 March 2002
4.2 22 April 2002 6 September 2002
4.3 27 December 2002 31 March 2005
4.4 11 July 2005 7 August 2008
5.0 13 July 2004 5 September 2005
5.1 24 November 2005 24 August 2006
5.2 2 November 2006 6 January 2011
5.3 30 June 2008 14 August 2014
5.4 1 March 2012 3 September 2015
5.5 20 June 2013 10 July 2016
5.6 28 August 2014 31 December 2018
7.0 3 December 2015 3 December 2018
7.1 1 December 2016 1 December 2019
7.2 30 November 2017 30 November 2020
7.3 6 December 2018 6 December 2021

6.2 Mongo DB:

Introduction My Mongo DB:-

Mongo DB is an open sourcerelational database management system (MONGO). Its
name Is a combination of "My", the name of co-founderWidenius daughter, and "MONGO", the
abbreviation for MONGO DataBase.

My mongo is free and open-source softwareunder the terms of the GNU General
Public License, and is also available under a variety of proprietary licenses. Mongo DB was
owned and sponsored by the Swedish company Mongo DB AB, which was bought by Sun
Microsystems (now Oracle Corporation). In 2010, when Oracle acquired Sun, Widenius
for ked the open-source Mongo DB project to create Maria DB.

Mongo DB is a component of the LAMP web application software stack (and others),
which Is an acronym for Linux, Apache, Mongo DB and this database is written
in Can C++.Mongo DB parser is writtenin yacc, butit usesahome-brewedlexical analyzer.

Mongo DB was created by a Swedish company, Mongo DB AB, founded by David Ax

mark, Allan Lars so and Michael "Monty" Widenius. Original development of Mongo DBy by
Widenius and Ax mark beginning1994.[24]The fir s version of Mongo appeared on 23 May 1995.
It was initially created for personal usage from Mongo DB based on the low-level language
ISAM, which the creators considered tools own and inflexible. They created a new Mongo
interface, while keeping the same API as MY Mongo DB. By keeping the API consistent with
them Mongo DB system, many developers were able to use Mongo Database instead of the
(proprietarily licensed) My Mongo antecedent.

Versionof My Mongo DB:

Version Version Number Released Date End of Support

5.1 5.1.73 03 December 2013 December 2013
5.5 5.5.62 22 October 2018 December 2018
5.6 5.6.43 21 January 2019 February 2021
5.7 5.7.25 21 January 2019 October 2023
8.0 8.0.15 01 February 2019 April 2026


7.1 Introduction:-
Software design sit sat the technical kernel of the software engineering process and is
applied regardless of the development paradigm and area of application. Design is the
first step in the development phase for any engineered product or system. The designer’s
goal is to produce a model or representation of an entity that will later be building. Beginning,
once system requirement has been specified and analyzed, system design is the first of the
three technical activities-designs, code and test that is required to build and verify software.

The importance can best at end with a single word “Quality” Design is a place where quality is
fostered in software development. Design provides us with representations of software
that can assess for quality. Design is the only way that we can accurately translate a customer
views in to a finished software product or system. Software design serves as a foundation
for all the software engineering steps that follow. Without a strong design we risk building
and unstable system-one that will be difficult to test, one whose quality cannot be assessed until the
last stage.

During design, progressive refinement of the data structure, program structure, and
procedural details are developed reviewed and documented. System design can be viewed from
either technical or project management perspective. From the technical point of view, design is
comprised a four activities-architectural design, data structure design, interface design.



2-level DFD:-

3-level DFD:-

Coding :
Output Screens :

1] Home Page
Login Page:
Jewellary Page :
Home And kitchen :
Admin Page :
Cart Page :
Search Page :
Responsiveness For Mobile Devices :

a. Introduction:

Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents

the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. In fact, is the one step in the
software engineering process that could be viewed as destructive rather than constructive.

A strategy for software testing integrates software test case design methods into a
well-plannedseriesofstepsthatresultsinthesuccessiveconstructionofsoftware.Testingisthe set of
activities that can be planned in advance and conducted systematically. The underlying
motivation of program test ingisto affirms software quality with methods that can
economically and effectively apply to both large and small-scale system.

b. Strategic approach to software testing:

The software engineering process can be viewed as a spiral. Initially system
engineering defines the role of software and leads to software requirement analysis where
the information domain, functions, behavior, performance, constrains and validation
criteria for software are established. Moving invert among spiral, we come to design and
finally to code. To develop computer software, we spiral in along stream lines that decrease the
level of abstraction on each turn.

A strategy for software testing may also be viewed in the context of the spiral. Unit
testing begins at the vertex of the spiral and concentrates on each unit of the software as
implemented in source code. Testing process by moving outward among the spiral to
integration testing, where the focus is on the design and the construction of the software
architecture. Taking another turn on outward on the spiral we encounter validation testing
where requirements established as part of software requirements analysis are validated
against the software that has been constructed. Finally, we arrive at system testing, where
the software and other system elements are tested as a whole.

i. Unit Testing:

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software

design, the module. The unit testing, we have white box oriented and some modules the
steps are conducted in parallel.

• White-box Testing:
This type of testing ensures that

• All independence paths have been exercised at least once.

• logical decisions have been exercised on their true and false style.

• All loops are executed at their boundaries and within their operational bounds.

• All internal data structures have been exercised to assure their validity.

To follow the concept of white-box testing we have tested each form. We

have created independently verify that Dataflow is correct; all conditions are exercised to
checked their validity, all loops are executed on their boundaries.

Basic Path Testing:

Established technique of flow graph with Cyclomatic complexity was

used to derive test cases. Use the design of the code and draw correspondent flow graph.

Determine the cyclomatic complexity of resultant flow graph, using formula:

V (G) =E-N+2 or

V (G) =P+1 or

V (G) =Number of Regions.

Where V (G) is Cyclomatic complexity,

E is the number of edges,

N is the number of flow graph nodes,

P is the number of predicate nodes.

Determine the basis of set of linearly independent path.

• Conditional Testing:

In this part of the testing each of the conditions were tested to both true and false
aspects. And all the resulting paths were tested. So that each path may be generate on
particular condition is traced to uncover any possible errors.

• Data Flow Testing:

This type of testing selects the path of the program according to the location of
definition and use of variables. This kind of testing was used only when some local variable were
declared. The definition-use chain method was used in this type of testing. These were
particularly use full in nested statements.

• Loop Testing:
In this type of testing all the loops are tested to all the limits possible. The
following exercise was adopted for all loops:

• All the loops were tested at their limits, just above them an adjust below t h e m .

• All the loops were skipped at least ones.

• For nested loops test the inner most loop first and then work outwards.

• For concatenated loops the value of dependent loops was set with the help of
connected loop.

• Unstructured loops were resolved into nested loops or concatenated loops and
tested as above.

• Each an it has been separately tested by the development team itself and all the
input have validated.
c. Test Cases:-

Test case 1-Login

Test 1:

i. Incorrect input: An empty requirement field. (user name and password)

ii. Pass criteria: An appropriate error message should be display and the user
shouldn’t be allowed to login.

iii. Correct input: Right username and password.

iv. Pass criteria: The user should be directed to the next form which the user is

Test 2:

v. Incorrect input: Wrong username and /or wrong password.

vi. Pass criteria: the user shouldn’t be allowed to login to the system and an appropriate
error message should be displayed.

vii. Correct input: Right user name and password.

viii. Pass criteria: The user should belog in to the next form.


This Website is all about buying products of different categories

of products available across the globe. User Can directly select the products they

want to buy and get them delivered within few days. Also, users can see different options

and suggestions according to their searches and add to cart or wishlist the products

as wanted. This enhances the performance and the experience for the user when

they wants to shop anything online.


• https://www.flipkart.com/

• https://www.amazon.com/

• https://www.Meesho.in/

• https://Myntra.com/

• https://www.igp.com/

• https://www.vedicvaani.com/

• https://www.aadyaa.com/

• https://getflowersdaily.com/

• https://www.rudraksha-ratna.com/

• https://www.mypanditg.com/

• https://en.wikipedia.org/

• https://www.culturalindia.net/


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