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Problem statement:

Heat loss is the term for the dissipation and escape of thermal energy during
industrial and manufacturing processes. Heat loss can happen for a variety of
reasons, such as the inefficient
transfer of heat from a heating source
to the food being cooked, or even
more complicated, like the inefficient
use of energy due to some industrial
processes including conduction,
convection, and reflection. In the past
30 years, this excess heat from
household kitchens and other Figure : Different Egyptian workspaces' natural gas consumption
rates (1980-2019)
workspaces, such as hotels and
factories, has developed into a serious problem in Egypt. According to Figure 1,
the heat industry is the first consumer of domestic energy, accounting for roughly
60% of the total energy annually, or 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
However, 60% of the total energy utilized is emitted as waste heat due to the vast
range of industrial factors.
Such waste heat, indeed, can have both positive and negative effects. As
60% of the total energy used in heat industries is released as heat, wasting or
neglecting these gases may lead to a significant energy shortage. According to the
“European Commission,” Using this excess heat can replace significant
amounts of fossil fuels and help stabilize the future electricity grid, thereby easing
the transition to a greener energy system. Therefore, waste heat recovery has been
one of the most common ways to implement energy conservation in workspaces.
Moreover, occupational exposure to such heat poses a physical hazard and a
major health and safety issue that can have a great impact on workers’ health and
productivity, as long-term exposure to heat can cause insufficient heat loss through
sweet evaporation, leading to a wide range of heat-related symptoms such as
headaches, cramps, rashes, fatigue, dizziness, and other heat-related symptoms.
Negative consequences if not solved:

Thermal pollution
Waste heat contributes to climate change through a variety of mechanisms,
primarily by influencing local temperature, altering ecosystems, and, mainly,
causing thermal pollution. Thermal pollution refers to the increase in temperature
of natural water bodies, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans, as a result of human
activities. This form of pollution is caused by the discharge of hot water from
power plants, industrial facilities, and other sources. According to the EDF
“Environmental defense fund”, household kitchens and other workspaces,
including hotels account for more than 25% of the total global warming causing-
emissions. This rise in temperature can have a detrimental impact on the
environment, including aquatic life and the surrounding ecosystem, highly
affecting the percentage of dissolved oxygen in water and air, and killing many
types of marine creatures. Moreover, it can cause rapid increase in temperature,
causing great damage to outside workers such as agricultural workers. Farmers are
often exposed to outdoor heat extremes for long periods of time, and often there is
a lack of occupational health and safety programs. In the US, agricultural
industries have the third highest rate of heat-related deaths among all industries,
with a mortality rate approximately 20 times greater than for all civilian workers.
In terms of heat-related morbidity, farm workers have been shown to be four times
more likely than non-agricultural workers to suffer from heat-related illnesses in
the US.

Deterioration of Infrastructure utilities

Infrastructure is the set of facilities, systems, and utilities that serve the
nation. In recent years, the infrastructure has been under severe challenges of
buckling and breaking since heat and extremes can have a major influence and put
powerlines, refrigeration units, roads, and rail lines at risk of failing. The expansion
and contraction of materials illustrates good evidence, as prolonged exposure to
intense heat waves may push materials and equipment beyond their temperature
thresholds, resulting in cracks and structural damage and leading to the
deterioration of bridges, concrete, and road asphalt. Moreover, such elevated
temperatures can affect the efficiency of power transmission and distribution
systems. The increased demand for cooling due to the overheating of electrical
components can strain the power grid, leading to potential outages.

Health crises
Waste heat generated, especially from household kitchens involving fossil
fuels, introduces its own set of considerations. In such scenarios, the combustion of
fossil fuels poses respiratory risks, including the aggravation of asthma and other
respiratory conditions. Additionally, incomplete combustion can lead to the
emission of fine particulate matter (PM2.5). These tiny particles can penetrate deep
into the lungs and even enter the bloodstream, impacting air quality and potentially
causing an increase in rates of heart disease, strokes, and other chronic health
concerns, including cardiovascular health concerns. Children, older adults, and
those with pre-existing respiratory conditions are particularly vulnerable to these
Positive consequence if solved:

Solving the problem of energy shortage

Waste heat utilization has the potential to address energy shortages and
improve overall energy efficiency, as in certain countries, the excess heat can even
match the entire energy demand. In the Netherlands, for example, excess heat
amounts to 156 TWh/y, while the heat demand is only 152 TWh/y. By
incorporating a variety of efficient methods, including combined heat and power
systems (CHP), district heating, and different heat recovery methods, such as heat
exchangers and the Kalina cycle, around 70% of the waste heat can be utilized for
energy. According to ITA (International Trade Administration), harnessing
Egypt’s waste heat could provide Egypt with roughly 90 TWh, accounting for
about half of its annual energy demand and providing an opportunity to decrease
the amount of fossil fuels consumed, thereby facilitating a faster transition to a
more greener world.

Increased countries productivity and jobs availability:

Utilizing waste heat into energy could provide the country with a new,
affordable, and clean energy source, saving a ton of money that could have been
used to address the issues’ harmful effects. For instance, three times as many jobs
are created for every dollar invested in renewable energy as in the fossil fuel sector.
The IEA estimates that the transition towards net-zero emissions will lead to an
overall increase in jobs in the energy sector. While about 5 million jobs in fossil
fuel production could be lost by 2030, an estimated 14 million new jobs would be
created in clean energy, resulting in a net gain of 9 million jobs. Furthermore,
renewable energy saves roughly $3 trillion annually, including investments in
developing technologies and infrastructure. While some countries can’t afford the
upfront cost of the transition, such investments will, of course, pay off. The
reduction of pollution and climate impacts alone could save the world up to $4.2
trillion per year by 2030. Moreover, efficient, reliable renewable technologies can
make a system less susceptible to market shocks and improve resilience and energy
security by diversifying power supply options.

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