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Guess paper prepared by M.

Q1)Define psychology and enlist the name of different field of psychology

Psychology Definition
Psychology is the branch of science that deals with mental processes and behaviour.

Different field of psychology

1. Abnormal Psychology
2. Psychology Of Addiction
3. Psychology Of Advertising
4. Psychology Of Altruism
5. Psychology Of Attraction
6. Psychology Of Beauty
7. Psychology Of Belief
8. Biological Psychology
9. Colour Psychology
10. Comparative Psychology

Q2)What is developmental psychology enlist 8 stages of erikson

Developmental psychology Definition

Developmental psychology developmental psychology is the branch of psychology that studies
the social and mental development of children.

Erikson 8 stages of development

1. Basic Trust Vs Mistrust (Birth To 18 Months)

2. Autonomy Versus Shame And Doubt (18 Months To 3 Years)
3. Initiative Versus Guilt (3 Years To 6 Years)
4. Industry Versus Inferiority (6 Years To Puberty)
5. Identity Versus Identity Confusion (Puberty To Adulthood)
6. Intimacy Versus Isolation (Young Adulthood)
7. Generativity Versus Stagnation (Middle Adulthood)
8. Integrity Versus Despair (Late Adulthood)

Q3)Importance of psychology in nursing

1. A nurse can understand the disease feelings motives by psychology

2. She can find out the positive and negative aspect of her personality through psychology
3. She can become aware of thought process, reasoning power, problem, solving process
and self judgement capabilities
4. The nurse get knowledge about attitude of co-workers, doctors other health
professionals and public towards the nursing profession
5. She can identify the factors affecting the behaviour of a person by the psychology
6. By study of psychology a nurse increase the knowledge about inter-relationship of body,
mind and soul
7. Knowledge of psychology helps nurses improve patient care
8. Psychology is highly influential in the field of nursing as a nurses must interact with
patient on a personal level
9. Nurses who understand psychology address the mental aspects of a patient's health and
provide a source of encouragement and compassion

Q4)What is memory give the basic types of memory

Memory refers to the process by which past experience and learning can be used in the present
we draw upon our memory of the past to help us understand the present.

Basic types of memory

1)Sensory memory
Sensory memory is the earliest stage of memory. During this stage sensory information from the
environment is stored from a very brief period of time.

2)Short term memory

Short term store holds information for a matter of seconds and occasionally for up to a minute or

3)Long term memory

When we talk about memory in our everyday interactions, we are usually talking about the long
term Store.

Q5)Mechanism of memory

All three memory stores process information similarly the encode store and retrieve it each
operation represents a stage in memory processing.

Refers to the process by which a physical, sensory input, such as a word or a sound or even
colour, is transformed into a representation that can be stored into memory.

Refers to moving encoded information into a memory store and to maintaining the information.
Refers to the recovery of stored information from a memory store and moving information into
consciousness for use in active cognitive processing.

Encoding, storage and retrieval are sequential stages. where by we first take in information,
then hold it for a while and later pull it out. However, the process interacts with each other and
are interdependent. For example when you study you need first to encode information and then
to store it. when you are tested you need to retrieve some of that information. How well you
retrieve the information will depend upon how well you encoded and then stored it.

Q6)What is intelligence how intelligence is measured

Intelligence is a concept or construct that refers to the ability to acquire knowledge, to think and
reason effectively and to deal adaptively with the environment.

Measurement of intelligence
Psychologists have many like tests for the measurement of intelligence. There are two type of
intelligence test

1)individual test :- in which only one individual is testes at a time

2)group test :- in which a group of individuals are tested at a time

1)Verbal individual test

● The test includes a age 3 years point out of nose, mouth , ears , tongue , eye etc
● At age 7 years tells what is missing in the unfinished picture

2)Non verbal individual test

● Block building
● To fit the blocks in the hole
1)verbal group intelligence test
The tests which necessitate the use of language and are applied to a group of individuals at a
time. For example, 1. Army alpha test (developed during World War I)

2)Non verbal group intelligence test

Nonverbal intelligence tests measure nonverbal reasoning. They are used to assess students
who have language processing problems or those with limited English proficiency.

Q7)Gardner 8 types of Intelligence

Gardner's 8 frames of mind

1)Verbal skill
The ability to think in words and to use language to express meanings (authors, generalist,

2)Mathematical skills
Ability to carry out mathematical operations (scientists, engineers, accountants)

3)Musical skills
A sensitivity to pitch, melody, Rhythm and tone (composers, musicians and sensitive listeners)

4)Special skill
The ability to think three-dimensional (architects, artists, sailors)

5)Bodily kinesthetic skills

The ability to manipulate objects and be physically adept (surgeons, crafts people, dancers,

6)Interpersonal skills
The ability to understand and effectively interact with others (successful teachers, mental health

7)Intrapersonal skills
The Ability to understand oneself and effectively direct one's life (theologians, psychologist)

8)Naturalist skills
The ability to observe pattern in nature and understand natural and human made systems
(farmers, botanist, ecologists, landscapers)
Q8)Memory improving tips

1. Focus your attention on the material you are studying.

2. Avoid cramming by establishing regular study sessions.
3. Structure and organise the information you are studying.
4. Utilise mnemonic devices to remember information.
5. Elaborate and rehearse the information you are studying.
6. Relate new information to things you already know.
7. Visualise concepts to improve memory and recall.
8. Teach new concepts to another person.
9. Pay extra attention to difficult information.
10. Vary your study routine.

Q9)Briefly describe any four fields of psychology

1)Abnormal psychology
It is the study of abnormal behaviour. This field of psychology consists of the study of abnormal
behaviour patterns and their causes. The study of abnormal psychology finds application in
Clinical Psychology, which is used in the treatment of psychological disorder.

2)Psychology of addiction
A complete dependence on a certain substance or drug is known as addiction. Both
physiological and psychological factors lead to addiction in human beings. The psychology of
addiction analyses these factors and attempts to find ways of controlling addiction.

3)Psychology of advertising
The principles of advertising are based largely on customer behaviour. Advertising techniques
are based on needs of the customers and focus on attracting them. The psychology of
advertising analyse the customer behaviour in response to different advertising strategies.

4)Psychology of Altruism
Altruism is defined as a selfless concern for others. It is referred to as a concern towards the
Welfare of others. The psychology of altruism analyzes the factors that lead to feelings of
selflessness. It studies the factors that contribute to a concern towards others.

Q10)Describe the various perspectives of psychology

1)Evolutionary perspective
This perspective looks at the impact of evolution on our behaviours (i.e. survival of the fittest,
which actually mean survival long enough to reproduce).

2)Behaviour Genetics perspective

This perspective looks at our personal genetic Heritage and how that influences who we are and
how we behave.
3)Behavioral perspective
This perspective looks how we learn from the consequences of our actions (i.e. if i study harder
,I get better score)

4)Cognitive perspective
This perspective looks at how we think and reason how we remember things why we remember
some things better than others, how we go about solving a Math or a logic problem.

5)Social cultural perspective

This perspective looks at how people in different cultures and social situations behaviour.

6)The biological perspective

Ability to explore and understand the human brain and nervous system. Tools such as MRI
scans and PET scan.

7)The humanistic perspective

This perspective emphasizes the role of motivation on thought and behaviour. Concept such as
a self actualization.

8)The psychodynamic perspective

This perspective emphasizes the role of the unconscious mind early, childhood experiences,
and interpersonal.

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