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3rd Quarter Grade 9 March 10, 2024

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

A. Familiarize the concept of Fiscal Policy through video watching.

B. Differentiate the ways on how the government uses Fiscal Policy by giving
C. Create a reflection on how Fiscal Policy affects life by writing a not less than 100-
word essay.
II. Learning Resources
A. Topic: Concepts of Fiscal Policy
B. References
• Grade 9 Araling Panlipunan Modyul: Konsepto ng Patakarang Piskal
DepEd Tambayan. (2022, January 29).
• Sir Edgar Ariola. (2021). Patakarang Piskal [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

• Balitao, B., Buising, M., Garcia, E., & De Guzman, A. (Eds.). (2017). Ekonomiks
Araling Panlipunan. Department of Education (DepEd). (Original work
published 2015)

C. Teaching Materials: Laptop/monitor – for video presentation, Illustrations- for

III. Teaching Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activity
Please rise. Anna, kindly lead the
Dear Father,
Bless this class with understanding,
Guide our minds as we're expanding.
Grant us wisdom, patience, grace,
As we learn and grow in this space.
All these we ask in Jesus’s name,
Good morning, class! How is your
day going so far?

We are doing well sir! Nice morning,

Sir Ron!
Before we start, let us hear from
the class president if there are any
absentees today.
I am elated to announce that no one
is absent today, sir.
Alright! That’s great to hear. That
means everyone has the chance
to recall the previous lesson.

B. Review
Yesterday, we talked about inflation.
Now, can anyone tell me the causes
of inflation?
The causes of inflation are demand-
pull inflation, and cost push inflation,
Great job, Mark! However, there is
still one missing. Anyone can help
Mark? How about Anna.
The last cause of inflation is structural
inflation, sir.

Excellent save, Anna! Both of you

may now be seated. Now, can
anyone explain the 3 main causes
of inflation?
(Learner raises her hand)
Yes, Kim?
Demand-pull inflation happens when
people want more stuff than what's
available, so prices go up; Cost-push
inflation is when it costs more to
make things, so companies charge
more; Structural inflation is when the
way things work in the economy
makes prices keep going up.
Amazing! Give a big hand to Kim.
(Learners utter claps)

So, anyone else who has

clarification about inflation before
we move on to our next lesson?
No one sir!

C. Motivation
Alright! Now, I will show you an
illustration about something. Then, I
will randomly call 5 people to
describe the picture in your own
understanding. Is everything clear?
Yes sir! (learners answer in chorus)
(Shows the picture)

I will start calling names. Let’s hear

from learner 1.
I think the picture talks about how to
kill the fire of inflation, sir.
It’s close, but not quite. How about
learner 2?
The man in the picture represents a
person who helps us remove
inflation, sir.
Alright. You have the idea. Can you
explain more, learner 3?
I believe it is the government sir, who
will take actions to prevent inflation.

That’s a good one. Another idea

learner 4?
Sir, the government will use its
money to help people from inflation.

Great job, learner 4. And where do

you think the money is coming from,
learner 5?
It is from the taxes, sir. The
government receives taxes from
people who buy goods and services.
That’s correct! It seems that everyone
has an idea what the topic is all about

So, let us see how the government

uses taxes in the concept in Fiscal

D. Discussion
According to Case, Fair, and Oster
(2012), fiscal policy is like how the
government uses its money to help
the country's economy. They say that
when the economy is slow, the
government might spend more or
lower taxes to make things better. But
if prices are going up too fast, they
might spend less or raise taxes to
slow things down.
So, sir taxes have a big role in Fiscal
Yes. That’s right! But we will find out
more about it.
Now, I will let you watch a short video
to visualize how Fiscal Policy works.
(Shows video in the class)

What did you understand about the

government’s Fiscal Policy?
The government is using Fiscal Policy
to handle government funds to help
the economy of the country.

Good job!
There are 2 ways to handle the funds
of the government under Fiscal
Policy. Can you give me one?
Expansionary Fiscal policy, sir!

You got it correctly! Can someone

explain how expansionary fiscal
policy works?
Expansionary fiscal policy works by
the government spending more funds
or lowering taxes to help the
economy grow.
Correct! The fund is used to create
government projects, so people have
more jobs. And that means more
income for them to spend. Thus, the
government will have revenue in
What is revenue sir?

That’s a good question. Please take


Revenue is the money the

government receives from taxes that
they can use to make projects to
create jobs for people.
Thank you, Sir Ron!
How about the second way?
Contractionary Fiscal Policy, Sir!
Can somebody explain it?
When there's inflation, prices rise too
fast, which can hurt the economy. So,
contractionary is used sir.
Very well said, leaner!
Remember that the government uses
contractionary fiscal policy to cool
things down by reducing the amount
of money flowing through the
economy. By spending less or raising
taxes, the government aims to reduce
overall demand, which can help
lower prices and bring inflation under

You did well, everyone!

Now that you understood the ways

how the government uses fiscal
policies in the economy, do you have
any questions or clarification?
None, Sir Ron!

Remember that both expansionary

and contractionary fiscal policies are
important tools for the government
to control economic ups and downs,
like helping the economy grow faster
or slowing it down when it's moving
too quickly.

E. Generalization
Alright! For you to easily recall the
ways the government uses its funds
under fiscal policy, I would like you to
compare expansionary and
contractionary fiscal policies by giving
1 example of each. Write it on a 1-
half crosswise sheet of paper. Finish it
in 5 minutes.
Copy sir!

Okay! Pass your paper, if you are

finished, then you can have your

F. Assessment

The learners are tasked to create a not less than 100-word essay about how Fiscal Policy
affects their lives as a student. The essay is written on a whole sheet of paper.
Rubric for Essay: High School! (n.d.).

G. Assignment

1. Study the next topics on Types of Taxes and National Budget.

2. You can read our reference in the class or watch YouTube videos related to the above
topics, to supplement your understanding.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Ronald P. Bartolome Ma’am Mylene Dupitas Mr. Loviegie Lampa
CPT Student Resource Teacher Resource Teacher
TSU-CTED Baras-Baras High School Baras-Baras High School

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