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Some people think that learning foreign languages is a waste of time and


One issue that caused lots of controversy over the years is learning foreign
languages. Some people think that every educated person should know at least
one foreign language, while others believe that time and money can be spent
on more useful things. Let us examine each of these points in detail.

According to Geoffrey Willans, “You can never understand one language until
you understand at least two.” In my opinion, the more languages you know, the
more opportunities you will have for achieving success in life. Firstly, learning
foreign languages broadens your horizons and helps discover the diversity of
other cultures. Secondly, the ability to fluently speak foreign languages may
help you find a highly-paid job. Thirdly, language skills may help you feel
more at home when you travel abroad.

On the contrary, there are people who believe fluency in foreign languages is a
skill that is only useful when people are going to emigrate or find a job in an
international company. In all other cases learning foreign languages is just a
waste of time and money.

I strongly disagree with the above mentioned statement. When it comes to

a highly-paid job, a good command of a foreign language is a must for most
reputed companies. Besides, foreign languages are our travel companions.

Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I believe that foreign

languages are our passport to another world full of breathtaking places,
interesting people, new culture and way of life. Learning foreign languages is
essential if you want to explore the world and develop your personality.

Glossary – მოკლე სიტყვარი

1) controversy – პოლემიკა, დისკუსია

2) to achieve – მიღწევა

3) to broaden horizons – ცოდნის / ცნობიერების ამაღლება

4) diversity – მრავალფეროვნება, სხვადასხვაობა

5) fluently – თავისუფლად (ითქმის მეტყველებაზე )

6) to be fluent in – წყალივით ლაპარაკობდე რომელიმე ენას (I am fluent

in English – ინგლისურად წყალივით ვლაპარაკობ)

7) fluency in a foreign language – მეტყველების შეუფერხებლობა

8) highly-paid job – მაღალანაზღაურებადი სამუშაო

9) language skills – ენის უნარ-ჩვევები

10) to master – ფლობა; დაუფლება

11) to feel at home – თავის კომფორტულად გრძნობა

12) when it comes to – როდესაც საქმე მიდგება

13) essential – მნიშვნელოვანი; არსებითი

14) breathtaking – სუნთქვის შემკვრელი; თავბრუდამხვევი

15) to explore – გამოკვლევა, შესწავლა

16) to develop personality – პიროვნულობის განვითარება

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