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Hello, how are you doing and how is the weather condition over there today?

I came across your beautiful profile and i felt touched, do you know you have a
precious smile that can drive anybody laughing if he or she was annoy? God has
bless you with different gifts of life, your Beauty and your Smile.

Actually i was going through my device when i came across your lovely photo and
profile, which seems very interesting and nice and i had send you a request just to
tell you how beautiful you are. i just want us to be friends if you don't mind?

My name is Charles Jason. I'm from Austin Texas, America. What's your name?

Well, I'm a medical doctor by profession specializes in surgery and emergency

Neurosurgeon, working officially under the United Nation.. what's your job?

How's the situation of things as regards to the economic standard and security over
there in your country today?

I will love to know more about you but i don't stay much here on facebook due to my
work but it will be more easier for me to text you through my Gmail hangout or
Zalo, even when i'm at work, can i have your gmail hangout address or Zalo number
to text you when i'm less busy


Good to have you here, we can always write in here anytime you are less busy.....

Are you married and how many lovely kids do you have ?

How old are you?

I am 52 years old, I am a single father I lost my wife 2 years ago ,she died
due to breast cancer.

Thanks but life has to move on with me since i have mourned her for 2 years now

do you have children?

Dear i do hope our conversation is based on trust, sincerity and honesty I hate
lies and I hate to be lied to.

I will love to tell you more about myself and my family

I lost my father 19 years old, My father was an estate developer also Rig Engineer,
he was a great man, he died on a rig crash in Texas United states, he died at the
age of 60.
After the death of my father my mother was terribly shock, she developed a heart
attack , she died one year after the death of my father.

I was raised by my grandparents when I lost both my parents. I lived with my

grandparents for a few years in a village called Alaska before I was admitted to
university in New York City.

I studied medicine and surgery in the university of New York where i obtained my
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS)

I have a daughter and her name is Rose, she studies at boarding school.

If you dont mind can you tell me more about your family?

Although we only know each other, I will appreciate we are good friends in
sincerity, honesty and trust to share opinions and discuss more issues as we talk
more about myself, and I believe that as time goes on there may be something great
for us in the future, what do you think?

Have you been to USA before or would you love to visit USA someday?

I am now stationed in Bagdad, Iraq for a year. I will complete my contract in a

month and then I will return to USA

Here in Iraq, the UN gave me an apartment and a car, they are the one who give me
everything i want here and the food i eat because i don`t have access to my bank
account here due to the war here in Iraq, but i can only have access to it when I
leave here, I work 2 weeks night shift, and 2 weeks day.

I believe you know the work and duty of the UN?

The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization that aims to maintain

international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve
international cooperation, and be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.

Founded: October 24, 1945, San Francisco, California, United States.

It is currently made up of 193 Member States, which also means 193 countries in the

Once I finish my contract I will be paying my balance of $3.2millions but for now,
i have no access to my account here because of the war here and due to security
reasons, and they always give me everything i want. I have got 3 houses in the
state, with good cars I have been working here in Iraq for a year now, and in a
few month's time, I will complete my contract.

Our purpose here is to serve and protect the lives of wounded soldiers and as well
ensure the safety of the citizens here in Iraq, there's always war in Iraq that's
why we're here to ensure peace.

I would love to know more about you, hope you don't mind telling me more about

My Hobbies are Cooking, reading newspapers,watching tv,listening to music,Sport,

Swimming, Traveling around the world.

I enjoy going to the beach,love the ocean and mountain view, Enjoy some Travel and
weekend trips.

I am very loving, caring, and very honest, i am a man who loves himself, his
family and his woman foremost.

I am a man who is generous,kind and has plenty of sympathy for the less fortunate.
And above all, a man who is always the peace maker in a world

I don't believe in double dating or cheating on my wife

I hate lies, stealing, jealousy, envy, blackmail, back stabbing, dishonesty and

You happen to be my first friend here.

At this stage of my life,I have achieved almost everything I wanted except a united
family and it hurts me.

My priority is to have a happy and harmonious family what about you,do you wish for
a happy family too?

well, I want to love and to be loved, what about you dear?

Well, I don't think that the age difference between us should be a barrier, rather,
the most important thing is for us to be sure if we really find understanding,
happiness and joy within each other.

Above all, I think love is the greatest, don't you also think so?

All I need in a woman is a care, trust, understanding, sincerity, faithfulness and

respect in other for us to spend the rest of our lives together and happily.

I also value the sense of humor in a woman, What interest you in a man?

Well, I'm caring, out-spoken, humorous, understanding, passionate and cheerful.

Definitely, you will be the one to see for yourself by the time we will be

What are the habits that you hate in a man?

If I may ask, are you romantic?

I like the way you express yourself, I'm a romantic man, I know how to make my
woman contented with my love and If I eventually love you or you finally become my
wife, I will love you with all my heart, respect you, care for you, cherish you so
much and treat you like a Queen because I'll be ready to take sacrifices in order
to make you happy and be there for you.

As for you, how would you treat me if I eventually become your husband?
I'm so happy to hear that and it's really becoming interesting as we get to know
more about each other.

My favorite color used to be Black but since I became a medical doctor, I fell in
love with white and yellow and you?

Please if you don't mind, can I ask you for few of your photos. I hope you don't
mind sending me about 2 of your photos?

You look so beautiful and chamring

Although we just got to know each other not long ago, but I feel so comfortable
with you and I'm happy to have you in my life.

I'm so happy chatting with you and I pray for our communication to lead to a
fruitful end. Dear, don't you wish so too?

Dear, I have to leave now and I hope we'll chat again tomorrow?

take good care of yourself, bye.

( DAY 02)

Hello friend how are you doing, and I hope you slept well last night?

so What is the time there?

Okay dear, and I hope you have had your breakfast or lunch?

Did you enjoy the meal?

That's great. well the time here is 16:48 PM and I'll soon leave in some minutes
because I need to rest a little against my morning shift or night shift.
Although we just got to know each other not long ago, but I feel so comfortable
with you and I'm happy to have you in my life.

We seem to have an interesting conversation and I hope for our communication to

lead to a fruitful end, don't you wish so too?

Alright dear, it was really nice chatting with you and once more, it's absolutely
my pleasure to chat with you today.

I hope we can also chat again tomorrow or some other time?

Ok dear, take good care of yourself and have a wondeful time.



What is your favorite color?

Wow, that is so lovely,is that the color of your car?

What are your favorite type of food?

Are you right handed or left handed?

What is the most important things you are looking for in another partner?

What are your greatest achievement?

Besides love, what one trait have you noticed in couples that have maintained a
successful relationship for many years?

Believing in the most high God ,trust ,honest, communication. as long as they talk
to each other, the relationship endures. Even when there are differences, talking
can solve problems .you know what i mean?
Do you drink?

Have you ever had any financial problems (bad credit or filed bankruptcy)?

Are you a jealous type?

Well no am not a jealous type of person and i think if a person is jealous theres
no i always like to be on the trust side,hope you know what i mean. I am
not a jealous person. If what my mate is doing bothers me, I talk it out in
private ...

Do you have brothers and sisters?

What are you goals in life?

What are you afraid of in a relationship?

Being hurt in a relationship thats when trust and honest doesnt work between us.

How often do you lose your temper?

How important is it to you that your partner be accepted by your family and

How often would you want to be having sex with your partner?

What if he is a sex addict?

I hope my questions are not too harsh for you, I just wanna know more about you, I
hope you understand what I mean?
Is there any male beside me that is trying to get to know you or want to know you?

what do you think of Language, culture, tradition,and distance in friendship or


As for me age, Language, culture, tradition,and distance doesn't matter when it

comes to friendship and relationship, all that matters is trust, honesty, care and
understanding and above all love which is the greatest.

What is your Religious beliefs?

My Religion is Roman Catholic and i am a Christian.

I have to go now, i have some patients to attend to

Have a lovely day, i will text you when i am done with my work

(DAY 04)

How are you today, I hope everything is fine?

I missed chatting with you... what is your mood today?

I'm happy to hear that. You deserve to be happy no matter the circumstance. I was
thinking of you so I decided to come online.

How was work today?

I guess you're at home now, am I right?

It's such a good feeling to realize that I have you in my life and I'm pleased as
we chat with each other again.

Guess what?
I used your picture as my wallpaper because you are indeed a beautiful and
attractive woman.

I just wish we're together right now, having this conversation face to face but
never the less, it's just a matter of time for us to find out if we're compatible
with each other.

So how's the weather condition there?

That's interesting... How are your children?

My reagards to them.

I have been thinking about you since yesterday, we are like a miracle to each other
and I must confess that I really enjoyed our mutual correspondence yesterday and
the way you expressed yourself to me.

we have left the past behind us and I think all we need to do is to focus on the
future because I believe that the future is more important than the past, do you
think the same?

I understand all that you have told me about yourself and I promise not to go
against your views about life, I have found so much joy in our mutual

I am really glad that I met you, I am not here for endless online conversations
because I will like to meet you as soon as I retire next month from Medical
service. won't you like us to meet each other?

My priority in life is to settle down with the right woman and share wonderful
moments together and forever.
What about you?

what is your priority..?

I hope my questions are not harsh to you?

Okay dear...I pray for both of our dreams to come true.

In a relationship I seek for Love, sincerity, mutual understanding and happy

moments. What do you seek for in a relationship?

If you guarantee me this things then I believe that we'll be happy together and
forever like the best couple in the world

I still don't forget your beautiful face since I saw your photos. Your photo is in
my head.

Where would you like to spend your christmas vacation?

will you like us to spend the christmas vacation with me in USA?

Wow! It will really be a wonderful experience, don't you think so?

I intend to surprise you with something special on the day of our meeting. Do you
like surprises?


I am not looking for just a friendship but a relationship that will lead to
marriage and not for fun.

I have seen you a nice and sincere woman with these few days I know it might be too
early to say this but what i fell for you is rare and unique

I'm no longer a child that will keep how i feel for someone to myself without
expressing it out no matter how or when i will always do.

I do want a relationship that will end in marriage , someone that wants the same
things and to be loved and I want to be loved.

When I love someone I give them my all and they will always come first and
Is like we have something in common friendship is not even enough but i think
relationship will be better for us.

I'm now beginning to develop much interest and attention in you during our
conversation. Can i have a chance to come into your life from good to best ?

My whole body crave for you.

I am looking forward to everything that God has in store for us. And I truly feel
that you are the woman that God has given to me.

Also promise not to break my heart if I give my love to you?

I'm short of words and I feel like a teenager now falling in love again.

I promise to protect you, cherish you, take good care of you, honor you, love you
forever and to always give you the attention that you deserve for the rest of our

I strongly beleive that I have found the best and most wonderful darling in the
whole wide world.

You have really touched my life in so many ways because you brought back joy into
my heart.

I will never treat you wrong and give all the things that you deserve in life.

I've kept my feelings for you contained for as long as I could. I am in love with
you though, and true, honest love shouldn't be contained and kept quiet for this

My feelings for you grow more and more every day, and my love for you grows deeper
and more everlasting with every passing minute.

You mean so much to me, I mean just seeing your smiling face or hearing you heart-
melting voice just brightens up my worst days and makes them so much better. Or
just having you give me a hug makes me all warm and tingly inside.

I dream of you day in and day out; you're all that's ever on my mind.. I am in love
with you and have been in love with you!! I love you.

My daughter was the gratest part of my life, but now it's so amazing that you are
also a greater part of my life.

I'm overwhelmed with joy and these days my colleagues have also noticed the recent
happiness all over me.
I don�t know how to express my emotion to you. But the only thing I can is I love
you till the last breath of my life. I want to give you all the happiness in the
world and steal your worries and pain forever.

You are the only one who understands me even more than myself. You are the only one
with whom I can share everything, even my personal secrets. I want you to be with
me always. I love you.

Keep me in your heart, but not in your mind, because I always want to stay with
you, not want to be in your sweet memory. I love you the most in the world.

I propose you to be my lifetime friend without any condition I promise you that you
have find no complaints in this relation. I want to be your true friend and you can
have me always by your side.

The love we cherish makes my life beautiful and nice; sharing emotion with you
makes me happy and loving; life has many colors and I want to enjoy each one with
you; I want to grow old with you. Will you marry me?

I promise I will do everything just to make you happy. I love you so much

please i have to go back to work now, i will talk to you when i am done, my love

(DAY 05)

Hello my darling, how are you today?

I'm happy to chat with you today, I really missed our communication and i missed
you too.

I have developed the habit of thinking about you, so how has your day been?

I hope all is well?

when are your workings days? do you also work on saturday and sunday?

This short period of knowing you has been the most happiest days of my life.

It's a matter of time, we'll be together and probably forever because my heart
treasures you so much.

You have now become a great part of my life, my heart is glad to have you and my
soul rejoices too.having you alone in my life is enough fate and assurance that I'm
on the right path of having a united, happy, peaceful and lively family

every word that I say to you comes directly from my heart, I feel so comfortable
with and it feels like I've known you for a decade.
words are empty when they're only spoken or written but it becomes effective when
they are expressed or put to practice.

I don't want to rush things but I can't resist telling you how I feel.
Just hold on with all your might, we'll soon be together as much as we want to be
together, all i need from you is your prayers and good wishes for me while I'm here
in the Baghdad Iraq.

You know, anything can happen at anytime here

tell me, do you have any health challenges?

As for me, I also healthy and fit. I like listening to music, although I'm not a
good dancer but I like dancing when I'm happy.

How about you?

it's cool listening to nice music, sometimes it can be inspirational, it also

softens the spirit.

so tell me, what other things do you enjoy doing? like going to museum


I am caring lovely and passionate humble man with respect and dignity, I am
faithful, i am romantic easy going man with cool heart of given.

The choice of being with another life is an amazing thing.

Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal happiness. No matter how much you
love someone if you don�t have these ingredients you will never succeed

.To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him/her first.

You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust the only thing
that will never fade until death which is your heart ...

Love is like trust, when you find your special someone it is as if you're trusting
them with your heart.Trust is what you put in someone's hands. Faith is what you
hold on to.

Trust is what makes everyone realize that you are always there for them.

The only thing that can keep a relationship or marriage work together forever is
Trust and without trust love is always question and in that process doubt comes in
and such relationship or marriage will now be based on suspicious and full of
cautious and distrust

.Faith is what makes everyone realize that you are always there to help them in
case they need some help.

Love makes not everyone, but the only one in your life who is special, think that
you are always there for her, to be with her, to cherish her, to fulfill her
dreams, to share with her and most of all, to make her realize how much you really
love her.

Distance doesn't matter we love each other sincerely with our hearts.

When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to

Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the
future without fear. keep the FAITH and drop the fear... You are not perfect and
neither am I. But we surely are perfect for each other.

I love you honey.No one is perfect yet we grow together...! Love makes us stronger
and better.

Love is something very vital to love to reach it's peak, without trust and honesty
there can never be
the completeness and correctness of loving my dear angel.

I love you and trust you with all my heart and now you're the only one I want to
share my love, care, body soul and with all that I have, do you mean that much more
to me honey and i want you to never forget this, I love you so much.

Do you believe that the love you are looking for is right here with you ?

Do you trust me with all your heart ?

(DAY 06)

Good morning, ho are you doing today?

I see! I wish I'm there with you right now, how is the weather there today?

We are actually not with each other physically but the love we share will see u
through, just hold on with all ur might and days will just pass over like hours.

Recently, I begin to feel you so much within me and I wonder if you also feel the
same way?
It's my pleasure to have you in my life, my heart is so grateful to have you

and I'll be proud of you as my wife, if everything eventually works out with the
wishes and efforts of both our hearts

I have a question to ask you and I want you to be sincere with me.

Have you ever thought of our future?

So now, I'm asking you, what do you think about our future together?

The feelings I have for you is not just ordinary, I'm old enough to realize that
I've developed a very special and unique feelings towards you both when I think of
you and when I chat with you.

You're precious to my heart, you deserve never to be hurt, you deserve all the good
things of life and you deserve to be treated by a nice man who will give you full
respect as his wife, My heart desires your presence so much.

when it come to my thoughts about our future, I see a very bright and woderful
couple in us.

Our respect for each other matters a lot but I know that everything will be fine
between us.

I will not dissapoint you if you give your heart to me, and I hope you won't
dissapoint me if I give my heart to you?

We need care, understanding and mutual feelings to make our relationship/marriage

stronger and everlasting.

All that should matter to us is to really understand each other and have a great
plan for our future as destiny has brought us together...

I'm so greatful to have you in my life. my heart desires you so much, your
happiness and success matters a lot to me.

I'm very comfortable with you because I frequently feel you inside of me. It would
be my pleasure to always make you happy and satisfied with my love because I feel
you deserve it.

Even when I'm busy, I still think of you and I pray for the angels to guide you
I promise to always make you happy and contented with my love, My desire is to high
to be with you and take care of you

Destiny has brought us together, I promise to love, honor and cherish you for the
rest of my life.

All I need from you is your prayers and best wishes for me while I'm still here in
the camp.

I have a lot of Doctor stories and experience to share with you when we are
together, I hope you will like to listen?

Since you came into mylife, I've been very happy, I think about you all the time, i
want to be with you soon and forever.

At this point of our relationship, I cant hesitate to accept the fact that thinking
of you really strengthens me so much.

I am filled with so much happiness, love and care in my heart because you came into
my life.

Honey, I missed you so much, I feel like holding you now.

Your words really touch me and I feel so worried that you are lonely there.

I cannot wait for us to be together forever, so that i can take good care of you.
all i want is your love, I promise that I'll not break your heart if you give your
love to me. do you?

Being in love with you makes every morning worth waking up with happiness and you
are the reason that my soul is rejoicing.

I m feeling so happy, do u know why?

You are the star that brightens my life, your care and good thoughts for me warms
my heart.

Honey, I miss you so much, I want us to be together forever, We need each other so
much in our lifes.

I have become fond of thinking about you all the time, you have captured every bit
of my love towards you and I want to be with you forever.

Even though we are apart but our heart and soul is very close to each other.

Would you like to work in America?

That's great, I would do my best for you because I want woman with focus but i find
a less stressful work for you.

Hoest, I actually feel like the luckiest man on earth and please can I call you

Wow, indeed you are my sweetheart and the miles between us cannot keep our love
apart, just listen close and you will hear the beating of my heart next to your

Destiny has brought us together and I promise to do everything within my power to

make sure that our love last forever because I want us to grow old together.

I I can no longer live without thinking of you, I believe our love will last
forever because you are my heart and my soul, you are my rain and sunshine.

i want to know the scent of your hair and I can't wait for us to go shopping

Your love is my strenght.

I want to know the taste of your kiss, I want to hug and kiss you gently and

I think of somany good and happy moments that we will spend together in the future
and it makes me happy.

I have so much comfort in you.

I want to drink coffee with you, I want to hold your hand and walk by the beach
with you.
I want to sleep next to you as I want to always cover you with my arms and then
wake up beside you every morning to give you a morning kiss and look into your
charming eyes.

You are the choice of my heart and I strongly believe in our future...

Nothing can be compared to you because my heart treasures you more than anything.

I miss you every second, every minute and every hour and every day, you are
precious to my heart, I love you.

The bond we share is very strong, I cannot wait to be with you for the rest of my

You posses all the true qualities I seek in a woman, I am proud to have you in my

nothing can come in between us because the bond that we share is strong and I'm
giving you my word that I will always love, cherish, respect and protect you.

thank you so much and nothing will ever stop me from being with you, I accept you
children into my heart and promise to give them equal treatment that i give to my

for the fact that I have you, there is an uneding happiness in my heart.

we'll feel the deepness of each other with the fire of passion and affection...!

Honey until till i met you i never knew what love was till i met you this feeling
seems to grow strong. Everyday i love u more each day

I believe I have a lot of love to give to someone special and someone I truly
believe in, and I'm a lover not a fighter .

I hate arguments and stuff like that because I believe that you've got to keep the
lines of communication open at all times and be able to talk to the one you love
about anything and everything and not hold back anything at all.

you don't get anywhere fighting and arguing with your partner but if you talk and
share and show respect believe me you have an open this that you share together
that is truly wonderful in every way

. I wish I could look into your eyes because I swear I could probably see your
heart as well.

the way speak and the way you share things with me draws me very close to you I
will not lie to you, I am very drawn to you and I'm not ashamed of that

.Thank you my sweetheart, you are the BEST thing that could ever happen to me,
please know that, I will love you FOREVER darling.

I love you with the whole of my heart

darling you shall be a part of my lonely heart, i will make you happy in every
moment of your entire life, for it is my happiness to see you smile and laugh, let
every drops of your tears become my sin, i will never let you cry for i love you
with everlasting love,

Honey, we will live together as one family, and i will be with you till the end of
age my sweetheart

baby if you could see into my mind, i think that you would surely find a love that
binds you to my soul, a love that i cannot control my sweetheart,

i love you with my soul honey you have captured my dreams, in all that you do i
pray that one day they may all come true, i give you my life and all that it is, i
can't wait for the day to feel your sweet kiss my sweetheart,

you are the owner of my heart and soul darling.

I am open minded and liberal on race, lifestyle and life choices. I think it is
important to laugh every day.

I am serious about my work.I'm friendly,kind and

caring,sensitive,loyal ,understanding,humorous ,fun to be with,down to earth.

accepting,truthful and helpful,with honest blue eyes.

confiding,forgiving,cheerful and bright,generous, charming and above all God



My love, try and understand that calling is against our military rules here and is
not as if i don't love to see you on video camera or speak with you through voice
but if i do so i will loose my job forever and i can't afford to loose my job not
when i am so close to my retirement

Calls are expensive and video calls are not allowed here for security reasons.

And I can just call you when I'm taking permission from the ..
It's not my fault it's a rule we have to obey a woman loves a man of weakness and
he always has a faith in...

We are not allowed to voice or video call except when i take permission from the
authority on a special reasons and that will take some time before the grant me
that , so please hope you can endure with me till i get my retirement letter and
come to settle down with you in your city .

I would like you to keep our relationship private and confidential till i come home
to settle down with you
Is not all that eat, drink or laugh with you that cherish to see you happy or
progress in life
Life is more than what you think
i have seen lots of things from the past and i don't want you to have a double
heart for me please lets keep our relationship away from friends and family

Other reasons is because i am not supposed to be on the internet because the

terrorist are everywhere looking for a way to get us and have our information and
most of them come through friends of friends or lover who are working for them

I want to be safe here baby please let keep this till i come and if you want to
tell your family or your trusted friend let it now be all what we discuss ..

I know you are mature enough to handle you relationship afairs


i Think it's right time we plan for our future so what plans do you have for you
and me in the future?

I have great plans for our future Like how many kids would you love to have for
me ?.

But if you can't bear me a child no problem that will never stop me from loving you

I love you.

I have great plans for our future, Firstly you need to inform your family about me
and hope they would accept me .. after that i would love you to quit our job when i
have arrived and let us to go into family business together.

I want to make your country my second home and you will make U.S your second home.
I will treat you as a Queen and Princess that you are and i want you to treat me as
a King and Prince.

I would love us to go into building of Hospital, Orphanage and Hotel .

I love these three business because firstly i want people to have a better medical
care and good health ( HOSPITAL ), secondly i know how it feels not to have any
person to carter for those who are in needy and less privilege because sowing into
them make you outstanding and great usefulness to those who are in need ( ORPHANAGE
), and thirdly i want a nice place for visitors and resident to stay and relax
( HOTEL )..

I will want you to quit your job immediately i come to spend the rest of my life
with you so that we can run this business together with one mind and love . Don't
worry your about money, i'm not asking you to contribute to start up the business.
I have all it take to do
that, i am a wealthy man, i am not a poor General. my money is also yours. I love
you honey.


Don't worry about the language difference honey. When i get to your country i will
go to your country school and learn how to speak your language and also i will take
you to English class so that you can also learn how to speak English for a better
communication but before then we can be communicating by writing .. What did you
think about that ?..

My dear want you to help me look for a posh or a villa house for me to buy in your
city. The house should be measuring more than 200 square meters in a very nice and
conducive environment or if possible close to the beach .. And there should have a
nice garden inside and a swimming pool..



My love, our hospital has be bomb blast by the tailban here in baghdad Iraq so for
that the UN have extend out contrat to 2 years time and i dont want to stay here in
2 years time

Honey, have sent a vacation letter to the UN but they dont accept my offer so i can
you to try and send them a vacation letter if they will accept your offer or not so
i can leave here on time and come to you in Vietnam


My love, you and Rose my daughter are the only one who can send a letter to the UN
but my daughter Rose is still a little girl to send a letter to the UN


Name: Charles Jason

Department: Neurosurgeons
Official code number: UNMD0018094
Serving City: Baghdad Iraq
State of origin: United States

Dear Sir/Madam
I am the fiancee of Charles Jason. He`s a neurosurgeon doctor, He`s a citizen of
the United States of America and he is one of your staff in the Baghdad Teaching
Hospital. I am writing to plead with you to kindly grant/approve his emergency
vacation leave to enable him to come to Vietnam as it may please you to know that I
am the fiancee of Charles Jason. We both have known each other for quite some time
now but we have not had the chance to meet each other in person and we have agreed
to meet here in Vietnam to enable us to get to know each other better and confirm
our plans.
I will be very happy and honorable if his emergency vacation is approved, so we are
able to plan how we can celebrate this union, also plan our future together as a
couple. I do hope to get a positive result from you as soon as possible and
appreciate your consideration and approval.
Respectfully and with Gratitude


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