LS1 Eng. LAS (Skimming - Scanning)

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Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)

6 Skills (
LS1 Communication )
Name of Learner: ____________________________ Date: _________________
CLC: ______________________________________ Score: ________________

General Reminders: Use this learning activity sheet with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
activity sheet. Use the work sheets in answering the exercises. Read the directions carefully before doing each
task. Return this activity sheet to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

Lesson: Skimming and Scanning

Learning Competency:
 Use skimming and scanning to:
*locate specific information from various materials, *determine the text type,
*determine key ideas
LS1CS/EN-R-PSD-LE/JHS-54/ALS K to 12 CG 2019 pp. 31

Reading allows us to be transported from our own world to another. Between the pages of a
book, we can become immersed in the lives of fictional characters and learn about a culture
entirely different from our own. We can also learn new words and phrases, experience a range of
emotions, and acquire skills and knowledge.

In this lesson you will learn to define what is skimming and scanning. You will also learn the
different reading techniques using skimming and scanning. By reading this lesson you will know
the importance of skimming and scanning and how will you apply it in your everyday life.


Let’s think about this

 Direction: Tell what kind of reading materials being shown below. Write your answer
in the blank provided.

1. 2.


4. 5.


LE Level: Direction: Read the story and put (√) mark in the correct sentence and put an
(X) mark in the incorrect sentence.

AE-JHS Level: Direction: Answer the following questions. Circle your answer.

1. You're skimming a book called "Plant Life" to see if it would be a good source for you
research paper on how flowers grow.
Where would you look to see if it has the info you need?
a. the title b. the cover c. the table of contents d. the first paragraph

2. It's time to pick a book for silent reading time. You have a stack of novels in front of you.
What is the best thing to look at to decide if the book will interest you?
a. the title b. the list of chapters c. the first sentence or paragraph d. the index

3. You're interested in learning more about dogs, but you don't want a boring book full of text.
What is the best part of the book to look at to see if it will interest you?
a. the title b. the cover c. the table of contents d. the pictures

4. You're skimming a newspaper to find the comics section.

What is the best thing to look at to find the section you want?
a. the section headings b. the pictures c. the headlines d. the index

5. You're reading a short story and want to quickly determine what it is about.
What is the best thing to look at?
a. the title b. the first and last sentence of each paragraph
c. dialogue d. the author

6. You're reading a chapter in your textbook to prepare for a test.

What is the best thing to look for to find the most important information quickly?
a. the bold words b. charts
c. picture captions d. the first sentence of each paragraph

7. You're playing a game and want to know how the winner is determined, so you open the
instructions, but they are long.
What is the best thing to look at to quickly find what you're looking for?
a. the headings b. the pictures
c. the first sentence of each paragraph d. the numbered lists
8. You're writing a research paper about a particular general during the Civil War, but the book
you have on the Civil War is huge.
What is the best thing to look at to quickly find what you need?
a. the title b. the first and last sentence of each paragraph
c. bold words d. the index

9. You're reading a book about flies. You want to know how each type of fly compares to the
others. While scanning the book, you should focus on:
a. pictures and charts b. headings c. bold words d. the index

10. You're browsing the Help Wanted ads to find a job. The job must pay at least ₱150/hour.
When scanning the job ads, what should you look at in each ad before reading the rest of the ad?
a. the ₱ amount b. the contact number c. the heading d. the first sentence

Let’s see what you already know

Direction: Read these sentences very quickly. Ask yourself. “Is the writer FOR or
AGAINST the idea?”. Then make a (√) check beside the answer.

1. Many people believe that meat is an important food to eat. It is not true. You do not need to
meat at all. In fact, you may be more healthy if you do not eat meat.

For_____________ Against_______________

2. Travel is not always fun. Often there are problems with transportation, language or hotels. It is
also very tiring to travel, and you can easily get sick.

For_____________ Against________________

3. Today it is better not to have a camera when you travel. A camera is heavy and difficult to
It is also not necessary. You can buy a good picture postcards almost everywhere.

For_____________ Against__________________

4. A Bicycle is the best way to see a country. It does not need gas. It is not expensive. And you
also get some exercise at the same time you are traveling.

For_____________ Against_________________

5. Bicycles can be very dangerous. You can hurt yourself by falling off the bicycle. You can also
get seriously hurt if you are hit by a car.

For_____________ Against__________________

6. Everyone should learn another language. A second language is very useful these days. It also
may teach you something about other people and places.

For_____________ Against___________________

7. It is not easy to move to another country. There may be problems with language or culture. It
may be difficult to find a job or a place to live. And in another country, you do not have
family or friends to help.

For______________ Against____________________

8. Music often makes you feel better about life. It can make you happy if you are sad. It can
you relax when you are nervous.
Let’s learn
For______________ Against____________________

Skimming and Scanning are reading techniques that use rapid eye
movement and keywords to move quickly through text for slightly
different purposes.

Skimming and scanning are two very different strategies

for speed reading. They are each used for different
purposes, and they are not meant to be used all the time.
They are at the fast end of the speed-reading range, while
studying is at the slow end. People who know how to skim
and scan are flexible readers. They read according to their
purpose and get the information they need quickly without
wasting time. They do not read everything which is what
increases their reading speed. Their skill lies in knowing
what specific information to read and which method to use.

What Is Skimming?

Skimming- is one of the tools you can use to

read more in less time. Skimming refers to
looking only for the general or main ideas, and
works best with non-fiction (or factual)
material. With skimming, your overall
understanding is reduced b ecause you don’t
read everything. You read only what is
important to your purpose. Skimming takes
place while reading and allows you to look for
details in addition to the main ideas.

How to skim?
Use skimming to overview your textbook chapters or to review for a test. Use
skimming to decide if you need to read something at all, for example during the preliminary
research for a paper. Skimming can tell you enough about the general idea and tone of the
material, as well as its gross similarity or difference from other sources, to know if you need to
read it at all.

To skim, prepare yourself to move rapidly through the pages. You will not read every
word; you will pay special attention to typographical cues-headings, boldface and italic type,
indenting, bulleted and numbered lists. You will be alert for key words and phrases, the
names of people and places, dates, nouns, and unfamiliar words.

In general follow these steps:
1. Read the table of contents or c hapter
to learn the main divisions of ideas.
2. Glance through the main headings in each
chapter just to see a word or two. Read the
headings of charts and tables.
3. Read the entire introductory paragraph and
then the first and last sentence only of each
following paragraph. For each paragraph,
read only the first few words of each
sentence or to locate the main idea.
4. Stop and quickly read the sentences
containing keywords indicated in boldface or
5. When you think you have found something
significant, stop to read the entire sentence to
make sure. Then go on the same way. Resist
the temptation to stop to read details you
don't need.
6. Read chapter summaries when provided.

 When to skim?
Because skimming is done at a fast speed with less-than-normal comprehension, you shouldn’t
skim all the time. There are many times, however, when skimming is very useful. Suppose you
have an exam in a few days. You need to review the material you learned, but you don’t want to
reread everything. By skimming, you can quickly locate the information you haven’t mastered yet
and study only that material.

 Examples of Skimming:

The Newspaper- to quickly get the general news of a day.

Magazines- to quickly discover which articles you would like to read in

more detail.

Business and Travel Brochures-to quickly get informed.

 What Is Scanning?

Scanning- is another useful tool for speeding up your reading.

Unlike skimming, when scanning, you look only fo r a
specific fact or piece of information without reading
everything. You scan when you look for your favorite show
listed in the cable guide, for your friend’s profile in Facebook,
and for the sports scores in the newspaper. For scanning to be
successful, you need to understand how your material is
structured as well as comprehend what you read so you can
locate the specific information you need. Scanning also
allows you to find details and other information in a hurry.

 How to scan?

Because you already scan many different types of material in your daily life, learning more
details about scanning will be easy. Establishing your purpose, locating the appropriate
material, and knowing how the information is structured before you start scanning is essential.

The material you scan is typically arranged in the following ways: alphabetically,
chronologically, non-alphabetically, by category, or textually. Alphabetical information is
arranged in order from A to Z, while chronological information is arranged in time or
numerical order.

 When to scan?
You scan when your aim is to find specific pieces of information. If you were doing the research for an
oral presentation, you could scan the index of books, web sites, and reference materials. You would
discover whether they contain any information you want and the pages where the information can be
In the past, you probably scanned without knowing you were doing it. Now with the information
provided in this section, you can use scanning more intentionally and frequently. The more you

practice, the more effective scanning will become. Finally, the most important benefit of scanning is its
ability to help you become a more flexible reader. Scanning adds another high gear to your reading.
 Examples of Scanning:

Scanning list of friends in Scanning list of Story in a

A google search list on the
Facebook Book
  How
important is Skimming and Scanning?
Skimming and scanning are very important in rapid reading methods in which you
glance at a passage to find specific information. These reading methods make it easier for you to
grasp large amounts of material, especially when you're previewing. They are also useful when
you don't need to know every word. Skimming and scanning are especially valuable when there
is only one item of information that you need to find from a particular passage.

Activity 1
LE Level:

Direction: Read the story and answer the following questions. Circle the letter of
your correct answer.

Activity 2
LE Level:

Direction: Read and answer the question. Write your answer in the blank

Activity 1
AE-JHS Level:

Direction: Answer the question below by skimming the news article.

Activity 2
AE-JHS Level:

Direction: Scan this news story to find the answers to these questions.

1. How many people died in the typhoon (storm)?______________

2. On what day did the typhoon begin?_____________________
3. How many people lost their homes (were homeless)_______________
4. What is the name of the island that was hit worst?________________
5. What is the name of the typhoon?_________________
6. How many people are missing?_______________

. Let’s see what have you learned:
LE Level:
Direction: Read the paragraphs. Then answer the questions.

. Let’s see what have you learned:
AE-JHS Level:
Direction: A. Answer the question below by skimming the news article.


What kind of jobs do women have in China today? Well, here are a few examples: Zhao Changbai
is a manager of one of China’s largest companies. Zou Hon is the manager of a larger restaurant
company. Wan Shiren is an important scientist who works in China’s space program. The list could
go on. According to Zhang Guoying of the All China Women’s Federation, women are now important
to the country. She says the government believes this too. China needs educated women to help make
the country more modern.
This was not true 50 years ago. Then, there were few women in important jobs. Women worked
mostly at home or in factories. But now there are more than 40 millions women working in China.
That is 40% of all the people who work. These working women include many women who work in
factories. But now there are also many women scientific and technical workers – almost two million.
And about 7.000 of the women are professors, engineers, chemists, and biologists. Some women are
also working in important government positions, as governors or ministers.
It was not easy for these women ,says Zhang Guoying. She believes that Chinese women have more
difficulties than Chinese men. Women still have to take care of their families. That means they really
have two jobs. One is at their office or factory and the other is at home. This is the same problem
women have in many other parts of the world. The government in China is trying to make life better
for women. It is building more day care centers for the children of working mothers. It is helping
women get a better education and find better jobs. According to Zhang Guoying, the future for women
in China should even be better.

1. In China today,
a. More women are working b. Most women do not work.
c. Fewer women are working d. Women do not like to work
2. Chinese women now
a. Have jobs only in factories b. Have few important jobs.
c. Have important jobs d. Do not work for the government.
3. For a Chinese women
a. Life is now very easy b. Work is now very easy
c. Life is still not easy d. Families are not important.

B. Direction: Read the situations and decide if they are Skimming or Scanning. Put your
answer in the blank provided.
1. You go to Jollibee and you look at the menu to decide what you want to have.
2. You and your friend to go to the Robinson Mall Movie World and buy two tickets to watch
the “ Ang Probinsyano the Movie.” ________________
3. You buy the YES! magazine and you look at the contents to see what’s in this month issue.

4. You to go the nearest supermarket in your town. You find the fruits section and you buy
banana. _______________________
5. You want to buy new smartphone. You go to a cell shop and look at some different model of
smartphone and to get an idea of the prices. ________________
Learner’s Reflection:

 What is skimming and give some examples?


 What scanning and give some examples?


 How important is skimming and scanning in your everyday life?


skimming-scanning (
Skimming and Scanning (

Prepared by:
ALS Mobile Teacher

Note: “Always show respect in people’s different

perspective in life .”

_____________ ________________ ______________
Key answers:
ALS Learner Signature ALS Teacher Skimming

Let’s Think About This

1. newspaper 2. magazine 3. brochure 4. book 5. comics

Pre-Test Pre-Test
LE Level: AE-JHS Level:
1. c. the table of contents
2. c. the first sentence or paragraph
3. d. the pictures
4. a. the section headings
5. b. the first and last sentence of each
paragraph 6. a. the bold words
``````````` 7. a. the headings
8. d. the index
9. a. pictures and charts
10. a. the ₱ amount

Let’s See What Have You Learned Activity 1 LE Level

1. For_____________ Against_______________
2. For_____________ Against_______________
3. For_____________ Against_______________
4. For_____________ Against_______________
5. For_____________ Against_______________
6. For_____________ Against_______________
7. For_____________ Against_______________
8. For_____________ Against_______________

Activity 2 LE Level
1. Nelly 2. A nurse 3. at the Hospital 4. No
5. Yes 6. Yes 7. No 8. No
9. Yes 10. Yes 11. 12 o’clock 12. half past seven or 7:30
13. 10 o’clock

Activity 1 AE-JHS Level

1. c. Called streptokinase 2. d. Causes many problems.
3. c. Fewer people will die from heart attacks.

Activity 2 AE-JHS Level

1. 515 people 2. Monday 3. 455,000 4. Capiz Province on Panay
5. Typhoon Agnes 6. 400

Post-Test LE Level
1. c. both can fly 2. c. bats have fur 3. Learners answer may vary.

Post-Test AE-JHS Level

1. a. More women are working 2. c. Have important jobs 3. c. Life is still not easy

1. Scanning 2. Skimming 3. Skimming 4. Scanning
5. Skim


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