PHE Task 1

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UNIT TITLE: “Seize the Day”: I think this unit title can be interpreted in various ways through different
perspectives. I think this unit emphasizes the word “Movement” It explains and gives every individual the
power and creativity to use their movement in the best way possible before it’s too late. The phrase seize the
day explains and wants us to know that we as humans need to live in the moment and in the present times
whereas letting the mistakes from the past be a lesson for us to shape ourselves into better individuals who can
enjoy the present time alongside keeping himself emotionally and physically fit to perform every exercise
without any fear and to be able to tackle any coming hurdles with confidence and motivation to set new goals
and reach new heights keeping in mind how an individual uses his movement to avail the best opportunities for
himself in the society
GLOBAL CONTEXT: The associated global context assigned with this unit is “Orientation in Space and
Time”. This global context hides a lot of valuable and informative details, it concerns and connects with the
events and turning points in humankind which include the interconnectedness of every individual’s civilization
and how they evolved and prospered over time. In my opinion, this global context wants us individuals to
understand our worth and explains the importance of our position in the community. This global context
contributes to our personal growth which even plays a vital role in identifying our surroundings and how the
turning points in history have affected the current times shaping people’s minds and perspectives alongside
spreading cultural beliefs and duties over a certain period. The connection that I have noticed and sensed
between the unit title “Seize the Day” and the global context are very much interconnected as both explain the
same concept from different perspectives it also explains that the mistakes made in the past are the past and to
focus on the current situation to have a better and more effective outcome from the past to boost your
confidence for us individuals to avail firsthand opportunities and consider them as turning point for our career.
KEY CONCEPT: The key concept allotted with the given unit is “Development” which perfectly completes
the picture as development is fundamental in an individual’s personal growth as it helps encourage growth,
progress, and maturity which helps sharpen the ability of an individual to think and handle familiar and
unfamiliar situations in a much more mannered and sustainable way where it doesn’t affect the surroundings
and the people around him. Development is significant as a community and as a civilization because it shows
how the society has developed and shaped itself while experiencing different external pressures over time by
learning from their past mistakes which has helped them get where they are now. No one can move on and
achieve success without development as it gives you that derive in life that you require to excel in your field and
reach new heights by manifesting a better outcome and motivating yourself throughout your journey of
developing the skills you lacked in past which has now made you more confident to tackle them in the present
without any fear.
RELATED CONCEPT: The related concept that supports the key concept is “Choice” which revolves
around how an individual considers his decision towards adopting a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle by assessing
his development over a certain period, The word “Choice” also plays a very important role in the personal
growth of an individual as he knows no matter what step I take each step will either result to a healthy or
unhealthy outcome whereas this related concept is also very interlinked with the global context as it also
clearly explains how decisions taken in the past has left a huge impact on the future which is why the
generations of today may suffer and this may affect the development of individuals today because of the
pressure exerted by the society and communities.
STATEMENT OF INQUIRY: The selected SOI is “The Choices I Make Will Influence My
Development” It completes the puzzle as it explains how the choices made in the past will benefit you in the
future for an individual to assess his progress and development over a certain period. This outlines and explains
how an individual chooses a better lifestyle for himself by accepting and rejecting offers that may
contribute towards his career whereas even this SOI revolves around the unit title Seizing the Day as
it also emphasizes the opportunities that are given to you but you tend to sideline them and focus on
other distractions until these golden opportunities fade away which then again comes back to the
choices you made which can sometimes lead to failure, this may sometimes take a toll on an
individual’s physical and mental health causing him to lose confidence in himself.

Individual there can be multiple internal and external factors that may impact one individual's journey. This
plays an important role in an individual's life as internal and external factors may contribute towards one's
mental and physical well-being whereas this may enable a change in an individual’s behavior, thinking process,
and current progress. These external and Internal factors push an individual where he tends to motivate and
build confidence through his journey, consulting multiple sources and meeting multiple people which has
helped him access and analyze his development throughout the journey alongside being able to set a routine and
making a timetable to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
intention and a goal is that an intention is a set mindset in which an individual wishes and hopes to perform or
fulfil a duty towards his progress which enables him to have more positive and responsive feedback or maybe
one’s objective that he wishes to achieve. On the other hand, a goal is when an individual sets his priorities and
aims to achieve higher success which motivates him to set more goals and helps him shape his routine in a more
disciplined way, an example of both can be that a goal that an individual adopts can be that fix his routine and
set a proper sleeping schedule to promote better body recovery whereas the intention is to make a timetable and
set a disciplined routine according to it.
habits that remain with an individual from a young age are instilled in him from which he can socialize and
communicate with the people around him. The ability to incorporate healthy lifestyle choices in an individual
from a young age contributes to his overall personal growth as it helps show basic instilled etiquette whereas
when it comes to healthy habits, we were always to eat everything as it helps keep you healthy whereas even in
other households at a young age, we were told to go for a slight walk to help with food digestion which Is also
another way to avoid getting sick after overeating. These small but important habits that you carry with will
help you carry them forward as you meet people along your journey which will also help you identify what’s
right and what’s wrong.

HOW DO I KNOW WHAT I WANT TO BECOME? As an individual my priorities, objectives, and aims
are very straight forwards I am very well aware of what I wish to become and what I want to pursue in the
upcoming future. As an individual, I know my vision very well as I know where I'm headed, but as time
progresses interests and goals that you had set do change, as a person matures with time knowing what decision
will have a more positive and responsive outcome which will help him with his personal growth alongside his
mental and physical well-being. I will avail any possible opportunities that benefit my development and growth
and that will help me show my progress in a much more positive way which may inspire many individuals as I
would like to set an example for everyone.
IS INTENT THE GOAL OF ACTION? Intent is very much connected to the goal of action as the main
purpose and role that intent plays is that help keep you motivated and confident while you tackle hurdles and
get closer to achieving your goal. Intent enables an individual to be motivated towards achieving his goal to
make a disciplined routine and schedule to help promote a healthy choice and a healthy lifestyle to set an
example for the people an example for this given situation can be that the intent is to make a better healthy
sleep routine which covers your activities and utilizes the time extra time you have in the day and goal can be to
improve mental well-being while keeping in mind your disciplined routine which contributes towards physical
and mental well-being.

DOES OUR PAST HAVE TO IMPACT OUR FUTURE? Our past is just a reminder and a shadow that will
always remain with us constantly giving us flashbacks of what mistakes and decisions we took that might have
affected our journey up till now. The wrong decisions we made in the past are meant to be kept in the past as of
now focusing on the present situation to help set new goals and make new objectives to motivate yourself
every day to train your mind to be competitive and better overall performance.

choose his sport football again as he felt that he still didn’t meet his expectations whereas there is always room
for improvement he believed. Football is my client's first-hand game as he is already an active athlete who is
participating in 2 different football teams. My client preferred football over basketball as his friends mostly play
basketball in their free time so my client practices and avails those small opportunities to practice and polish his
footwork skills to showcase his full potential in his football clubs at the end of the day. My client firmly
believes that there are many more exercises and drills of football that he hasn’t experienced due to which he
feels he lacks some knowledge but as an individual he believes that practice makes perfect and is fully
motivated to achieve his desired objectives and aims with the help of his coach in his journey. I as a coach will
fully motivate and push my client toward success and the only quote that keeps my client motivated and
determined is that “Success lies within the work that you Avoid”.

INITIAL INTERVIEW WITH CLIENT: My client is a 15-year-old athlete who is standing tall about 5 feet
and 6 inches and weighs around 70kg with a BMI of 25 which is over-weight weight for an athlete average in
height. My client is a football player currently playing in the school’s football team as a striker because of his
experience on the field. He has been playing football since 1st grade and is on the grind to reach new heights and
set achievable goals that will help him improve over time. However, my client chose football to improve further
and improve his dribbling to the outcome of his opponents keeping in mind his body balance. Whereas my
client is a school-going student who has set his priorities very effectively which enables him to decide and
analyze things in a more mature and mannered way, my client's decision-making skills are really good as he can
choose what is right and what Is wrong which helps him look back at the mistakes, he made enabling him to
unlock his full potential and giving him a boost in confidence. My client looks up to his role model and idol
Lionel Messi who is a world football player who has motivated many young athletes through his work ethic,
The same applies to my client he is truly inspired by Messi and his work of art and wishes to become just like
him shortly. As his coach, I have also observed that his diet nutrition is not up to mark whereas his body
demands less food weight as he is overweight. On the other hand, his sleep schedule is also very scattered where
he sleeps late on the weekends till around 2 but on weekdays, he sleeps around 12:30 which is not a normal
sleeping time for a school-going 15-year-old. Overall, my client is on track in terms of skill goals however
requires to work on his nutrition and wherever he requires no support in motivation I will be there to help him
whenever he lacks motivation.

FACTUAL KNOWLEDGE: My client being an active athlete he’s familiar with the rules and regulations of
football as the sport, and is well aware of how the game functions and proceeds. My client has familiarized
himself with the possible functions of the game from a tactical and strategical standpoint which helps him excel
in his sport in terms of knowledge. He also identifies some famous individuals of the sports such as Messi.
PROCEDDURAL KNOWLEDGE: My client is familiar with the shooting and passing techniques used in
football which verifies him as an active athlete My client plays as a striker and is alert about his surroundings.
My client while attempting a free kick uses his non kicking foot target towards the goal and stands at a 45-
degree angle. He takes a slow runup and uses his in foot to curve the ball in the top right corner of the post.
CONCEPTUAL KNOWLEDGE: My clients is familiar with the rules and regulations of football he plays
according to the rules as he knows what offside and corner kicks. He is very well equipped with knowledge
regarding football in which he specified that they are 11 players on each team whereas the objective is to score
in your opponent’s net. Moreover, he knows fouls and penalized free kicks depending on the intensity of the
foul. As my client is familiar with these rules it enhances his concepts and appreciation for the game of
football. He also identifies the total number of the minutes of a single game.

BREAKFAST: My client has breakfast at around 6 am when he wakes up for school. In the morning my client
usually eats value chicken food with butter toast alongside some chocolate shake which is quiet un-healthy. He
sometimes does miss his breakfast when he gets late for school but his morning breakfast routine is a little
SNACK: Since my client is a school-going student and goes to a day boarding school where timings are from
8 am till 3 he usually gets his break at around 10:10 till 10:30 where he carries money with him to buy himself
some snacks from the school canteen where he eats 2 packets of Lays chips along with 1 mango juice and to
finish off with something sweet, he eats a brownie which is un-healthy.
LUNCH: The client Gets to eat his lunch that is served by the school from around 11:30 till 12:10 he eats to
fill his empty stomach as he eats a snack just to keep him un-energized and un-healthy whereas he consumes
his school lunch properly he gets to heat chips and burgers, along with chicken fillet with a spicy sauce which
depends on the day of the week otherwise my client consumes a proper meal before lunchtime is over.
DINNER: When my client gets back home at around 8:00pm he usually gets ready to go attend his football
club at 5 where he practices and plays after school, he comes back from his club at around 7 and is extremely
exhausted and hungry and eats his dinner around 8:00pm. He takes a shower and then to fill his empty stomach
he has home prepared food freshly prepared by his mother.

INITIAL OBSERVATION OF CLIENT'S PERFORMANCE: The client was taken to a football field where
I took his initial benchmark test for his chosen sport football as my client has already cooperated himself in a
football club after school where he is polishing his football skills even more. Before performing the actual
benchmark test, I had asked the client what aspect of football you as a client still feel you lack and want to
improve which will help you improve your football performance. My client clarified and told me that he wanted
to improve his shooting accuracy and dribbling skills which are the main key elements in football. After a brief
discussion with my client, he was told to start with a warm-up he was required to first start off with dynamic
stretches that included arm circles, high kicks, and high knees. However, after extensive performance of
dynamic stretching, he was told to showcase a few exercises of static stretching where he displayed quad
stretch, hamstring stretch, triceps stretch, and shoulder stretch this was conducted to warm up his muscles to
prevent any injury or muscle pull. Then after the client had performed his warmup, he was told to play a small
match with his peers for the coach to assess his overall game tactics to identify the problems he was facing. My
client only scored very well in the match but struggled accordingly in his match as his peers were playing
according to his level. He was able to score 2 goals in total he was able to shoot 4 times in the match in total
but he was able to cash only two. After carefully observing my client's shooting accuracy in the match I
moved on to his dribbling skills which were quite not up to the mark whenever he approached his opponent my
client would hold the ball for quite long to make space for himself to escape with the ball but he kept losing
possession as he didn’t pass as well as he was able to dribble once out of 5 chances in the total and never
looked up to scan the environment for his players on the field to pass the ball. He is overweight with a BMI 25
due to that he is able to maintain is balance while dribbling. After a thorough assessment of my client's
performance, I judged that my client's overall muscular endurance and body strength were weak as he kept on
getting body tackled which caused him to lose balance and lose possession of the ball. After assessing my
client from the sidelines, I gave my feedback to the client regarding his game tactics and motivated him to keep
working hard with the help of his coach he will be able to overcome his weak points, I even analyzed his game
from the video that was taken off the benchmark as it would be much more appropriate to look even further
before making a plan for his upcoming training.

SHOOTING STRENGTHS: The client showed and displayed basic shooting techniques. He was able to
deliver power while shooting with his right foot.
SHOOTING WEAKNESS: Although my client displays appropriate technique for shooting sometimes his
non-kicking foot comes in line with the ball causing it to go shoot towards the opposite direction which
can sometimes result in missing the target goal.
DRIBBLING STRENGTH: As the client is an athlete, he can control the ball and perform basic dribbling
DRIBBLING WEAKNESS: Although the client can perform basic skills, he is unable to concentrate and
focus with the ball in his possession due to which he lacks decision-making skills as he is over-weight. His
footwork is not up to the mark due to excess weight.

Features of correct skill execution:

Utilize your feet outside surface to manipulate the ball. Push the ball forward while maintaining control. Use
the quickest way possible to reach your destination.


BALANCE: This also made it possible for me to choose balance as my client's skill-related goal. After
reviewing his performance from the benchmark test, I saw that his footwork and body weight control were
uncontrollable, which prevented him from demonstrating his full potential for his dribbling skills.
Due to his excess weight, my client finds it challenging to stay balanced when dribbling in one-on-
one situations, which causes him to lose possession of the ball.
INITIAL HEALTH TEST OF THE CLIENT: An initial health assessment was taken of the client to make
sure the client was free from any allergies or diseases whereas my client had cleared all those concerns and did
not suffer from any major disease which would limit his performance, it was important to ask these basic
medical concerns form client as it would help open up and clarify any illness he had beforehand so it doesn’t
affect the client's upcoming progress in his health and physical goal for him to satisfy his mental and physical
well-being. After a detailed discussion with the client, I asked him if had any other issues or complications that
he may have faced that may affect his progress he said no, whereas highlighted that he has a lower metabolism
due to which he can gain weight easily, he mentioned that he does not maintain his diet completely and
would sometimes eat food at odd timings when he's not hungry. On the other hand, my client has no known
allergies and is not active and alert, which makes him a healthy positive athlete because of the positive and
right choices he made in the past to improve his diet and health over the period. The health goal that my client
highlighted for me to help him excel is that he wishes to improve his muscular endurance and weight to be
able to perform exercises and drill with ease.

MENTAL-WELLBEING: My client is a school-going student who takes his studies very seriously, as he is
busy in school and has a lot of time to engage himself in sports. My client has a very tight and firm schedule
that he follows in school and at home where he balances his studies with his sports, although my client is very
organized, he still tends to pressure himself with his pending submissions, whereas as his coach I will try
diverting his attention and will help him engage in sports that will help him ease his stress and enjoy to his
fullest in his upcoming PDP training sessions,
PHYSICAL-WELLBEING: As my client is an un-active athlete, he follows an unhealthy diet and follows a
very unhealthy routine. My client incorporates sports into his daily routine which keeps him warmed up but his
weight makes him an un-active player, maintains his un-healthy routine. He eats junk food and unhealthy
nutrition and is unaware of its effects.
SOCIAL-WELLBEING: he can prioritize his family time while balancing his sports side by side. My client is
an extrovert who is very social and can engage himself in social circles to make new friends who carry the
same interests as him. My client is very respectful towards his peers and family and values others’ rights and
personal space which makes him a mannered and happy individual whom everyone wants to interact with.


MUSCULAR ENDURANCE: For my client, I selected this health-related skill goal since his lack of physical
endurance makes him prone to losing his balance. Although his weight is another area that needs to be
improved, if weight were to be designated as his health goal, he would not be able to work toward muscular
endurance. However, as muscular endurance is a goal that allows for the observation and improvement of
several aspects concurrently, I decided to designate it as his health objective.

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