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MDE 003

Aikorkem Boranbay, Beibarys Iembergen

What would happen if all people spoke the same language?

Language is one of the most important categories of culture, because with
the help of language a person's view of the world is formed and expressed.
Language greatly facilitates the communication process. Thanks to it we can
communicate, understand and convey any information to the interlocutor. In a
word, language is a means of communication. All nations have a language that
was formed many years ago. The presence of oral and written forms says
something about the general development of a particular people. The general
vocabulary also plays an important role. The more words, the more expressive
and colorful the language. Today there are 5,500 languages in the world.
Therefore, there is a language barrier that prevents people from traveling,
working and doing other things. That's why we ask ourselves questions like
"Where do all languages come from?", "How did people come to speak
different languages?", "What were the very first languages?". And let’s think
about what would happen if all people spoke the same language? And what
language would be the same for everyone? Would it be good?

1. History of languages
There are many theories about the origin of language. Because language is a
very complex phenomenon, and its origin cannot come from nothing. This is a
very long and complicated process. A group of scientists believe that, as in
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, language arose and developed gradually.
Monkeys also have nine sounds that are pronounced by different movements
of the lips, tongues and jaws. Scientists believe that the evolution of the
phonetic composition of speech is related to a change in the shape and
mobility of the lower jaw in humans and to an increase in the size of the oral
cavity. This forms the anatomical basis for this theory of language
development. Language has generally evolved along with a rational human
being, and it is believed that the emergence of language took place around the
time of 30,000 to 100,000 years BC. As for the names of things, it is believed
that people made an agreement that the stone would be called a stone, the
sun - the sun, the moon- the moon, and so on and so forth. The more new
things a person invented and learned, the more new words and expressions he
invented to refer to them.
The second theory states, "Language arose suddenly by mutation." The only
outstanding author today of the theory of the sudden appearance of language
is Noam Chomsky. He proposed that " there was some strange cosmic ray
irradiation that affected the brain. Subsequently, some random mutation
occurred that created a speech organ in the brain of an ordinary person."
And now for the world's first languages. It is impossible to say exactly which
language was the very first. Many ancient languages are no longer used today.
However, some of them still exist and are still used. The oldest languages are
Greek, Sumerian, Egyptian and Chinese. They appeared around 3400-1400 BC.

2. The same language

Why do people speak different languages? And what would change if they
spoke the same language? Once upon a time, everyone spoke the same
language. However, for several reasons, people began to speak different
languages. The reason for this diversity, according to linguists, is simple: the
language we speak is constantly changing. The pronunciation of words
changes, and new objects and phenomena appear, for which names are
invented – new words. At first, the differences were minor, and then more
serious. This is easy to notice even with modern examples. Another reason for
different languages is distance and time. Like people who are constantly on the
move and learning something, languages also continue to change and evolve.
The general pattern here is that when groups of people who communicate in
the same language are separated by distance, their dialects can also develop in
different directions. And over time, they speak two different but related
languages. And now let's imagine what would happen if one day all languages
disappeared and everyone spoke the same language. This phenomenon has its
own name: "Monolingualism", from Greek means "solitary language". Firstly,
we need to choose one language for all people. It can be English since it is also
an international language. Or we would have come up with an easier language.
Such a language already exists and it is called Esperanto. Secondly, people
would discover new opportunities for themselves, such as a new place of
residence or work, independent travel, and so on. People from countries with a
low standard of living would rush to more developed countries. Or because of
the climate, people would move to other countries. Thirdly, the enmity
between the countries would decrease. Because one language is one culture.
Countries will not compete, and all efforts will be spent on the development of
the economy and science. Also, many Internet users say that trade would be
facilitated, and world literature would become accessible to everyone. Of
course, some people say that this is bad for the world, because our world
would become colorless, and all translators would be out of work.

Summing up, I want to say that language is a mirror and a treasure of the
nation. A single language for all mankind is possible and even once it was. Of
course, this is convenient, because you don't have to learn other languages to
improve your standard of living. All people would understand each other, and
there would be no misunderstanding due to language barriers. However, I want
to say that language is a mirror of the soul of the people and it is strongly
connected with the culture and history of the nation. There is a proverb in the
Kazakh people: "The people is alive as long as people know their native
language." And it's true because the main difference of nationality is the
language. Also, different languages add color to our lives and we can discover
new things for ourselves every day. Even if we all spoke the same language,
other languages would reappear. Because we live in different parts of the world
and do not keep in touch with each other. Consequently, dialects will appear
first and then other languages. That's why I think we should leave everything as
it is.



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