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Test schedule 2nd year


2 year test session schedule 2024
Chapter wise Test
Test No. Part I Passage
Mr. Chips Essays Idioms (according
(Modern Prose & Heroes)

The Dying sun+ Using the Scientific Method Ch#1 1—3

T1 My last day at college + hobby + A road accident 1-15

Why Boys Fail In college + End of Term Ch#2 4—6

T2 My aim in life+ My first day at collage + A visit to historical places 16-30

On Destroying Books + The Man who was a hospital Ch#3 7—10

T3 Co-Education+ village life 31-45

My Financial Care + First Year at Harrow Ch#4 11—13

T4 Women Education + my favorite personality+ city life 45-60

Chinese Way to Progress + Hitch-Hiking Across Ch#5 14—16

T5 A visit to a hill station +a rainy day + terrorism 61-75

Hunger and Population Explosion + Sir Alexander Fleming Cha#6 17-20

T6 Pollution + over population 76-90

The Jewel of the World + Louis Pasture Ch#7 21—23

T7 Internet + uses and abuses of mobile phone + computer 90-100

My Financial Career + Mustafa Kamal Ch#8 24—30

T8 Science in service of man, inflation
Test schedule 2nd year

Physics (chapter wise test series) Math (chapter wise test series)
Test no. Chapter No. Test No. Chapter No.
T1 12 T1 1 Complete
T2 13 T2 Exercise:2.1----2.5
T3 14 T3 Exercise 2.6-----2.10
T4 15 T4 Exercise 3.1---3.4
T5 16 T5 Exercise 3.5----3.8
T6 17 T6 4 Complete
T7 18 T7 5 Complete
T8 19 T8 6 Complete
T9 20 T9 7 complete
Test schedule 2nd year
Test no Home Civics Education H. Physical Islamiyat Elective Sociology
Geography education
1. Chapter .1 Chapter no 1half Chapter no 1 next Chapter 1 Ayat 1-20 Hadees 1-5 Chapter 1
(pg.1-18) half (1-15)
2. Chapter .2 Chapter no 1 next Chapter no 1 next Chapter 2 21-40 6-10 chp 2-4
half (19-32) half(pg15-26)

3. Chapter .3 Chapter no 2 Chapter 2 half Chapter 3 41-60 11-15 chapter 3

half(pg35-55) (27-35)

4. Chapter .4 Chapter 2(56-71) Chapter no 2 next Chapter 1 61-80 16-20

half (36-48)
5. Chapter .5 Chapter no 3 Chapter no 3 Chapter 2 81-100 21-25 9-10
6. Chapter .6 Chapter no 4 Chapter no 4 Chapter 3 101-120 26-30
7. Chapter .7 Chapter no 5 Chapter no 5 Chapter 4 121-140 31-35
8. Chapter .8 Chapter no 6 Chapter 5 141-167 36-40

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