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Piping systems in petroleum industries

Prof. DSc. Dževad Hadžihafizović (DEng)

Sarajevo 2024
( Close d Book )

1) API 570 covers inspect ion, repair alt erat ion, and re- rat ing
procedures for m et allic piping syst em s t hat __________.

a) Are being fabricat ed

b) Does not fall under ASTM B31.3
c) Have been in- service
d) Has not been t est ed

2) API 570 was developed for t he pet roleum refining and chem ical
process indust ries.

a) It shall be used for all piping syst em s.

b) It m ay be used, where pract ical, for any piping syst em .
c) It can be used, where necessary, for st eam piping.
d) It m ay not be used unless agreed t o by all part ies.

3) API 570 __________ be used as a subst it ut e for t he original

const ruct ion requirem ent s governing a piping syst em before it is
placed in- service.

a) Shall not
b) Should
c) May
d) Can

4) API 570 applies t o piping syst em s for process fluids, hydrocarbons,

and sim ilar flam m able or t oxic fluid services. Which of t he following
services is not specifically applicable?

a) Raw, int erm ediat e, and finished pet roleum product s

b) Wat er, st eam condensat e, boiler feed wat er
c) Raw, int erm ediat e, and finished chem ical product s
d) Hydrogen, nat ural gas, fuel gas, and flare syst em s

5) Som e of t he classes of piping syst em s t hat are excluded or opt ional

for coverage under API 570 are list ed below. Which one is a
m andat ory included class?

a) Wat er
b) Cat alyst lines
c) St eam
d) Boiler feed wat er

6) The __________ shall be responsible t o t he owner- user for
det erm ining t hat t he requirem ent s of API 570 for inspect ion,
exam inat ion, and t est ing are m et .

a) Piping Engineer
b) I nspect or
c) Repair Organisat ion
d) Operat ing Personnel

7) Who is responsible for t he cont rol of piping syst em inspect ion

program s, inspect ion frequencies and m aint enance of piping?

a) Aut horised Piping I nspect or

b) Owner- user
c) Jurisdict ion
d) Cont ract or

8) An aut horised piping inspect or shall have t he following

qualificat ions. Pick t he one t hat does not belong in t his list :

a) Four years of experience inspect ing in- service piping syst em s

b) High school educat ion plus 3 years of experience in t he
design, const ruct ion, repair, operat ion, or inspect ion of piping
syst em s
c) Two year cert ificat e in engineering or t echnology plus 2 years
of experience in t he design, const ruct ion, repair, operat ion, or
inspect ion of piping syst em s.
d) Degree in engineering plus one year experience in t he design,
const ruct ion, repair, operat ion, or inspect ion of piping
syst em s.

9) Risk based inspect ions include which of t he following:

a) Likelihood assessm ent

b) Consequence analysis
c) Operat ing and inspect ion hist ories
d) All of t he above

10) An RBI assessm ent can be used t o alt er t he inspect ion st rat egy

a) The degradat ion m et hods are ident ified

b) The RBI is fully docum ent ed.
c) A t hird part y conduct s t he RBI
d) Bot h A and B above

11) Which one of t he following is not a specific t ype of an area of
det eriorat ion?

a) Rect ifier perform ance

b) I nj ect ion point s
c) Deadlegs
d) Environm ent al cracking

12) I nj ect ion point s subj ect t o accelerat ed or localised corrosion m ay be

t reat ed as __________.

a) The focal point of an inspect ion circuit

b) Separat e inspect ion circuit s
c) Piping t hat m ust be renewed on a regular schedule
d) Locat ions where corrosion inhibit ors m ust be used

13) The recom m ended upst ream lim it of inspect ion of an inj ect ion point
is a m inim um of:

a) 12 feet or 3 pipe lengt hs whichever is sm aller

b) 12 inches or 3 pipe diam et ers whichever is sm aller
c) 12 inches or 3 pipe diam et ers whichever is great er
d) 12 feet or 3 pipe lengt hs which is great er

14) The recom m ended downst ream lim it of inspect ion of an inj ect ion
point is a m inim um of

a) Second change in flow direct ion past t he inj ect ion point , or 25
feet beyond t he first change in flow direct ion whichever is less
b) Second change in flow direct ion past t he inj ect ion point , or 25
feet beyond t he first change in flow direct ion whichever is
great er
c) Second change in flow direct ion past t he inj ect ion point , or 25
inches beyond t he first change in flow direct ion whichever is
d) Second change in flow direct ion past t he inj ect ion point , or 25
inches beyond t he first change in flow direct ion whichever is
great er.

15) Select t hickness m easurem ent locat ions ( TMLs) wit hin inj ect ion
point circuit s subj ect ed t o localised corrosion according t o t he
following guidelines. Select t he one t hat doe s n ot belong.

a) Est ablish TMLs on appropriat e fit t ings wit hin t he inj ect ion
point circuit .
b) Est ablish at least one TML at a locat ion at least 25 feet
beyond t he downst ream lim it of t he inj ect ion point .

c) Est ablish TMLs on t he pipe wall at locat ion of expect ed pipe
wall im pingem ent or inj ect ed fluid.
d) Est ablish TMLs at bot h t he upst ream and downst ream lim it s of
t he inj ect ion point circuit .

16) What are t he preferred m et hods of inspect ing inj ect ion point s ?

a) Radiography and / or ult rasonics

b) Ham m er t est and / or radiograph
c) Ult rasonics and / or liquid penet rant
d) Liquid penet rant and / or eddy current .

17) During periodic scheduled inspect ions, m ore ext ensive inspect ion
should be applied t o an area beginning __________ upst ream of
t he inj ect ion nozzle and cont inuing for at least __________ pipe
diam et ers downst ream of t he inj ect ion point .

a) 10 inches, 20
b) 12 feet , 10
c) 12 inches, 10
d) 10 feet , 10

18) Why should deadlegs in piping be inspect ed?

a) API 510 m andat es t he inspect ion of deadlegs

b) Acid product s and debris build up in deadlegs
c) The corrosion rat e in deadlegs can vary significant ly from
adj acent act ive piping.
d) Caust ic product s and debris build up in deadlegs.

19) Bot h t he st agnant end and t he connect ion t o an act ive line of a
deadleg should be m onit ored. I n a hot piping syst em , why does t he
high point of a deadleg corrode and need t o be inspect ed?

a) Corrosion occurs due t o direct ed current s set up in t he

b) Erosion occurs due t o convect ive current s set up in t he
c) Corrosion occurs due t o convect ive current s set up in t he
d) Erosion occurs due t o direct ed current s et up in t he deadleg

20) What is t he best t hing t o do wit h deadlegs t hat are no longer in


a) Ult rasonically inspect oft en

b) Radiograph oft en

c) I nspect oft en
d) Rem ove t hem

21) What are t he m ost com m on form s of corrosion under insulat ion
( CUI ) .

a) Localised corrosion of non- ferrous m et als and chloride st ress

corrosion cracking of carbon st eel.
b) Localised corrosion of chrom e- m oly st eel and chloride st ress
corrosion cracking of ferrit ic st ainless st eel.
c) Localised corrosion of carbon st eel and chloride st ress
corrosion cracking of aust enit ic st ainless st eel
d) Localised corrosion of nickel- silicon alloy and caust ic st ress
corrosion of aust enit ic st ainless st eel

22) What clim at ic area m ay require a very act ive program for corrosion
under insulat ion?

a) Cooler nort hern cont inent locat ions.

b) Cooler direr, m id- cont inent locat ions
c) Warm er, m arine locat ions
d) Warm er drier, desert locat ions

23) Cert ain areas and t ypes of piping syst em s are pot ent ially m ore
suscept ible t o corrosion under insulat ion. Which of t he it em s list ed
is not suscept ible t o CUI ?

a) Areas exposed t o m ist over- spray from cooling wat er t owers.

b) Carbon st eel piping syst em s t hat norm ally operat e in- service
above 250 degrees but are in int erm it t ent service.
c) Deadlegs and at t achm ent s t hat prot rude from insulat ed piping
and operat e at a different t em perat ure t han t he t em perat ure
of t he act ive line.
d) Carbon st eel piping syst em s, operat ing bet ween 250 degrees
F and 600 degrees F.

24) What locat ion is subj ect t o corrosion under insulat ion and inspect ion
cont ribut es t o it ?

a) Locat ions where pipe hangers and ot her support s exist .

b) Locat ions where insulat or has been st ripped t o perm it
inspect ion of t he piping.
c) Locat ions where insulat ion plugs have been rem oved t o
perm it piping t hickness m easurem ent s.
d) Locat ions where t here is dam aged or m issing insulat ion
j acket ing.

25) Soil- t o- air ( S/ A) int erfaces for buried piping are a locat ion where
localised corrosion m ay t ake place. I f t he buried part is excavat ed
for inspect ion, how deep should t he excavat ion be t o det erm ine if
t here is hidden dam age?

a) 12 t o 18 inches
b) 6 t o 12 nches
c) 12 t o 24 inches
d) 6 t o 18 inches

26) At concret e- t o- air and asphalt - t o- air int erfaces of buried piping
wit hout cat hodic prot ect ion, t he inspect or look for evidence t hat t he
caulking or seal at t he int erface has det eriorat ed and allowed
m oist ure ingress. I f such a condit ion exist s on piping syst em s over
__________ years old, it m ay be necessary t o inspect for corrosion
beneat h t he surface before resealing t he j oint .

a) 8
b) 5
c) 15
d) 10

27) An exam ple of service- specific and localised corrosion is: -

a) Corrosion under insulat ion in areas exposed t o st eam vent s

b) Unant icipat ed acid or caust ic carryover from processes int o
non- alloyed piping
c) Corrosion in deadlegs
d) Corrosion of underground piping at soil- t o- air int erface where
it ingresses or egresses.

28) Erosion can be defined as:

a) Galvanic corrosion of a m at erial where uniform losses occur

b) Rem oval of surface m at erial by act ion of num erous im pact s of
solid or liquid part icles
c) Gradual loss of m at erial by a corrosive m edium act ing
uniform ly on t he m at erial surface
d) Pit t ing on t he surface of a m at erial t o t he ext ent t hat a rough
uniform loss occurs

29) A com binat ion of corrosion and erosion result s in significant ly

great er m et al loss t hat can be expect ed from corrosion or erosion
alone. This t ype of loss occurs at :

a) High- velocit y and high- t urbulence areas

b) Areas where condensat ion or exposure t o wet hydrogen
sulphide or carbonat es occur
c) Surface- t o- air int erfaces f buried piping
d) Areas where gradual loss of m at erial occurs because of a
corrosive m edium

30) Environm ent al cracking of aust enit e st ainless st eels is caused m any
t im es by: -

a) Exposing areas t o high- velocit y and high- t urbulence st ream s

b) Excessive cyclic st resses t hat are oft en very low
c) Exposure t o chlorides from salt wat er, wash- up wat er, et c.
d) Creep of t he m at erial by long t im e exposure t o high
t em perat ure and st ress

31) When t he inspect or suspect s or is advised t hat specific piping

circuit s m ay be suscept ible t o environm ent al cracking, t he inspect or

a) Call in a piping engineer for consult at ion.

b) I nvest igat e t he hist ory of t he piping circuit .
c) Obt ain advice from a Met allurgical Engineer.
d) Schedule supplem ent al inspect ions.

32) I f environm ent al cracking is det ect ed during int ernal inspect ion of
pressure vessels, what should t he inspect or do?

a) The inspect or should designat e appropriat e piping spools

upst ream and downst ream of t he vessel t o be inspect ed if
piping is suscept ible t o environm ent al cracking.
b) The inspect or should consult wit h a m et allurgical engineer t o
det erm ine ext ent of t he problem s
c) The inspect or should review hist ory of adj acent piping t o
det erm ine if it has ever been affect ed.
d) The inspect or should consult wit h a piping engineer t o
det erm ine t he ext ent of t he problem s.

33) I f ext ernal or int ernal coat ings or refract ory liners on a piping circuit
are in good condit ion, what should an inspect or do?

a) Aft er inspect ion, select a port ion of t he liner for rem oval
b) The ent ire liner should be rem oved for inspect ion
c) Select ed port ions of t he liner should be rem oved for
inspect ion
d) Aft er inspect ion, if any separat ion, breaks, holes or blist ers
are found, it m ay be necessary t o rem ove port ions of t he
lining t o det erm ine t he condit ion under it .

34) What course of act ion should be followed it a coat ing of coke is
found on t he int erior of a large pipe of a react or on a Fluid Cat alyt ic
Cracking Unit ?

a) Det erm ine whet her such deposit s have act ive corrosion
beneat h t hem . I f corrosion is present , t horough inspect ion in
select ed areas m ay be required.
b) The coke deposit s should be rem oved from t he area for
inspect ion.
c) The coke deposit s m ay be ignored – t he deposit s will probably
prot ect t he line from corrosion.
d) Consult wit h a Process Engineer and a Met allurgist on t he
necessit y of rem oving t he coke deposit s.

35) Fat igue cracking of piping syst em s m ay result from

a) Em brit t lem ent of t he m et al due t o it operat ing below it s

t ransit ion t em perat ure
b) Erosion or corrosion / erosion t hat t hin t he piping where it
c) Excessive cyclic st resses t hat are oft en well below t he st at ic
yield st rengt h of t he m at erial
d) Environm ent al cracking caused by st ress corrosion due t o t he
presence of caust ic, am ine, or ot her subst ance.

36) Where can fat igue cracking t ypically be first det ect ed?

a) At point s of low- st ress int ensificat ion such as reinforced

b) At point s of high- st ress int ensificat ion such as branch
connect ions
c) At point s where cyclic st resses are very low
d) At point s where t here are only bending or com pressive
st resses.

37) What are t he preferred NDE m et hods for det ect ing fat igue cracking?

a) Eddy current t est ing ult rasonic A- scan t est ing, and / or
possibly ham m er t est ing
b) Liquid penet rant t est ing, m agnet ic part icle t est ing and / or
possibly acoust ic em ission t est ing.
c) Visual t est ing, eddy current t est ing and / or possibly
ult rasonic t est ing
d) Acoust ic em ission t est ing, hydro- t est ing, and / or possibly
ult rasonic t est ing.

38) Creep is dependent on:

a) Tim e, t em perat ure, and st ress

b) Mat erial, product cont ained, and st ress
c) Tem perat ure, corrosive m edium , and load
d) Tim e, product cont ained and load

39) An exam ple of where creep cracking has been experienced in t he

indust ry is in t he problem s experienced wit h cracking of 1.25 %
Chrom e st eels operat ing at t em perat ures above __________ ° F.

a) 500
b) 900
c) 1000
d) 1200

40) Brit t le fract ure can occur in carbon, low- alloy and ot her ferrit ic
st eels at or below __________.

a) 140 degree
b) Am bient
c) 100 degree
d) 30 degree

41) Wat er and aqueous solut ions in piping syst em s m ay freeze and
cause failure because of t he

a) Expansion of t hese m at erials

b) Cont ract ion of t hese m at erials
c) Const ruct ion of t hese m at erials
d) Decrease of t hese m at erials

42) Different t ypes of inspect ion and surveillance are appropriat e

depending on t he circum st ances and t he piping syst em . Pick t he
one t hat does not belong in t he following list : -

a) I nt ernal and ext ernal visual inspect ion

b) Thickness m easurem ent inspect ion
c) Vibrat ing piping inspect ion
d) Chem ical analysis inspect ion

43) I nt ernal visual inspect ions are __________ on piping unless it is a

large diam et er t ransfer line, duct , cat alyst line or ot her large
diam et er piping syst em .

a) The m ost effect ive inspect ion

b) The m ost useful m eans of inspect ion

c) Not norm ally perform ed
d) The m aj or m eans of inspect ion

44) Nam e an addit ional opport unit y for a norm al non- dest ruct ive
int ernal inspect ion of piping.

a) When t he piping fails and t he int erior is revealed

b) When m aint enance asks for an int ernal inspect ion
c) When piping flanges are disconnect ed
d) When a fire occurs and t he pipe is in t he fire

45) Why is t hickness m easurem ent inspect ion perform ed?

a) To sat isfy j urisdict ional requirem ent s

b) To det erm ine t he int ernal condit ion and rem aining t hickness
of t he piping com ponent s
c) To det erm ine t he ext ernal condit ion and am ount of deposit s
inside t he piping
d) To sat isfy heat t ransfer requirem ent s of t he piping

46) Who perform s a t hickness m easurem ent inspect ion?

a) The operat or or cont rol m an

b) The inspect or or exam iner
c) The m aint enance workers or supervisor
d) The Jurisdict ion or OSHA

47) When corrosion product build- up is not ed during an ext ernal visual
inspect ion at a pipe support cont act area, lift ing of such support s
m ay be required for inspect ion. When doing t his, care should be:

a) Exercised if t he piping is in- service

b) Used when det erm ining t he course of act ion
c) Pract iced so as not t o dist urb t he support s
d) Taken t hat a com plet e record of t he problem is m ade

48) Qualified operat ing or m aint enance personnel also m ay conduct

ext ernal visual inspect ions when:

a) Sat isfact ory t o t he owner- user

b) Accept able t o t he inspect or
c) Agreeable t o t he m aint enance supervisor
d) Perm issible t o t he operat ion supervisor

49) Who would norm ally report vibrat ing or swaying piping to
engineering or inspect ion personnel?

a) Operat ing personnel
b) Maint enance personnel
c) Jurisdict ional personnel
d) OSHA personnel

50) Therm ography is used t o check for:

a) Vibrat ing sect ions of t he piping syst em

b) Det ect ing localised corrosion in t he piping syst em
c) Abnorm al t herm al expansion of piping syst em s
d) Hot spot s in refract ory lined piping syst em s

51) Thickness m easurem ent locat ions ( TMLs) are specific __________
along t he piping circuit where inspect ions are t o be m ade

a) Point s
b) Areas
c) I t em s
d) Junct ures

52) The m inim um t hickness at each TML can be locat ed by:

a) Elect rom agnet ic t echniques

b) Ult rasonic scanning or radiography
c) Ham m er t est ing
d) MT and / or PT

53) Where appropriat e, t hickness m easurem ent s should include

m easurem ent s at each of __________ on pipe and fit t ings:

a) Two quadrant s
b) Three locat ions
c) Four quadrant s
d) Six point s

54) Where should special at t ent ion be placed when t aking t hickness
m easurem ent s of an elbow?

a) The out let end

b) The inlet end
c) The inside and out side radius
d) The sides

55) TMLs should be m arked on inspect ion drawings and __________ t o

allow repet it ive m easurem ent s

a) On t he inspect ors not es
b) On a com put er syst em
c) On t he piping syst em
d) On m aint enance depart m ent chart s

56) What is t aken int o account by an experienced inspect or when

select ing TMLs?

a) The am ount of corrosion expect ed

b) The pat t erns of corrosion t hat would be expect ed
c) The num ber and t he cost of reading t he TMLs
d) Whet her t he TMLs are easily accessed

57) I n t heory, a piping circuit subj ect t o perfect ly uniform corrosion

could be adequat ely m onit ored wit h __________ TMLs.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

58) More TMLs should be select ed for piping syst em s wit h any of t he
following charact erist ics:

a) Low pot ent ial for creat ing a safet y or environm ent al
em ergency in t he event of a leak.
b) More com plexit y in t erm s of fit t ings, branches, deadlegs,
inj ect ion point s, et c.
c) Relat ively non- corrosive piping syst em s
d) Long, st raight - run piping syst em s

59) Fewer TMLs can be select ed for piping syst em s wit h any of t he
following charact erist ics:

a) More com plexit y in t erm s of fit t ings, branches, deadlegs,

inj ect ion point s, et c.
b) Higher expect ed or experienced corrosion rat es
c) Long, st raight - run piping syst em s
d) Higher pot ent ial for localised corrosion

60) TMLs can be elim inat ed for piping syst em s wit h t he following
charact erist ics:

a) Higher pot ent ial for creat ing a safet y or environm ent al
em ergency in t he event of a leak.
b) Low pot ent ial for creat ing a safet y or environm ent al
em ergency in t he event of a leak.

c) Ext rem ely low pot ent ial for creat ing a safet y of environm ent al
em ergency in t he event of a leak.
d) More com plexit y in t erm s of fit t ings, branches, deadlegs,
inj ect ion point s, et c.

61) What is usually t he m ost accurat e m eans for obt aining t hickness
m easurem ent s on inst alled pipe larger t han NPS 1?

a) MT
b) UT
c) PT
d) ET

62) What t hickness m easuring t echnique does not require t he rem oval
of som e ext ernal piping insulat ion?

a) AE
b) UT
c) ET
d) RT

63) When ult rasonic t hickness m easurem ent s are t aken above
__________ degrees F, inst rum ent s couplant s, and procedures
should be used t hat will result in accurat e m easurem ent s at t he
higher t em perat ure

a) 150
b) 175
c) 200
d) 250

64) Typical digit al t hickness gages m ay have t rouble m easuring

t hickness less t han __________ inches.

a) 0.2188
b) 0.1875
c) 0.1562
d) 0.1250

65) When pressure t est ing of piping syst em s are conduct ed, t hey shall
be perform ed in accordance wit h t he requirem ent s of:

a) ASME B31.3
b) ASME B&PV Code, Sect ion VI I I
c) SA B16.5
d) API 510

66) I f a lower pressure t est ( lower t han prescribed by code) is used only
for t ight ness of piping syst em s, t he __________ m ay designat e t he

a) Owner- user
b) I nspect or
c) Jurisdict ion
d) Cont ract or

67) The preferred m edium for a pressure t est is __________:

a) St eam
b) Air
c) Wat er
d) Hydrocarbon

68) I f a non- t oxic hydrocarbon ( flam m able) is used as t he t est m edium ,

t he liquid flash point shall be at least __________ ° F or great er.

a) 95
b) 100
c) 110
d) 120

69) Piping fabricat ed of or having com ponent s of 300 series st ainless

st eel should be t est ed wit h __________.

a) Wat er wit h a pH of 4
b) Wat er wit h a pH of 6
c) Wat er wit h a chloride cont ent of less t han 400 ppm chlorides
d) St eam condensat es

70) For sensit ised aust enit ic st ainless st eel, piping subj ect t o polyt hionic
st ress corrosion cracking, considerat ion should be given t o using
__________ for pressure t est ing

a) An acidic- wat er solut ion

b) An alkaline- wat er solut ion
c) A wat er wit h a pH of 5
d) A wat er wit h a pH of 4

71) When a pipe requires post weld heat t reat m ent , when should t he
pressure t est be perform ed?

a) During heat t reat m ent

b) Before any heat t reat m ent

c) Aft er any heat t reat m ent
d) No t est is required

72) During a pressure t est , where t est pressure will exceed t he set
pressure of t he safet y relieve valve or valves on a piping syst em ,
t he safet y relief valve or valves should be __________ when
carrying out t he t est .

a) Alt ered by screwing down t he adj ust ing screw

b) Reset t o exceed t he t est pressure
c) Checked or t est ed
d) Rem oved or blanked

73) When using block valves t o isolat e a piping syst em for pressure
t est , what precaut ion should be t aken?

a) Do not use a globe valve during a t est

b) Make sure t he packing gland of t he valve is t ight
c) Do not exceed t he perm issible seat pressure of t he valve
d) Check t he bonnet bolt s t o m ake sure t hey are t ight

74) Several m et hods m ay be used t o verify t hat t he correct alloy piping

is in a syst em . Pick t he incorr ect m et hod from t he list below:

a) Holography
b) Opt ical spect rographic analyser
c) X- ray fluorescent analyser
d) Chem ical spot checking

75) Nam e a part of a piping syst em t hat t hickness m easurem ent s are
not norm ally rout inely t aken.

a) Elbows
b) Expansion loops
c) Tees
d) Valves

76) I f environm ent al cracking is found during in- service inspect ion of
welds, who assesses t he problem ?

a) Owner- user
b) I nspect or
c) Piping Engineer
d) Met allurgist

77) I f an inspect or finds an im perfect ion in an original fabricat ion weld
and analysis is required t o assess t he im pact of t he weld qualit y on
piping int egrit y, which of t he following m ay perform t he analysis?

a) An API 510 inspect or, WPS inspect or, A Pressure Vessel

b) An API 570 inspect or, a CWI inspect or, a piping engineer
c) An owner- user, a B31.3 inspect or, an indust rial engineer
d) A Jurisdict ional represent at ive, a API 574 inspect or, a
Chem ical Engineer

78) According t o API 570, som e welds in a piping syst em t hat has been
subj ect ed t o radiography according t o ASME B31.3:

a) Will m eet random radiograph requirem ent s and will perform

sat isfact orily in- service wit hout a hydrofest
b) Will not m eet random radiograph requirem ent s, and will not
perform sat isfact orily in- service even t hough hydrot est ed.
c) Will m eet random radiograph requirem ent s, and will not
perform sat isfact orily in- service aft er a hydrot est
d) Will not m eet random radiograph requirem ent s, but will st ill
perform sat isfact orily in- service aft er being hydrot est ed.

79) How should fast eners and gasket s be exam ined t o det erm ine
whet her t hey m eet t he m at erial specificat ions:

a) All fast eners and gasket s should be checked t o see if t heir

m arkings are correct according t o ASME and ASTM st andards
b) A represent at ive sam ple of t he fast eners and gasket s should
be checked t o see if t heir m arkings are correct according t o
ASME and ASTM st andards
c) Purchase records of all fast eners and gasket s should be
checked t o see if t he fast eners and gasket s m eet ASME and
ASTM st andards
d) A represent at ive sam ple of t he purchase records of fast eners
and gasket s should be checked t o see if t he fast eners and
gasket s m eet ASME and ASTM st andards.

80) When checking flange and valve bonnet bolt s for corrosion, what
t ype of NDT is usually used?

a) RT
b) UT
c) VT
d) AE

81) What course of act ion is called for when an inspect or finds a flange
j oint t hat has been clam ped and pum ped wit h sealant ?

a) Disassem ble t he flange j oint ; renew t he fast eners and

gasket s. The flanges m ay also require renewal or repair.
b) Renew all t he fast eners and renew t he gasket if leakage is st ill
apparent .
c) Check for leakage at t he bolt s; if re- pum ping is cont em plat ed,
affect ed fast eners should be renewed.
d) No act ion is required since t he j oint has been pum ped wit h a
sealant .

82) All process piping syst em s m ust be cat egorised int o different
classes. On what are t he classificat ions select ion based?

a) Requirem ent s of j urisdict ion and t he proxim it y of populat ion

b) Pot ent ial safet y and environm ent al effect s should a leak occur
c) Liabilit y t o t he owner- user and t he requirem ent s of t he
j urisdict ion
d) Access t o t he syst em s for inspect ion and closeness t o
populat ion areas

82) ( A) I nspect ion st rat egy based on likelihood and consequence of
failure is called:

a) RBI
b) FFS
c) BI R

82) ( B) An RBI assessm ent can be used t o __________ t he inspect ion

int erval lim it s in Table 1 of API 570 or t he ext ent of t he inspect ion
conduct ed:

a) I ncrease
b) Decrease
c) Eit her a or b above
d) None of t he above

82) ( C) When an RBI assessm ent is used t o increase or decrease

inspect ion int ervals, t he assessm ent sh a ll be conduct ed on Class 1
syst em s at a m axim um int erval of __________ years.

a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 3

83) List ed below are several exam ples of a CLASS 1 piping syst em .
Which one does not belong?

a) Anhydrous hydrogen chloride;

b) Hydrofluoric acid
c) Piping over or adj acent t o wat er and piping over public
t hroughways
d) Dist illat e and product lines t o and from st orage and loading

84) Of t he t hree classificat ion of piping syst em s, which includes t he

m aj orit y of unit processes and select ed off- sit e piping?

a) Class 3
b) Com binat ion of classes 1 and 2
c) Class 1
d) Class 2

85) Class 3 piping is described as being in services:

a) Wit h t he highest pot ent ial of result ing in an im m ediat e

em ergency if a leak occurs.

b) That are flam m able but do not significant ly vaporise when
t hey leak and are not locat ed in high- act ivit y areas
c) That are not flam m able and pose no significant risk t o
populat ed areas
d) That are not in classes 1 and 2.

86) Who est ablishes inspect ion int erval for t hickness m easurem ent s,
ext ernal visual inspect ions and for int ernal and supplem ent al
inspect ions?

a) Piping engineer
b) Owner- user or t he inspect or
c) Chem ical Engineer
d) Piping engineer and t he j urisdict ion

87) Thickness m easurem ent inspect ion should be scheduled based on

t he calculat ion of not m ore t han

a) One half t he rem aining life det erm ined from corrosion rat es or
t he m axim um int erval of 5 years whichever is short er.
b) One half t he rem aining life det erm ined from corrosion rat es or
t he m axim um int erval allowed by API 570 in Table 1,
whichever is short er
c) One fourt h t he rem aining life det erm ined from corrosion rat es
or t he m axim um int erval of 10 years whichever is short er.
d) One quart er t he rem aining life det erm ined from corrosion
rat es or t he m axim um int erval allowed by API 570 in Table 1,
whichever is short er.

88) For ext ernal inspect ions for pot ent ial corrosion under insulat ion
( CUI ) on Class 1 syst em s, t he exam inat ion should include at least
__________ percent of all suspect areas and __________ percent
of all areas of dam aged insulat ion.

a) 50, 75
b) 50, 33
c) 75, 50
d) 25, 10

89) Piping syst em s t hat are known t o have a rem aining life of over
__________ years or t hat are prot ect ed against ext ernal corrosion
need not have insulat ion rem oved for t he periodic ext ernal
inspect ion.

a) 10
b) 15
c) 5

d) 20

90) For Class 3 piping syst em s, t he exam inat ion for corrosion under
insulat ion ( CUI ) should include at least __________ percent of all
suspect areas.

a) 50
b) 30
c) 10
d) 0

91) For Class 2 piping, t he ext ent of CUI inspect ions on a syst em
operat ing at – 45 o F will be:

a) 75% of dam aged areas, 50% of suspect areas

b) 50% of suspect areas, 33% of dam aged areas
c) 33% of dam aged areas, 50% of suspect areas
d) None of t he above

92) Sm all bore piping ( SBP) t hat is Class I shall be inspect ed

a) Where corrosion has been experienced

b) At t he opt ion of t he inspect or
c) To t he sam e requirem ent s as prim ary process piping
d) Only if it has dead legs

93) I nspect ion of sm all bore piping ( SBP) t hat is secondary and auxiliary
( associat ed wit h inst rum ent s and m achinery) is

a) Only required where corrosion has been experienced

b) Opt ional
c) Only if it has dead legs
d) Only if it is t hreaded

94) I f an inspect or finds t hreaded sm all bore piping ( SBP) associat ed

wit h m achinery and subj ect t o fat igue dam age, he should:

a) Plan periodically t o assess it and consider it for possible

renewal wit h a t hicker wall or upgrade it t o welded
com ponent s.
b) I nspect it only if it is corroded and t he class of service
requires an inspect ion.
c) Call for dism ant ling t he t hreaded j oint s for close inspect ion t o
det erm ine if any cracks are in t he root s of t he t hreads.
d) Have all t he t hreaded piping renewed at each inspect ion

95) An eight - inch diam et er piping syst em is inst alled in Decem ber 1979.
The inst alled t hickness if m easured as 0.34" . The m inim um
t hickness of t he pipe is 0.20" . I t is inspect ed 12/ 83 and t he
t hickness is found t o be 0.32" . An inspect ion 12/ 87 reveals a loss of
0.01" from t he 12/ 85 inspect ion. During 12/ 89 t he t hickness was
found t o be 0.29" . The last inspect ion was during 12/ 95 and t he
t hickness was found t o be 0.26" . What is t he long- t erm corrosion
rat e of t his syst em ?

a) 0.005” / year
b) 0.0075” / year
c) 0.00375” / year
d) 0.0025” / year

96) Using t he inform at ion in quest ion 95, calculat e t he short - t erm
corrosion rat e:

a) 0.005” / year
b) 0.0075” / year
c) 0.00375” / year
d) 0.0025” / year

97) Using t he inform at ion in quest ions 95 and 96, det erm ine t he
rem aining life of t he syst em :

a) 18 years
b) 15 years
c) 12 years
d) 6 years

98) You have a new piping syst em t hat has j ust been inst alled. I t is
com plet ely new and no inform at ion exist s t o est ablish a corrosion
rat e. Also, inform at ion is no available on a sim ilar syst em . You
decide t o put t he syst em in service and NDT it lat er t o det erm ine
t he corrosion rat e. How long do you allow t he syst em t o st ay in
service before you t ake your first t hickness readings?

a) 1 m ont h
b) 3 m ont hs
c) 6 m ont hs
d) 12 m ont hs

99) Aft er an inspect ion int erval is com plet ed and if calculat ions indicat e
t hat an inaccurat e rat e of corrosion has been assum ed in a piping
syst em , how do you det erm ine t he corrosion rat e for t he next
inspect ion period?

a) Check t he original calculat ions t o find out what t he error is in
t he original assum pt ion.
b) Unless t he corrosion rat e is higher, t he init ial rat es shall be
c) The corrosion rat e shall be adj ust ed t o agree wit h t he act ual
rat e found.
d) I f t he corrosion rat e is higher t han originally assum ed, call in
a corrosion specialist .

100) I f a piping syst em is m ade up of unknown m at erials and

com put at ions m ust be m ade t o det erm ine t he m inim um t hickness of
t he pipe, what can t he inspect or or t he piping engineer do t
est ablish t he m inim um t hickness?

a) The lowest grade m at erial and j oint efficiency in t he applicable

code m ay be assum ed for calculat ions.
b) Sam ples m ust be t aken from t he piping and t est ing for
m axim um t ensile st ress and yield st rengt h will det erm ine t he
allowable st ress t o be used.
c) The piping m ade of t he unknown m at erial m ust be rem oved
from service and current piping of known m at erial m ust be
inst alled.
d) The piping of unknown m at erial m ay be subj ect ed t o a
hydrost at ic st ress t est s while having st rain gages on it t o
det erm ine it s yield st rengt h and t hus allowable st ress.

101) A piping engineer is designing a piping service wit h high pot ent ial
consequences if a failure occurs, i.e., a 350 psi nat ural gas line
adj acent t o a high densit y populat ion area. What should he consider
doing for unant icipat ed sit uat ions?

a) Have all his calculat ions checked t wice.

b) I ncrease t he required m inim um t hickness.
c) Not ify t he owner- user and t he j urisdict ion.
d) Set up an em ergency evacuat ion procedure.

102) When evaluat ing locally t hinned areas, t he surface of t he weld

includes __________ on eit her side of t he w eld or __________
t im es t he m inim um m easured t hickness on eit her side of t he weld,
whichever is great er.

a) 0.5” , 3
b) 1” , 2
c) 2” , 1
d) 1.5” , 1.5

103) An inspect or finds a t hin area in a fabricat ed 24" diam et er pipe. The
t hin area includes a longit udinal weld in t he pipe and is 10 feet long
and 2 foot circum ferent ially. Calculat ions show t hat wit h 0.85 j oint
fact or, t he pipe m ust be repaired, renewed, et c. or t he pressure in
t he pipe m ust be lowered. The owner does not want t o do any hot
work on t he pipe and he does not wish t o lower t he pressure. What
ot her course could you follow?

a) Writ e t he result s of t he inspect ion up and leave it wit h t he

b) Radiograph t he weld 100 % and increase t he j oint fact or t o
c) I nsist t hat t he weld be repaired or renewed or t hat t he
pressure be lowered.
d) Call in a regulat or agency t o force t he owner t o repair, renew,
et c. t he line.

104) Piping st ress analysis is done during t he syst em 's original design.
How can t he inspect or m ake use of st ress analysis inform at ion?

a) An inspect or cannot use t his inform at ion. I t is only m eaningful

t o a piping engineer.
b) I t can be used t o m ake sure t he piping syst em was originally
evaluat ed and designed correct ly.
c) I t can be used t o concent rat e inspect ion effort s at locat ions
m ost prone t o fat igue or creep dam age, and t o solve vibrat ion
problem s.
d) The inspect or should use t his inform at ion t o evaluat e t he need
for conduct ing addit ional piping st ress analysis.

105) You are inspect ing a piping syst em . You find a significant loss of
m at erial ( a m aj or increase of corrosion rat e) in gas oil piping ( used
as reboiler oil, t em perat ure
500° F) on a Fluid Cat alyt ic Cracking Unit . What is t he best course
of act ion for you t o t ake?

a) The losses m ay be report ed t o your supervisor for correct ive

b) The losses should be recorded and report ed in your final
report aft er t he unit has st art ed.
c) I t shall be report ed t o t he owner- user for appropriat e act ion.
d) Replace excessively t hin piping and not e replacem ent in t he
final report aft er unit st art - up.

106) The __________ shall m aint ain appropriat e perm anent and
progressive records of each piping syst em covered by API 570.

a) I nspect or
b) Owner- user
c) Jurisdict ion
d) Exam iner

107) When m aking repairs and alt erat ions t o piping syst em s, t he
principles of __________ or t he code t o which t he piping syst em
was built shall be followed:

a) ASME B31.3
b) API 570
c) API 574
d) ASME B&PV Code

108) Repair and alt erat ion work m ust be done by a repair organisat ion as
defined in API 570 and m ust be aut horised by t he __________ prior
t o it s com m encem ent :

a) Jurisdict ion
b) I nspect or
c) Owner- user
d) Exam iner

109) Aut horisat ion for alt erat ion work t o a piping syst em m ay be given
by t he inspect or aft er:

a) Not ifying t he j urisdict ion and get t ing t heir approval

b) Consult ing API 570 and get t ing t he approval of t he owner-
c) Consult at ion wit h and approval by a piping engineer
d) Discussing wit h and consent by an exam iner

110) A repair procedure involving welding requires t hat t he root pass of

t he weld be inspect ed before cont inuing t he weld. A " hold" on t he
repair is required at t his point . Who designat es t his " hold?"

a) A m et allurgist
b) The owner- user
c) An API 570 inspect or
d) The welder supervisor

111) What t ype of repairs and procedures m ay t he inspect or give prior

general aut horisat ion t o cont inue ( provided t he inspect or is sat isfied
wit h t he com pet ency of t he repair organisat on) ?

a) Maj or repairs and m inor procedures

b) Lim it ed or rout ine repairs and procedures
c) Alt erat ions and re- rat ings
d) Minor re- rat ings and alt erat ions

112) Who approves all proposed m et hods of design, execut ion, m at erials,
welding procedures, exam inat ion and t est ing of in- service piping?

a) The j urisdict ion or t he piping engineer as appropriat e

b) The analyst and t he operat or as appropriat e
c) The exam iner and t he piping program m er as appropriat e
d) The inspect or or t he piping engineer as appropriat e

113) Who m ust give approval for any on- st ream welding?

a) Owner- user
b) Jurisdict ion
c) Exam iner
d) Analyst

114) An inspect or finds a crack in t he parent m et al of a pipe adj acent t o

a support lug. The pipe was being inspect ed aft er a 5 year run.
Before repairing, he should:

a) Not ify t he j urisdict ion prior t o t he st art of any repairs

b) Writ e a det ailed procedure for t he repair organisat ions use in
repairing t he crack
c) Consult wit h t he piping engineer t o ident ify and correct t he
cause of t he crack.
d) Consult wit h a m et allurgist prior t o writ ing a procedure t o
repair t he crack.

115) A full encirclem ent welded split sleeve designed by a piping

engineer m ay be applied over a dam aged or corroded area of a
pipe. This is considered a t em porary repair. When should a
perm anent repair be m ade?

a) I f t he owner- user designat es t he welded split sleeve as

perm anent , it m ay rem ain.
b) A full encirclem ent welded split sleeve is perm anent if okayed
by t he inspect or.
c) A full encirclem ent welded split sleeve is considered a
perm anent repair.
d) A perm anent repair m ust be m ade at t he next available
m aint enance opport unit y.

116) What t ype of defect , corrosion, pit t ing and / or discont inuit y should
not be repaired by a full encirclem ent welded split sleeve?

a) A longit udinal check

b) A circum ferent ial crack
c) Pit s t hat are one half t hrough wall
d) General corrosion in t he longit udinal direct ion.

117) I f a repair area is localised ( for exam ple, pit t ing or pin- holes) and
t he specified m inim um yield st rengt h ( SMYS) of t he pipe is not
m ore t han __________ psi, a t em porary repair m ay be m ade by
fillet welding a properly designed plat e pat ch over t he pit t ed area:

a) 30,000 psi
b) 55,000 psi
c) 40,000 psi
d) 36,000 psi

118) I nsert pat ches ( flush pat ches m ay be used t o repair dam aged or
corroded areas of pipe if several requirem ent s are m et . One of
t hese is t hat an insert pat ch ( flush pat ch) m ay be of any shape but
it shall have rounded corners wit h __________ m inim um radii.

a) 0.375"
b) 0.50"
c) 0.75"
d) 1"

119) An inspect or finds a pin- hole leak in a weld during an on- st ream
inspect ion of a piping syst em . A perm issible t em porary repair is : -

a) The use of plast ic st eel t o seal off t he leak

b) Driving a wooden plug int o t he hole
c) Screwing a self t apping screw int o t he hole
d) The inst allat ion of a properly designed and fabricat ed bolt ed
leak clam p.

120) Tem porary leak sealing and leak dissipat ing devices shall be
rem oved and t he pipe rest ored t o original int egrit y:

a) As soon as t he piping syst em can be safely rem oved from

b) At a t urnaround or ot her appropriat e t im e
c) When t he leak seal and leak dissipat ing device ceases t o work
d) As soon as possible – m ust be done on a safe, em ergency
shut - down basis

121) Which of t he following is N OT an it em for considerat ion by an
inspect or when a leak sealing fluid ( " pum ping" ) is used for a
t em porary leak seal repair:

a) Consider t he com pat ibilit y of t he sealant wit h t he leaking

m at erial
b) Consider t he pum ping pressure on t he clam p ( especially when
re- pum ping)
c) Consider t he pressure t est ing of t he piping in quest ion
d) Consider t he num ber of t im es t he seal area is re- pum ped

122) Any welding conduct ed on piping com ponent s in operat ion m ust be
done in accordance wit h

a) NFPA 704
b) API St andard 510
c) ASME B31.3
d) API Publicat ion 2201

123) All repair and alt erat ion welding t o piping syst em s shall be done in
accordance wit h t he:

a) Exact procedures of ASME B31.3 or t o t he code t o which it

was built
b) St andards of ASME B31.1 or t he code t o which it was built
c) Principles of ASME B31.3 or t he code t o which it was built
d) I deals of ASME, NBI C, or API st andards

124) Welders and welding procedures used in m aking piping repairs, et c.

shall be qualified in accordance wit h:

a) ASME B31.3 or t he code t o which t he piping was built

b) NBI C or t he syst em t o which t he piping was built
c) NACE or t he m et hod t o which t he piping was built
d) ASTM or t he law t o which t he piping was built

125) The repair organisat ion responsible for welding shall m aint ain
records of welding procedures and welder perform ance
qualificat ions. These records shall be available t o t he inspect or:

a) At t he end of t he j ob
b) Aft er t he st art of welding
c) Following t he st art of welding
d) Before t he st art of welding

126) Preheat ing t o not less t han __________ ° F m ay be considered as

an alt ernat ive t o post weld heat t reat m ent for alt erat ions or repairs

of P- 1, piping init ially post weld heat t reat ed as a code requirem ent
( m ay not be used if t he piping was post weld heat t reat ed due t o
environm ent al cracking prevent ion) .

a) 150
b) 200
c) 300
d) 350

127) When u sing local PWHT as a subst it ut e for 360- degree banding on
local repairs of PWHT'd piping, which of t he following it em s is N OT

a) The applicat ion is reviewed, and a procedure is developed by

t he piping engineer
b) The locally PWHT'd area of t he p ipe m ust be RT'd or UT'd
c) A preheat of 300 o F or higher is m aint ained while welding
d) The PWHT is perform ed for code com pliance and not for
environm ent al cracking

128) Piping but t j oint s shall be:

a) Double spiral fillet welds

b) Single fillet lap welds
c) Double fillet lap welds
d) Full- penet rat ion groove welds

129) When should piping com ponent s t hat need repair be replaced?

a) When enough t im e rem ains on a t urnaround t o allow

replacem ent
b) When repair is likely t o be inadequat e
c) When t he cost of repair is as high as renewal
d) When replacem ent is preferred by m aint enance personnel

130) Fillet welded pat ches ( lap pat ches) shall be designed by

a) An engineer
b) The inspect or
c) The piping engineer
d) The repair organisat ion

131) Fillet welded lap pat ches ( overlay pat ches) shall leave:

a) No m em brane st resses
b) Right - angle corners
c) Rounded corners

d) Burnished corners

132) Mat erials used in m aking welding repairs or alt erat ions __________
be of known weldable qualit y:

a) May
b) Shall
c) Should
d) Can

133) Accept ance of a welded repair or alt erat ion shall include
__________ in accordance wit h t he applicable code and t he owner-
user's specificat ion, unless ot herwise specified in API 570.

a) Nom inal Pragm at ic Sizing ( NPS)

b) NBE
c) Safeguards
d) Nondest ruct ive exam inat ion

134) Aft er welding is com plet ed on a repair or alt erat ion, __________ in
accordance wit h API 570 shall be perform ed if pract ical and deem ed
necessary by t he inspect or.

a) NPS
b) Safet y sanct ions
c) BE
d) A pressure t est

135) When are pressure t est s norm ally required?

a) Pressure t est s are norm ally required aft er alt erat ions and any
b) Pressure t est s are norm ally required aft er alt erat ions and
m aj or repairs
c) Pressure t est s are norm ally required aft er m aj or and m inor
d) Pressure t est s are norm ally required only as specified by t he
owner- user

136) When a pressure t est is not necessary or pract ical, what shall be
ut ilised in lieu of a pressure t est ?

a) NPS
b) Nondest ruct ive exam inat ion
c) Vacuum visual exam inat ion
d) NBE

137) Special procedure in place of a pressure t est aft er an alt erat ino or
repair m ay be done only aft er consult at ion wit h : -

a) The operat ions and t he repair organisat ion

b) The inspect or and t he piping engineer
c) The j urisdict ion
d) The exam iner and t he inspect or

137) Special procedure in place of a pressure t est aft er an alt erat ion or
repair m ay be done only aft er consult at ion wit h : -

a) The operat ors and t he repair organisat ion

b) The inspect or and t he piping engineer
c) The j urisdict ion
d) The exam iner and t he inspect or

138) When it is not pract ical t o perform a pressure t est of a final closure
weld t hat j oins a new or replacem ent sect ion of piping t o an exist ing
syst em , several requirem ent s shall be sat isfied. Which of t he
following is N OT one of t he requirem ent s?

a) The closure weld is a full- penet rat ion fillet weld bet ween a
weld neck flange and st andard piping com ponent or st raight
sect ions of pipe of equal diam et er and t hickness, axially
aligned, and or equivalent m at erials. For design cases up t o
Class 150 and 500 o F, slip- on flanges are accept able
alt ernat es.
b) MT or PT shall be perform ed on t he root pass and t he
com plet ed but t weld. Fillet welds m ust have PT / MT on t he
com plet ed weld.
c) The new or replacem ent piping is pressure t est ed.
d) Any final closure but t weld shall be of 100 % radiographic
qualit y; or angle- beam UT m ay be used, provide t he
appropriat e accept ance crit eria is est ablished.

139) Which of t he following is N OT a requirem ent for re- rat ing a piping
syst em by changing t he t em perat ure or t he MAWP:

a) The exist ing pressure relieving devices are st ill in place and
set as t hey were originally
b) Calculat ions are perform ed by t he piping engineer or t he
inspect or
c) Piping flexibilit y is adequat e for design t em perat ure changes
d) A decrease in m inim um operat ing t em perat ure is j ust ified by
im pact t est result s, if required by t he applicable code.

140) Why is t he inspect or of buried process piping ( not regulat ed by
DOT) different from ot her process piping inspect ion ?

a) The insulat ing effect of t he soil increases t he possibilit y of

m ore int ernal com bust ion
b) I nt ernal corrosion has t o be cont rolled by cat hodic prot ect ion
c) Significant ext ernal det eriorat ion can be caused by corrosive
soil condit ions
d) I nt ernal corrosion m ust be cont rolled by int ernal coat ings.

141) I ndicat ions of leaks in buried piping m ay include several indicat ions.
Which of t he ones list ed below is N OTone of t he indicat ions ?

a) A change in t he surface cont our of t he ground.

b) Wat er st anding on t he pipeline right - of- way
c) Discolorat ion of t he soil
d) Not ice odour

142) Corrosion cells can form on bot h bare and coat ed pipe where bare
st eel cont act s t he soil. How can t hese cells be det ect ed ?

a) Run an acoust ic em ission t est on t he piping

b) Visually survey t he rout e of buried piping
c) The pot ent ial at t he area of corrosion will be m easurable
different t han ot her areas and a close- int erval pot ent ial
survey can det ect t he locat ion of corrosion
d) Run an int ernal survey of t he piping using a video cam era

143) A pipe coat ing holiday survey is used t o locat e coat ing defect s on
coat ed pipes. I t can be used on newly const ruct ed pipe syst em s t o
ensure t hat t he coat ing is int act and holiday- free. More oft en, it is
used on buried pipe t o:

a) Show t he m easurable differences in elect rical pot ent ial in

corroded areas
b) Evaluat e coat ing serviceabilit y for buried piping t hat has been
in- service for along t im e.
c) Det erm ine t he dept h of t he piping for resist ivit y t est ing
d) Evaluat e t he cat hodic prot ect ion com ponent s of t he under-
ground pipe

144) Cat hodically prot ect ed buried piping should be m onit ored
__________ t o assure adequat e levels of prot ect ion:

a) Regularly
b) I nt erm it t ent ly
c) Errat ically

d) Frequent ly

145) I f an " int elligent pigging" syst em is used t o inspect buried piping,
what t ype of bends are usually required in t he piping syst em ?

a) Five diam et er bends

b) 90 degree pipe ells
c) Ten diam et er bends
d) Three diam et er bends

146) How oft en should above- grade visual surveillance of a buried

pipeline right - of- way be m ade?

a) Once a m ont h
b) Approxim at ely 6 m ont h int ervals
c) Once a year
d) Once every 3 m ont hs

147) How oft en should poorly coat ed pipes wit h inconsist ent cat hodic
prot ect ion pot ent ials have a pipe- t o- soil pot ent ial survey m ade ?

a) Yearly
b) Every 2 years
c) Every 5 years
d) Every 7 years

148) On buried piping, what is t he frequency of pipe coat ing holiday


a) The frequency is governed by t he leak t est int erval of t he pipe

b) I t is usually based on indicat ions t hat ot her form s of corrosion
cont rol are ineffect ive.
c) Surveys are norm ally m ade every 5 years
d) Pipe coat ing holiday surveys are m ade when t he pipe is
excavat ed.

149) For a piping buried in lengt hs great er t han __________ feet and not
cat hodically prot ect ed, evaluat ion of soil corrosivit y should be
perform ed at 5- year int ervals.

a) 50
b) 75
c) 100
d) 150

150) I f buried piping is cat hodically prot ect ed, t he syst em should be
m onit ored at int ervals in accordance wit h Sect ion 10 of NACE

RP0169 or Sect ion 90 of API RP 651.
API RP 651 specifies __________ int erval.

a) Annual
b) Biannual
c) Biennial
d) Trennial

151) Buried piping inspect ed periodically by excavat ion shall be inspect ed

in lengt hs of __________ feet at one or m ore locat ions j udged t o be
m ost suscept ible t o corrosion

a) 2 to 4
b) 4 to 6
c) 6 to 8
d) 8 to 10

152) Aft er excavat ion of buried piping, if inspect ion reveals dam aged
coat ing or corroded piping:

a) The condit ion should be not ed in t he records and t he

inspect ion int erval short ened
b) The com plet e piping syst em m ust be day- light ed ( excavat ed)
for repair or replacem ent .
c) The dam aged coat ing or corroded piping m ust be repaired or
d) Addit ional piping shall be excavat ed unt il t he ext ent of t he
condit ion is ident ified.

153) I f buried piping is cont ained inside a casing pipe, t he casing should

a) Capable of carrying t he sam e pressure as t he product pipe

b) Checked t o see if it s prot ect ive coat ing is int act and
c) Pressure t est ed t o m ake sure it is serviceable
d) I nspect ed t o det erm ine if wat er and / or soil has ent ered t he

154) An alt ernat ive or supplem ent t o inspect ion of buried piping is leak
t est ing wit h liquid at a pressure at least __________ % great er
t han t he m axim um operat ing pressure at int ervals ½ t he lengt h of
t hose shown in Table 9- 1 of API 570 for piping N OT cat hodically
prot ect ed and at t he sam e int ervals as shown in Table 9- 1 for
cat hodically prot ect ed piping.

a) 5

b) 10
c) 25
d) 50

155) The leak t est for buried piping should be for a period of __________

a) 4
b) 8
c) 12
d) 24

156) The leak t est for a 8" diam et er buried piping syst em is 300 psi.
Aft er 7 hours, t he pressure react s 273 psi. What should t he
inspect or do?

a) Not hing is required. The loss of pressure is negligible and will

not affect t he t est . The loss can be disregarded.
b) The syst em should be re- pressurised t o t he original leak t est
pressure and t he t est should begin again.
c) The t est chart s and t he t em perat ure should be review ed t o
det erm ine if any change in t em perat ure caused t he pressure
d) The piping should be visually inspect ed ext ernally and / or
inspect ed int ernally t o find t he leak and assess t he ext ent of

157) A buried piping syst em t hat is not cat hodically prot ect ed has t o
have an inspect ion int erval set . The soil resist ivit y is checked and
found t o be 3400 ohm / cm . As t he inspect or, what int erval would
you set ?

a) 2.5 years
b) 7.5 years
c) 5 years
d) 10 years

158) Buried piping also m ay be surveyed for int egrit y by rem oving t he
line from service and perform ing a leak t est . This inspect ion m et hod
t ypically involves pressurising t he line wit h a __________, allowing
t im e for t he __________ t o diffuse t o t he surface and surveying t he
buried line wit h a gas- specific det ect or t o det ect t he __________

a) Tracer gas ( such as helium or sulphur hexafluoride)

b) Light hydrocarbon ( such as but ane)
c) Sm oke t ype m at erial ( such as chem ical sm oke)
d) Wat er vapour ( such as st eam )

159) Repairs t o coat ing on buried piping m ay be t est ed using

a) A low- volt age holiday det ect or

b) Light t aps wit h an inspect ion ham m er
c) A flaw indicat or fluid
d) A high- volt age holiday det ect or

160) I f buried piping leaks are clam ped and reburied:

a) No furt her act ion is required unless t he piping leaks again

b) The dat e of inst allat ion shall be m arked on t he clam p for
fut ure ident ificat ion
c) A record of t he locat ion and t he dat e of inst allat ion shall be
m aint ained
d) The clam ped line shall be leak t est ed.

161) A 10" diam et er piping syst em wit h 4" diam et er and 6" diam et er
reinforced branch connect ions is t o have changes m ade t o it . Which
of t he following is considered an alt erat ion?

a) A new 1" diam et er un- reinforced nipple is inst alled

b) A new 8" diam et er reinforced branch connect ion is inst alled
c) A new 4" diam et er reinforced branch connect ion is inst alled
d) A new 3" diam et er reinforced branch connect ion is inst alled

162) Which of t he following w ou ld n ot be classified as an applicable

code t o w hich a piping syst em was built ?

a) ASME B31.3
b) ASME B31.1
c) ASA B31.1- 1955, Sect ion 3
d) ASTM A- 20

163) Which of t he inspect ion agencies list ed below is N OT an Aut horised

I nspect ion Agency as defined in API 570.

a) Jurisdict ional inspect ion organisat ion

b) Owner- user inspect ion organisat ion
c) ASTM inspect ion organisat ion
d) I ndependent inspect ion organisat ion

164) An aut horised piping inspect or is an em ployee of an aut horised

inspect ion agency who is qualified t o perform t he funct ions specified
in API 570. Which individual list ed below is not usually an
aut horised piping inspect or.

a) An owner- user inspect or.
b) A j urisdict ional inspect or
c) An NDE exam iner
d) An insurance inspect or

165) Which of t he following qualifies as auxiliary piping ?

a) Cont rol valve m anifolds

b) Bypass lines around exchangers
c) Pum p seal oil lines
d) Orifice runs

166) CUI st ands for:

a) Cont rol unit inspect or

b) Corrosion under insulat ion
c) Correct ed unobt rusive insert s
d) Corroded underground inst allat ion

167) Deadlegs legs of a piping syst em are:

a) The upst ream piping of cont rol valve m anifolds

b) Support s at t ached t o a pipeline t hat has no product in t hem
c) The upst ream part of an orifice runs
d) Sect ions t hat norm ally have no significant flow

168) A defect is an im perfect ion of a t ype or m agnit ude exceeding t he

__________ crit eria.

a) Non- specific
b) I m precise
c) General
d) Accept able

169) The design t em perat ure of a piping syst em com ponent is t he

t em perat ure at which, under t he coincident pressure, t he
__________ is required.

a) Sm allest t hickness or highest com ponent rat ing

b) Great est t hickness or highest com ponent rat ing
c) Maxim um t hickness or lowest com ponent rat ing
d) Minim um t hickness or m inim um com ponent rat ing

170) An exam iner is a person who __________ t he inspect or

a) Supplant s
b) Assist s

c) Supervises
d) Direct s

171) Hold point is a point in t he repair or alt erat ion process beyond which
work m ay not proceed unt il t he __________ has been perform ed
and docum ent ed

a) PWHT required
b) Required inspect ion
c) RT required
d) Ult rasonic t est ing

172) What is an im perfect ion?

a) I t is a flaw or discont inuit y not ed during inspect ion t hat m ay

be subj ect t o accept ance.
b) I t is a defect not ed during inspect ion t hat is unaccept able.
c) I t is a w eld flaw not ed during an inspect ion t hat m ay be
subj ect t o repair
d) I t is a blem ish t hat is only cosm et ic and accept able under all
condit ions.

173) __________ is a response or evidence result ing from t he

applicat ion of a non- dest ruct ive evaluat ion t echnique

a) I ndicat ion
b) I m perfect ion
c) Breach
d) Division

174) What are point s where chlorine is int roduced in reform ers, wat er is
added in overhead syst em s, et c. called

a) Prim ary process point s

b) Level bridle point s
c) I nj ect ion point s
d) Test point s

175) What is t he loss of duct ilit y and not ch t oughness in suscept ible low-
alloy st eels such as 1.25 and 2.5 Cr., due t o prolonged exposure t o
high- t em perat ure service called?

a) Creep
b) Tem per em brit t lem ent
c) I ncipient m elt ing
d) Graphit isat ion

176) Secondary process piping is sm all- bore ( less t han or equal t o
_____) process piping downst ream of norm ally closed block valves.

a) NPS 3/ 4
b) NPS 1
c) NPS 2
d) NPS 3

177) A t est point is an area defined by a circle having a diam et er not

great er t han __________ inches for a line diam et er not exceeding
10 inches or not great er t han __________ inches for larger lines.

a) 3, 4
b) 2, 3
c) 1, 2
d) 3/ 4, 1

178) When m aking a repair ut ilising a welded full encirclem ent repair
sleeve and t he sleeve m at erial is different from t he pipe m at erial,
you should:

a) Consult t he piping engineer

b) Use a weld rod m at ching t he higher st rengt h m at erial
c) Use a weld rod m at ching t he lower st rengt h m at erial
d) Use an alloy weld rod such as I nco- A

179) What t ype of elect rode should be used when welding a full
encirclem ent repair sleeve?

a) Low- hydrogen elect rode

b) Low- phosphorous elect rode
c) Low- chrom e elect rode
d) Low- nit rogen elect rode

180) Which of t he following welding elect rodes is low- hydrogen ?

a) E6010
b) E7016
c) E7011
d) E7014

181) When welding a sm all repair pat ch, t he diam et er of elect rodes used
should not exceed
a) 1/ 8"
b) 3/ 16"
c) 5/ 32"
d) 1/ 4"


1. c API 570, 1.1.1 49. a API 570, 5.4.3

2. b API 570, 1.1.2 50. d API 570, 5.4.5
3. a API 570, 1.1.3 51. b API 570, 5.5.1
4. b API 570, 1.2.1 52. b API 570, 5.5.2
5. b API 570, 1.2.1 53. c API 570, 5.5.2
6. b API 570, 4.3.4 54. c API 570, 5.5.2
7. b API 570, 4.1 55. c API 570, 5.5.2
8. a API 570, A.2.1 56. b API 570, 5.5.3
9. d API 570, 5.1 57. a API 570, 5.5.3
10. d API 570, 5.1 58. b API 570, 5.5.3
11. a API 570, 5.3 59. c API 570, 5.5.3
12. b API 570, 5.3.1 60. c API 570, 5.5.3
13. c API 570, 5.3.1 61. b API 570, 5.6
14. a API 570, 5.3.1 62. d API 570, 5.6
15. b API 570, 5.3.1 63. a API 570, 5.6
16. a API 570, 5.3.1 64. d API 570, 5.6
17. c API 570, 5.3.1 65. a API 570, 5.7
18. c API 570, 5.3.2 66. a API 570, 5.7
19. c API 570, 5.3.2 67. c API 570, 5.7
20. d API 570, 5.3.2 68. d API 570, 5.7
21. c API 570, 5.3.3 69. d API 570, 5.7
22. c API 570, 5.3.3 70. b API 570, 5.7
23. d API 570, 71. c API 570, 5.7
24. c API 570, 72. d API 570, 5.7
25. b API 570, 5.3.4 73. c API 570, 5.7
26. d API 570,5.3.4 74. a API 570, 5.8
27. b API 570, 5.3.5 75. d API 570, 5.9
28. b API 570, 5.3.6 76. c API 570, 5.10
29. a API 570, 5.3.6 77. b API 570, 5.10
30. c API 570, 5.3.7 78. d API 570, 5.10
31. d API 570, 5.3.7 79. b API 570, 5.11
32. a API 570, 5.3 80. c API 570, 5.11
33. d API 570, 5.3.8 81. c API 570, 5.11
34. a API 570, 5.3.8 82. b API 570, 6.2
35. c API 570, 5.3.9 82( A) a API 570, 6.1
36. b API 570, 5.3.9 82( B) c API 570, 6.1
37. b API 570, 5.3.9 82( C) a API 570, 6.1
38. a API 570, 5.3.10 83. d API 570, 6.1.1
39. b API 570, 5.3.10 84. d API 570, 6.1.2
40. b API 570, 5.3.11 85. b API 570, 6.2.3
41. a API 570, 5.3.12 86. b API 570, 6.2
42. d API 570, 5.4 87. b API 570, 6.2
43. c API 570, 5.4.1 88. a API 570, 6.4
44. c API 570, 5.4.1 89. a API 570, 6.3
45. b API 570, 5.4.2 90. c API 570, 6.3
46. b API 570, 5.4.2 91. d API 570, 6.4
47. a API 570, 5.4.3 92. c API 570, 6.5.1
48. b API 570, 5.4.3 93. b API 570, 6.5.2

94. a API 570, 6.6.3 143. b API 570, 9.1.3
95. a API 570, 7.1.1 144. a API 570, 9.1.5
96. a API 570, 7.1.1 145. a API 570, 9.1.6
97. c API 570, 7.1.1 146. b API 570, 9.2.1
98. b API 570, 7.1.2 147. c API 570, 9.2.2
99. c API 570, 7.1.3 148. b API 570, 9.2.3
100. a API 570, 7.2 149. c API 570, 9.2.4
101. b API 570, 7.3 150. a API 570, 9.2.5
102. b API 570, 7.4 151. c API 570, 9.2.6
103. b API 570, 7.4 152. d API 570, 9.2.6
104. c API 570, 7.5 153. d API 570, 9.2.6
105. c API 570, 7.6 154. b API 570, 9.2.7
106. b API 570, 7.6 155. b API 570, 9.2.7
107. a API 570, 8.1 156. d API 570, 9.2.7
108. b API 570, 8.1.1 157. d API 570, 9.2.7
109. c API 570, 8.1.1 158. a API 570, 9.2.7
110. c API 570, 8.1.1 159. d API 570, 9.3.1
111. b API 570, 8.1.1 160. c API 570, 9.3.2 & 9.4
112. d API 570, 8.1.2 161. b API 570, 3.1
113. a API 570, 8.1.2 162. d API 570, 3.3
114. c API 570, 8.1.2 163. c API 570, 3.4
115. d API 570, 164. c API 570, 3.5
116. a API 570, 165. c API 570, 3.6
117. c API 570, 166. b API 570, 3.8
118. d API 570, 167. d API 570, 3.9
119. d API 570, 8.1.4 168. d API 570, 3.10
120. b API 570, 8.1.4 169. b API 570, 3.11
121. c API 570, 8.1.4 170. b API 570, 3.12
122. d API 570, 8.2 171. b API 570, 3.13
123. c API 570, 8.2 172. a API 570, 3.14
124. a API 570, 8.2.1 173. a API 570, 3.15
125. d API 570, 8.2.1 174. c API 570, 3.16
126. c API 570, 175. b API 570, 3.44
127. b API 570, 176. c API 570, 340
128. d API 570, 8.2.3 177. b API 570, 3.46
129. b API 570, 8.2.3 178. a API 570, Appendix C
130. c API 570, 8.2.3 179. a API 570, Appendix C
131. c API 570, 8.2.3 180. b API 570, Appendix C
132. b API 570, 8.2.4 181. c API 570, Appendix C
133. d API 570, 8.2.5
134. d API 570, 8.2.6
135. b API 570, 8.2.6
136. b API 570, 8.2.6
137. b API 570, 8.2.6
138. a API 570, 8.2.6
139. a API 570, 8.3
140. c API 570, Sect ion 9
141. b API 570, 9.1.1
142. c API 570, 9.1.2

( Close d Book )

1) A 14" O.D. pipe has a corroded area on it . What is t he m axim um

size of a sm all repair pat ch t hat m ay be used t o cover t he corroded

a) 3.5”
b) 7”
c) 6”
d) 6.5”

2) A NPS 4 Schedule 80 ( 0.337” wall) branch is welded int o a NPS 12

Schedule 40 ( 0.406” wall) header. What size cover fillet weld ( t c) is
required over t he full penet rat ion groove weld” ( Express answer t o
nearest hundredt h)

a) 0.578”
b) 0.286”
c) 0.334”
d) 0.236”

3) A NPS 6 ( 6.6.25” od) seam less pipe m ade from ASTM A335 Grade
P2 m at erial operat es at 800 psi and 600 degrees F. The condit ions
require t hat a corrosion allowance of 0.125" be m aint ained.
Calculat e t he m inim um required t hickness for t hese condit ions.

a) 0.294”
b) 0.343”
c) 0.631”
d) 0.524”

4) A NPS 14 ( 14.00" od) seam less pipe m ade from ASTM A106 Grade
A m at erial operat es at 300 psi and 600 degrees F. The pipe m ust
cross a sm all dit ch and it m ust be capable of support ing it self
wit hout a visible sag. A piping engineer st at es t hat t he pipe m ust be
at least 0.375" t o support it self and t he liquid product . He also
st at es t hat a 0.125" corrosion allowance m ust be included. Calculat e
t he m inim um required t hickness for t he pipe.

a) 0.778”
b) 0.567”
c) 0.642”
d) 0.600”

5) A 10’ long carbon st eel pipe is welded t o a 10' 18- 8 st ainless pipe
and is heat ed uniform ly t o 475 degrees F from 70 degrees F.
Det erm ine it s t ot al lengt h aft er heat ing

a) 20.067’
b) 20.156’
c) 20.234’
d) 20.095’

6) A blank is required bet ween t wo NPS 10, 300 lb. class flanges. The
m axim um pressure in t he syst em is 385 psi at 200 degrees F. A
corrosion allowance of 0.175" is required. The inside diam et er of t he
gasket surface is 9.25" . The blank is ASTM A516 Grade 70 m at erial
wit h no weld j oint . Calculat e t he pressure design t hickness required
for t he blank

a) 0.789”
b) 0.692”
c) 0.556”
d) 0.768”

7) A NPS 14 ( 14.00” od) seam less pipe m ade from ASTM A53 Grade B
m at erial operat es at 600 psi 600 degrees F. Calculat e t he pressure
design t hickness for t hese condit ions.


a) 0.243”
b) 0.442”
c) 0.205”
d) 0.191”

8) A NPS 6 piping syst em is inst alled in Decem ber 1989. The inst alled
t hickness is m easured at 0.719” . The m inim um t hickness of t he
pipe is 0.456” . I t is inspect ed in Decem ber 1994 and t he m easured
t hickness is 0.608” . An inspect ion in Decem ber 1995 reveals a
0.025" loss from t he Decem ber 1994 inspect ion. During Decem ber
1996, t he t hickness was m easured t o be 0.571" . What is t he long-
t erm corrosion rat e of t his syst em ?

a) 0.01996” / year
b) 0.02567” / year
c) 0.02114” / year
d) 0.03546” / year

9) Using t he dat a in Quest ion No. 8, calculat e t he short t erm corrosion

rat e in m ils per year ( M/ P year)

a) 0.0012 M/ P year
b) 0.012 M/ P year
c) 0.12 M/ P year
d) 12 M/ P year

10) Using t he inform at ion in Quest ions No. 8 and No. 9, det erm ine t he
rem aining life of t he syst em

a) 18 years
b) 5.44 years
c) 1.2 years
d) 6 years

11) Using t he inform at ion in Quest ions No. 10 and assum ing an
inj ect ion point in a Class 2 syst em wit h 7 years est im at ed unt il t he
next inspect ion what would t he next int erval be:

a) 10 years
b) 5 years
c) 3 years
d) 2.72 years

12) A seam less NPS 10 pipe, ASTM A106 Grade B m at erial operat es at
750 psi and 700 degrees F m axim um . Considering only pressure
design t hickness, what m inim um t hickness is required?

a) 0.244”
b) 0.200”
c) 0.282”
d) 0.173”

13) A seam less NPS 16 pipe, ASTM A135 Grade A m at erial operat es at
550 psi and 600 degrees F m axim um . The t hickness of t he pipe as
det erm ined by t he last inspect ion is 0.40" . The pipe has been in
service for 8 years. The original t hickness at inst allat ion was
m easured t o be 0.844" . Two years previous t o t he 0.40"
m easurem ent t he t hickness of t he pipe was found t o be 0.54" .
Det erm ine t he great est corrosion rat e,
i.e., short or long t erm in m ils per year ( M/ P year) .

a) 55 M/ P year
b) 70 M/ P year
c) 0.70 M/ P year
d) 700 M/ P year

14) A seam less NPS 12 pipe, ASTM A106 Grade B m at erial operat es at
750 psi and 700 degrees F m axim um . The t hickness of t he pipe as
det erm ined by t he last inspect ion is 0.305” . The pipe has been in
service for 13 years. The original t hickness at inst allat ion was
m easured t o be 0.405" . Two years previous t o t he 0.305”
m easurem ent t he t hickness of t he pipe found t o be 0.316” . The
next planned inspect ion is scheduled for 8 years. Using t he
appropriat e corrosion rat e det erm ine what MAWP t he pipe will
wit hst and at t he end of t he next inspect ion period

a) 720 psi
b) 499 psi
c) 611 psi
d) 550 psi

15) A seam less NPS 6, ASTM A106 Grade A pipe operat es at 300
degrees F and 765 psi. The allowable st ress is 16,000 psi. Using t he
Barlow equat ion, det erm ine t he required t hickness for t hese
condit ions

a) 0.446”
b) 0.332”
c) 0.231”
d) 0.158”

16) A seam less NPS 6, ASTM A106 Grade A pipe operat es at 300
degrees F and 741 psi. The allowable st ress is 16,000 psi. The
owner- user specified t hat t he pipe m ust have 0.125" for corrosion
allowance. Using t he Barlow equat ion, det erm ine t he required
t hickness for t hese condit ions

a) 0.295”
b) 0.195”
c) 0.325”
d) 0.392”

17) A NPS 4 Schedule 80 ( 0.337" wall) branch connect ion is welded int o
a NPS 6 Schedule 40 ( 0.280" wall) . A 0.375" reinforcing pad is used
around t he branch connect ion. The fillet weld sizes are as required
by t he Code. The branch connect ion is insert ed int o t he header. The
m at erial of t he branch and header is ASTM A672 Grade B70. What
t hickness would be used t o det erm ine whet her heat t reat m ent of
t he connect ion is required? ( Express answer t o nearest hundredt h.)

a) 0.768”
b) 0.891”
c) 0.998”

d) 0.567”

18) An inspect or finds a t hin area in t he body of a NPS 6, 600 lb. gat e
valve body. The body is m ade from ASTM A216 WCB m at erial. The
syst em operat es at 900 psi and 750 degrees F. Using a corrosion
allowance of 0.125" , what m inim um required t hickness m ust t he
valve body have t o cont inue t o safely operat e? ( Round t o t he
nearest 3 decim als)

a) 0.492”
b) 0.617”
c) 0.510”
d) 0.345”

19) A seam less NPS 10 pipe, ASTM A106 Grade B m at erial, operat es at
750 psi and 700 degrees F ( m axim um ) . The t hickness of t he pipe as
det erm ined by t he last inspect ion is 0.30" . The pipe has been in
service for 10 years. The original t hickness ( m easured when
inst alled) was 0.365" . Two years previous t o t he 0.30"
m easurem ent t he t hickness of t he pipe was m easured t o be 0.31" .
Det erm ine t he great est corrosion rat e i.e. short or long t erm

a) 0.0050 inches per year

b) 0.0065 inches per year
c) 0.0100 inches per year
d) 0.0130 inches per year

20) A seam less NPS 10 pipe, ASTM A106 Grade B m at erial operat es at
750 psi and 700 degrees F ( m axim um ) . The t hickness of t he pipe as
det erm ined by t he last inspect ion is 0.30" . The pipe has been in
service for 10 years. The original t hickness ( m easured when
inst alled) was 0.365" . Two years previous t o t he 0.30"
m easurem ent t he t hickness of t he pipe was m easured t o be 0.365" .
Two years previous t o he 0.30" m easurem ent t he t hickness of t he
pipe was m easured t o be 0.31" . The next planned inspect ion is
scheduled for 7 years. Using t he worst corrosion rat e ( short or long
t erm ) det erm ine what pressure t he pipe will wit hst and at t he end of
it s next inspect ion period ?

a) 920 psi
b) 663 psi
c) 811 psi
d) 750 psi


1. b API 570, APP

2. d B31.3, 328.5.4( c)
3. a B31.3, 304.1.1
4. c B31.3, 304.1.1
5. a B31.3, Table C- 1
6. b B31.3, 304.5.3
8. c API 570, 7.1.1
9. d API 570, 7.1.1
10. b API 570, 7.1.1
11. d API 570, 6.3
12. a B31.3, 304.1.1
13. b API 570, 7.1.1
14. b API 570, 7.2
15. d B31.3 304.1.1
16. c B31.3, 304.1.1
17. b B31.3, 331.1
18. b API 574, 9.2
19. b API 570, 7.1 and 7.2
20. b API 570, 7.1 and 7.2


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