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Name Rachel Gavsie_ Date _9/12/23 Block: B Period 7 Version A

Chap. 2 Video How did early sailors navigate the oceans?
Answer the Following questions while listening to the video above.

01.Early voyages have been viewed as _____________________________ because of sudden storms and helmsmen errors
throwing ships off course.

02.Who were the first to navigate the oceans before the arrival of the magnetic compass to Europe? ______________________

03.To the west these people (mentioned in #2) explored these lands 500 years before Christopher Columbus. List these places.


04.Floki Vilgeroarson is a great Viking explorer who carried a cage of ravens which helped him discover ____________________

05.How did Floki Vilgeroarson use the cage of ravens while exploring new lands? ______________________________________


06.The early Pacific Polynesian used 4 markers (things) to find paths from one island to another.

a. _______________________________________________ c. _____________________________________

b. _______________________________________________ d. _____________________________________

07.What is the name of the star in the sky which does not move? _________________________________________________

08.Explain the method is used to identify #7. __________________________________________________________________




09.What is the American term used for the group of stars which make a ladle shape in the sky?

______________________________ or _____________________________

10.Name the 1st useful tool to hold a steady direction and aid with navigation? _______________________________________

11.List the equation used by sailors to estimate ship speed. _______________________________________________________

12.What tool was used to calculate time (refers to quest. 11) which caused a lot of errors? ______________________________

13.Latitude, Longitude and Altitude lines are necessary to determine ________________________________________________

14.What 3 tools and data do you need to determine latitude? a. ___________________________________________________

b.__________________________________________________ c. ________________________________________________

15. An accurate clock is used to calculate ________________________ and it must be calibrated to ______________________
16.Earth revolves around its axis every ______ hours and the sun completes a revolution of _______° in 24 hours.
So, the sun moves _____° in one hour.

17.Suppose your sailing and GMT is 18:00 and local time is 8:00. What is your time difference? _________

____________ = - 150  your _______hours behind GMT which makes your longitude _____________.

18.In 1714, what did the British Government offer the people? ____________________________________________________

19.Why was an accurate clock needed out in open seas? __________________________________________________________

20.What was the name given to this clock? _____________________________________________________________________

21.List 4 issues mechanical clocks had at the time. A. ________________________________ B. __________________________

C. ______________________________________________ D. __________________________________________

22.Who used a chronometer submitted by Larcum Kendell while on a three-year voyage? _______________________________

23.This clock was a copy of another inventor’s clock plan – his name was ____________________________________________

24.The clock was found to be accurate by ______________________________________________________________________

25.Modern ships rely on marine GPS (global position system) which give information such as (3):_________________________


26.What modern feature do marine GPS have incase of an emergency? ______________________________________________

27.What is carried onboard to back-up the GPS device? _________________________ What sort of information do this

instrument give a Captain & crew? _________________________________________________________________________

28.In addition to GPS and a sextant, a competent navigator can use 2 additional tools to locate their position in the ocean.


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