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Fractions of quantities – word problems

Name ....................................................................................... Date ...............................

Read through these word problems and answer the questions. Remember to show your
workings out.

1. In a bag, there are 12 2. On a bus there are 16

marbles. ½ are blue. passengers. ½ are
How many blue children. How many
marbles are there? children are there?

4. In the classroom there

3. I win £9 in a game are 15 children. 1/3
but give 1/3 away. chose maths as their
How much do I give favourite subject.
away? How many children
did not choose maths?

6. There are 24 hours in

5. I threw away 20
a day. Molly spends
kilogrammes of
¼ of her day at
rubbish, but I recycled
school. For how
¼of it. How much
many hours is she at
rubbish did I recycle?

8. I am reading a book
7. There are 150
which is 55 pages
millilitres of juice in
long. I have read 1/5
my bottle, but I spill
of it. How many
1/5 of it. How much
pages have I got left
do I spill?
to read?

10. There are 24 pupils

9. A coat costs Raj £36. in Justin’s class. ¼
His mum gave him of the pupils go to
1/3 of the money the museum and 1/3
towards the cost of of the pupils go to
the coat. How much the theme park.
does Raj have to pay? How many children
don’t go on a trip?

Can you write a story problem for these calculations and then work out the
a) ½ of 14. b) ¼ of 20
© 2015 24768 Page 1 of 4
Fractions of quantities – word problems

Name ....................................................................................... Date ...............................

Read through these word problems and answer the questions. Remember to show your
workings out.
your workings out. (please put into a lozenge)
1. There are 55 dinosaur 2. Sara is having a
bones at the local party. Her cake is cut
museum. Out of into 24 pieces. ¾ of
these, 2/5 are from a the cake is eaten
Tyrannosaurus Rex. during the party.
How many bones How many pieces of
would that be? cake are left?
4. In the classroom there
3. I win £45 in a game, are 30 children. 1/5
but give 2/3 away. chose maths as their
How much do I give favourite subject.
away? How many children
did not choose maths?
5. I threw away 28
6. A shark chases 44
kilogrammes of
fish, and eats 3/4 of
rubbish, but I recycled
them. How many
3/4 of it. How much
does it eat?
rubbish did I recycle?
8. I am reading a book
7. There are 420
which is 20 pages
millilitres of juice in
long. I have read
my bottle, but I spill
3/10 of it. How
3/6 of it. How much
many pages have I
do I spill?
9. There are 36 pupils in
Justin’s class. 1/6 of 10. We carried out a
the pupils go to the traffic survey at
museum, ¼ go to the school. Of the 48
zoo and ½ of them vehicles 1/3 were
go to the theme park. bikes, ¼ were vans,
How don’t go on a how many were cars?

Can you write story problems for these calculations, and then work out the answers?
a) 2/3 of 66 b) ¾ of 84

© 2015 24768 Page 2 of 4

Fractions of quantities – word problems

Name ....................................................................................... Date ...............................

Read through these word problems and answer the questions. Remember to show your
workings out.

1. I have a bag of 48
2. On a coach, there are
sweets. ¾ of the
72 passengers. 2/3
sweets are
are children. How
many children are
How many are of a
different flavour?
4. In the school, there
are 240 children.
3. I win £150 in a
1/3 chose maths as
game, but give 2/3
their favourite
away. How much do
subject. How many
I give away?
children did not
choose maths?
5. I threw away 64
6. A shark chases 48
kilogrammes of
fish and eats 1/8 of
rubbish, but I
them. How many
recycled 3/8 of it.
does it eat?
How much rubbish
did I recycle?
7. There are 65 8. I am reading a book
millilitres of juice in which is 230 pages
my bottle, but I spill long. I have read
2/5 of it. How much 7/10 of it. How
do I spill? many pages have I
got left to read?
10. 84 children go out
on school trips. 1/6
9. I had 52 smarties
go to the museum, ¼
but I ate 3/4 of
go to the zoo and
them. How many
the rest go to a
smarties are left?
theme park. How
many children went
on each trip?

Can you write story problems for these calculations, and then work out the answers?
a) 1/5 of 75. b) 1/3 of 180. c) 3/4 of 124.

© 2015 24768 Page 3 of 4

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