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Emotion/ Abstraction: Love

1. 2 objects associated with concept

Computers and a flower vase

2. 2 people/figures associated with concept

Mother and God

3. Memorable sounds
Jazz music

4. Recognisable smells
The scent of freshly baked pizza

5. What is its color


6. What is its shape


7. Mode of locomotion of that shape

Slow but moving in sync with each other.

8. Which region of the world (outside India) is it associated to

The Caribbean Islands

9. The most biased/distorted/subjective definition of it

That love is sacrifice

10. An animal as its mascot

A Cat

11. 2 abstractions bigger than it, can beat it up


12. 2 abstractions smaller than it, can be bullied by it

Ego and Pride

13. Which other abstraction would fall in love with Love ?

Freedom and Intimacy

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