Draft Soal Ktof Agustus 2020

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Physics Olympiad Open Contest

August 2020
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Friday, 21 August 2020
Processing time: 72 hours

1. Needle

An igloo or igloo is a house or temporary residence, dome-shaped and built

from blocks of snow. Although igloos are synonymous with Inuit dwellings, there are many igloos

built by Canadians living in the Central Arctic and the Thule region of Greenland. Snow is suitable

used as an insulator (insulating material) from cold weather. The room temperature inside the igloo is way off

warmer, and allows humans to live even though the outside temperature can reach -46 °C.

In this problem we will review the thermal properties of igloo ice walls as insulators.

Consider a hemispherical igloo whose walls are made of solid snow with radii.

inner radius = 2 and outer radius = 2.5 . Thermal conductivity of dense snow =

0.25 ÿ1 ÿ1 ÿ1 .
In polar coordinates, the rate of heat flowing per unit area or also called

The heat flux can be expressed as:

= ÿmr

Where is the thermal conductivity of the material, is the temperature, and is the distance to the center

coordinate. The negative sign indicates that heat flows from high temperature to low temperature.

Assume atmospheric pressure is the same as at sea level, 1.01 × 105 , homogeneous environmental temperature

and there is no wind. The air is dry and there is not much water vapor.

a. When it is known that the temperature difference inside the igloo and outside is ÿ = 40 ° (temperature

in the igloo is higher than the ambient temperature), determine the total calories wasted to

environment per unit time. Assume the internal wall temperature is below 0° .

b. This temperature difference is maintained by a petromax lamp that emits light

homogeneous in all directions. Assume that the rays that hit the ground are completely absorbed. When wide
axis surface 7 , and the emissivity of the flame in a perfect petromax lamp, determine the temperature

the axis! The petromax lamp is located in the center of the igloo.

Now the flame of the lamp is enlarged, so that its power is doubled.

Assume the ambient temperature outside the igloo is ÿ30° .

c. In this case, the inner walls of the igloo will melt. Determine the radius of the new igloo when the wall

inside no longer melts. Assume that the melted water immediately condenses again at the bottom of the igloo,

so that it does not form a layer of water vapor on the inner wall surface.

d. What is the rate of increase when the initial lamp is replaced? Use the heat of melting ice =

334000 ÿ1 3
, dense snow density 900 / .

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2. Cube in a Foggy Room

Two cubes of identical mass and side are moving in a foggy room. Fog

In the room it has a homogeneous density and the constituent particles do not interact

one another. Both boxes move in the same direction and initial speed 0. Cube 1 is wrong

one side is directly facing the direction of motion, while cube 2 is like cube 1 but rotated by

450 (the system is illustrated in the figure to the side). Calculate the ratio of the speed of cube 1 to

cube 2 after both have moved for unit time! Collisions between fog particles and

The cube is perfectly elastic.

3. Memristor
In general, the electrical circuit components that are often encountered are resistors, capacitors,

and inductor. However, in 1971, Leon Chua proposed a new circuit component
which, he argued, completes the family of electrical circuit components. these components
called memristor, short for memory resistor. Memristors are components of electrical circuits

which can store a magnetic field flux ÿ (similar to an inductor) if a charge difference is applied

(similar to a capacitor) on both legs of the memristor. Memristancy (symbolized by )

defined via the equation ÿ = , where ÿ is the change in magnetic field flux

which occurs if the charge on the memristor leg changes by . In this question, we will review

one type of memristor, proposed by Strukov et al. (2008).

The memristor that will be used in this problem has memristance as a charge function

electricity in both legs as follows

( ) = [1 ÿ ( )]

where ( ) is the electric charge stored in the memristor leg, and

2 (1 ÿ )

Mathematically, a memristor is equivalent to a non-constant resistor, so

the following relationship applies


where ( ) and ( ) respectively are the voltage and current on this memristor. Note that

The unit of memristance is Ohm, the same as the unit of resistor.

a. Consider a memristor connected to an AC current source with a current ( ) =

0 sin . There are no other components except the memristor and AC current source. If the initial conditions

is = 0 when = 0, determine the voltage across the memristor as a function of time.

b. Define parameter = 0 ÿ . Prove that in this case, the voltage ( ) as

The current function ( ) on the memristor can be written as

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[1 ÿ ± ÿ1 ÿ ( 2]

c. Now, change the AC current source to an AC voltage source with voltage ( ) =

sin . If the initial condition is = 0 when = 0, determine the current in the memristor as

time function. Use the = parameter 0 ÿ if needed.

d. Based on the results in sub-problem c), determine the relationship between current as a function of voltage

( ) on the memristor. Also determine the relationship that must be satisfied by the function ( )

can always be well defined.

4. Electrons and Protons

In a negatively charged hydrogen atom, there is a proton in the middle.

middle surrounded by two electrons in the first outer shell. In quantum mechanics
It is stated that electrons have a constant amount of angular momentum in the same shell.

For example, in this problem, the angular momentum in the first shell is , the atomic radius is , pasta

electrons are , and the mass of the proton is . Determine the angular velocities of all modes

Electron oscillations when given a very small deviation in the radial direction! (Assume that electrons

always in front of other electrons because the oscillation deviation is very small.

5. Pendulum Oscillations in a Rotating Frame

Consider a system as shown in the figure. Assume the entire mass of the pendulum is centered at

end of the pendulum load with total mass and the length of the pendulum is . Moment of inertia

the pendulum about the axis of rotation is . The pendulum is attached to a spring with constant and

natural length. The wheel on which the pendulum-spring system is attached is connected to the regulator

the speed of the axle through its center of mass so that the wheel can rotate without friction

purely without translation. The radius of the wheel is where > and ignore the mass of the wheel. On

each part of the question, the regulator is moved in such a way that the system is in a state

steady-state ( = constant) and the rope remains tense as long as the condition lasts. At steady state-

the angular state between the pendulum and the spring is . The plane of movement of the system is vertical (Terrain

gravity pointing vertically downwards). Use coordinates as in the picture and for

To make the work easier, please use a frame that rotates with the wheels because of the coordinates

which is used to move with the wheel.

a. Determine ÿ so that the system is in dynamic equilibrium, then explain it positionally

this equilibrium! (State in , , , , , )

b. Define the terms so that this equilibrium position can occur! (State in

, , , , )

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c. From equilibrium, the pendulum is deflected radially (Remember that the angle ÿ is the position

pendulum to the vertical line according to the wheel frame which is non-inertial and angular as well

seen in a non-inertial frame rotating with the wheels).

i. Determine the frequency of oscillation of the pendulum for small deviations (Express in , , , , ,

and ÿ)

ii. Under what conditions can the angular frequency of oscillations be achieved? This condition has consequences

on the one you got before, what was it?

System Image

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