Acupuncture For Chronic Urticaria

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Volume 19, Number 1, 2007

© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/acu.2006.508

Acupuncture for Chronic Urticaria: Case Report

W. Watere, MD


A 41-year-old woman was referred with chronic urticaria. Allergy test results (with prick test and food aller-
gens, perfumes, and antibiotics), including laboratory findings and hormonal test results, were normal. She was
treated with steroids and antihistamines orally. Without those drugs, the patient’s urticaria recurred. She took
these drugs daily for 2 years but did not want to continue. The patient received 3 acupuncture treatment ses-
sions. The interval between the first, second, and third sessions was 8 weeks. At the end of the first sessions,
her urticaria disappeared completely. At the end of the third sessions (i.e., 28 weeks after the first treatment),
her urticaria was still in complete remission. Steroids and antihistamines were discontinued at the end of the
first sessions.

Key Words: Chronic Urticaria, Steroids, Antihistamines, Acupuncture, Wind and Cold Syndrome (Yin Hyperactivity),
Yang Insufficiency

INTRODUCTION netic tendency, stress, psychological factors, and idiopathic

cause. Chronic urticaria is a challenging problem for mod-
ern (Western) medicine because on most occasions, the ex-
simply means itching with rash. The clinical presenta-
tion of urticaria is usually acute or acute-on-chronic or re-
act cause remains unknown.2 It is marked by repeated
attacks, lasts months or years, and needs long-term treat-
curring. The patient may present with usually sudden, acute ment.2,3
skin eruption with swelling, redness, intense itching sensa- According to TCM, urticaria is caused by a collection of
tion, burning, and anxiety. At times, the eruptions and itch- pathogenic Wind in the superficial layer of the muscles, or
ing may lead to work disturbances, sleeplessness, restless- accumulation of Heat in the stomach and intestines that is
ness, and edginess. These eruptions can remain on the body not removed from inside and outside and settles in the pores
for variable periods, anywhere from a few seconds to even of the skin.3
hours. They have a tendency to disappear and reappear. They
tend to disappear without leaving behind any trace.1,2
The urticaria eruptions may be irregularly shaped, red cir- CASE REPORT
cular, or like vertical striae. They may appear as single or
multiple eruptions, occasional or many appearing at once, A 41-year-old woman (1.6 m [53"], 60 kg [133 lb]) pre-
or appearing and disappearing in random order. In Tradi- sented with chronic urticaria since 2002. Multiple skin erup-
tional Chinese Medicine (TCM), urticaria is called “hidden tions with red circular form were discovered in all parts of
measles.”1 her body, except her head and face. She reported that she
The etiologies of urticaria are unknown. The most com- could not conduct normal daily activities and her quality of
mon factors known to induce urticaria include food aller- life had suffered. She was depressed, anxious, and fatigued.
gens, environmental allergens, drugs, systemic disease, ge- Furthermore, she stated that she suffered from sleeplessness

TCM Center, Elisabeth Hospital, Recklinghausen, Germany.


due to the intense itching sensation, and was often excited session; an insertion depth of 0.5-1.5 cun (depending on
and aggressive within her family. location of the needle) was used. Acupoints (except for
The patient had cold hands, feet, and aversion to cold. GV 14 and GV 20) were needled bilaterally.
About 20 years earlier, she had undergone an appendectomy. The patient received 3 sessions of acupuncture treat-
She reported no nicotine or alcohol usage. Her whole tongue- ments; each treatment was performed twice weekly. The first
surface was covered with a thick white coat (“snow-tongue”). session consisted of 16 treatments, the second and third ses-
Physical examination results were normal except for multi- sions each consisted of 12 sessions (Table 1).
ple urticaria eruptions as described above, and cold hands The interval between the first and second sessions was 8
and feet. Blood pressure was 120/80 mm Hg; pulse regular weeks, and between the second and third sessions was also
at 84/min (according to TCM: deep and weak pulse, 8). 8 weeks.
In the previous 2.5 years, the patient had consulted 3 der- These 3 treatment sessions were necessary because
matologists, ambulance treatment, a gynecologist, and an chronic urticaria needs long-term management.
otolaryngologist (whose findings were normal). Laboratory
findings, including allergy test (with skin allergens/prick test
and food allergens, perfumes, and antibiotics), as well as RESULTS
hormonal testing, were normal. She was treated with steroids
and antihistamines orally. Without those drugs, her urticaria Significant improvement of symptoms was noted after
recurred. For two years, she had taken those drugs and the sixth visit of the first treatment sessions; multiple ur-
did not wish to continue. Therefore, she consulted us for ticaria skin eruptions decreased. At the end of the first
acupuncture treatment. treatment, the patient’s skin eruptions disappeared com-
pletely. She had no itching sensation anymore, but she still
had white coating of her tongue. She began gradually to do
METHODS her usual daily activities, and steroids and antihistamines
were discontinued.
TCM: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Treatment Eight weeks later, the patient began her second session
Principles of treatments. She was still free from urticaria eruptions and
the itching sensation. Her tongue was still covered by a white
The TCM diagnosis included Wind-Cold Syndrome (Yin coat, but was thinner than before (during the first treatment
Hyperactivity), Yang Insufficiency.4,5 Treatment included period). This indicated the Yin was still hyperactive, but its
acupuncture, and treatment principles included eliminating hyperactivity decreased. She stated that her sleep was nor-
Wind and Cold, strengthening the Yang-Qi, calming mind mal. At the end of the second sessions, urticaria eruptions
and spirit,4,6–9 and stopping the itching sensation.10 and severe itching sensation were still in complete remis-
sion. She reported that her actions within her family were
Selected Acupuncture Points1,3,4,6–8,10 normal again, she felt calmer and could better perform her
Points selected included: GB 20 (Fengchi), GV 14 daily activities.
(Dazhui), GV 20 (Baihui), LI 4 (Hegu), LI 11 (Quchi, HT 7 The third sessions began 8 weeks later. Thus, 14 weeks
(Shenmen), ST 36 (Zusanli), SP 10 (Suehai), Ex-LE3 (Ex- after the first sessions were completed, the patient’s urticaria
trapoint-Lower Extremity 3/Baichongwo (means Nest of 100 was still in complete remission. At the end of the third ses-
Parasites/Insects). Its location is 1 cun cranial of SP 10 (Xue- sions, she reported that she was able (again) to perform her
hai/Ocean of Blood). Its function is to stop severe itching from normal daily activities and that her quality of life was ex-
neurodermitis, urticaria, etc. This point (Ex-LE 3), in combi- cellent. She described feeling powerful both in body and
nation with SP 10 (Xuehai) and GV 20 (Baihui/Meeting of mind, and she was happy. The white coat on her tongue had
100 Meridians), is very effective to halt itching. normalized, and the symptoms described above disappeared
At the end of 3 acupuncture treatment sessions (28 weeks
after the first treatment), the patient’s chronic urticaria was
The patient gave written informed consent for treatment. still in complete remission.
She was treated in a room with infrared light for warmth,
especially necessary for Wind-Cold Syndrome. She was re-
laxed as she listened to Chinese instrumental (Yin-Yang)
music. Thus, the patient’s comfortable treatment room may Treatment Sessions Frequency per week
have strengthened the effects of acupuncture.
Needle type used was Hwato 0.25 x 40 mm; single-use, 1 16 2
sterile needle (Suzhou Medical Appliance Factory, Suzhou, 2 12 2
3 12 2
China). The needles remained in place for 30 minutes each

DISCUSSION 3. Conghuo T, Lishan G. The Miracle of Acupuncture. Beijing,

People’s Republic of China: Foreign Languages Press; 1993.
The rationale for points chosen are: 4. Ganglin Y, Zhenhua L. Advanced Modern Chinese Acupunc-
ture Therapy. Beijing, People’s Republic of China: New World
Press; 2000.
• GB 20 and LI 4 eliminate Wind and Cold
5. Nian Fang S, Liang WQ. Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese
• GV 20 and ST 36 raise the sunken Yang Medicine. Jinan, People’s Republic of China: Shandong Sci-
• GV 20 and HT 7 calm mind and spirit ence and Technology Press; 1990.
• LE 3 and SP 10 stop itching 6. Liangyue D, Yijun G, Shuhui HJ, et al. Chinese Acupuncture
• ST 36 and SP 6, the crossing of 3 Foot-Yin Meridians, and Moxibustion. Beijing, People’s Republic of China: For-
strengthen Yang, harmonize immunity eign Languages Press; 1999.
• GV 14, LI 11, and SP 10 harmonize immunity. 7. Qunhui M. Effective Points Therapy of Acupuncture. Bei-
jing, People’s Republic of China: Foreign Languages Press;
Recurrences of chronic urticaria are frequent; therefore, 1998.
the patient received three acupuncture treatments with in- 8. Gongwang L, Liya C, Goto S. Clinical Acupuncture & Mox-
tervals as described above. ibustion. Tiajin, People’s Republic of China: Tianjin Science
& Technology Translation & Publishing Corp; 1996.
9. Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai
College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing College of
CONCLUSIONS Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Institute of Academy of
Traditional Chinese Medicine. Essentials of Chinese Acupunc-
In this particular anecdotal case, excellent results appear ture. Beijing, People’s Republic of China: Foreign Languages
to have been achieved with acupuncture. This may encour- Press; 1993.
age a large trial to determine whether acupuncture may be 10. Hammes M, Kuschick N, Christoph KH. Akupunktur Kom-
a helpful modality in the treatment of urticaria. pakt. Marburg, Germany: KVM; 2001.

Address correspondence and reprint requests to:

TCM-Center, Elisabeth Hospital
1. Dengbu Z, Guangzhong D. Acupuncture-Moxibustion Ther- Röntgen Strasse 10
apy. Jinan, China: Shandong Science and Technology Press; 45661 Recklinghausen
1996. Germany
2. Shah R. Life Force Centre. Mumbai, India. http://www. Accessed June 19, 2005. E-mail:

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