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Name: Capati, Zoliel

Section: BSP1D

Progression and development are necessary for the twenty-first century to maximize
and widen a country's and its people's possibilities. However, how can a country
alleviate when there is insufficient technology available in today's world in some
countries such as ours, the Philippines? Alternatively, some disregard the use of
technology while others are unable or unwilling to do it responsibly and safely, such
as sharing private information on social media, making false news, and publishing
adult-content tales that children and teens may easily access. Utilizing technology has
both beneficial and harmful consequences, depending on how we use it; hence,
focusing on the negative consequences, how can we, as responsible citizens, confront
and discuss those kinds of concerns in the field of digital literacy, information, and

The capacity to communicate and obtain information through digital technologies such
as the internet, social media, and mobile devices is referred to as digital literacy
(Western Sydney University, 2016). By contrast, information technology (IT) is the
study and application of computers and telecommunications systems that store,
retrieve, analyze, transmit, alter, and deliver data (Digital Class, 2021).

Furthermore, in a world full of technology, we cannot remove the fact that there are
issues that affect not only how people interact but also an individual's mental state.
Some issues are data security and privacy concerns wherein a single breach can
result in the theft of enormous amounts of sensitive information by criminals, terrorists,
commercial rivals, foreign opponents, or other malicious actors. Keeping such data
security might be pretty tough (Goodman, 2018). Additionally, we have cyberbullying
wherein it is described as bullying that occurs online. It can happen on social media,
chat, gaming, and mobile phones. It is a repeated activity intended to terrorize, enrage,
or humiliate the target (UNICEF, 2020).

Moreover, using information systems can save much time when doing jobs and some
labor mechanic works. Financial transactions are automatically calculated, etc. As
technology advances, computer systems do duties previously performed by humans,
leaving some workers jobless (Muhsinzoda, 2015). While information technology has
reduced the world to the size of a town, it has also helped one culture dominate
another. Furthermore, according to my research, technology creates more issues than
it solves; additionally, increasing concerns about the impact of digital life will likely be
alleviated somewhat as humans adapt. Additionally, individuals' uses and abuses of
digital technologies are producing irreversible societal consequences (Vogels et al.,

To summarize, it is true that digital literacy, knowledge, and technology are beneficial
in our daily lives since they enable us to simplify our lives (Sunarjo, 2021). Additionally,
regardless of the sector in which we operate, there will always be negative
consequences, but understanding the situation, its application, and significance
beforehand is the greatest method to avoid unfavorable conditions and challenges.
Using technology responsibly will enable us to have a more successful social life and
reduce the percentage of people who base their lifestyles on what they read and see
on the internet, avoid negative remarks to protect our mental health, and live happily
while staying updated (REACHOUT.COM., 2021).

Western Sydney University. (2016). What is digital literacy?;

WSU Admin.

Digital Class. (2021, June). Importance of information technology in today world -

Digital Class. Best Blogs & Insights from Digital Class E-Learning Marketplace.

Goodman, P. (2018, April 7). 17 Disadvantages of Digital Technology. TurboFuture;


UNICEF. (2020). Cyberbullying: What is it and how to stop it.

Mirzodaler Muhsinzoda. (2015, December 6). Advantages and disadvantages of

information systems.

Vogels, E., Rainie, L., & Anderson, J. (2020, June 30). 5. Tech causes more
problems than it solves. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech; Pew
Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech.

Sunarjo, E. (2021, January 18). Why digital and information literacy are so important
to education? Emerald Publishing.

REACHOUT.COM. (2021). Using technology responsibly - ReachOut Parents.
487 words

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