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From Drawing Shapes to Scripting Shapes: Architectural Theory Mediated by

Shape Machine

Conference Paper · February 2019


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2 authors:

Heather Ligler Athanassios Economou

Florida Atlantic University Georgia Institute of Technology


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ACCEPTED to the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture + Urban Design (SimAUD 2019), Atlanta, GA

From Drawing Shapes to Scripting Shapes:

Architectural Theory Mediated by Shape Machine
Heather Ligler1 and Athanassios Economou2
1 2
Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, USA Atlanta, USA
proposition? Was this trend merely a fad? Was it too abstract
The shape grammar formalism has offered a visual, rule- or too complicated to engage broader participation? Was it
based framework for interpreting architectural languages for ahead of its time? And by extension, has it been simply
over forty years. However, the ability to implement misunderstood in the context of available technologies?
grammars within a technology that allows for direct This study adopts a hypothesis that a new technology can
engagement with shape rules and productions so that they help revitalize possibilities for shape computation in
can be dynamically simulated, shared, understood, modified, architectural research by providing a medium for engaging
and brought into a more active theoretical dialogue is only shape rules and productions. To follow this aim, the research
partially achieved. The work here asks how a new experiments with an interpreter that allows a shape grammar
technology that allows shape rules to be implemented by to be represented by drawing shapes in visual rules to specify
drawing shapes to specify scripts instead of writing code can formal relationships and automating a production process to
reinvigorate shape computation to advance formal analysis generate designs without requiring users to interface directly
and synthesis in architectural research. More precisely, a with the background script. The only programming required
case study to implement an analog grammar on John of the grammar designer is authored in a visual language by
Portman’s domestic language with a new shape grammar drawing shapes. Notably, the implementation is based on an
interpreter, the Shape Machine, is presented to take on this existing analog grammar computed by hand to speculate on
question. The results are illustrated as a visual catalog of John Portman’s architectural principles as characterized by
sample designs generated in the software. The results suggest his 1964 house, Entelechy I [1]. By translating from a hand-
further insights on Portman’s language of the house authored grammar to a machine-based specification, the
prompted by the machine-based specification. research questions how the technology can inform the theory
Author Keywords on Portman’s architectural language. The visual calculations
Shape Grammars; Shape Grammar Interpreter; Shape are accomplished in the Shape Machine, a shape grammar
Computation; Formal Composition; Rule-Based Design interpreter implemented as a plug-in for Rhino. In all, the
research aims to experiment with this prototype environment
ACM Classification Keywords for shape computation to critically engage in formal analysis
D.1.7 VISUAL PROGRAMMING; I.2.1ARTIFICIAL and synthesis with the machine.
The notion of visual algorithms for the description,
1 INTRODUCTION interpretation, and evaluation of creative artifacts emerged in
Questions on the role of the computer in architectural the 70s with the invention of the shape grammar formalism.
research cover a variety of concerns to date, but in the late Shape grammars were introduced by Stiny and Gips to define
twentieth century a significant body of work in formal, visual generative specifications for painting and sculpture [2], a
computations to understand architectural composition was project that grew to consider how computer models could
advanced. This specific trend was formalized in the 70s with more broadly inform criticism and design across the arts in a
research in shape grammars and continued prominently into theory of algorithmic aesthetics [3]. An initial expansion of
the 90s. However, the initial value proposition of visual the project to address architecture focused on the language
calculating remains incompletely realized in available of Andrea Palladio, resulting in Stiny and Mitchell’s
software implementations to date. What happened? Do we Palladian grammar. Essentially, the grammar is a
need formal theories in architectural design? Does computational theory for generating Palladian villa plans
computing them add any value? Can a technology help to constructively with shape rules. Designs produced in the
support and communicate the implications of a theoretical grammar include both actual designs from Palladio’s corpus
and new interpretations that conjecture artificial design so that no hard-coded scripting is required of the user.
solutions that Palladio never realized himself. Their novelty Recognition algorithms allow the machine to search for any
is in how they precisely comply with the theory on his part embedded as a subshape of a given shape or an overall
architectural language as described by the rules [4]. This design in progress as specified by a drawing. To complete
algorithmic approach to architectural theory inspired another the plug-in, shape modification algorithms facilitate
project in the 90s to author a custom software so that possible productions in the engine, which are currently available for
Palladian villas could be generated in plans and elevations. all Euclidean transformations [13].
The project was inspired by the theory of shape grammars
and especially the Palladian grammar, but in the end offered The process of automating a shape grammar in the Shape
another interpretation on Palladio that departed from the Machine is straightforward in the sense that the entire
grammar in much of its theoretical import. The details are activity occurs within the Rhino design environment. The
articulated by the authors, but what is more interesting to current version of the Shape Machine plug-in is operated
consider here is how the research motivated Hersey and with five major components on the frontend: (a) the viewport
Freedman to propose an argument for a new type of theory workspace for graphical definitions, preview displays of
for architectural history, where possible and actual villas candidate matches for rule application, and the generation of
would be studied together to foreground the architectural a design; (b) the standard toolbar for drawing shapes
style, symmetry, and geometry of a language of designs [5]. composed of lines and arcs to serve as inputs for the engine;
These initial strands of computational studies on Palladio (c) a custom toolbar that calls the functions of the engine as
share an ambition to interpret a formal speculation with a encoded for the transformations under which shape
robust technology to rethink and enliven architectural theory. recognition and shape modification apply; (d) the layers
By privileging a visual mode of representation and a panel for assigning attributes to shapes; and (e) the standard
mechanical mode of interaction, they aim to offer an command line to communicate feedback from the engine and
understanding of rule-based geometric productions where prompt user action or selection as required.
the computer model can be considered a partner [6]. The Programming by drawing shapes is achieved with a rule
project here revisits this aim in the context of recent template and an initial shape that can be defined anywhere
developments in shape computation. The research addresses within the viewport workspace. The Shape Machine rule
the current state of the art on shape grammars in terms of template provides a format for specifying a left-hand side
theoretical foundations and refinements [7-9] as well as on (LHS) defining the search space for a rule to query in a
the implementation front to address the issue of an design and a right-hand side (RHS) defining the
appropriate technology for formal inquiry. Notably, research transformation to change the shape as drawn in the rule.
progress in the last decade has delivered an increased ability These sides are separated by an arrow pointing from the LHS
to experiment with more robust shape grammar interpreters to the RHS and stabilized with cross-shaped registration
and implementations. Nonetheless, recent assessments on the marks in the lower left part of each side of the rule to
current landscape of the technology identify that the precisely coordinate the geometric transformation (see
available solutions still leave much to be desired in relation Figures 2-6). Rhino layers are assigned in the plug-in as
to key concepts of shape grammar theory. The notion of labeling devices for attributes that distinguish the template
simple means to engage the user on the frontend that can and shapes by default. Layers can be further customized to
support emergence throughout a generative process is encode additional descriptions to aid in the specificity of rule
especially unresolved [10]. application following common computer-aided design
The specific methods here test the impact of a new interpreter conventions. Following this setup, calculations in the
in addressing John Portman’s domestic language. The grammar are in the direct product algebras U x V to specify
12 12

starting point is an initial shape grammar on the house that a design space of straight lines, arcs, and labelled lines in
was computed by drafting in an analog mode [1]. The new two-dimensions [8]. Assuming a shape rule is composed
interpreter, the Shape Machine, provides an unprecedented with respect to this vocabulary and within the space of the
medium for implementing this research to explore visual shape rule template, it is ready for application.
calculating in Portman’s language of the house. The Shape Rule application is initiated by selecting the transformation
Machine is authored in Python and structured on the under which the rule applies from the Shape Machine
maximal representation defined in the shape grammar toolbar. For the purposes of this study, only the isometry and
discourse to specify a minimum draftsman’s representation similarity transformations were used for applying rules.
for any shape [7, 11]. The backend recognition algorithms of Once the transformation is specified, the Shape Machine
the machine are characterized by this maximal representation asks the user to select a shape rule. This selection must
[12, 13]. The current prototype provides this support for a include the rule template which is essential to the precise
vocabulary of shapes that can be specified on the frontend in encoding of the geometric data. Subsequently, the Shape
an intuitive way by drawing arrangements of straight lines Machine requests the input of a design where the rule should
and arcs in two-dimensional space. Interaction with the be applied, which prompts the designer to select an initial
engine occurs exclusively in the standard Rhino workspace
shape or design already instantiated in the workspace. Then, underlying field of square n x m cells so that Entelechy I is
the command line provides the information for how many characterized by a 3 x 5 major grid resulting in fifteen major
matches are found based on these inputs and the graphical spaces layered with a minor grid of twenty-four circular
display highlights a single match of the LHS in one color minor spaces centered at the corner intersections of major
with a preview of the application of the RHS highlighted in cells in the grid. In the original Entelechy I design, major
a second color. At this point, if there is more than one match spaces are divided to demarcate one side of the house for
for the shape rule, the user can cycle through a preview of public entertaining use with double-height living spaces
each match to understand the complete implications of the (denoted by an X in the plans) and the other side for private
rule with respect to the design under consideration. The user family use with bedrooms and adjacent casual living spaces.
can then choose whether to apply the rule, try another one, Within the housing system, the minor spaces are articulated
or exit the production. Rule application can be selected in with hollow or exploded curvilinear columns utilized as
two modes so that a rule can either be applied directly for one support spaces for atmospheric and accessory uses including
match or in parallel for all matches under a command in the lightwells, stair wells, closets, studies, libraries, half-
software called “apply all.” When a rule is applied, the entire bathrooms, and micro-galleries.
design selection is redrafted in its maximal representation.
Figure 1 is useful for a visual overview of the generation of
4 CASE STUDY a design in the Shape Machine. The detailed derivation for a
The implementation focuses on the automation of the 3 x 3 major grid as automated in the software is shown in a
Entelechy grammar. To distinguish this project from boustrophedon manner to briefly outline the character of
previous work, the shape-machined grammar is more each of the stages and to introduce the system of the house
precisely called the Portm-Ino grammar. The name is given language. Two plans execute the shape rules of stage 1 to
to postulate how the house in Portman’s conception is a define a framework as a tartan grid (Figures 1a-1b); the next
systematic, residential configuration along the lines of Le six steps in the production illustrate the development in stage
Corbusier’s Dom-Ino framework. Readers interested in more 2 to clarify a configuration in the language (Figures 1c-1h);
background information on the formal analysis of the and the remaining process illustrates the application of the
original house design and the resulting analog grammar are shape rules of stage 3 until the last plan, which is produced
referred to [1]. The key detail to include briefly is that the with a combination of the final shape rules of stage 3 and the
house is composed systematically as a nested framework of termination process to end the automation (Figures 1i-1o).
major and minor spaces. The major spaces define the

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

(j) (i) (h) (g) (f)

(k) (l) (m) (n) (o)

Figure 1. A sample derivation for a 3 x 3 design as produced by Portm-Ino grammar implemented in the Shape Machine.
These stages follow the logic of the Entelechy grammar for site context and interior conditions as the entry implies the
ease of comparison. Readers familiar with the analog possibilities for the symmetric or asymmetric arrangement of
grammar will notice a simplified output so that shape rules the interior space. The match of Figure 7b was applied in the
and productions are focused on a single plan. Given its implementation of the 3 x 3 design to reflect a bilaterally
function as a piano nobile defining the entry of the house, the symmetric organization as shown in Figure 1.
upper level is privileged. It follows that the ground level and
roof can be derived from the logic of the intermediate floor
that mediates above and below. Parallel productions are left
for future work when the interface can more readily support
these computations without manual intervention. A visual Figure 2. A shape rule to locate the primary recessed entry.
illustration demonstrating the application of the subset of
shape rules used in the production of Figure 1 is available at The next four rules are from stage 3 to define the detailed architectonics of a design. This stage had significant
development in the Portm-Ino grammar as the
Additional detail on the implemented grammar is presented implementation raised the bar in terms of the desirable level
in two parts. First, a selection of rules (Figures 2-6) will be of detail, with a goal to achieve the articulation expected in
discussed in terms of their visual and verbal specification. In an architectural floor plan. Figure 3 depicts a rule for
order to illustrate rule application, each rule is also paired generating wall locations after the development of a
with a subsequent matching illustration that shows each non- configuration has carved out the spaces and volumes of a
equivalent LHS match for that rule found in the Shape design, leaving the lines of the resulting enclosed spaces
Machine (Figures 7-11). This set of illustrations all refer to intact as shown in Figure 1h. The LHS of this rule essentially
the design production of Figure 1 to give a more looks for the remaining lines of the major grid that demarcate
comprehensive picture of interacting with the shape rules and a division of space as measured between the circular minor
productions of the grammar in the software. Following this spaces. The RHS develops the representation from a single
snapshot, a sample catalog of complete designs generated in line to a double line to effectively produce a wall. Figure 8
the machine-based specification is presented and discussed shows the seventeen non-equivalent LHS matches of this
to illustrate some results from the implementation. rule when applied under similarity in the Shape Machine to
The power of programming with shape rules is in their ability the design of Figure 1h. These are all applied in parallel to
to encode precise relationships that interpret a design generate the thickened walls of a design.
intention with a visual representation. Figures 2-6 illustrate
rules from stages 2 and 3 of the grammar chosen to give
examples of how shape rules can describe the specification
of an entry, walls, elements of structure and exterior skin,
bedrooms, and a fireplace. Each rule is articulated with the Figure 3. A shape rule to designate generic thickened walls.
Shape Machine rule template to specify the transformation
Proceeding to the architectonic development of minor
from LHS to RHS. The rules are exported directly from the
spaces, Figure 4 illustrates a shape rule for specifying the
software and depict the visual specification needed to apply
curvilinear wall segments that form the enclosure for an
the rule in a shape computation.
exterior hollow column along the side and back orientation
Figure 2 gives an example of how a rule can be programmed of the perimeter. The LHS looks for the circular minor spaces
to specify a primary entry for a configuration in stage 2 of with the T-shape inside that designates these locations as
the grammar. On the LHS, the emergent eight-sided shape of shown in Figure 1j. The RHS adds the elements, which
lines and arcs reflects the resultant major space produced include the four structural components of the column
when the minor grid of circles is added to a design (Figure oriented to the cardinal directions and two exterior partitions
1c). The double line on top of the figure designates the front that continue the enclosure system when it meets these
orientation (Figure 1d). On the RHS, the double line is particular hollow columns at the perimeter. The resulting
translated to reflect the recessed entry and the exterior- enclosed minor space is also labelled with a line to denote an
oriented side of the eight-sided shape is trimmed so that the unassigned space in the plan that can be developed in the
space will no longer be recognized as a closed interior shape. rules that follow for a particular use or feature of a design.
A triangle shape label is also added on the RHS to further Figure 9 shows the six matches of the LHS of this rule found
articulate the entry. The rule is applied under similarity in the in the Shape Machine. All of these matches are applied in
Shape Machine to the design of Figure 1d to produce the parallel in the production of the Figure 1 design.
design of Figure 1e. Figure 7 shows how the machine finds
three non-equivalent matches of the LHS of the rule, each
reflecting an instance of the embedded shape that can
potentially become the main entry of a design. The entry
choice relates to both exterior conditions as influenced by the Figure 4. A shape rule to add curvilinear wall elements.
Moving on to the particularities of the interior spatial
arrangement, the relationship defining bedroom locations is
specified in Figure 5. Bedrooms in the language of the house
are always in direct connection with one minor space that is
enclosed as a private bedroom study or closet. Additionally,
bedrooms always have exposure to at least one operable
window wall for an immediate connection to natural light, (a) (b) (c)
view, and ventilation. The LHS designates this relationship
Figure 7. Three non-equivalent matches of the LHS of the shape
by defining a search space that includes: (a) an unassigned
rule to locate the entry (Figure 2).
minor space denoted by the circle with a line centered across
its diameter; and (b) a major space enclosed by three walls,
one of which must be located on the exterior. The RHS
develops the bedroom to articulate the assignment of the
single minor space, the curvilinear enclosure elements that
close off the space from the other three adjacent minor
spaces, and the labeling of the bedroom as denoted by the
circular label. Figure 10 shows the three non-equivalent (a) (b) (c)
matches of the LHS of the rule found when applied to Figure
1l. The matches of Figure 10a and c were instantiated in two
applications of the rule in the Figure 1 design.

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 5. A shape rule to locate bedrooms.
To complete the description of select specific rules and their
applications, Figure 6 is offered to illustrate a rule for placing
the fireplace. The LHS specifies a query for a space
characterized by two adjacent double-height major spaces.
The RHS adds the double-height fireplace centered within
this volume and oriented to provide potential access from (g) (h) (i)
both sides. The fireplace is tailored to fit between two hollow
columns. Figure 11 depicts the three non-equivalent matches
for this rule when applied in the Shape Machine under
similarity. The match of Figure 11a was applied to produce
the final 3 x 3 design as shown in Figure 1o.

(j) (k) (l)

Figure 6. A shape rule to locate a fireplace.

This account of select shape rules and their production
demonstrates how abstract rules can represent architectural
reasoning in a compressed visual medium. These rules (m) (n) (o)
depend entirely on their context, so that a change in the range
of inquiry equally shifts the possibilities of the description
[14]. To gain a more comprehensive view of the grammar,
Figure 12 illustrates thirty plans produced in the software
with the complete set of shape rules. The resulting catalog
includes sample designs in the language for a series of n x m
grids. The pair of 3 x 5 designs includes the plan of the
original Entelechy I as produced in the machine (Figure 12n). (p) (q)
Read as five columns, the contrast between pairs of
variations captures the flexibility of the language as the n x Figure 8. Seventeen non-equivalent matches of the LHS of the
shape rule to locate walls (Figure 3).
m canvas increases from XS to S to M to L to XL. The
public and private space to explore alternative potentials in
the new medium. This pursuit extends the investigation to
understand how the distribution of major volumes in a design
expressed vertically to connect levels as well as horizontally
to define circulation halls can be more expressive. The
hypothesis developed in shape rules to test its possibilities in
(a) (b) (c) the productions suggests that the organization depends on the
relationship between the entry and the planar circulation of
the upper level as mitigated by the modular structure of the
major grid. This relationship is arranged in terms of an entry
sequence that connects to the embedded network of figural
minor spaces for another layer of connection. This
multivalent coordination foreshadows Portman’s elaborate
(d) (e) (f) use of circulation in his designs for commercial hotels and
urban habitats that are primed for further expansion.
Figure 9. Six non-equivalent matches of the LHS of the shape rule
to add curvilinear wall elements to non-corner perimeter hollow Considering the columns of XS, S, M, L, and XL designs,
columns at the side and back orientations (Figure 4). each shows a different range of possible locations for the
entry to initiate this understanding as assigned in the shape
rule of Figure 2. We can elaborate possibilities by discussing
the 2, 3, and 4-series of designs in sequence. To start, Figure
12 a-j all represent designs in the 2-series. These designs all
have the same entry sequence from the entry bridge to the
foyer, which meets the perimeter offering a view out to the
surrounding site. Circulation halls and double-height
(a) (b) (c)
volumes in these programs define rectangular and L-shaped
Figure 10. Three non-equivalent matches of the LHS of the shape spaces, with the exception of a U-shaped hall in Figure 12d.
rule to locate bedrooms (Figure 5). In terms of larger open volumes provided by major spaces to
vertically connect levels, designs range from having zero
openings (Figure 12a) to up to three openings (Figure 12e, j).
These reflect further possibilities in room arrangement from
open loft designs to three-bedroom programs.
Increasing capacity for variation with an enlarged canvas, all
designs in the 3-series have the characteristic entry sequence
(a) (b) (c) to match the original Entelechy I (Figure 12k-t). Additional
figures of circulation halls and continuous double-height
Figure 11. Three non-equivalent matches of the LHS of the shape
volumes include a +-shape (Figure 12m) and T-shapes
rule to locate a double-height fireplace (Figure 6).
(Figure 12n, o, s, t). Designs in the 3-series range in their
designs can additionally be read as six rows characterized by major double-height openings from one opening (Figure 12k,
the depth of their major grid structure as a 2-series in the top m, p) all the way to an expansive six openings (Figure 12o).
pair of rows, a 3-series in the middle pair, and a 4-series in
the bottom pair of rows. Lastly, the 4-series builds on this logic with the same entry
sequence from the entry bridge to a foyer to a double-height
These results verify a sample of possible designs in the house space that meets the perimeter (Figure 12u-dd). The designs
language though more candidates can be generated with the of the 4-series are unique in their foyers and central halls that
grammar. A first grouping of designs distinguishes a subset are doubled in depth so that the planar space emerges as an
characterized by the axial division of public and private expanded single-height volume with additional expressive
zones observed in the design of Entelechy I to include Figure possibilities. For example, the design in Figure 12w shows a
12a, c, f, g, j, k, m, n, p, q, and z. While these designs rotational symmetry at the interior hall so that three corner
certainly convey the systematic expressiveness of the house bedrooms each have their own bathroom and adjacent major
language, the question brought forward by implementing the double-height volume, suggesting a context where desirable
grammar in the Shape Machine focused on how this system views are offered on all sides. To contrast this, Figure 12bb
could address not just potential Entelechy variations that illustrates a long double-height hall along the back of the
look nearly alike, but what other designs the system could house terminated by a corner bedroom, offering a significant
generate through possible variations of the house language volumetric and visual connection to the exterior site. In this
Portman never considered. The more precise inquiry focused series, open double-height volumes at the major scale
on how to release the constraints of the axial division of increase to consider up to seven openings (Figure 12y).
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

(f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

(k) (l) (m) (n) (o)

(p) (q) (r) (s) (t)

(u) (v) (w) (x) (y)

(z) (aa) (bb) (cc) (dd)

Figure 12. A visual sample of mechanically produced design variations in the Entelechy language for a series of n x m grids. The 3 x 5
plan labeled n is the original 1964 design of Entelechy I as produced by Portm-Ino grammar implemented in the Shape Machine.
5 CONCLUSION a way to critically foreground a variety of architectural issues
The Shape Machine provides a generous medium for in a dynamic interaction to suggest that a computational
elaborating the formal theory on Portman’s language of the architectural theory is within reach.
house in an active way. Like working in any new medium,
opportunities were found in the process that confirmed the
This work relies on the generous collaboration of the Shape
novelty of this environment and provided new insights on the
Computation Lab (SCL). Shape Machine is a project of the
architectural theory too. Specifically, three theoretical SCL at the School of Architecture, College of Design,
concepts to differentiate Portman’s language of the house Georgia Institute of Technology. The research and
came forward. First, a logic of networked circulation implementation of the interpreter is led by Tzu-Chieh Kurt
preconditioned for expansion is seen in the house as a system Hong.
initiated at the entry. This circulation in the house is
horizontally built into the logic of major spaces and REFERENCES
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