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JAS a{4rhi.+ll 6=otil] ;l \-!


Jord.nian Accr.dihton Sv!t.m
;.,:Jr r\+)r;r

Test - 043 Jordan Engineering L aboratories

Test Report

Date:711012015 Client: Al-Omaria Contracting CO.

Job Order No.: 484
Entry Form No.:4S4 ll 1484 (h{,/S : ACTED-IEN-OXFAM}
Report No. :484 I I I 10 /2Al 5
No. of pages with cover: (2) Address ; Za' atari Camp"

Dear Sirs,

Attached herewith, the results of requested tests, according to

our job order no. (3/1012A15) dated (484). The service costs are
(As per Laboratory list of prices)

Best regards

qd&41 oljtl dlljll}g

6oro^et :rJtl ooloAti , *)

Any objeotioes.regarding this report ee$ be submitted to the gener*l fftaneger
in written within (4) weeks from report date
- Test reports are not valid without signature and stamps
- Tests results represents only the tested samples

JAS ;{#h:6ll 6=oril] ;l -*::ir
Jordanlan Accr.diEtion Sysbn
;rJ9r r\..&)t.e

Test - 043 Jor dan E ngineering Lab oratories

'''rJ::liI-.+rir., "r :il'il

Test Renort No.

Job Order No.:484i1 Type of Test: Hydrostatic Pressure Test
Water Tightness Test
Type of material
Entry Form No. :484/11484
Date of Receipt:3 I 10 DAI 5 Test Specification: EN 252
ASTM D3350
Date of Test:4110/2015 Location: Test No. I - Main lab

Test Results
Sarnple S&h4 S.scket
Miraf Pipes
2 US O-ring
l Miraf casket

The pipe and socket were assembled in mirror from

both ends ofthe socket.
Pressure was applied @ 0.5 bars for more than 15

Observation Leakage was observed from one end while No leakage

was ohserved from ths other end.
Material Yirgfu Compound PE Material
Remarks 1. The leakage from one end was due to a
deformation of the socket at that end.
2. The test considered passed for the joint
at the end with no leakage.
# Test Assembly and specifications were conducted according to the client's

Techni_cal Manager

En{ Suhair Abde

Page (2) of(2).

JAS iarr.o: +ll 6=otilJ ;l r+:i4
Jordanl.n Accr€ditilion Svst€m
;.Jlr .l.-&yr;r

Test - 043 Jordun Engineering Luboratories

Test Report

Date:7llAn|ls Client: Al-Omaria Contracting CO.

Job Order No.: 484
Entry Form No. :4S4 121484 (h#S : A CTED-IEN-OXFAM)
Report No. :484 l2l rc/2}15
No. of pages with cover: (2) Address: Za'atan Camp.

Dear Sirs,

Attached herewith, the results of requested tests, according to

our job order no. (6/1012A15) dated (9255). The service costs are
($s per Laboratory list of prices).

Best regards


c"r.ual 01!t d)tjrig

ooloAot :rJti oofoAil . o

- Any ob-|eotioes regrrdieg this repo* e*n be submitted to the general mamagsr
in written within (4) weeks from report date
- Test reports are not valid without signature and stamps
Tests results represents only the tested sarnples

JAS e{+I=:+ll 6=til[ -:] riir
Jordanian Accredit.lion syst.m
gjrJYl il&Yr eq

Test - 043 Jordun E ngineering L ab oratories

Test Report No.


Job Order No.:48412 Type of Test: Hydrostatic Pressure Test

Water Tightness Test
Type of,material
Entry Form No. :484/21484
Date of Receipt:S/l 0 12015 Test Specification: EN 252
EN r 053
ASTM D3350
Date of Test:6/10/2015 Location: Test No. 2 * Main 1ab

Test Results

Sample S&M Socket

Miraf Pipes
2 US O-rings
I Miraf casket

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The pipe and socket were assembled in the socket frorn one side and the
other side of the socket was plugged.
A water head of 3 meter (0.3 bars) was applied initially for 3 hour and then
raised to 5 meters (0.5 bars) and applied for 1 more hour.

Observation: The assembiy was aligned in horizontal position and the jcint
sustained 0.3 bars of hydrostatic pressure for about 3 hours
with no leakage and sustained 0.5 bars for one hour with no

Type of material Yirgin Compound PE Material

Remarks The is test considered passed
# Test Assembly and specifications were conducted according to ths client's

Technica} Manager
1/ *__-q-*
(/ --Ene.duhair Abdelhad i
\-leue" (2)
Test R*port

Date:7llAnArc Client: Al-Omaria Contracting CO.

Job Order No.: 484
Entry Form No. :484 13 I 484 (Msrs: ACTED-JEN-OXFAM)
Report No. :484 13 / L0 1201 5
No. of pages with cover: (2) Address: Za'atari Camp .

Dear Sirs,

Attached herewith, the results of requested tests, according our

job order no. (6ll0na15 ) dated (484). The service costs are
(As per laboratory test of prices).

Best regards

General Manaser

EngiAhmad Suleiman

W,uAt o*111 trtj#

oo?sAot :*sii oor6/\Yl . s

Any objections r,eg*rding this report o*n be submitted to the gemeral ln&r.lager-
in written within (4) weeks from report date
- Test reports are not valid without signature and stamps
Tests results represents only the tested samples

I rEt-nn+oXevf r fl
JAS a{#i:+Jl 6=tilJ -:l _u:if
Jordanlan Accreditation Svstem
erJYr rl.&Yr;r

Test - 043 Jordun E ngineering L ab oratories

Test Rea*rt No.


Job Order No.:484/3 Type of Test: Hydrostatic Pressure Test

Water Tightness Test
Type of material
Entry Form No. :484/3/484
Date of Receipt:5/l 0 l2}t5 Test Specification. EN 252
ASTM D3350
Date of Test:61i012S15 Lccatirn: Test No. 3 - Mrain lab

Test Results

Sample WF Socket
WF Pipes
WF Caskets


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- The pipe and socket were assembled in the socket from one side and
the other side of the socket was plugged.
- A water head of 5 meter {0-5 bars} was applied for 6 hours

Type of Material Virgin Compound PE Material

Observation: The assembly was aligned in horizontal position and the joint
sustained 0.5 bars of hydrostatic pressure for 6 hours with no leakage.

Remarks : 'Ihe test considered passed

# Test Assembly and speci{ications were conducted ascording to the client's


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