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This study implies the Multiple Streams theory that examines the challenges faced by asylum seekers
and refugees in Australia. This study provides the analysis of the issues, policies and the politics related
to these issues. The issues encompass the wide range of the issues such as detention, legal
representation, uncertainty, healthcare, employment, housing, family separation, cultural adjustment,
education, social isolation, discrimination and mental health. These challenges help us to better
understand the nature of the issues.

So, in terms of the policy solutions this research proposes to measure the inclusive immigration reform,
the community sponsorship programs and the bipartisan cooperation. These recommendations targets
to address the challenges and produce an efficient immigration system in Australia.

The dimensions of the policy that surrounds the asylum seekers and refugees is highlighted in this study.
It will point out how the public opinion changes significantly in this study and how politicians often
explore the issues during the election campaign. This research emphasis on the bipartisan collaboration
and the public awareness campaigns are important for experiencing this research landscape.

The suggestion in the policy changes inclusive of the redefined issues which is a concern along with the
immigration reform such as the community sponsorship programs. The expected outcomes are the
cooperation among the parties and the public awareness campaigns.

The suggestions that aim to promote the fair, compassionate and effective strategies for dealing with
the asylum seekers and refugees in Australia is by using the Multiple Stream Framework that addresses
the issues to the policy makers. This enactment will ensure the policymakers to be more organized and
have an informed foundation for the modifications and advancement of the existing policies that
remains untouched. Such approach will take into the consideration of the different nature of the issues
faced by the current political environment.
The policy that this research has put forth is the proposal for an inclusive immigration reform. In this
approach, this focal point is the importance on the efficient processing, integration within the
communities and the well-defined protocols for seeking asylum. The suggestions that implement the
community sponsorship programs that encourages the citizens to involve in supporting refugees and
reducing the strain on the government resources. The important advocacy efforts of the policy
entrepreneurs like the humanitarian organizations and the influencing politicians that are integral in
forwarding the policies that focuses on compassion.

The Politics Stream goes in-depth into the controversial and divided political retrospectives that
describes the asylum seekers and refugees in Australia. This describes the necessity for the bipartisan
collaboration and the public awareness initiatives that will effectively influence the opinion and cultivate

This research on the Policy Change and the Update Recommendations proposes the restructure of the
problems, comprehensive immigration reform, community sponsorship programs and the bipartisan
cooperation and the public awareness campaigns.

Conclusively understand the importance of the ongoing evaluation and intervening the impacts of the
policy modifications and ensuring the success for the desired objectives of this research. The Multiple
Streams Theory offers a clear insight to tackle the urgent issues faced by the asylum seekers and
refugees in Australia. The theory is a comprehensive understanding of the issues, deliberate policy
proposal, identifying the political climate and evaluating the outcomes. Australia can improvise into a
kinder, fairer and more inclusive asylum system that respects the human rights and promotes social
Multiple streams theory
Political Science and Public Policy has an existing feature known as the Multiple Stream Theory that is
crafted by the influential John W. Kingdon. This theory aims to develop an intricate process of policy
making and its evolution. According to John W. Kingdon, policy change is a result of the converging of
three distinct streams, that is, the problem stream, policy stream and the politics stream. The problem
stream is responsible for identifying and the framework of policy issues. The well recognized and
definite issues are only considered in this stream. The policy stream is where the countless ideas and
proposals are generated that are isolated from the identified problems in the previous stream. Lastly,
the politic stream is where we take into account of the broader aspects of politics that includes the
events such as the elections and the public opinion.

So, when these three streams come together in harmony, a term called ‘policy widow’ comes to the
picture that opens the brief ideology for policymakers to propose and implement the targeted solutions
to the identified issues. This concept emphasis on the importance of time and convergence of various
factors in the development of policies, recognizing the policy making that is involved in the unexpected
elements and is not always a linear and a rational process. The Multi Streams Theory has been widely
used in examination of the policies in different political contexts. This allows the policymakers to
understand how to decipher where certain matters are place on the policy agenda and certain matters
are not. We shall apply this framework to the case of asylum seekers and refugees in Australia and use
the insights to gain recommended potential changes and adjustments.

1. Problem Stream:

Problem Identification:

The ongoing and pressing concern of asylum seekers and refugees in Australia is widely acknowledged at
this stage. These individuals grapple with a multitude of complex and interconnected challenges within
the country's borders. These issues can be broadly classified as legal, social, economic, and psychological
in nature. Here are some of the key problems and challenges faced by asylum seekers and refugees in

i. Detention and Processing:

The Australian government has implemented a strict policy that involves detaining non-citizens who lack
valid visas or are suspected of visa violations, illegal entry, or deportation. These individuals are held in
designated immigration detention facilities, with the possibility of indefinite detention. This policy has
been in place since 1992 and has been upheld by subsequent governments. Depending on their
circumstances, detainees may be granted a visa, released into the community, repatriated to their home
country, or deported. For those seeking asylum that arrive by boat, mandatory detention is often
imposed while their claims are processed. However, this can result in prolonged detention, especially in
offshore processing centers, which has been linked to mental health issues and is a matter of
international concern. The policy has sparked controversy and has been the subject of criticism from
various organizations. The High Court of Australia has also deemed it constitutional. The High Court of
Australia has upheld the constitutionality of indefinite mandatory detention. This policy also applies to
individuals with canceled visas on character grounds, and it's possible for individuals with dual
citizenship to have their Australian citizenship revoked.

ii. Access to Legal Representation:

As per Australian Human Right Commission in 2012, only 2.2% of the application from worldwide is
refugees. In Australia, individuals arriving without valid visas seeking legal assistance for asylum claims
face limited options. They must either secure pro bono legal support, which is highly restricted, or bear
the cost of hiring a migration agent or lawyer. Only a small group, like unaccompanied minors, qualifies
for government-funded assistance through the Primary Application Information Service (PAIS) at the
initial application and merits review stages, but this government support is not extended to others
during merits review or judicial review processes. This policy creates significant disparities in access to
legal aid for asylum seekers, with PAIS primarily catering to exceptionally vulnerable groups.(Rethinking
Asylum Seeker Policy, 2012).

iii. Uncertainty:

The plight of thousands of refugees who held Temporary Protection Visas (TPV) and Safe Haven
Enterprise Visas (SHEV) was marked by a constant state of temporary residency. These visas, lasting
three and five years respectively, were only temporary measures, leaving refugees without the security
of permanent protection. The weight of this prolonged limbo took a toll on their mental health and well-
being, as they were unable to access loans and other benefits (Steven Saphore, 2023). However, on
February 14, 2023, the Minister of Immigration announced a long-awaited solution. The newly
introduced Resolution of Status Visa (ROS) will grant these immigrants a permanent status, putting an
end to their decade-long uncertainty (Kerry Murphy, 2023).

iv. Healthcare:

At present, Victoria is the top destination for refugees and asylum seekers entering Australia, receiving
approximately one-third of them. In a year, an estimated 4,000 refugees find sanctuary in Victoria,
making it the home of the largest number of refugees among all the states and territories. Additionally,
Victoria currently hosts about 10,000 asylum seekers on bridging visas while they await determination of
their refugee claims. The refugee and asylum seeker population in Victoria often struggle with complex
physical and psychological health issues. These include the aftermath of trauma and torture, prolonged
poverty and deprivation, and the effects of being held in immigration detention centers. Unfortunately,
healthcare services can be difficult for these individuals to access, particularly for those in detention.
This can lead to inadequate medical care and limited availability of mental health support.

v. Employment:
Securing a stable job is crucial for the successful resettlement of refugees and humanitarian entrants.
These individuals are eager to contribute their abundant skills and valuable experience to Australia.
However, many former refugees find themselves in low-paying and precarious employment situations
despite their qualifications. Asylum seekers also face challenges in their job search due to visa
limitations and employer prejudices. This often results in financial instability and reliance on
government assistance.

vi. Housing:

The Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) conducts annual national community consultations, gathering
input from various sources, to inform the Australian Government's planning for the Refugee and
Humanitarian Program in the coming year. One pressing issue commonly raised during these
consultations is the availability of affordable and adequate housing for refugee communities in Australia.
According to the recent Community Sector Survey (UNHCR, 2013) by ACOSS, housing concerns were
identified as the top priority for both individuals experiencing poverty and the support services that
assist them(UNHCR, 2013). As a result, finding suitable and affordable housing can prove to be a
significant challenge for asylum seekers in particular.

vii. Family Separation:

Family separation may be a reality for asylum seekers and refugees, as they navigate a complex system
where some family members are granted protection while others are left without. This can cause
immense emotional distress and put a strain on family bonds.

viii. Cultural Adjustment:

Adapting to a new culture and society can be challenging, as refugees faces language barriers,
discrimination, and cultural differences.

ix. Education:

A better future and integration are made possible by having access to high-quality education. However,
those who seek asylum frequently struggle in this area. They might be unable to enroll in some
educational programs due to their legal status, including temporary visas (Refugee Council of Australia,
2019). Additionally, obstacles like limited mobility, disabilities, and language barriers can hinder
learning. More thorough policies are required to address this problem, removing obstacles and enabling
an equal education for asylum seekers. Schools and community organizations can play a significant part
in offering support, but a comprehensive approach is required. By expanding educational opportunities
and offering crucial support, Australia can assist those seeking asylum.

x. Social Isolation:
Due to social isolation, the asylum seekers in Australia when communicating with the native people
usually face even if it is not more but a little isolation and this causes mental health problem and lack of
social interaction. Isolation from the country of origin and uncertainty about their legal status intensify
isolation (Sullivan, 2020). Even upon taking language classes, the challenges faced by asylum seekers as
a result of language and cultural barriers still remains. Australia must give top priority to creating policies
and initiatives that support social inclusion, offer language and cultural education, and promote civic
participation in order to address this issue. To create a welcoming environment that lessens social
isolation, enhances wellbeing, and supports the integration of asylum seekers into the Australian
community, cooperation between the government, non-governmental organizations, and community
groups is crucial.

2. Policy Stream:

 Policy Proposals:

It is crucial that we prioritize comprehensive immigration reform, dealing with crucial matters such as
efficient handling of applications, integration at the community level, and establishing a transparent
process for seeking asylum (Rethinking Asylum Seeker Policy, 2012). By promoting programs that involve
citizens in supporting refugees, we can not only alleviate the strain on government resources but also
engage the community in this urgent cause. Moreover, effective implementation of policies requires
bipartisan cooperation, transcending the divisive political rhetoric. To dispel negative attitudes, we must
launch public awareness campaigns that bring to light the many valuable contributions of refugees to
our society. In summary, Australia must prioritize creating a compassionate and efficient immigration
system that honors our international commitments and fosters social cohesion.

Over the years, a variety of policy proposals have emerged on the topic of immigration, from tightening
border regulations to implementing more compassionate policies for those seeking asylum. Public
sentiment, political beliefs, and global agreements often shape these proposed solutions.

 Policy Entrepreneurs:

In Australia, the efforts of policy entrepreneurs, including humanitarian organizations, advocates, and
influential politicians, are crucial in shaping asylum and refugee policies (Block, 2019). These dynamic
individuals take an active role in advocating for specific policy solutions and influencing the policymaking
process. Through their tireless work, they raise awareness, propose innovative approaches, and drive for
change that aligns with international human rights standards. Acting as catalysts, these policy
entrepreneurs strive for more compassionate and inclusive policies that prioritize the well-being and
rights of asylum seekers and refugees, ultimately working towards a fair and just immigration system.

Key individuals, such as politicians, activists, and community leaders, play a significant role in promoting
particular policy solutions.
3. Politics Stream:

 Political Context:

The topic of asylum seekers and refugees is a hotly debated political issue, often exploited for electoral
gain and discussed in terms of preserving borders, defining national identity, and displaying humanity.
The public's stance on this matter is divided, with some advocating for stringent border control
measures and others emphasizing compassion and inclusivity (Block, 2019). The resulting political
polarization holds significant sway over policy-making and how those seeking asylum and refuge are
treated, creating a crucial need for policymakers to tread carefully and work together across party lines
to develop fair and successful immigration policies.

The issue of asylum seekers and refugees is highly politicized in Australia. It's used as a political tool in
elections and often framed in terms of border security, national identity, and humanitarianism.

 Public Opinion:

The stance of the public, towards asylum seekers and refugees in Australia is an multifaceted matter
that is influenced by factors. While some Australians support immigration regulations to safeguard
border security others advocate for compassionate and inclusive approaches (Betts, 2018). These
perspectives are greatly influenced by how the media portrays asylum seekers often presenting them as
either security threats or vulnerable individuals seeking safety. Moreover sociopolitical factors also play
a role in shaping opinion with urban areas and younger generations expressing more progressive
viewpoints (Betts, 2018). Personal interactions, experiences and initiatives that promote empathy can
also have an impact, on perceptions. Help promote awareness raising conversations (Robinson, &
Segrott, 2019).

Public opinion varies, with some supporting stricter policies, while others advocate for more
compassionate and inclusive approaches.

Policy Change or Update Recommendations:

1. Problem Definition:
Though the policy for asylum seeker for Australia stands strong but there are some policies which
requires thorough evaluation. Australia’s handling of asylum seekers and refugees is burdened with
delayed processing, urgent need for medical aid, humanitarian aid (Block, 2019). The current approach
of Australia’s asylum seeker policy focuses mostly on border security over humanitarian concern, this
leads to overcrowded detention and limited access to legal support. (Crock M, Saul B, 2019)

It is advisable to consider updating the policy with a focus, on values and ensuring the respect for
human rights. Such redefinition should acknowledge the primary reason individuals seek asylum
protection from violence and harassment (UNHCR, 2019). . By acknowledging Australia's global
responsibility to offer refuge to those escaping persecution and turmoil, we can redefine the problem
and pave the way for more empathetic and inclusive policies. This approach not only addresses the
pressing matters at hand, but also guarantees the protection of asylum seekers' and refugees' rights and

 Reframe the issue: Instead of framing the problem as a security threat, emphasize the
humanitarian aspect and the international obligations of Australia to provide protection to

2. Policy Proposal:

 Comprehensive Immigration Reform:

The push for comprehensive immigration reform in Australia encompasses a range of important
considerations that aim to address the complex challenges faced by asylum seekers and refugees. This
multifaceted proposal includes timely processing of asylum claims, community-based integration
initiatives, and a systematic procedure for seeking refuge. Through this approach, which emphasizes
both efficiency and empathy, Australia can streamline its immigration processes and offer vital support
and services to refugees (Block, 2019). By taking this crucial step towards aligning with international
human rights standards, Australia can create a fair and equitable system that prioritizes the wellbeing of
those seeking asylum.

Develop a comprehensive and coherent immigration policy that respects international human rights
standards and includes clear procedures for processing asylum claims.

 Community Sponsorship Programs:

Programs for community sponsorship are essential to advancing a more successful and inclusive strategy
for refugees and asylum seekers in Australia. By actively involving individuals and groups in refugee care,
these programs lessen the burden on public resources. Through the implementation and promotion of
community sponsorship, Australia may foster a more welcoming and caring atmosphere. These
initiatives serve refugees as well as the larger community by providing social integration support in
addition to practical assistance. This encourages compassion and understanding which results in a
community that is more varied and peaceful.
Establish community-based programs that allow citizens and organizations to sponsor and support
refugees, easing the burden on government resources.

3. Political Considerations:

 Bipartisan Cooperation:

Encourage political leaders to work together to find common ground on asylum and refugee policies,
moving beyond divisive rhetoric.

 Public Awareness Campaigns:

Public awareness campaigns are instrumental in shaping public opinion and policies related to asylum
seekers and refugees in Australia. By highlighting the valuable contributions made by refugees to
society, these campaigns can foster empathy, dispel myths, and promote a more informed and
compassionate discourse. Educating the public about the challenges faced by asylum seekers and
refugees is pivotal for creating a supportive environment and gaining public support for inclusive and
humanitarian policies. By strategically employing public awareness campaigns, Australia can work
towards a society that welcomes and supports refugees, recognizing their potential to enrich the nation
culturally, economically, and socially.

Raise awareness about the economic and social contributions of refugees and the benefits of a
compassionate asylum system.

4. Implementation:

 Streamline Processing:

Streamlining the processing of asylum claims is a crucial aspect of comprehensive immigration reform in
Australia. It addresses the issue of lengthy processing times that often lead to uncertainty and
overcrowded detention centers. By making the process more efficient and timelier, Australia can ensure
that asylum seekers receive a faster resolution to their claims and a more dignified experience during
their application period. Streamlining processing reduces the burden on both the asylum seekers and
the immigration system, fostering a more humane approach that respects international obligations and
human rights. It is a fundamental step toward creating a more just and efficient asylum system in the

Invest in efficient and timely processing of asylum claims to reduce overcrowding in detention centers.

 Improve Integration Programs:

Enhancing integration programs for asylum seekers and refugees is vital to their successful resettlement
in Australia. These programs can aid individuals in building new lives by providing support in areas such
as education, language proficiency, job training, and cultural adaptation. By improving integration
initiatives, Australia can empower refugees to become self-reliant and contribute positively to the
community. A well-integrated refugee population enriches the cultural tapestry, bolsters the labor
market, and promotes social cohesion. These programs are integral to fostering empathy and
understanding within the host society, creating a more inclusive and harmonious environment for both
refugees and the Australian community as a whole.

Develop programs that support the social and economic integration of refugees into Australian society.

5. Evaluation:

 Regularly assessing the impact of policy changes and initiatives is essential for ensuring that they
are effective and align with the intended goals. Evaluation provides a feedback mechanism to
identify areas that require improvement, measure the well-being of asylum seekers and
refugees, and gauge the success of integration efforts. By conducting thorough evaluations,
Australia can adapt and refine its policies, taking into account the evolving needs of these
vulnerable populations. It also fosters transparency and accountability, contributing to a more
efficient and compassionate asylum system that respects human rights.

 Regularly assess the impact of policy changes on the well-being of asylum seekers, refugees, and
the broader community.

Applying the Multiple Streams Framework to the issue of asylum seekers and refugees in Australia
allows for a structured analysis and helps identify potential areas for change and improvement in the
current policies and practices. The recommendations above are aimed at promoting more humane and
effective approaches to address this complex and contentious issue.
The Multiple Streams Theory, developed by John W. Kingdon, is a valuable framework for analyzing the
policy-making process in political science and public policy. It posits that policy change occurs when
three distinct streams - the problem stream, policy stream, and politics stream - converge, creating a
"policy window" for change. This theory highlights the significance of timing and the interplay between
these streams in policy development.

Applying this framework to the issue of asylum seekers and refugees in Australia, several critical
problems have been identified, including overcrowded detention centers, limited access to legal
representation, uncertainty, healthcare challenges, employment difficulties, housing issues, family
separation, cultural adjustment, education disparities, social isolation, xenophobia, and discrimination.
These problems need to be addressed comprehensively to ensure a more humane and inclusive
approach to asylum and refugee policies.

Policy proposals include comprehensive immigration reform, community sponsorship programs, and
bipartisan cooperation. These initiatives aim to streamline the processing of asylum claims, improve
integration programs, and promote a more balanced and compassionate approach. Public awareness
campaigns and evaluations play crucial roles in shaping public opinion, promoting empathy, and
ensuring the effectiveness of these policy changes.

By reframing the issue, developing comprehensive policies, fostering political cooperation, and
implementing efficient processing and integration programs, Australia can create a more just and
compassionate asylum system that respects international obligations and benefits both refugees and
the broader Australian community.
Betts, K. (2018). The Australian Public’s Views on Immigration: A Quantitative Analysis. Journal of

Block, K. (2019). The potential of community engagement in resettlement for refugees and asylum
seekers. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.

Crock M, Saul B, D. A. (2019). Future seekers II: Refugees and irregular migration in Australia. Melbourne
University Publishing.

Kerry Murphy. (2023). Australia ends decades-long uncertainty for thousands of refugees.

Refugee Council of Australia. (2019). Barriers to education for people seeking asylum and refugees on
temporary visas.

Rethinking Asylum Seeker Policy. (2012). Rethinking Asylum Seeker Policy.

Robinson, V., & Segrott, J. (2019). Public Attitudes to Asylum Seekers: The Role of Emotional
Responsiveness and Empathy. Political Studies.

Steven Saphore. (2023). Government must use trauma-informed approach to end uncertainty on refugee
visa applications.

Sullivan, C. (2020). Social Isolation and Refugee Mental Health: A Mixed-Methods Study. Health and
Social Work.

UNHCR. (2013). Refugee council of Australia. 28.

UNHCR. (2019). Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees.

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