2 Answer For RVOL

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Q1: Which of the following PHP functions accepts any number of parameters??

a None

b func_get_argv()

c get_argv()

d None

e func_get_args()

f get_argc()

Q2: Which of the following methods sends input to a script via a URL??

a None

b None

c Both

d Get

e None

f Post

Q3: Which command will you use to run a playbook called install.yaml with Ansible??

a ansible -p install.yml

b ansible install.yml

c None

d ansible-playbook install.yml

e ansible --playbook install.yml

f None

Q4: The handler invoked by Kubelet to check if a container’s IP address is open or not is??
a ExecAction

b TCPSocketAction

c None of the above

The correct Answer is: None

e HTTPGetAction

The correct Answer is: None

Q5: Which is not a valid bit operator??


b None


d >>

e <<

f &&

Q6: Which attribute you’ll use with the TD tag to merge two cells horizontally??

a None

b None

c merge=colspan2

d merge=row2

e colspan=2

f rowspan=2

Q7: Which file is the single most important file in Wordpress??

a wp-config.php

b None
c wp-setting.php

d page.php

e None

f header.php

Q8: How can you create an E-mail link??

a None

b <mail Href="a@b">

c <a Href="mailto:a@b.com">

d None

e <mail>a@b</mail>

f <a Href="a@b">

Q9: Which of the following values would give you the hostname of the remote host in your
Ansible Playbook??

a None

b "{{ hostname }}"

c "{{ host }}"

d "{{ ansible_hostname }}"

e None

f "{{ server_hostname }}"

Q10: Which of the following function opens a file??

a fopen()

b filesize()

c file_exist()

d None
e None

f fread()

Q11: The query SELECT name, (SELECT study_program FROM programs) study_program
FROM students will return the student name and the program that the student is studying.?

a None

b False

c None

d None

e None

f True

Q12: What is the best advantage of InnoDB over MyISAM??

a All of the above

b None of the above

c InnoDB provides a transaction safe environment

d InnoDB can handle table with more than 1000 columns

e InnoDB provides FULLTEXT indexes

f InnoDB is thread safe

Q13: How can PHP and Javascript interact??

a PHP and Javascript cannot directly interact since PHP is a server side language and
Javascript is a client-side language.

b None

c None

d None

e They interact via the browser

f They interact through services such as Apache or Nginx

Q14: What is the difference between echo and print??

a Echo can take multiple parameters where as print cannot

b They both behave the same

c None

d Print can take multiple parameters where as echo cannot

e Print is a function where as echo is not.

f None

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