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Q1: Which is the environment variable which holds your home directory information??

a It's generated dynamically

The correct Answer is: None


The correct Answer is: None



Q2: How to convert a category into a tag??

a WordPress provides you an option to change category into tag and tag into a
category. For this, you need to Uninstall Categories and Tags Converter from the Import
option under Tools section.

b WordPress provides you an option to change category into tag and tag into a
category. For this, you need to install Categories and Tags Converter from the Import option
under Tools section.

c WordPress provides you an option to change category into tag and tag into a
category. For this, you need to install Categories and Tags Converter from the Export option
under Tools section.

d None

e None

f None

Q3: Character data can be stored as?

a None

b Both fixed or variable length strings

c None

d None of the mentioned

e Fixed length strings

f Variable length strings

Q4: How to stream pod logs (stdout) in Kubernetes??

a kubectl logs -f my-pod

b kubectl pod -f my-pod

c None

d None

e kubectl logs my-pod

f kubectl stream -f my-pod

Q5: Which operator is not included in the data manipulation language (DML)??



c None


e None


Q6: How do you write the contents of 3 files into a single file??

a cat file1 > file; cat file2 > file; cat file3 > file

b cat file1 >> file; cat file2 >> file; cat file3 >> file

c cat file1 > file || cat file2 > file || cat file3 > file

d cat file1 file2 file3 > file

e cat file1 > file && cat file2 > file && cat file3 > file

f cat file1 > file && cat file2 >> file && cat file3 >> file

Q7: How can we find the process name from its process id? Assume the Proccess ID is 1?
a get 1

b find 1

c top 1

d None

e ps –p 1

f None

Q8: How many Posts and Pages can you have??

a None

b There is no limit on the number of posts or pages you can have.

c Depending on your plan, you can have a different amount of pages and posts.

d I can have 100 posts and 100 pages

e There is no limit on the number of posts but I can have only certain amount of

f Depends on the theme I'm using.

Q9: Cronjobs in kubernetes run in?

a GMT only

b None

c Based on NTP settings

d UTC only

e None

f Master node local timezone

Q10: Gif and Jpg are the two main types of what ??

a None
b None Of The Above

c Images

d Videos

e Animated Effects

f None

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