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November 2021 2104144/ULEG31C c.

A Portrait
d. A Diamond necklace
6. “I gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together” –
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks whose smile stopped?
SECTION A — (10  2 = 20 marks) a. Duke
Answer any TEN questions. b. Painter
c. Duchess
d. Messenger
Section - A 7. “A Cup of Tea” throws light on the dual aspects of human
nature _______ & _______.
I. Choose the correct answers. 20x1=20 a. love & care
1. The central idea of W.R Inge’s essay is that technological b. anger & pride
advancement has produced _______ in man. c. lazy & dull
a. Pride d. generous and petty
b. Lethargy 8. Marriage is a Private Affair shows the tribal conflict of _____
c. Anger tribe.
d. Happiness a. ibibo
2. The art of handwriting was replaced by ________. b. ibo
a. Painting c. gabo
b. shorthand d. Yoruba
c. computer 9. The first vision of Abdul Kalam is _________.
d. typewriting a. Economy
3. “My Last Duchess” is a _________. b. development
a. sonnet c. freedom
b. epic d. army
c. dramatic monologue 10. Kalam is very much sad about the activities of ______.
d. ballad a. Media
4. The portrait is painted by _______. b. army
a. Fra Pandolf c. students
b. Picasso d. institutions
c. Michel Angelo 11. Who is addressed as ‘sylvan historian’?
d. Raphel a. Lover
5. The Duke gifted ____________ to his wife. b. musician
a. A treasure of Gold c. urn
b. 900 years old name d. poet
12. “Beauty is truth, truth _________. 18. The Watchman in the play symbolizes ______.
a. Sweet a. Duty
b. beauty b. Time
c. virtue
c. Life
d. nature
13. Who is the speaker of the poem Ozymandius? d. Safety
a. Poet 19. Amal anxiously waits for _______.
a. Flower girl
b. the Traveller
b. Village headman
c. Ozymandius c. Gaffer
d. Statue d. King’s letter
14. Who calls himself as “King of Kings”? 20. The original title of “The Post Office” is ________.
a. Shelley a. DakGhar
b. Poet b. Mukthadhara
c. Amalprayan
c. traveller
d. Mukthi
d. Ozymandius
15. The Ant and the Grasshopper is a striking example of life’s
______. Section - B
a. Comic elements II. Answer any THREE of the followings in about 300
b. Little ironies. words each: 3 x 5 = 15
c. Happiness
21. Why does W.R. Inge worry about modern civilization?
d. Tragedy
22. Why the old man rejects Nene?
16. Amal is a simple and innocent child with _______ mind. 23. What are the three visions of Dr. Kalam?
a. Cunning 24. What stopped the smiles of the duchess?
b. Happy 25. Sketch the character of Amal.
c. Imaginative
d. Curious Section - C
17. The death is the union between _______ and _________. III. Answer any FOUR of the followings in about 500
a. Heaven and soul
words: 4 x 10 = 40
b. Joy and sorrow
c. Mind and soul 26. State how Keats brings the theme of immortality of art in
“Ode on a Grecian Urn”.
d. Human soul and Supreme soul
27. Justify the title of the story “A Cup of Tea”.
28. Write an essay on Shaw’s advice to the students of English.
29. Critically analyse the story of The Post Office.
30. Make a précis of the following passage:
Very few persons have the misfortune of reading their own obituary
in a newspaper. It happened with Alfred Nobel, the inventor of
dynamite. In 1888, when Alfred’s brother died, a French newspaper,
under the mistaken belief that Alfred had died, published an
obituary. In this obituary, the newspaper described him as a man
who had made it possible to kill more people more quickly than
anyone else who had ever lived. Alfred Nobel was horrified by what
he read.
It was not entirely correct that the invention of dynamite had
brought only death and destruction. In fact, it had served humanity
in a far larger way by its age in the construction industry.
Alfred Nobel realized, at that moment, that this was not how he
wanted to be remembered. Soon after, he established the Nobel
Trust with an endowment annually to those who had done
outstanding worked in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and
in espousing peace.
A hundred years later the Nobel Prize remains the most prestigious
award in the world. A sixth prize, for economics, was recently

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