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Ishan Roy

Throughout my life, the complex dance of clever plots and
intriguing characters held a fascination for me. This love has not
merely been a passing interest but a guide in shaping my literary
journey. I derive great enjoyment from immersing myself in the
mystery presented in other stories I read. My admiration for
thriller stories adds excitement to my work and shows how they
have influenced my literature. This story takes place in Germany.
theft at Laurence’s house and the untimely death of the iconic
artist Henri Bauer taking place at the same time reverberated
throughout the metropolis of Stuttgart, eliciting a sense of dismay
and anxiety among its citizens. The Baden 9 Kreuzer Error stamp
worth €1,314,500 from Edward Laurence was stolen at the same
time. Initially presumed to be a tragic act of suicide, the case took
a dramatic turn when a reputable investigator, Acharya Roy; found
compelling evidence suggestive of a plot involving the
administration of a lethal substance. He also discovered that the
theft was a counterpart to Henri’s death. The recent discovery of
both cases being linked to each other has caused a great deal of
dismay and curiosity among the public. The city becomes
entangled in a captivating and mysterious story. The revelation of
the brutal murder and the theft has engendered a palpable sense
within the public. The city is left baffled, casting a disconcerting
light. This has disrupted the once-safe and peaceful image of the
city. As the investigation unfolds, the dark actions that led to it
have exposed the sinister side of the city's art scene. They reveal
the unsettling secrets and hidden rivalries that exist beneath the
surface of artistic unity and creativity. It goes beyond just a typical
crime and takes on the qualities of a thrilling psychological drama.
The mysterious aspects of the case, along with the disturbing
choice of how the crime was executed, have gripped people's
minds. They are now speculating and discussing intensely about
who the culprit might be and what could have driven them to
commit such a terrible act. Although, the case showcases the
determined pursuit of justice within the law. While the city is
disturbed by it, Detective Acharya Roy's relentless efforts act as a
beam of hope. He guides the way towards seeking justice in the
face of evil. Who is behind the theft and the murder? What will be
Acharya’s approach to solving the case and bringing the culprit to
justice? Turn the pages to see how Acharya unravels the mystery.

I Ishan Roy
Chapter 1
The Discovery
10:20 PM
Tuesday, October 13, 1964
Munich, Germany

The duo partook in an enjoyable vacation amidst the stunning

scenery of Munich during autumn. However, the surroundings had
an unsettling ambience due to the complete stillness in the air,
except for the sound of rustling leaves. The flickering streetlights
cast long shadows on the pavement, creating an ominous
atmosphere. Acharya rented a yet comfortable accommodation at
75E Stentford Street. The floor was adorned with rich mahogany
wood. It had an ivory-white coffered ceiling. The walls were
embellished with textured panels. Windows were dressed in
drapery, unveiling a view seamlessly merging with Munich. The
residence emanated a rustic atmosphere and satisfied the
individuals’ needs. Albert found it appealing. It had been 5:15.
The two were still strolling the city, lost in a profound discussion
of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
“In any case, the socialist who becomes a member of a bourgeois
government separates himself from us the militant sociali---”
“It is not a book, but also a great analysis of the leftist government.
His views and theories on Marxism have impacted modern
political history. It is an astounding work by Karl Marx”
“Sir, it seems you have a keen interest in this topic as well”
The two returned to their residence after having a stroll around the
city. After that, the two sat at the tea table; Acharya felt relieved
after the tiring walk. Meanwhile, Albert regaled him with stories,
sipping his tea between words—the warm aroma of the tea
mingled with the sound of their laughter. Suddenly, Albert leaned
forward, excitement glowing in his eyes as he shared a piece of
news that left Acharya spellbound.
“I have discovered an application within the mailbox. It is from
the Stuttgart Tourism Board. The director is inviting us for a
personalised tour of Stuttgart. He will show us around the city's
famous sites like stunning museums and monuments. Get ready to
immerse yourself in Stuttgart!” said Albert ardently.
“Great news, Albert! I am thankful to him for providing us with
such a captivating tour of Stuttgart”
“My heart also brims with anticipation. I yearn for a more
immersive cultural experience”
Albert asked him to examine the letter. The man took out the
application from the pocket of his Chesterfield coat and handed it
to Acharya. Acharya noticed the broad grin that lit up Albert’s
face. It was a heartwarming sight that instantly brought joy to the

Henri Bauer
65F Hamilton Road
Acharya Roy
75E Stentford Street

Respected Mr. Roy,

I extend my warmest greetings and hope this letter finds you in the
pink of health.

With great pleasure, I introduce myself as Henri Bauer, the

Director of the Stuttgart Federal Tourism Board. It is my honour to
extend a heartfelt invitation to such a world-renowned detective.
We will offer you an eight-day tour of Stuttgart. It is an honour to
extend to you a warm and gracious welcome to our fair city. Our
city is a tapestry of rich cultural heritage woven with a vibrant and
modern identity. The architectural marvels that adorn our streets
are a testament to the artistic prowess of our forefathers. This tour
showcases the splendid city of Stuttgart. We will provide any
required thing, we hope you will enjoy your stay. Whether you are
meandering through the winding vineyards of the Neckar Valley,
gazing upon the marvelling Nationalmuseum für Philateliem or the
awe-inspiring Großer Obelisk that dot our landscape, we promise
an experience that is nothing short of extraordinary. We will strive
to offer you the most impeccable service, ensuring your safety and
comfort at all times. We are requesting you to come to the
Stuttgart Tourism Office on 15th October at 5 pm, sharp. Let us
show you the true meaning of German hospitality. I am sure you
will love to see the vivid heritage.

Thank you for considering our invitation, and we look forward to

welcoming you to Stuttgart.

Yours Sincerely,
Henri Bauer
Director, the Stuttgart Federal Tourism Board (SFTB)
(+49) 202 – 555 – 8939

After reading the letter, Acharya said, “He suggests we meet him
at the tourism office on the 13th at 5 pm”
“Wait; 13th October is today and 5 pm is in an hour. We should go
now!” replied, Albert while he was jumped up from the seat.
“Certainly! Let us not waste a single moment”
Acharya attired in a pungent brown trench coat, fedora and pitch
black brogues as he embarked on an enthralling journey. Albert
also wore formal clothing, a cream Chesterfield suit and plain
white oxfords. They boarded a horse-drawn coach, and Albert
instructed the coachman to take them to the office. As the horse
carriage rattled along the streets, Acharya and Albert found
themselves immersed in their adventure. The rhythmic clip-clop of
the horse's hooves echoed through the cobbled streets, fueling their
anticipation even more. With every passing moment, their spirits
soared higher.
Acharya pointed ahead, “Ah, There is the office!”
Albert replied, “I cannot wait to get our hands on some maps and
brochures. There is so much to see and do-where should we start?”
“How about we explore Stuttgart on foot before we join Henri's
tour? We can soak in the atmosphere and learn about the city's
history firsthand”
“Perfect! We could independently visit some landmarks while
relying on Henri to guide us through the rest such as the National
Museum and that Obelisk”
“Absolutely! But, I am more engrossed in the Necker Valley than
the rest”
“I see, but let us not forget to indulge in some local cuisine along
the journey. I have heard quaint cafes are serving finger-licking
German dishes”
“I can already taste the sauerkraut and schnitzel! This adventure is
shaping up to be everything I hoped for and more”
Albert with a twinkle in his eye, “Indeed, Sir. Let us make the
most of every moment. Stuttgart awaits!”
As soon as they stepped into the office, a wave of warmth greeted
them. From the officials to the executives, everyone extended a
cordial welcome to them. As a token of gratitude, they bestowed
upon Acharya a posh Montovante olive-green fountain pen. Then,
the most awaited person -Henri Bauer, appeared. His arrival was
enough to send a hush over Albert.

Albert rubbed his hands excitedly, “Sir, it is a pleasure to see you.

Are we all set for our travel?“
“Albert, I must say I am also thrilled to guide such esteemed investigators. And
yes, we are ready to tour around Stuttgart, I have set transportation, food and
other necessities”
Henri, we are also grateful to you for inviting us on this tour. I am
confident that the experience will be precious to us. Moreover, I have heard
that your knowledge of History is unparalleled replied Acharya
It is my pleasure, Sir
Your display of humility is truly admirable. So, thanks to you. Now, could you
kindly tell me about the plan?
Today is the first day of this eight-day tour. We are going to
Necker Valley first, then the Obelisk and lastly the Museum
Perfect! Guide us through this historical tapestry
Your enthusiasm is contagious, Sir! Follow me instructed Henri as
he got up from the seat
Onward we go, ready to absorb every bit of knowledge you
impart, Henri replied Albert as he followed Henri
Henri, our minds are eager sponges!
Then let's not delay any further replied Henri

They were enveloped in an aura of sombre

contemplation. In the end, they drank/SWIGGED wine
with pleasure and departed.

The Neckar Valley stretched before them like a canvas

painted by the hand of a master. The river Necker
flows gently through this enchanting realm, its waters
a shimmering ribbon of life.
Henri expertly fulfilled the role of a tour guide during their journey. He skillfully
imparted knowledge of the magnificent Necker Valley. His explanations were
concise yet informative.
“Welcome to Necker Valley, one of the most historically rich regions in Baden-
Württemberg, Germany. This valley has been inhabited since the prehistoric
era, with evidence of human settlement dating back to the Paleolithic period”
explained Henri.
“Palaeolithic? Necker is a topic of great interest and fascination” said
Acharya while he stroked his chin thoughtfully.
“Well, archaeologists have unearthed numerous artefacts such as stone
tools and animal bones, indicating that early humans used this area for
hunting and gathering”
“Incredible” replied Albert
“! And we've only scratched the surface. There's so much more to
discover as we explore further”

Its emerald vineyards cascading down hillsides are

adorned with the delicate blooms of spring. Amid the
green meadows, picturesque villages with timbered
houses exude an old-world charm. Vineyards cling to
the steep slopes, producing exquisite liquor. The air is
perfumed with the scent of wildflowers. In the Necker
Valley, time seems to stand still, offering a sanctuary
of tranquillity.

“Now we will proceed to The Großer Obelisk,” said

They boarded Henri’s 300 SL coupe. Henri drove them to the
The Großer Obelisk rise to a height of 30 meters, it
dominates the skyline with its commanding presence. Its
weathered stone bears witness to the ebb and flow of
centuries. As they approached the obelisk, its imposing
presence cast a shadow over them, the intricate
carvings etched into its stone telling tales of ancient
civilizations long gone. The passing of time had left its mark on the
structure, evident in the thick blanket of vines, moss, and lichens that had taken
root along its walls. It had become one with the surrounding environment . The
walls surrounding it were made of rough-hewn
granite, their surfaces weathered by the passage of
time yet still bearing the scars of battles fought and
victories won. The floor beneath their feet was paved
with cobblestones. At its peak, a gilded pyramid-shaped cap
reflects the sunlight, casting a golden hue across the
surrounding square. Four majestic Golden Eagle statues, each
crafted from marble, guard the base of the obelisk. The
obelisk boasts intricate hieroglyphic-like etchings that wind
their way up its smooth surface. At its peak, a gilded pyramid-
shaped cap reflects the sunlight, casting a golden hue across
the surrounding square.
"Masterpiece!" exclaimed Albert in shock at the sheer beauty
of the obelisk.

Fictitious History: Legend has it that the Großer Obelisk was

commissioned by Hans Joachim von Zieten, the cavalry general
in the service of King Frederick II the Great of Prussia in the late
18th century. It acts as a symbol of unity and strength for the
German people. Crafted by skilled artisans brought in from
across Europe, the obelisk was intended to pay homage to the
ancient civilizations of Egypt while embodying the spirit of
enlightenment and progress sweeping through Europe at the

However, the construction of The Großer Obelisk was fraught

with challenges. A series of mysterious accidents and setbacks
plagued the project, leading many to believe that the obelisk
was cursed. Despite these obstacles, King Frederick remained
undeterred in his vision, pouring vast resources into its

Finally, after years of toil, The Großer Obelisk was unveiled in a

grand ceremony attended by dignitaries from across Europe.
Its towering presence became an iconic symbol of the town,
attracting tourists and scholars alike.

Over the centuries, The Großer Obelisk has weathered wars,

revolutions, and the passage of time, standing as a silent
witness to the tumultuous history of Germany. Today, it
remains a beloved landmark, revered for its beauty, resilience,
and the enduring legacy of the visionaries who brought it to

what, language did Hohenzollern speak
The House of Hohenzollern is a German dynasty that played a
significant role in the history of Prussia, Brandenburg, and later
the unified German Empire. The members of this dynasty
primarily spoke German, as they were rulers and nobles within
German-speaking territories. German was the language of
administration, culture, and daily communication in the regions
under Hohenzollern rule.

can you describe the looks of the shield of the Prussian state of
The shield of the Prussian state of Hohenzollern, often referred
to as the Prussian coat of arms, is a distinctive and iconic
symbol that embodies the history and power of the
Hohenzollern dynasty. Here's a description of its typical

Shape and Design: The shield typically takes the form of a

traditional heraldic escutcheon. It is a baroque square Iberian
square on top with a rounded base. It is divided into multiple
fields, each containing symbols that represent different aspects
of the Hohenzollern legacy.

Colours: The shield is usually divided into black and white

quarters, reflecting the traditional colours of the Hohenzollern
family. Black and white are also the colours of the Prussian flag,
symbolizing Prussian unity and strength.

 Black Eagle: One of the most prominent features is the black

eagle, often depicted with outstretched wings and a golden
beak and talons. The eagle represents power, sovereignty, and
authority, reflecting the dominance of the Hohenzollern rulers
over their territories.
 Crown: Above the eagle's head may sit a royal crown,
symbolising the monarchy and the Hohenzollerns' status as
sovereign rulers.
 Insignia: Additional symbols such as crosses, sceptres, swords,
or other heraldic devices may adorn the shield, each with its
symbolic significance related to the Hohenzollern dynasty and
Prussian statehood.

Motto: Beneath or surrounding the shield, there may be a

motto or inscription in Latin or German, such as "Pro Gloria et
Patria" (For Glory and Fatherland), emphasising themes of
duty, honour, and loyalty to the state.

Overall Impression: The shield of the Prussian state of

Hohenzollern exudes an aura of authority, strength, and
tradition. Its bold colours, regal symbols, and intricate design
elements convey the proud legacy of the Hohenzollern dynasty
and its central role in the history of Prussia and Germany.
But it was within the hallowed halls of the
Nationalmuseum für Philateliem that Acharya and
Albert found themselves ensnared by the allure of
history and the promise of hidden treasures waiting to
be unearthed. The museum's exterior was a study in
architectural grandeur, its façade adorned with
intricate carvings and ornate friezes that depicted
scenes from myth and legend. The walls were made of
polished marble, their surfaces gleaming in the
sunlight that streamed through stained glass windows
set into the ceiling.
As they stepped through the museum's grand entrance,
Acharya and Albert were greeted by a sight that took
their breath away. The interior of the museum was
richly decorated, its walls adorned with paintings that
depicted scenes from Stuttgart's storied past. The floor
beneath their feet was a mosaic of intricate designs,
each tile painstakingly laid by master craftsmen whose
skill knew no bounds.

Statues stood sentinel in alcoves carved into the walls,

their stoic visages gazing out upon the world with
timeless grace. Among them was a marble effigy of
Athena, her wise countenance illuminated by the soft
glow of the museum's lighting. Her gaze seemed to
follow them as they moved through the corridors, her
presence a constant reminder of the wisdom that lay
within these hallowed halls.

But it was the velvet-lined display case at the heart of

the museum that drew their gaze like moths to a flame.
Within its confines lay the object of their quest: the
Baden 9 Kreuzer stamp, a masterpiece of philatelic
artistry created in 1851 by the renowned engraver
Johann Peter Haseney. Its delicate lines and intricate
detail spoke of a bygone era when craftsmanship was
revered above all else and beauty knew no bounds.
Acharya's eyes widened as he witnessed the
marvellous stamp on television. Now, the mere thought
of seeing it in person leaves him in a state of disbelief.
How could he have imagined that a tiny piece of paper
could evoke such emotions within him? Nevertheless,
he longs to behold this beautiful stamp with his own

“Marvel at its beauty,” Henri whispered, his voice

barely more than a breath as he reached out to open
the velvet royal box that housed the stamp. But as his
fingers brushed against the fabric, a gasp of dismay
escaped his lips. “It's gone,” he murmured, his eyes
wide with disbelief. “The Baden 9 Kreuzer stamp has
vanished without a trace”

Acharya and Albert exchanged a glance, their hearts

heavy with the weight of disappointment. “But how?”
Albert questioned, his voice tinged with incredulity.
“It was here just moments ago”
Henri shook his head, his expression a mask of
confusion. “I cannot say,” he replied, his words heavy
with regret. “But one thing is certain: our journey has
only just begun”

And so, amidst the splendour of Stuttgart and the

echoes of history that reverberated through its streets,
Acharya and Albert vowed to uncover the truth behind
the disappearance of the Baden 9 Kreuzer stamp. This
quest would lead them down paths both perilous and
profound, in search of answers that lay hidden within
the shadows of the past.

Acharya scrutinised the document with great care.

“I believe that the conveyed message is of a highly threatening
nature, and the sender has expressed an urgent expectation of
compliance from the intended recipient”
Although the two acknowledged the potential danger, hunger
disrupted their train of thought, and they quickly resolved to sate
their appetite before embarking on their journey.
“Would you like to dine somewhere?”
“Perhaps there”, Albert pointed at the Victorian Diner.
Acharya attired in a pungent brown trench coat, fedora and pitch-
black brogues. Upon entering the place, he noticed the opulent
decor, complete with potted plants, rich beige walls, and elegant
sconces. Tables were set with formal dinner service. However, the
discomfort lingered as the temperature remained unnaturally cold.
The atmosphere carried an air that perhaps obscured the luxurious
ambience. Something, beneath the surface, felt distinctly off-
putting in the place.
The two sat at a dining table in the corner.
“Sir, do you know anything about the murder or the recipient?”
“First tell me, whether you have read Tuesday’s bulletin”
“No; but what’s the point”
Acharya pulled out a crumpled newspaper from the welt pockets
of his coat. He opened the fold and handed it to Albert.
“Albert read it”

Die Municher Zeitung

A musician committed suicide after a valuable antique worth
$85,200,000 went missing
USA mourns the death of A. Bauer

Renowned maestro, Henri Bauer committed suicide at his

residence on 14th October 1935 at 9:05 PM. The man best known
for composing the iconic, “My Belief” and being the principal
conductor of the renowned choir, Grand StutSymphony Orchestra,
was found hanging at his residence. He was 68 years old. On
Sunday, a Flavian-era bust of Marcus Antonius worth
$21,500,000 from his mansion was stolen. It has been assumed
that the theft disheartened him, thereby he committed such a
misdeed. Critic, John Miller said, “It is always a tragic loss when
someone takes their own life, especially when it's due to
unfortunate circumstances such as losing a precious item. Such
incidents remind us of life's fragility and how we should cherish
every moment we have with our loved ones” John’s words also
show us the importance of financial accountability and
transparency in personal and professional settings. Many took the
event to talk about suicide prevention and depression. Many
celebrities said the news of Bauer’s death has left them 'appalled
and speechless'. People, fans, and personalities expressed grief
over the death. The criminal is yet to be caught.

“I believe that the recipient is the same individual. A. Bauer in the

application is Henri Bauer. The message is also of great
significance and confirms the fact that the threatening message
was indeed sent to the intended recipient before his death. It also
ensures the application has a counterpart in the person's tragic
death. What are your viewpoints on the subject?”
“I also agree with you, Sir”
The two were enveloped in sombre contemplation regarding the
The matter under discussion was perhaps intricate and required a
meticulous approach. Multiple factors need to be carefully
analysed before any action can be taken.

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