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Ishan Roy

Throughout my life, the intricate dance of clever plots and intriguing characters within the
mysterious realm of detective fiction has held a fascination for me. This love has not merely been a
passing interest but a guiding force shaping my literary journey. The figure of the detective and the
allure of mysterious investigations have become integral components, influencing the narrative
landscapes I travel. The suspenseful essence derived from this lifelong passion diffuses my work,
transforming it into a testament to the enduring allure of detective fiction that has enriched my
literary odyssey. My story takes place in New York. The untimely death of the esteemed musician
Alfredo Lloyd reverberated throughout the metropolis of New York, eliciting a profound sense of
dismay and anxiety among its citizens. Initially presumed to be a tragic act of suicide, the case took a
dramatic turn when reputable investigator, Acharya Roy, commenced an exhaustive inquiry into the
matter, finding compelling evidence suggestive of a plot involving the administration of a lethal
substance. The recent discovery of a murder committed using such a fatal substance has caused a
great deal of dismay and curiosity among the public. The city becomes entangled in a captivating and
mysterious story. The revelation of murder by such a substance has engendered a palpable sense
within the public. The demise of Alfredo Lloyd has left the city baffled, casting a disconcerting light
upon the intricate intrigues that lurk beneath the corners of New York. This has disrupted the once-
safe and peaceful image of the city. As the investigation unfolds, the dark actions that led to the
death of Alfredo Lloyd have exposed the sinister side of the city's music scene. They reveal the
unsettling secrets and hidden rivalries that exist beneath the surface of artistic unity and creativity. It
goes beyond just a typical crime and takes on the qualities of a thrilling psychological drama. The
mysterious aspects of the case, along with the disturbing choice of how the crime was executed, have
gripped people's minds. They are now speculating and discussing intensely about who the culprit
might be and what could have driven them to commit such a terrible act. However, the case of
Alfredo Lloyd showcases the determined pursuit of justice within the law. While the city is disturbed
by the murder, Detective Acharya Roy's relentless efforts act as a beam of hope and guide the way
toward discovering the truth and seeking justice in the face of unimaginable evil. Turn the pages to
see how Acharya unravels the mystery.
Ishan Roy
Chapter 1
The Discovery
10:20 PM
Tuesday, October 15, 1985
New York, United States of America
The duo partook in an enjoyable vacation amidst the stunning scenery of New York City during
autumn. However, the surroundings had an unsettling ambience due to the complete stillness in the
air, except for the sound of rustling leaves. The flickering streetlights cast long shadows on the
pavement, creating an ominous atmosphere. Acharya rented a modest yet comfortable
accommodation situated at 75E Stentford Street. The residence emanated a rustic atmosphere and
satisfied the individual's needs. Moreover, the two were lost in a profound discussion concerning the
pamphlet, Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
“In any case the socialist who becomes a member of a bourgeois government separates himself from
us, the militant sociali---”
“It is not just a book, but also a great analysis of the leftist government. His views and theories on
Marxism have greatly impacted modern political history. It is an astounding piece of work by Karl
“Sir, It seems you have a keen interest in this topic as well.”
The two returned to their residence after having a stroll around the city. Soon, Achintya revealed a
distressing piece of news.
“Sir, I have discovered an application within the mailbox. The contents of it are menacing and
fraught with danger. It is destined for someone named A. Lloyd”, he said in a quavering voice
“Perhaps the letter is misaddressed. Let me, take a look”
“Sure Sir, I implore you to examine the document with the utmost seriousness”
The man took out the application from the pocket of his Chesterfield coat.
Alfredo Lloyd
65F Hamilton Road
Mr. Acharya Roy
75E Stentford Street
New York

Detective A. Roy,

I hope this message finds you well. Please allow me to introduce myself; my name is Acharya R.,
and I am writing to you regarding an incident that I experienced, which has left me feeling deeply
troubled and concerned for my safety. I am reaching out to you directly as an individual who is well-
known and respected for your investigative skills and expertise in the field of criminal justice.

Recognizing your distinguished reputation as an investigator within the realm of criminal justice, I
am reaching out to you directly in the hope that your discerning skills may solve the matter that has
befallen me. On 8:12 PM of October 12th, 1985, I found myself the recipient of a disconcerting
message from an unidentified source. The nature of this communication has instilled a fear for my
safety, prompting my decision to seek your assistance. Nevertheless, given the gravity of the
situation, I firmly believe that your commitment to the principles of justice could serve as a pivotal
asset in unravelling this case. To facilitate your investigation, I have diligently compiled and attached
necessary documentation including photographs, witness statements, or other evidence that may
prove instrumental in solving the circumstances surrounding this incident. Furthermore, I am pleased
to meet you to provide additional information or address any queries you may have. I will also give a
fee of $1,250 if you solve the case successfully. My optimism rests in the belief that your
involvement in this matter will not only aid in bringing the culprit to justice but will also contribute
to the prevention of similar incidents within our community.

Please feel free to contact me at +1 (202) 405-8939 to arrange a meeting or discuss any details
related to the case. I appreciate your consideration of my earnest appeal. Thank you for your time
and commitment to upholding the law.

[Your Full Name]

Acharya scrutinised the document with great care.

“I believe that the conveyed message is of a highly threatening nature, and the sender has expressed
an urgent expectation of compliance from the intended recipient.”
The two acknowledged the potential danger and urged swift action. However, hunger disrupted their
train of thought, and they quickly resolved to sate their appetite before embarking on their journey.
“Would you like to dine somewhere?”
“Perhaps there”, Achintya pointed at the Grand Victorian Diner.
Acharya attired in a pungent brown trench coat, fedora and pitch-black brogues.
Upon entering, he noticed the opulent decor, complete with potted plants, rich beige walls, sconces,
and formal dinner service on tables. However, the temperature was uncomfortably cold and the
atmosphere was pretentious, something seemed off.
The two sat at a dining table in the corner.
“Sir, do you know anything about the murder or the recipient?”
“Have you read Tuesday’s bulletin”
“No, but why”
Acharya pulled out a newspaper from the welt pockets of his coat.
“Read it”
“Okay Sir”

The New York Times

Celebrity committed suicide after a valuable antique worth €21,500,000 went missing
USA mourns the death of A. Lloyd

Renowned artist, Alfredo Lloyd committed suicide at his residence on 14th October 1935 at 9:05
PM. The man who was best known for composing the iconic, “My Belief”, was found hanging at his
residence. He was 46 years old. On Sunday, a Flavian-era bust of Marcus Antonius worth
€21,500,000 from his mansion was stolen. It has been assumed that the theft disheartened him,
thereby he committed such a misdeed. Critic, John Miller said, “It is always a tragic loss when
someone takes their own life, especially when it's due to unfortunate circumstances such as losing a
precious item. Such incidents remind us of life's fragility and how we should cherish every moment
we have with our loved ones” John’s words also show us the importance of financial accountability
and transparency in both personal and professional settings. Many took the event to talk about
suicide prevention and depression. Many celebrities said the news of Lloyd’s death has left them
'appalled and speechless'. People, fans, and personalities expressed grief over the death of the artist.
The criminal is yet to be caught.

“I believe that the recipient is the same individual. A. Lloyd in the application is Alfredo Lloyd. The
message is also of great significance and confirms the fact that the threatening message was indeed
sent to the intended recipient before his death. It also ensures that the application has a counterpart in
the person's tragic death. What are your viewpoints on the subject?”
“I also agree with you”
The two were enveloped in sombre contemplation regarding the death.
The matter under discussion was perhaps intricate and required a meticulous approach. Multiple
factors needed to be carefully analysed before any action could be taken.

In the end, they drank wine with pleasure and departed. ACHARYA HAD AN

They were enveloped in an aura of sombre contemplation.

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