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Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education Region VI-Western Visayas ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF KABANKALAN CITY Office of the Schools Division Superintendent DIVISION MEMORANDUM No.__518 s. 2022 { 2022 REITERATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RA 11032 AND DISSEMINATION OF MANUALS DEVELOPED BY THE ANTI-RED TAPE AUTHORITY To: Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Chiefs, CID & SGOD Public Schools District Supervisors Public Elementary & Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 1. Attached is Regional Memorandum No. 953, s. 2022 dated December 12, 2022, RE: Reiteration of the Implementation of RA 11032 and Dissemination of Manuals Developed by the Anti-Red Tape Authority, which is self-explanatory. 2. This Memorandum is solely for dissemination purposes only. In-charge of the Division ‘Address: Tayum Street, Barangay 8, Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental Telephone Number: 471-2004 | 471-2003 E-mail: kabankalan.city001@deped @ fet B ee Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION VI- WESTERN VISAYAS NAT MT No aga 2002 DEC 12 wa REITERATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RA 11032 AND DISSEMINATION OF MANUALS DEVELOPED BY THE ANTI-RED TAPE AUTHORITY To: Schools Division Superintendents All Others Concerned 1. Enclosed is a copy of DepED Memorandum OM-OUHROD-2022-0448 dated November 24, 2022 from Hon. Gloria Jumamil-Mercado, Undersecretary for Human Resource and Organizational Development, National Educators’ Academy of the Philippines, and Teacher Education Couneil Secretariat, Department of Education, Central Office, relative to Republic Act (RA) No. 11032 or the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018, for information and guidance. 2. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. rane: ne he CESO TIL Regional Director Inc: As stated, References: DepEd Memo, OM-OUHROD-2 ‘Tobe indicated in the Pespetual Index ‘under the following subjects BUREAUS Ano OFFICES Reesor Mee ens Aen: Dune Sor Cy, 000 FeseniaRen Saas Se re oboe teens aa TSE] Email Address: regions “Memorandum | Dab ROG-ADM- Desember 7 37 tonto nrinie ee Reqs ng Bins Department of Education ‘OBFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY HUMAN RESOURCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, "NATIONAL EDUCATORS ACADEMY OF THE PHILIPPINES, ‘TEACHER EDUCATION COUNCIL SECRETARIAT MEMORANDUM ‘oM-OUHROD-2022-0468 70 + Underaseretarisa Assistant Secretaries Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public Blementary and Secondary School Heads ‘All Others Concemed ron + cro bE sene100 Undersecretary for Human Resource and Organizational Development, National Educators’ Academy of the Palppines, ‘and Teacher Bducation Counc Secretariat SUBJECT :_REITBRATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RA 11032 A:35 DISSEMINATION OF MANUALS DEVELOPED BY THE ANTE-REL: - ‘TAPE AUTHORITY parE + 24 November 2022 ‘To sustain compliance with Republic Act (RA) No. 11032 or the Base of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018, the Department of Education (DepEd) through the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development ~ Organization Etfectiveness Division. (BHROD-OED) reminds. all governance units to continuously implement the following in 2022; [Tee Basis 7] Goverment | cotticial tesuances | Requicement aption, Hi ‘Seniee standards (locumentay | requirements, process slepe, processing time, ! fransaction coat, pereon responsible) slated ‘RALI082 in the Charter met be observed in tents | Soneacting with cients. DwauRop-2021-06%4 | Sten ‘us bepe teas Chret DepBa Citizen's Charter 2021 (Lat Eaton) aaa ‘88 of December 1, 2021 ‘hited aesnedeped c fatoute ' ‘Seped/citeensoharier” { (Ale 7223 5 te ed Coma ens Pe ‘epee es tostats cia eet {ethics oeeeohreonas Mette nso eos testcase ee om fast recites Sees masa tem te = sundae | Seer stenemeeeeel Se om, Fee te | Saat oe ay drat So eibie | etsen/ Chest ie th . Shee / les | Go 20 va ane Gove 02 parpunop-2001- | Sony "| pulsed nee {C059} sera Ne eee ity DepBaCosstaterils ‘Seedardied len cine Seep eos rein he Butlers cee Tal Sone SCE Wo he $880 aad foronrded bythe Dopo us Aestrce bea tcsacd Action Center (PAC) to the Regional Ofttces should he acted upon of loved within 206, 2016, {Go Goats upon scesis rote ceemeaiecee, transmis Sieg aeeese ACh to acmomindes emma Gom PANG, Sutera ‘Benue toy tnt woo misrniee ~ Goncremandspecitc acon tienen! yoaeai-a Reeution of |’ Sedbuion toesmtaechibecencemn Suplenenal dueincso | Concern * | shall be emailed Yo AAC 20 bucy can, | seauereetepeseion | isreaty | intr tne Cet ertheresiticaand | Seg Raderoo | tao tows Seeecan tage cqncernascnseay” Bile Siisene ending a Scuplcint [All nogetive odbc veered by the CET | Bete. cae ayne| Sener and | and atwarded bythe Depba PAAG to the POs Siew cate Gases | Geconact | shold be acted upon or sesclved withie 72 BieeRcetiterpy’ | Contrng’ | Rouse upon receipt of rater Soa intrimenrronter | Bayan (C60) | = Pag to acknovledge mal Tom PAAC, Bay Biedtecte ‘von jas to aay tat tas mirouted , - Beted econ token woomect the | Di 046, 2002 ported disntsncion nd prevencite | Bettye at ‘oonurrones sta af engcing i Bad ence Sominiceteecaze sual becmmed to | PRAC s they ean inform the CCB, and the (CCB may inform the elit of the ‘esolution and tag theconcer a slosed pending By implementing RA 11032 ia the Department, 1, strengthens our culture of transparency, accountability, and improved sen tue delivery; 2. prevents violations and penalties under the Law; 3. fulfils two of the four dimiensions of accountability used by the AO25 to ‘validate agency elighility for the Performance-Based Bonus: a. streamlining/ digitization initiatives under the CC reported under the Process Results criteria and , COSS rating reported under the Citizen /Clieat Satisfaction Results criteria, 4, prepares for the fallllment of the ARTA Report Caxd version 2.0. a ‘erie chen os7ae oot (abe Enea aseredocgegngh | ebbing oh : foes “ Further, thi fseuance also dasemiaats links (othe manuals developed by the An RedTage Ruthosy (Asa : i a Waa Bisset Tesogneaing naa =e = ‘Sporting in Water. | Contos nea prncge fo Goveramertaporoan | Senin and reengineering = feocelucr Seve fom pines and Governmant Systems & Procedures t Delivering Public Services Version 1.07 Jun 2021 by ARTA and the UK Dractices in businass engineering {llonfited to the public sector, Provides a walithrough of the proseet of eengineoring methodology and the tools that agencies ean use te Suppor thei rooms. o, SOT a PRT FSS ieee i {ceteonee erre Kemiion epee, | meres ope crs See ae aay | Eon gana eee mae Sere He asics eccrine pasa ven ane | aenep int ng et "henoft for eltizens aa stakenolers without causing any undue burden or ost. to thest manuals are also available in the DepEd website at dnttos://wonv.deped,zov.nh fahout-dened /eitizenscharter Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this issuance is directed. For more information, please contact the BHROD-OBD at (02} 8633-5373 or email ‘Thank you. Atzeret, ‘Basa Soa.o544 Batpanoo-z02,o1es Ee eae Neaeay2 ("apne parece gel ema ne ag ‘Stance: en tasrne ve ie ee ee Tass setecepeeri Wein ovet Renter mg Blgoas Department of Education ‘OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY PLANNING, HUMAN RESOURCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ‘MEMORANDUM DM-PHROD 2021-0165 TO : Undersecretaries Assistant Seeefarien Regional Dizectore Schools Division Superintendent® Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned Ss pet teee ‘Untkesdecretary for Planning, and Hustan Revource and Organizational Development sumer: Implementation of the Standardized CitizaCliont Satisfion. Suraey (CCSS) For inthe Deparbnent of Education DATE : Dé March 2021 To ensure continuous goverment improvement towards seamless public delivery, all ‘ovemment agencies are required to submit a report on the ecult of their client stisfaction ‘survey every fisal year (FY). Such requirement is anchored in Repablic Act (RA) No- 71082 tr the Ease of Doing Buciuss and Efficient Goverment Service Delivery Act of 2018 and Memorandum Cixcular (MC) No. 2019-002 dated August 13,2019, entitled, Guidelines on the Implementation of the Citizen's Chern Compliance fo RA 11032, In addition, steamlining of Aclivites and the establishment of a harmonized clien/citizen satisfaction survey isan ‘digibility criterion for the grant of the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) specific ia "AC No. 2120-1 issued by the Inter-Agency Task Force (AQ25 IATE) on the Harmonization #5 she ‘National Governunent Performance Monitoring, Information and Reporting System. “ounsaly an he Deprinentof Bdnion DepEd) dave ben in oar tcheve favorable atigs on let stan (CSA) sce 4019 Taos nsoprines oe Importate of ent edn esse guy oon sev ney Da Colt fom sve eng te arene wi sear eve deve a seta aeaetginpovenent nd emer ‘Tis year, to further improve the Department's ffrs in gathering feedback on ou services, the Bureaa of Human Resoorce and Organiztonal Development = Organisation Sa RREEEREenerereeeeee TEnatenseereeneeme sellin ae Sapewee ‘Etfetivaness Division (GHROD-O&D) shull implement the use of a Standardized DepEd (Citizen/Cliont Satistation Survey (CCSS) Form, In view of this all Depa units with services declared in the 2020 Citizen's Charter ace requested to use the following templates and references effective immediately: BSCHANT RE TCO Form (anes 4) 2 Onick Gude in Coting Be CS ely /Depscrssptteriats (Gome<0) 3 Sapo one COS Fan ~ Googe Farrused nthe Dep Cena ffce biely/Depeacoreedtace eater aan aa De Tit ses BATT ie DPE : ot erin eae DST au dep ght dped ineachanar ‘The prescribed survey form may be modified, given that all these conditions are adhere: 11. Survey forms should state the privacy-notice (yerbati), in observance of the Data Privacy Act of 2012. “The personal information tnctudd én this dace shal only bo used for the purposes of adminicering the survey. Any personal ‘information included herein may wot be weed for other purpossasle fran thas ted cove.” i 2. “Theclientsatisfaction rating matrix should include the parameters below. ‘A. Sepoint Likert scale withS as the highest satisfaction rating and 1 as the lowest; 1B. Rating exteria (eo defined in MC202041). ‘Bavice Ou Dimes” Desoition Responsiveness | lings top asi and povde promptservioa dnt iabitty _| Provision of what wasneeded and wht was promised, in acondancs Reliab ‘with the policy and standards, with zero toa sainimal exor rate ‘Access & ‘convenience of Ieation, ample amenities fora comfortable transaction, Fecitios and theese of cloar signage and modes of technology act of keeping citizens and businesses informed in.a language they can Communication | iy understand, as well as listening to ther feedback "Hem Rt Dab op Gee Mek Ae Pag yt {Elghone ne Ey sae | Hse aj OOt Beta nnepeoklgedgrpe | Ween weSfos cai ik nine fe ing i ana ee ‘methods of payment period, value for money, acceptable range of cost, oe and qualitative information on the coat ofeach service. assurance that there is honesty, justice, faimess, and trast in each service Ttegaty hile dealing with the clients and businesses capability of fone saif/s to pevform tes dates, productand cerice ‘Assurance | knowledge understandingclient needs, helpfulness, an good work selationshipa rate in terms of achieving outomes or realizing tie Itohaod bana oF savices Ea ‘Note that DepEd units are nly allzaed to remove a eiterion itis wot applic to the serves bing provided. 3, Survey forms should be available/ translated in the Janguage widely-used in the Tocale ofthe survey. ‘Outcome ‘nsttutionalizaion ofa CSAT mechanism in the Department willbe released separately or inquires and/or carfiation, pleese contact Mis, Rose Albo or Mr, Kean Alicante of ‘BHROD-OED at -Gov.pi using the subject line: (Name of offed)-CCSS. ‘For your appropriate and immediate action, EERIE Serserererereeeret ee Men Fag cy 0) ig Dg Grn “Tigheesites jean | Haast: CO arse nat Atte epeeereerie|Wesaredepter Reubtita ng gins Department of Education OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY HUMAN RESOURCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT a espe MEMORANDUM DaesROD fom 644 1 + Unesecraies an Atrsant Secrets Serena and Service Diecors Regional Drona clos Division Superintendents Public Hementary and Secondary School Hoads Aiton From =: waameO capnat Regina Dion Dap NCR and Ofkerchrge Otani "Buran esoues end rpaizationl Deopment SURECT —;TheDeptd Czen's Chater tt nm DATE at Decembur2an eee eee tad ata Jn compliance with Republic Act No. 11022 or the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018 and eligibility requirements for EY 2021 Bonus (PBB), the Department of Education (DepEd) submitted the ‘Gitizen's Charter 2021 ~ 1st edition tothe Anti-Red Tape Authority last December 12021. Thus, ibis reiterated that all units shall implement the service standards Aeclard St ce ‘Depéd Ciizen’s Chanter (CO) 2021 published in_hitnn//wwwdeped.gev phe. 2 2 ' sige era b. checklist requirements per type of application or request; i oiceeerernan eres £ document/s be posal by the requests & amount ofeppliabletee/asand SPE emeeer SS SS Asemphasized in ARTA MC No. 021-10, the Charter ofeach governance unit shall be posted in the following fooms: Foon ‘Description. Tocation “T Cllizen’s Charter | Interactive information ‘+ Posted atthe main entrance of Information ‘Giosks,electronichillboards, | the office or at the most billboard posters tarpaulins, ete. conspicuous place ofall the said service offices “Z, Citizen’ Charter | Aligned with Reference of | Placedat the window /counter of iandbook ‘ARTA MCNo. 2019-002 ‘each frontine office to ‘complement the information on the services indicated in the Information Billboard ‘© Offices are only required to post/ print hard copies of pages fon the Handbook related tothe service/s they offer 3. Oficial website? | CCHandbookis uploaded [+ Located at the most visible Online Posting | onthewebsite orany online | space/area of the offical website platformavailable througha | or the online platform available {ab or link specifically for the Citizen's Charter Additionally, all are reminded to record fewdbak on the services declared inthe CC using Citizen/ Client Satisfaction Mechanism, DepEd officials and personnel are enoined to provide feedback on the DeyEd C20". for consideration on the next CC edition. ‘Lastly, units with external services reported in the DepEd CC.2021 are reminded to submit « igitization Report with supporting documents (Annex C) and its endorsement by the head of office (Annex D) on or before Janitary 15,2022. Supporting documents may be in any of the following formats: narrative. with Tinks, photos/screenshots, or customer feedback recognizing the positive changes, Annex B ‘provides sample streamlining digitization reports, as submitted to the ARTA. “Theall for submissions was previously mede'in DM-HROD 2021-0242 and OMHROD-2021- 0461. Submizsions shall be made via email to, using the subject line: Name of unit-Streamlining/ Digitization Report 2021, Said documents shall be attached to the Modified Form A - Department Performance Rey ict 2021 required fo determine the agency's eligibility to one ofthe criteria for FY 2021 PBB. The Report shall be prepared by the BHROD-OED and endorsed by the DepEd Secretary t> Ue A025, ‘ ‘These RA 11032-related activities shall be conducted not only to nurture and promote ‘culture of transparency, accountability and improve service delivery. More importantly, to align and reflecton these DepEd processes and procediaresits core values of being Maia-Diyos, Makactoo, Makakalikasan at Miknbansa. Yor more information, please contact the BHROD-OED tough email at itizencharterOdapad gov ph. ‘For information na guidance, Ate ‘Annex ArT Mentos Walshop to Update the Dept COZ. ‘Anoes B Supple Suouelneg/ Dighton fone Tapes apr ek ‘Annex D: Badonment Later Stearn Digzaton Hepat ‘RRTAMCRNe S010 thea eats, BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 06 INSTITUTIONALIZING THE 2688 CITIZENS’ COMPLAINT HOTLINE AND ESTABLISHING THE 8988 CITIZENS? COMPLAINT CENTER. WHEREAS, Arte Ul, Secfon 27 of the Constitulon provides that the Siale shall ‘maintain honesty nd Integrity in the public service and shall take positve and effective ‘measures against grit and ceruption; WHEREAS, Ropublc Act (RA) No, 6486, olharwise known as the Anti-Red Tapa Act of 2007, provides tha tha Stale shall take appropriata measures (o promote tansparency in each ‘agensy with regard to the manner of Vansacting with ine publ, witn the objective of reducing red tape and expediting transactions in government; WHEREAS, Administatve Order (AO) No. 241 (5, 2008), enjoined alt agencies to stabi a puble hotline to effectively Teceive feedback and monfor customer salisfaction in ‘conformity with RA No. 9485; WHEREAS, Section 2 of AO 241 mandated agencies to Interconnect thelr current and {eur publ asitncegycteme wt ihe sovemmentuide czars hepne one the same Is ‘estabished: WHEREAS, the Civi Service Commission (CSC) collaborsted with the Hatonsl Computer Center (NCC) ofthe Depariment of Seienes and Technology (OST) lo este ish the Gonlact Center ng Bayan (CCB) Project, lo serve-as a publ feedback mechanign far the ‘Government io link th pubic and eartin frenine agencies, WHEREAS, thore is 2 noed to instullonstize a publ compainis holine involving all agencies of the goverment, and buld on esisting publo feedback mechanisms for the ‘ealzallon ofthe Governments poly to eradicate red lape and corruption; WHEREAS, Executive Order No.1 dated 30 June 2016 placed certain agencies under the supervision of the Offies of the Cabinet Secroiary (OCS) to develop programs and projects that promote social education to enable people's participation in effecting real change by ‘Keeping watch ofthe affars ofthe government, and listen to people's feedback WHEREAS, Anicle Vl, Sacton 17 of the Constiulion provides that the President shall ensure that he las ate fathuly executed; NOW, THEREFORE, |, RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE, President of the Repub of the Phipoings, by the powers vested in me by lay, do hereby order SECTION 4. Jnctitutionalization of the 8888 Citizens" Complaint Hott 5. Tae hotine ‘umber "8888" is hereby instiullonalzed as te Ciizens' Complaint Hotline number ‘THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES ‘SECTION 2, Establishment oF the 8888 Citlzons' Complaint Center. There is hereby ‘established en 8868 Citizens’ Complaint Center which shall serve ag a mechanism were ‘lizens may report their complainis and grievances on acts of rad tape, as defined under RA No, 945 and ‘other relevant faws, andlor comuption of eny national eovernment agency, ‘goveriment-cwned or -controfed corporation (GOCG) | goverament finer ination (GF), ‘end otharinsitumentaltios of the government. SECTION 3. Lea Agency. The 8888 Cilizons’ Gomplaint Center shall be under the * ‘SECTION 6. Cooperation of Other Government Agoncies. To ensure that the general publ is served efficiently and expedtiously, ail national government agenciss, GOCC&/GFla, ‘and olherinstumentaliies of the government are enjoined ta cooperate wih the OCS to peut Prompt action on the public's eoncems received through the 8688 Citzane" Complaint Gorter \ SECTION 7. Funding, The Intl funcing requirsmenls for the implementation of the ‘8888 Citizens! Complaint Center shall bo detained by the Department of Budget. and ‘Menagement, subject fo compliance wit applicable lav, rules and regulations. Appropeations {or the succeeding years shall be incorporatad In the budget proposals of the OCS and other ‘oncemed goverment agencies, offices and inetnumentallis, Implementing Rules and-Operational Guidelines. The OCS, with the sesistence of the OSAP and other concemed goverment agencies, ofltes, "and ‘nstumentaliies, shall formulate and issue rules and operations! "guidelings for the Immplementation ot this Order SECTION 8, Reports, The OCS shall submit, within six (6) months from the eectviy of this Orie report io the Prasident on the implementation hereot Thereafter, the OCS shali submit quererly ports to the Presiden, through the OSAP, ‘on the actives and accomplishments of te 8885 Citzans" Complain Gents. ‘SECTION 10, Administrative Sanctions, Without prejudice to the appropritc criminal liabitiy, fest on the part of a govemmant agenoy or employee to limely respond tone outline concerns received through the 8968 Ctzens" Complaint Center, or any olher Violas of the provisions ofthis Order, shall be a ground for administrativa sanctions under existoy ve and regulations. SECTION 11. Separability. Many provision of this Executive Orders declared lavas er Lunconstititonel, the other provisions not affected thereby shall emain vad and subsisting. ‘SECTION 12. Repeat. al issuances, orders, rues and regualions or pats thereof which Be Incoasictent wit the provisions of this Execuve Order are hereby repealed or modified _ceordingly. ‘SECTION 11. Effectivity. This Execulve Order shall take effect upon publication ia a nawepaper of general creulation, DONE, io the Gity of Mania, this Léeday of October in the year of Our Lord, Two ‘Thousand and Skea, By the Precidont: ‘SALVADOR C. MEDIALDEA Executive Secretary ane ee nora ‘CERTIFIED COPY: fete SY aH RE on HRT ation. covers PERFORMANCE NOMTORO MGOIUATION 20 RENORTNG SYSTEMS Sensbane Sears wea) (MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2021-2 ctober 25, 2024 + ALL HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS, BUREAUS, OFFICES AND OTHER AGENCIES OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT, | INCLUDING CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS, “CONGRESS, THE JUDICIARY, ‘OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN, STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES, GOVERNMENT-OWNED OR-CONTROLLED CORPORATIONS, LOCAL WATER DISTRICTS, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS ‘SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDELINES ON THE GRANT OF THE PERFORMANCE BASED BONUS (PBB) FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2021 UNDER EXECUTIVE ‘ORDER NO, 80, 8, 2012 AND EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 201, 5. 2016 10 PURPOSE “The Administrative Orde (AO) No. 25 inter Agency Task Fores on he Harmonization cf National Govertenent Performance Monitatng,nfrmatian and Reportng Syne (R025 ATF has soued Memorandum Creuar (MIG) No, 2021-4 (Guidelines = cho Grant of the PertrmencerBased Barus for he Fiscal Year 2021 under Exec ve Order No, 80s 2072 and Execulve Order No. 204.2076) cated June 3,202 ‘Consistent with MC No, 2021-4, the Department ofthe interior and Local Government (DILG), Local Water tities Administration (LOYUA), andthe Governance Commission for Govemment-Owned or-Cortrlled Corporations (GCG) shall seue separate {guidelines for the grant af the FY 2024 Petformance-Based Bonus (PEE) for local Government units (LGUs), local water districts (LINDSs), and govermentowned or ‘ontrlied corporations (GOCCs), respectively ‘The Supplemontal Guidelines shall provide clarfeations end aditionat information on the requirements provided in MC No. 2024-1. CLARIFICATIONS ON THE FY 2021 PBB TARGETS AS STATED IN SECTION 4.0 For FY 2021, agencies must submit evidence of accomplishments of the enters and conditions provided in Section 4.0 ~ Performance Resuls, Process Results, Fir2-cial Results, and ClizeniClient Satisfaction Racufs. Agencies ara encouraged to fluke in their submission all explenations and justficalons for deficiencies arviicton- achievement of targets. o -F ~ Ne ‘The folowing requirements shall be allained by the agencies in compliance with the FY 2021 PBB criteria and conaltons: 24 Performance Results. Agencies must ensure the uplasding of the quaresly Budget and Financial Accountablily Reports (BFARs) on the Deperiment of Budget and Management-Uniied Reporting System (OBRLURS). in a letely ‘manner within thity (30) days after tne end of each quarter. The quarterly BFARS shall be used in the assessment of the FY 2021 Performance Resuls ‘accomplishments ofthe agencies. For deficiencies or norvatizinment of FY 2021 targets, jstlicetions must be: Submitted together withthe 4 quarter BFAR to the DBM thity (20) daye alter the end of the 4% quater of FY 202%, 22 Process Results. For the assessment of accomplishments under Process Results, agencies may submit to the AO25 Secretariat evidence endfor documentation of ease of transacion through one or a combination of the Jollowing: 22.1 For Departments/Agencies: 2. Report objectively verifiable evidence of achievernents in ease of doing business or ease of transection for frontine ‘semvices ‘covering ell gavermmentto-citizens, governmentie-business, and governmentio-government transactions using Form A. as ‘rovided in Annex 3 of MC No. 2021-1, The report should highlight the tanga inovaments tom the Viewpoint ofthe (aeacing Buble in terms of access, turnaround me, transaction costs, Socumentary and other requirements, Report on the cigitization iniiaves or digital transform= of ‘tonite end non-rontine services through the development of Slectrone or onfine andlor paperless applicalion systsins, Payment systems, new service daivery channe's, contasiess transactions, and other process improvements using inforration {echnology. The report should highlight the tangible resuits of dgitzatian in terms of ease af doing business or case Of transaction rom the point of View of the transacting puble © Standard operating procedures, manual or documentation of serie deer cer fon nd orton ers of the agency, including those implemented at the Regional, ‘Sota, and Extension Oifices. The report shoud bighight the fangibie results of standardization of the frontine and non ronting ‘Services in assuring ease of transaction and doing business with the agency. Valid JSO QMS certiiation or equivalent certification of franitine ‘and nonfonline services of the agency. as of 31 December 2021. The-certfcate must incicate the scope of certification. 23 24 22.2 For State Universities and Colleges (SUCS): 2. Valid 150 QMS certification or equivalant certication ofdrontine and non-tontine sarvices ofthe SUC, as of 31 December 2021, ‘The certificate must indicate the scope of certication. b. Standard operating procedures, manual ar documentation ot ‘service dativery standards for frontine and nonrontine 67/4203 Qf the anency, includiog those impiemanted at the Regional, ule of standardization ofthe franline and norfrentine. services in assixing ease of transaction and doing business wif the agency. Financial Results, Same as the Performance Resuls, the agencies must ‘ensure the uploading of tie quarterly Budget and Financial Accountabtity Reports (BFARs) on the DBM-URS, in a imaly manner within tity (30) days after the end of each quarter, ‘The submitted FY 2021 Financial Accountabilly Reports (FAR) No.1 Statement &f Appropriations, Allotments, Obiigafions, Disbursements, and Salences or ‘SAAQDB shall be the basis in detormining the FY 2021 budget ulilzaion tate (EUR) accomplishment of agencies. As mentioned in WC Ho, 2021-7, the ‘equlrement for the FY 2021 Financial Results Is the total Disbursements BUR of ‘agencies, The total Disbursements net of transfers tothe Procurement Service (PS), Philiopine International Tracing ‘Corporation. (PIFC). and eter Implerrenting agencies which have not been delivered. Seo Saction 4.9 of MG ‘No, 2024-1 for reference of the computation. a Further, reiteration on the ether BUR requirements under Financial Resuits as Prescribed in Section 4.3 pertaining to the BUR for GOCCs, agencies ith kind transfers, end the BUR for SUC including the Earmarked Income, Gitizen/Cllant Satisfaction Results. Agencies shall submit fo. the AO2S ‘Secretariat the results ofthe FY 2021 GtizeniCliont Satsfacion Survey (CCS) ‘and may provide evidence on the resolution of reported complaints ftom Hoting, 19688 and Contact Center ng Bayan (CCB) received in FY 2021. 2.4.1 FY 2024 cess: ‘Agency reports on the CCS should folow the prescribed requirements and {ating Scale as stated in Annex 4 of MC Na, 2021-1 Guide in Condcziing the COSS. The report should Include a description of tne methods and ‘ating Scale used in determining the FY 2021 Overall Saisfacton Score for is services, ‘The agencies shal roport the overall agency rating inthe service quaity mensions and overst agency clizeniclint satisfaction ecore for the reported services, LWDs and GOGCs cévered by RANo, 10149 ehallreport the sulla thelr ECSS of feedback mechanism based on the standard methodology and certesponding questionnaire prescribed by LWUA and GCG. 242 Resolution of Reported Complaints fram Hotline #8988 and CCB: a. Iq consideration to. its first yaar of implementation, the ‘equitements under this target shal only cover the resolution rato ‘of agencies to the complaints received trom Hotline #8508 and CCB in FY 2021. Agencies may submit reports, evidence, andlor documentation summarizing the Holine #6868 and CCB ‘complaints received in FY 2027 and thelr talus i resdlved ot poncing, a2 complemented in the data gathered ‘fom Hotine ‘#8088, CCB databases, and the morthly reporte provided by the fica ofthe President and the Civil Service Commision to all agencies, Reported complaints and grievances shall cover government Service and procedures of the agencies, acts of ted tape, ‘corupion, andlor other interferances to public service dalusry By ‘ny government aganey, individuals, or inatrumentaities, © To determine the resolution and compliance rales to Hotline #98688 and CCB complaints, agencies may refer tothe folowing. ZO NEES Tue pereaniags of Uekots acted upon OF closed licete by a goverment opency ‘cocinst the tla number of encorsed {'the Holine #9689 ‘Cilzer'a ‘Complaint "Center (CO) without ‘conskoration of the 72-hour pened to Heke action 3s proscribed in Executive Order (£0) No, 68.2016, | ‘Negative feacbeck on ~ gousrnieat services, processes, and ‘procedures lodged thrauah the CCB are considered ‘eaaived ater the agency hes responded {othe reforaland provided detaed action facen to comet the Toporled| dssatisfacion “and prevent ‘ts to- tha panieiarconcom cannat be acted ‘yan, the apency ‘has to provide en ‘explanation “esto why t cannot be /adaroased, The negaivefeedbact wil be conedered resolved upon receipt ofthe ‘eplylerplanation fom tne agency. Inthe complaint votes an adainistive case, the CB. wit sll forard. the ‘epsive feedback 10 tna agency and wil request an update on the ictus of the cana, Upon recept ofthe reply. the COS wal lnform the customer of th feedback. from the agency and wil conser the ‘ekat resold. EEE ‘The percentage of (ikets ‘acted pon or Closed “tckele by a [govemmant agency fvihin the 72nour Patou to take seton, a5 umber of nse owe cea 2 pater “TrataatrgSrs Gavs Cot etn n engh 89iaCop Cor oe For Hotine #6809, a concrete and space action shal rater tothe ‘actual and factual action to the complaint. It must be within the mandate of the agency and a clear. speci, and relevant Fesponse to the concarn of the callr, AS much ‘asthe Grcumstances permit, the caller shall be given advies on the Cofteete and spectic action taken or feedback onthe status ofthe ‘concern units resolution, and ine agency shal taform (32 #8888 (CCC, throuah their respective #8668 Agency Portals, of he ation faken on fe complaint, concern, of request. The #8882 CC. requires proof of conersio and spdcific action taken and proof of ‘communication to the eae. 4d. The requirernents under the CkizenfClient Satisfaction Results shall be scored following this modified rating scale: SSE TT 3.0. CLARIFICATIONS ON THE AGENCY ACCOUNTASILITIES AS STATED IN SECTION 5.0. Provided in Section 6.0 of MC No. 2021-1, agencies shall institutionalize cor, “ance te oxistng government-mandated laws ard standards, and the requirements. der Agency Accountabilies. The Performance Management Team of the eyency shall Continue to implement, monitor. and enlorce compliance with these requirements within their agencies and shal rectly coport or submit to the vaidatingfoversight agencies, 21 Undertaking of Early Procurement Activities (EPA). As stated in Section 3.0 of the Guldaines in the Conduct of Early Procurement. Aciviles as. a eauitement for the Grant of the PBB? o be eligible for he PAB, the Procating Erie that receive budgetary suppor trom the Nations! Govemment based on the Notional Expenditute Program are required to successfully undertake EPA {or at least 50% of the valu of ie Eigble Procurement Projects (EPP). Procuring Entities shall submit an EPA Certification under Oath fo the GPS: SO on or before 31 January of the fiscal year” through emell: sactyprocurement@apgb govch, See Supplemental Annexes A, AY, and Az. For reference to the deadiine of submissions, agencies shall refer to the A: Accountability Timelines document provided by the AOZS Secretariat following the Iguange oF MG, No, 2021-1 hgtnckes may dso, drecty coornaie fe \valdatingfoversight agencies should there be any clarfiallons or separate guides pertaining to the FY 2021 requirements under tvs section. +o iat fa Cnt Ey nce Aen fara te Ct bbe Pann est Bais sr ‘te oven Prernon Peas Tasv Sasa Oa OONE a 40 EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE ‘This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately ‘Cerifod tue copies shall be posted an the RBPMS website and the Official Gazette, and shall be filed at the University ofthe Philippines Law Center. Tal IARIE L-CANDA ‘Oficarn-Charge Department of Budget and Management Agency Accountability Timolines For refersnce, agencies should cbserve the tmetines and comply withthe following requirements under Section 5.0: Agency Accounlabiles of Memorandum Circular (MC) 2021-1 aie ans ‘SUBMR Covitosle of Complance that the agency conducted Early Procurement Actiites for atleast 50% ofthe Total Value ‘31 January ofthe | ofthe FY 2022 Procurement Projects to the GPPB-TSO, GPPB-TSO Note: Early Procurement Activities shoud be concictod in FY 2024 areh 37,201 APP-aon CSE lo GPPB aan ane ‘Submit Results of the APCPI systam for FY 2020 Procurement 2 Transactions to GPPB-TSO. “Submit the F¥ 2022 APP-OSE thi the PRIGEPS Vitvel Store. | Posting of indicative FY 2022 APPonon CSE tithe agency | “eansparency Seal webpage, “ ‘MointainUpdsto the agency Tranaparensy Seal TS) onder Secon 96 of the Genoral Provens ofthe FY 2021 General Oxtober 01.2021 | ppproprtions Act (GAR). The TS page shouldbe accesso by clckng the TS log onthe home page. Sotup Tis mest cron and pasted Clizaws or Santee Charter, rolling the ageney’s Improved and steaminedre-| tenginaered system and procedure ora is ovemmen! Sendces {ocitzons hsinesses, and govemmen agencies, December 04, 2021 Departnenzlagrcies shal submit the respective Cortcaes ‘of Complince {CaC) tothe AntsRed Tapo Autorly (ARTA) al ‘compliance la. cov phon o- before December 08,2021 HT 180 GM Cortiication or eaveien ~ caticatentecarteation mustbe vidas (December 3t, | 54 provided a inf GaNc December 3t,2021 ‘guide 908 on the Inay oF enitste) vatiscion ofthe requitement forthe Process Resuscterion forthe grant ofthe | Seaton. EY 2021 Performance-Based Bonus (PBB). | Sustained Compliance wi Audit Findings Fully imploment 30% ofthe rior years’ audit recommendations 2s shown in the Report on Stalus of implementation of Prior December 31,2021 | Years! Recommendations. These recommendations wal exclude | COA the Propory, Plant, and Equigmont (PPE}relates ems of the ‘Anqual Audl Report (AAR), Au findings Closed slace FY 2018 ‘should algo not tecur, The abjeaive isto improve the agency's be anusry 29, 2022 ciober 1, 2021 January 29,2022 ‘Notes: eras ‘Agency Internal contel processes, enhance oparalonal effectivendés, ‘2nd otinste resolve and remedy most, IFnot all ofthe agency ‘aus fasdings, by the end of 2021 Fs Update al procurement requirements (or Wanssolons aboieT milion from January 1, 2021 to Deeariber34, 2024 fa the PRIGEPS, aoe Post the ageney= poley an tha Establchmentand Conduct of the Agency Review and Compliance of SALN Inthe agency ‘Transparency Seal foc FY 2021, Ese St th io Fredo oF atom POH Poa requirements te PCOO: a Upisied Pepe: FOL manual a », FOL reports: Agency Information Inventory, 2021 FO} Regisiy, and 2021 FOI Summary Report & Mosifod One-page FO! Manual 4, Sereenshat of agency/s home pape ee {AS provided in MG No. 20211, wile tn above conttions aro no longer reared it delerminig the eyerat PO tptily of agencies, conotance with itso candions shat be tend aa tho basis defame city of ‘espansibie units and cviuals. Agencies should cube boa lngalcetements dec te overstate Soares ‘Tho overciahtvaldsing oponcles have te authority to mediy thet Agencies shoot dec contar tha ovesighvvaling agencies 0 lhe above: ‘pdoes and concerns. cuirements and totes as necessary. -meniioned Agerey Accounabitie ir ogee : 7 ~ ne? Annex “A” (GUIDELINES IN THE CONDUCT OF EARLY PROCUREMENT ACTIVITIES AS A. "REQUIRENENT FOR THE GRANT OF THE PERFORMANCE-BASED CONUS (GUIDE 10 Objective ‘This Guidelines Is being issued in view of tho caguiement to conduct atiy Procurement Aeivites (EPA) for purposes of the grant of Performance-Bised Bom eae 20 Detintion [EPA refers to the conduct of procuremant activites from tha posting af opportuni. Fequied, unl recommendation ofthe bids and Awards Commitee (BAC) to the Head ‘of the Procuring Enfly (HOPE) to avard the coniewck pending aporoval of tre funcly source? The rues for tha conduct of EPA is governed by Governmant PrOCUTemMen Polley Board (GPS) Creular No. 06-2019" 3.0. EPA ae PBB Requirement Procurng Enlles (PEs thst mould ke lo be efexe fo he grant of PBB aro requiros lo successfully undertake EPA fr at east fly percent (50%) ofthe value ofits ergibte rocurement Projects (EPPs) pursuant to Admitustative Ordo (AO) No. 29 Ine ‘Agency Task Foreo (ATF) Memorandum Grcula (MG) No. 2020-1 4.0 Compliance Requirements 4.1 The conduct of EPA is vequied for PEs receiving budgotary support from the "National Governinent based an the Nationat Expenditure Program (NEP). 4:2 PES are required to undertake EPA for at toast fity percent (50%) ofthe vak:o ‘or amaunt of EPPs included in its tndieative Annual Procurement Plan (APP Upon the issuance of the NEP." 43 EPPs shal reler o Goods, Infastuctuye Projects, and Consulting Servides feflcte in the PEs indica APP based on the NEP to be undertaken through Compelive Bidding end ARemative Mathars of Procurement under Reputio Act (RA) No, 9184 ond its revised Implementing Rules and Reguaions (RR), ‘except forthe folowing ‘a. Repeat Owes (Seation 51: ‘Shopping (Section 52) (© Nagoisted Procurement ~ Emergency Cases (Section 63.2 Se Serf nae ry aa SNES i a ea 1 es Secon el Gourmet rota Pele Boe (S508) Chey 001 Ee {Estos on aparece of ary Beccahen Seiten (OA) Soe ty 209 {tesromene ebm hence FE oregsette maaan” © 2 nee e aatty o a SEER Se feragaee ee Pere ew mr nan odes | nn A sat Peed mn ager Tnseorncy San puri © Dane ot Bip) > Lyitonnet Crt ater 868 anes ny 308" slncane i peracomcs See CERS, ‘For wanes Cle a. 202-1 ore Glos anata ne Perms Sand Sens (OB) th ‘uc You snes xecoe OeerNa = ty smb sade Corbet 3 we Net Annex"a” 4d, Negotiated Procurement ~ Take Over of Contracts (Section 53.3) and .e. Nogaliaed Procurement ~ Small Vatye Procurement (Section 63.9) In odelion to th above exceptons, procurement of Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (CSE) shall be excluded in the EPA requiremort since PES are mandated (© drecly procure CSEs ‘com iho Dopartment of Budget and Managemenl- Procurement Service (DBN-P8) 4,4. All PEs shall submit an EPA Certification under Oath to the GPPB-Technical ‘Suppor Office (150), ae the ease may be, thus: ‘sta ~ “Bekéiiation ~~ ‘Suecaeataly |The PE hse Gaaarran ERA undertaken’ — | and recommended for award Stead! atleast ty parm |Foriota hn Anox"A.1 (60%) of the total amount of the EPPs, ‘Wot sieestetay | The PE has undariaten EPA, undertaken | however, only less than ity ‘ercent ($0%) of tho value of Eps were fecommendiad for award of contrac Wot andaiiaken |The PEGs nal onder EPA despite the existence of EPPS. Wot overed_by| The BE hae no EPPE for a] te 'EPA| conduct of EPA aa requ for fecurement | the gent of PBB, ‘Geist SF ecopton from EPA (Tempato tn Annex "4-2 4.5 Tho fity percent (60%) complianco requirement forthe conduct of EPA sha be ‘computed using this formula: [ Amouni* of Succosstil EPA projectel# oe ———— | x10 = Successful “Total Amount of EPPS! EPA projects 4 The EPA Ceriication under Oath shall be submited to the GPPB-TSO on or before 21% of January of tho fiscal year through olacienis mail (e-mat Given the finited mobiy and in considers? ‘of heath and safely prolocols boing implemented lo avald tho lsnemias: of Corona Vius Disease 2018, submissions in printod copy shal nol be acoey 3 in case the deadine fals on a woskend or 2 regular or special holiday, Se ‘deadline shall be on the next business day. "BELG sod te te center rucuenat et Comoe Sgr er Govarient ol io Pshopmod in siete me Cee ace re ap 47 48 L “ Annex PEs wil recolve an aulo-actnowledgoment receipt from the GPPE-TSO west ‘receipt of the EPA Ceriicalon under Oath sent trough exmal, Nolo Ut this ‘acknontedament receipt shall be the ony acceptable proof of subimission. “The GPPB-TSO shall consider PES compart with the EPA requirement forthe ‘rant of PBB if the submited Certfcation complies with the flowing: 1 Used the prescibed and oppicable template for EPA Certitoation under at ‘> Shows that the PE hes ethor successtuly undertaken EPA for ot least ly Percent (50%) ofthe total amount of EPPs or has no EPs for he.conduct of EPA. bn case of falure lo conduct atleast fly percent (60%) of the loa! ‘amount of EPPS, the provision in lem 4.8 shall apa, ‘©. Bears the approval ofthe HOPE and ie duly noted and 4. Submitiod win the daadine, PEs with EPPs wich are not able ta comply with the EPA requtement must provida a valid roason oF justiicaton Inthe Instives (og. PRR) Centers (e.g, FOC) . Aaticulual Crit Policy Couned (fee tthe Execuve Deter Dison Office ofthe Director “Techical and Support Senieas Gontars Regional Uns Bureau of Fisnories and Aquatic Resources Nalfona Fishotles Resesrch ond Paveloament ase Offco ofthe Execute Direcir* Britons pores L (Nationa Meat inspection Servis 1 Pritppine Garsbeo Genter 2. Prippine. Center for Post Harvest © Gaebler nna oachrteton Philippine Couns fo Agioutire ‘and Fieharoe {. Phtippine Fiber Inaustry evelopment Authory Gaparinant af Saag end tiandgeman | "2. Office ofthe Secretary Proper) . Government Procurement Paley Board Technical Support Offes 2, Procurement Service Department of Edueaton ~~ "2 Ofc ofthe Seeretary (Proper) bs. Barly Chtehood Development Center ©. National Bok Development Beard 1 Offa ofthe Executive Director! Cantal Olfee Discos ‘+ Regionel Centers fica ofthe Exacutve Director ‘Cenival Oce Division © Centers : ‘+ Offica of the Decor Batons + Offlee ofthe Director 2 Obsions = Offee ofthe Execute Ovrectar* Geni Offee Divisions |__=_Rovna Ofer ‘5 Office ofthe Secreto Bureaus = Senfoss Regional Ofioes Offca of te Executive Director > Divsions © Office otine Exscutive Doctor” 1 Olfce ofthe Secreta” tncluing ary Grado Gare 0 Sores Sorveos FRoclonal ffeos. ‘Senodls Division Offices ‘Schools and Leaeing Centrs™ ‘National Educators Acadomy of ho Priipoines © National Counct for Critsron's Telewsion co of tha Execute Director = Sisters Weebl 4. National Gouna for Crs's ‘olovisin (identifi 93 DU ofthe Oca ofthe Secretory Proper), Nationa Nsom {Philopine High School forthe Arts [3 Baparnantareneay™ Ss ae arto Pepe ‘2. Ofc ofthe Secretary (Prepen) Environments anagemont eureau Mines ond Go0-Scieness Buroau National Mapping and Resource Information Autholy ‘National Weler Resources Board Palawan Counc for Susianable Development Sta! ‘Beparieator "2. Oc cf the Secretary (Proper) Ofco ofthe Director stone ites ofthe Doctor Basis and arts Eicon |_ >. Sta eistons._ + Offe of he Secretar dnc trvesinen Promele Stt Consumer Wetre sr Premoton Sat Pubes Sat ond reat ‘esl Onion Serdoor Suroous Senorita Ofegs Offce ofthe Secretary" Buresoe. ‘offeo of the Brector™ Cental Offce Divisione Regional offeos fee ofthe Dkector* ‘Genial Offs Divisions Regional Offces ‘ffco ofthe Adminiatr® Branches Office of the Exocutve Drceor* Divstone Office af he Chatman" (ntvaing Die ef he Exeaytve Doctor) Divstors gilegt ne Seeetany ‘Ste Sop shop Conior 5 Baraat Gaston ‘e, Buroaut Internal Revere 1, Bureau of Laeat Government Finance 2. Gureau ofthe Treasury t. Cental Board of Ascossinent Appeals 9. Insurance Commission |b. Natlonal Tax Research Center 1. Pevalzalen and Management OWtee 4k Secures and Exchenge, Commission 3 Sondoos + Oneae busin) ‘Sonvcas Revenue Data Contos Semis 1 Reglonstomoes Pree Severe 3 Repost onces + once orme oar Distt Offs Branches Sociral Offces Departments Exionson Offoes ‘BH as Caminita + Offee ofthe Commissianr (ietucing Performence Evaluation > Revenoe Regional Ofeos ‘= Offic of ne Execute Directs” 1+ Office ofthe Treasurer ofthe 2 Offices ofthe Hearing Offers '© Office ofthe Commissionar ‘+ Office ofthe Executive Director feo of he Executive Dkector” Sevices Otte oF ne Chairperson” “T Dapartrent of aga tars (ce ofthe Secretary B. Technical Cooperation Counc of Ihe Phigpines 6. UNESCO Natlenal omnmission of the Phitppines| Embassies > Consulate Gonorat Diplomate Mission * geareceey Coen ence saehaee Pratppines,. (Conmnssion ofthe Phippines) Technical and Support caees Poopaot22 | a eran Sorts rains] | Wi Deparment orfiearm ~~~" ‘Office ofthe Secretary (Proper) 2.41 DOH-supenised Heath Foeitos », National Natriton Counc ©. Phippine Natonat AIDS Counc Hoops (ctuding Special Hospiats, Mecieal Contrs, anc “Treatment and Rehatittion Gantors) feo ofthe Executive Deector Gontral Otte Divisions ‘Regione! Moition Offices ‘Ofce ofthe Executive Director Bin "iE Depainant of Human Sallamonis ad ‘Ursan Developer ‘Human SeltomentsAafuceation Commission 48. Deparinent of intoaton aad] ‘Communiealons Tecmeogy "2. lic ofthe Secretary (Proper) . Cyderetine Investigation an Coordinaion Cantor ‘6. National Privacy Gomession |, Matons! Telecommunicafons Commission 5 Ragional Adj _Brenenee ‘Giice of ha Secreta BurecusiSeviessiotices Regional Ofces Offeo of tho Executive Gomnissionar™ Senices iealon Branches. _ Office ofthe Secrotan” ficuding GIO Gorps, Legislative Larson Regional Offices fe ofthe Executive Dtector™ Tintutg tt Legal Dison) ‘Toenaical and Stat Offices ‘tfce ofthe Commissioner (ieetcing Otic ofthe Director) ‘Technical and Stat Offecs tice of Cormmisionar* (including Comission Secrotari, ‘Sorvces Division, ard Radio Spectrum Planning Division. ‘oer Dean AG Sl Leal ‘Government 1 Ofc of the Secretary (Proper) b, Bureau of Fre Pretacion Bugeau of Jal Management and Ponotogy 4, Local Government Academy 12. National Commission on Must Frpines (National Police Commission 8. Notional Youth Cormission |. Prutppines Commision an ‘Women 1 Phillpina Natonal Police |. Phippne Public Sally Colege Bapatimant ot asics” ~~ "a fie ola Secretary Office ofthe Secrotary* Technical and Suppor Socvices Bureaus 1 Rogional otfces + Qi of the Cie orn Fre ures ‘Technical and Suppart Senices 1 Raglonal Fire Stators 1+ Office of ne Chit ofthe Jat Bureau* 2 Birocioraes JT by Fogion 1 Ofte one Directors > Divisions 1» Offa ofthe Ghakenan’ © Offee ortne Drector” > Bureaus ‘+ fog ofthe Commissioner 3 Sut sonees 1 Regional Offices © Otfee of the Chatman gnciveing Ole ofthe Executive Directo Dione 12 Office af he Executive Director” Divisions # Offeo ofthe chic PNE = Drsctorata Suppor Units 1 Refjonal Police Operations: 15 Olfice ofthe President” Functional Groupe > Insiuies eatery 2 Soles = Office of the Secretary~ Techies! and Support Services Gly Prosecutors omtcos ‘> Regional Prosecuion Ofces , Bureau of Carections = Offa of tte Dketor General” Directorates ‘2 Prison and Penal Fars Bureau of mageation 1* Offceof te Commissioner (Getiding bard of Specs Inge) Cental tice Bisons ; + AipowSub port Ofeos, 1. Lane Registration Autos ce of me administers Seen eeneeae Technical and Suppo Services > Rosionat Offece ‘= Dice of ie Orecor* 2 Senicos = Regional Omfcos ‘e. Nalfonat Bureau of Investigation (Office of he Government = Office ofthe Government Corporate Corporate Counsel Counsel” = Adiinistrative Vit Seca Teams: 8, Oca ofthe Soletor Gonarat {© Office of no Sotetor General” Legal Dieione Supper Senvces fico of he Adeisestoct Genial Office Divisions Regional Oftees ‘Parole and Probation ‘Adrinstation |. President! Commission on Good | = Offca of he Commissioner” Government 1 Teetnical and Suppart Services |i Pubke Attorney's Offca, ‘= Office of the Chet Pubic Atorney* 3 Sonces 7 1 Regione ottces eeteuuee Dit Ofcos oe 76. Department of Labor and Employment ‘8. Ofea of he Secretary (Prope |» Oiicof the Secretary" > Services + Bureaus Rogional Offices Phitppines Oversees Lobor Otfices, by Institute for Labor Studies 1 Otce ofthe Executive Director" = Divisions “Natoea concn ane” “~ i: Nediaton Board 1 Contal otice Drvisions 1 Regional Concliaion Medlin Branches 4 Nafone Labor Relais ome othe cnatmant Commisson Sic of ne Exesuve lok of Coat Sout bison Jona tiraton Boban + Sti-Rogtonal Abiraon Bosasbranches ‘@ National Mariime Polytechnic 1 Qtfepof me Executive Dieter” atonal Wages ansProdsetviy | ¢ Ofles ofthe Exousive Decor © Sonn ae Genel fice Siratone inet ipa Wages ano Provost Boorse Oca of he Aceiniasor ‘Technical and Stal Offeos Regional Welfare Oficee Foreign Posis 9 Qvorseas Workers Wotare Aemiesteation 1h. Phippine Overseas Empioymem | + Ola ofthe Adminisistr* ‘Adeunisraon | Branches {+ Teenateat ane stat omicos |. Professional Reguiston {+ Offee of he Commissioner” ‘Coramission > Sovieos Otis See eet kension Unie "Tr Depariiantal NatGAaiDetense oe {2 DNO Proper (Ofie a ha ‘© Offca ofthe Secroany™ Sexctay) 2 Support Sarvcas b, Armed Forces of he Ptitpines ert Ftc he Otica of the Commanding General® Cermance 2 Phitpgie Air Force Ofc ofthe Commanding Gener Carmancs 3 Phifopine Navy = OMtce ofthe Flag Otc in Gorman" + Commanes Offes of he Chie of Stam Commands ba General Headquarters agen et20 ame ° vermont sana National Defense Catege ofthe Phifppines , Offea of vk Defense Phiippine Volerans Aa Offes (Prope ‘Veterans Meme Medical Center Giise aie Greer Dhisions = Otfce ofthe Drectort > Divisens Often of he Administrator” Services Operation center 1 Rogional Offees 1+ Ofte ofthe Aas 2 Senteas Office. of mo Bieter = Medeat Service ‘3 Adiipistrive and Suppo Divsions 76: Deparment of Pubic Werke and ~~ Highways ‘ties af ne Secretary Bureaus Serco Regional Offces ‘_Unbee Project Management Oreo TO Dapariaent of Scone end Tesla” ‘Oes ofthe Secretary Advanced Science and “Feehmologyinsttuta ‘Food and futon Research Inet Forest Products Research and Development insti {ecstial Technology ‘Bovetopment state Metals industy Resear an Development Center 1. National Acadamy of Senco and ‘Teehnology ‘Noonal Rasaarch Counc of he Philipines : i I ‘ i ‘ i i (fee ofthe Director” 2 Bivsions co of he Directar* > DWsions fico of he Director Gaisons, (Oton of the Diver” Divions Comce of te Executive Ditocto* Bivcione ‘© Office af tne Executive Divecoe™ Divisions Office ofthe Executive Director Sisto 1. Philloping Aimosphere, ‘Geophysical and Aeronorica iippine Councl for agicuture, ‘Aquatic and Natural Resources Resparch ard Development i Phiippine Council for Hoan ‘Rosuareh and Development hippie Counc fr indusey, Energy and Emerging Teetaoay Research and Development im. Philippine iettue of Veleantoay ‘ne Seletoay ‘8. Phlipeine Nucleor Roseareh Insti, ‘0, Phippine Science High Schoo! 2. Philppin Texte Resoarc Institute 4. Sconce Edueaton inette . Sdionce and Technology Tevormation Instat ‘8, Technoogy Apiiation ond Pes tu "5 Bapariment of Solel Wella and 4 Otfee ofthe Administrator: 2 Ousions 1+ Office of tne Execulve Director” + Diusione = Office of he Executhe Directo” 3 Divsons Offs ofthe Executive Director” Dison = Office of ne Dect 2 Ohislons Office of the Director Dkisons ‘+ Office ofthe Execuiive Drectr® (elucing Tectineal and Sia Dyicione) = Campuses ‘= Offs ofthe Dect + Divisions ‘= Offic of tne Dstort Divisions 1 Office of the Director" + Divsions ‘Office ofthe Director” DBiveone ce of ne Seca Seve Streoss Regional Offces Oifca ofthe Executive Okertor Dison, ape st20 me : ~ v Ela County Aan Baar 7 Sagara oie a] 4. Juvesite Justice and Welore ge ofthe Execuve Diactor ‘ceva Divisions, National Coun on Disablty ‘5 Office ofthe Executive Director ‘Airs 3 Divisions Seatt i Beparimant of Fouram "2. Olies of tha Secretary Qs atte Sorta 2 Seniess + Realonal Offces Foreign Field Ofices 1, tnlramuros Administatn ‘+ Offgo of tne némiitrator” 2 bivsons 6 Natlonat Parks Development ‘Office of the Executive Oxector™ |. Commitee a eae ‘BE Dapartmont of teeda and Wesey fa. Office of he Secretary ‘+ Olfce ofthe Secrotay™ > Bureaus 2 Sonicee + Rogional Oftcos b, Board of vestments ‘© Ofte of ro Goveenor™ o Seniees 1 Congvuoton ndusty Autry of | + Ofea ofthe Execuve Director the Phppince| > Bord = Foundation 4. Cooperaive Development Autrey 2. Design Genter ofthe Phippines J Intetectsa Property Ole 8. Phippine Trade Trang Center Ofc of tha Chaiemant {lecting the Ofc ofthe Executive Dirt, Piennig Dison, Finance Divlon, and Adnistative Division) ‘Departments Exionston Office Offce of the Executive Direcor* Divstons 7 tfc of Director Generel? Bureaus, Series Otfce othe Executive Director” Dnisons Ofc of he Executive Directo Paneaot20 acid Eaaeaion and Saw | Stace and Sia Ota Develooment Authosty 3 soness Ssegette ana} 2 Rison Of a 8 Sapatinanl PT RNAI Pa eso the Seceary ‘fice of the Secrotany* Serves bor-anr DOT-CARAGA aa ran io" | & Conta Offeo Divisions .41Land Transportation Of ae 22 Land Transpotation + Conta of6c0 Dvisions Rincing and Ropiaioy | + Raploal renchang and Reguatory Boars bttoee . Ci Aeronautics Board 1 iegofte execute Oretar « a “© Ofc of he Administrator” Mastin Induct Athy enor 2 Regional fee F Ofte (25. STEWO) 4 Oftes of Tanepoaton + Ofc of the Boar Crauman Eeoperates Uicvcng toe of te Excute Sheen + Shona ©. Oiicefor Transportation Securty | «OMe ofte Aominstater 2 Sences Piping Coos + eCG He siping Coast Gust £ oSteasaten 3 Tol Regustoy Booed + Oo of te Board of eto! Xinelicing Oca ofthe Executive Brecon Dhistne Otfco of he Secotary* ‘Stas (Bureaus and Services) Redlona! Ottess ‘Secretatists (9. LEDAC ‘Socteloriat snd PFMITF Secretariat) . Commission on Population and | © Offes of the Executive Director Development (nelacng ntenal Aut Unt) ‘© Genta Stice Divisions Regional Population Otese age ze20| ‘anor ‘2. Philippine Natonai Volhtosr Sanice Geotdinating Agency 4, Public Private Partnership Canter ‘ofthe Phipps Phiippine Satstcat Research ‘and Fraling insite Philippine States Authorty 3. Tanf Commission Prat Otfece ‘2. Presidential Commuricalions ‘Operations Oise (Proper) ‘Buroay of Broadcast Sonices ‘Bureau of Communications Senices 1. National Printing Oca News and Information Bureau {,.Phitppineitormation Agency roskenfal Broadcast Stoll ‘Radio Telviion Mataraniang (RT CraaDA Operators | Office ofthe Director Bhisions ‘Offea of the Exocutve Director {encucing Corporate Planing and Bavelopment Division) Serviees ‘Offop of the Executive Diactor* Dhisons (tes ofthe National Statin” Savices Regional Stalsteal OMces ‘Office ofthe Chatman? * (fnccng Ores atthe Sarvice Birectors) + Bhisions _. Meal Research ana Development Stat Offices (¢.9. FOLPMO) Otc of he Director Divisions Oligo of te Diostor Dison, Offce of the Director" Divisions Office ofthe Dractor Drs Rogional Infeuneton Centers ‘Office of he Executive ecto” Divisions Fascia ah=> B, CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICES AND OTHERS '¢ Office ofthe Chatpersen Toonrieal and Stal Orizos + Sentoss nal Offices i Giice cf the Chasen ‘Tochrical and Stal Ofces Office ofthe Gnaitnir— ~~" 1 Tochneal ans Support Servoas Field Operations Fie Unis [a oitas afte Gamba” ——— Eeererar yer ‘8 Offeo ofthe Ombudsman ‘© Offce of te Ombussmas® Technical ane Suppor Otions 2 Chetoe Otis oft Speci . OTHER EXECUTIVE OFFICES Caiaer inca Sane Baar =2-Diisions Otfeo of tie Gharperean™ "ts Ca Citas") |" Gameton 6 Fsios Overseas | ~~ Otten of ts Chan 3 Bhvetone 8. Casio oa Pigher Bacon | “~~ Stie otis Chapa ais” Commissioners" Otic ofthe Exacuive Director 1 Bureaue/serices/Otces ‘+ Regional Offess Legal Education Boards 3 UneAST soard "Ole ofthis Chatman 2 Divsions | ‘6 Gannon on te Fipina Language [7 Barges Orgs Bag ——-—] —-—_——|__+_Teshnies end Supeos oes _ ageae 20 ener) | arise eaiiia Prilppines | arias wea AraraeRE BIE | 7a fanaa Development Aaiotg ~ iB and Telosen ‘Classifealion Boora | er atone AP vary Canes aa sr Vor Cas Sak tha Arts (Proper) Philippines (National Historical Inst) 7B, Nationa ai ote PTs | "aa Naina aesives ore Pra | \oraly Records Management ont | Ter Ram Bevaisimsat Caune of tis | Fe. Raenar Faetancar Commission of he | ‘Sic oT ne Chi tng tno ‘egornal Aut Dison andthe Oftce ‘ofthe Executve Director” ‘General Counsel and Secretriat of ‘he Commission Once ene roca Suasere ‘= Administ ond Finanée Unt + Gace Evataton oer and Archive nt Festa ‘-Gliesatte exact Divisions Fit eal fa Cin wk Strategy Management . = Toctrieal ang Stat Ofteae | > Stes ee Chaim (eg chnical and Supaor Somvicas_. ‘Otfes of the Chaim "en Tages Coen ‘Agency ational Security Counei [ "BE inde as Psmaantar Race da | the Peace Process | |" opiea itecia Board ~~ ii ie Dina Bi |" Pipa Race Common | —aarerippiie Space Apeney ~ | Sar Phippine Spaiis Comins [Si Preaiental Commicton tring | "a pissisentar maraoment Sia 25. Philips Compaton Basten | D. STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES “Technical and Suopod Semlees . ‘Oiee oft Eeculve Dreclor Divers a Oo oft Caran wag Oife ofthe Exeutive Srecion + Technical and Sta Ofcos ites ofine Chama Cormneaion Members" ‘= Offeo efthe Executive Decor 7 Olfes a ihe Legataive Raia Lisson ofteca _Dhisone ce —~F" Oltee oie PIS Ha Sences 2__ Technical ang Silt Otens ‘Oitow of he Present” Sorices Garpuses (th Charter) & Gampases (th Charter) 1. Abra Insiue of Science and Techoology 2. Apayao State Colloge |_+_Gateces (ath CHED soxedtaton)_ sae 3. Benguaf State University 4: lugao Stale University 5. Kalinga State University (Kalnga-Apayao State Colege) £6. Mountain Province State University (MI. Province State Polytechtic College) Region | 7. locos Sur Polytachale State College 6. Don Mariano Marcos Memorial Stato University 8. Mariano Marcas State University 10. Nosh Luzon Phillppines Stale College 14, Pangasinan State University 12, University of Norther Philippines Region ‘18, Balanos State Colege 14. Cagayan State University 15. lsabela Stale University 4. Nueva Vizeaya Sate University ‘7, Guirno State College Region tt 18. Aurora State Collage of Tachnology 419, Bataan Peninsula State University 20, Bulacan Agrcuiturt State College 21. Bulacen Stale University 22: Central Luzon Stale University 223. Don Honorio Ventura Technclogical State University 26. Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technoloay 25,.Pampanga State Agricultural University (Pampanga Agricultural College) 228. Philippine Merchent Marine Acaderry 27. Ramon Magsaysay Technological Universily 128. Tarlac Collage of Agriculture 29, Tarae State University Rogion 1V-A, 80, Laguna Stato Polytochnic University 31. Southorn Luzon State Univerity 82, Batangas State University, 83. University of Rizal Syetorn 34, Cavite Slate Universtiy Region V-8, 35. Marinduque State Cotege 38. Mindoro State University (Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology) 37, Occidental Mindoro Siete College 238, Palawan State University 239, Romblon Siate Universiy 40. Westem Philippines University roge37 0120 aense Region v 44. Bleol University 42, Bicol Stale Colege of Applied Sciences and Technology 443, Camarines Norte Stato College 44, Camarines Sur Polytechnic College 45, Galanduanes Stale College 45. Cental Bicol Stale Univers of Agiculure 47 Dr. Emilio B. Espinoca, Sr. Memorl Stale College of Agriculture aris Technology 48, Partido Stata University 49, Sorsogon Stato College Region Vi 180. Aldan State University ‘51. Capiz Stale University 52, Caos Hilado bemoral State College 59, Guimaras State College 54. lloilo State University of Science sind Technotogy (iso State Colege of Fisheries) 55. Central Phiippines State Universiy '56. Northom Holla Stato University (Northom lo Polytechnic State Cotage) 87, Northern Negros Stale College of Science and Technology 58, University of Antique 59. West Visayas Stalo University 60, lolo Science and Technology University (Western Visayas Colage of Science and ‘Technology) Region vit 61. Bohol Island State University 662, Cebu Normal Univerely 63. Cobu Technological University 64, Negros Oriental State University 65, Siuilor State Collogo Rogion vu 66. Eastom Samar Stato University 67, Eastem Vieayaa State Univerety £88, Leyte Normal University, 178. Bitran Province Slate University 70. Northwest Samar State University ‘74. Palompon Palytechnic Stale Univerely (Palompon Ineltula of Technology) 1721 Samar State Universty ° 73. Souther Leyte Stale University 74, University of Eastern Priippines 75. Visayas Stato University Region 1X 78. JH Certs Stale College age bof26 “pane 77. dose Rizal Memorial Site Universly 78, Waster Mindanao State Universily 78. Zamboanga City Stalo Polytechnic Cotege 80. Zamboange State College of Marine Sciences and Technology Region 81. Northwestern Mindanao Stale Collage of Science and Technology ‘82. Bokidnon State University 89. Camiguin Polyiechaje State Cologe ‘84. Central Mindanao Univerlly 5. Mindanao University of Science and Technology 86. Misamis Oriental Stale Galage of Agdculture and Technology Region xt 87, Davao det Norte State College 88. Davao de! Sur State College 88. Davao Oriental Stato Collage of Selonce and Te '90: Southern Philippines Agr-Business, Marine and Aqualic Schoot of Technology. 91. University of Southeasiem Philgpines ‘92, Compostala Valoy Stato Cologe E Region xi 93. Golabalo State Universiy (Cotabato Gy State Polylechnic Collego) ‘94. Golabato Foundation Collage of Science and Technology 98. Suan Kudarat State University 96, University of Southern Mindarigo CARAGA ‘97, Agusan Det Sur Slate College of Agriculture and Technology 98, Caraga Stata University 98, Surigao Del Sur State Unversity 100, Surigao State Collage of Technclogy Barwa 101. Bastan State College 102: Mindanao State University Systern 108. Sula State Col 104. Tawi-Tawi Regional Agricultural Colloge 108. Adiong Memorial Palyiachnie Coleg NeR 108. Marikina Polytechnic College (Markina Polytechnic State Gotege) 107. Eulogio *Amang" Rodriguez Insiiute of Soience and Technology 108. Phillopine Normal University 108. Philipipe State Colleys of Aeronautics 110. Polytechnic Universiy of the Phifppines. ‘141. Rizal Technological University 1142, Technological Univarsty of the Philippines eageaact20 Aaa, 113. University ofthe Philippines System (UP) E. Government-Owned and'Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) under DBM 1. Lung Center ofthe Phitipsines 2, National Kidney and Trensplant institute 43, Philippine Cenler for Eoanomic Development 4, Philippine Ghicran's Medics! Center 5. Philppine Heart Center 8. Phiippine insttute of Tractional and Atemative Health Care 7. Philippine instiule for Development Studies 8, Philippine Rice Research institute 8, Aurora Paciic Economic and Freeport Zone Authority 10. Authorty of Freeport Area of Bataan 14.Cagayan Economic Zone Authosly 12.Philppine Economie Zone Authority 4.PHIVIDEC Indusial Authority 14.Subic Bay Motropotian Authorty 45. Zamboanga Gity Speciel Economic Zone Authorly Note: “inciting the Ofice(s) of the Depuly Head(s) and immediate support sta. "Agencies to be treated separately from tieir mother Cepertments forthe purpose of ‘ling ard ranking eye 2ea820

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