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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / program : XII / MIA & IIS
Semester : Genap
Tahun Ajaran : 2023/ 2024

Choose the best answer to the question!

1. Raisa : I don’t know whether I will take the scholarship or not. It does not cover the plane ticket. I don’t
have enough money for it.
Hamish : …
Raisa : Thank you a million. That’s very kind of you.
Which of the following sentences best fill the blank?
a. I’ll find a sponsor for you if you want. d. I don’t mind if you don’t take it.
b. Can you find a sponsor? e. I’ll be happy if you take it.
c. You’d better leave the scholarship.
2. Dian : The cake is scrumptious! I love it.
Joni : … another piece?
Dian : Thank you. You should tell me the recipe.
Joni : I will.
Which of the following offering expressions best fill the blank?
a. Do you mind if you have d. Can I have you
b. Would you like e. I will bring you
c. Shall you have
3. Ian: You look pale.
Dean: I’ve got a serious headache.
Ian: ....
a. Let me take you to the restaurant. d. Would you like fried or steamed chicken?
b. Can you accompany me to the hospital? e. Let me take you to the hospital.
c. What about a glass of avocado juice?
4. Marta: It’s very hot here. _________
Sinta: Sure. No problem
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. Could you close the door? d. May I leave now?
b. Would you mind if I turn on the fan? e. Could you close the window?
c. Would you turn off the fan?
5. Fitri : The French homework is really hard. I don’t feel like doing it.
Rahmat : … to help you?
Fitri : It sounds great. Thanks, Rahmat!
Which of the following offering expressions best fills the blank?
a. Do you mind if I d. Can I
b. Would you like me e. I will
c. Shall I
The following dialogue is for number 6 to 8
Nephew : Where are you doing, uncle?
Uncle : I’m waiting for a taxi.
Nephew : By the way, what I can do for you, uncle?
Uncle : Please call the taxi!
Nephew : Ok. I will call it for you. Where are you going, uncle?
Uncle : I will go to the office.
(a few minutes the taxi came)
Nephew : May I bring the bag?
Uncle : Yes, please. Thanks in advance.
Nephew : Don’t mention it. Take care, Uncle.
6. The underlined sentence expresses…
a. Asking help d. Refusing an offer
b. Giving help e. Accepting an offer
c. Offering help
7. Why does uncle wait for a taxi?
a. He goes to the office. d. He gets sick.
b. He sees his nephew. e. He came back from the office.
c. He needs it in hurry.
8. Who calls the taxi?
a. Uncle d. None of them.
b. Nephew e. Nobody
c. Both.

The text is for question number 9 to 12

Nowadays, the police have been applying the new regulation concerning the use of seat belts. In European
countries, this regulation has been applied for a long time. However, this new regulation has become
controversial and is an interesting topic to discuss. Here are some arguments.
The use of seat belts has been proven to reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident. Seat belts have
become a standard component in cars. The research shows that most car accident will cause an injury to the
head. Frequently, drivers or the passengers driving without seat belts die because of this. By wearing seat
belts, the injury will not happen since belts restrain our body on the car seat when the accident happens.
Unfortunately, many cars, especially the old ones, don't have seat belts. This is because the traffic
conditions in the past were unlike the recent traffic conditions. The designer of old cars did not consider
seat belts as an important part. Besides, the driver wearing the seat belt will think that they are completely
safe so they may drive carelessly. They are safe, indeed, but how about safety of other?
The seat belt is only one of the ways to reduce the risk of car accidents. It doesn't mean that we are
completely safe. In short, our safety depends on ourselves.
9. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
a. Old cars do not use seat belts.
b. The old cars have seat belts for their safety.
c. Drivers wearing seat belts may drive carefully.
d. The traffic conditions in the past were like the recent.
e. The old cars’ designer considered a seat belt an important part.
10. What is the function of seat belts?
a. The reduce the traffic conditions. d. To prevent drivers driving cars carefully.
b. To become a standard component in cars. e. To increase the risk of injury in car accidents.
c. To reduce the risk of injury or death in an accident.
11. Who considered a seat belt an unimportant part?
a. Police d. Passengers
b. People e. The old cars designer.
c. Drivers
12. “… that they are completely safe”. (paragraph 3)
What does the word “they refer to?
a. Cars d. Designers
b. Seat belts e. Others
c. Drivers
The text is for question number 13 and 14
We are announcing today that we are bringing the Milestone and Ever Green brands even closer together.
Effective as of December 5th 2021, our official name will be:
The substitution of the "West" in our name, replacing "Cianjur", is the result of an agreement we reached with
Cianjur Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of "Cianjur" in our name.
We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal consumers. While this represents a change form
our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of products we offer to our consumers.
13. Who issues the announcement?
a. Green Miles West Company d. The partnership of Green Miles West
b. Green Miles West Customers e. The loyal partner of Milestone and Ever Green
c. Cianjur Gardening Association
14. The word "substitution" has the closest meaning to...
a. Merger d. Replacement
b. Insertion e. Improvement
c. Development
15. Read the following text!
This character’s name is Big Head. It has a fat head, big bulgy eyes with long eyelashes, a nose like drum
stick and a wide mouth with a big silly grin. On its enormous ears it has long dangling earrings. Its hair and
neck are both long. It has a round stomach with a little belly button, four stubby arms and two stubby legs.
It loves to dance all night.
Which of these pictures goes with the description?

Complete the dialogue below. (For questions 16 and 17)

Mr. Iqbal : “Andy, come here please!”
Andy : “Yes, sir. I’m coming.”
Mr. Iqbal : “(16)....................... the goods to the shop, pleasure?”
Andy : “With pleasure, Sir.”
Mr. Iqbal : “Don’t forget to put into the correct case!”
Andy : “(17).........................,Sir.”
Mr. Iqbal : “Thanks.”
16. a. Can you bring… d. Don’t bring…
b. Can I bring… e. I would like to bring…
c. May I bring…
17. a. Sorry, I can’t… d. I need some help…
b. I wish I could help you… e. Don’t worry…
c. I’m busy…
18. Romy : “May I help you?”
Deny : “Hmmm. Don’t bother yourself. Thanks.”
The underlined sentence expresses….
a. Asking help d. Refusing an offer
b. Giving help e. Accepting an offer
c. Offering help
19. Bryan : “Nugy, where are you?”
Nugy : “I’m in the house. What’s matter?”
Bryan : “Oh ............. “
Nugy : “I’d like to help you. For what?”
Complete the dialogue above with suitable expression….
a. Would you like some help? d. Let me help you.
b. Sorry, I can’t help you. e. No. You don’t need to help.
c. Could I possibly ask you to help me?
20. Andy : “Shall I carry your luggage to your apartment?”
Boby : “Yes, please!”
The underlined word has similar meaning with….
a. Borrow d. Dodge
b. Bring e. Leave
c. Drop
The following text is for questions no. 21- 25
One upon a time, there was an office worker whose name was Charles. He worked in the same insurance
office for many years. But during that time, he became more and more unhappy. While he worked, he dreamed
constantly, and in his dream, he was always a hermit, he stayed in this room. He didn’t like people. He
especially didn’t like people when they talked. He wanted peace. Life went on for Charles in this way until he
became desperate.

His big opportunity came when he learned about a sea voyage the two of his friends were planning. They
expected to make the trip during their summer vacation. Charles asked to join them. While they were sailing,
our hero talked to his friends about the joys of hermits’ life. He talked until he finally convinced them, and
they decided to stop at the first island that they found.

A few days after these decisions, they saw the island in the distance where they decided to live. Before they
went ashore, Charles asked the other two to make a promise not to say a word after they reached the island.
They were to remain perfectly quiet during their stay.

During the first few days after they landed, they built a little house where they planted a garden. The island
was paradise for Charles because this was the peace that he wanted.
21. What kind of text is the text above?
a. an anecdote texts. d. an analytical exposition
b. a descriptive text. e. a recount text
c. a narrative text
22. The purpose of the text is….
a. to persuade the readers to be a hermit. d. to describe Charles’ experience.
b. to tell the experience of Charles. e. to evaluate the experience.
c. to entertain the readers.
23. The expected to make the trip…. (par. 2)
The word expected can be replaced by….
a. Asked d. had.
b. Wanted e. hoped for
c. Aimed
24. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
a. Charles disliked the noisy conditions. d. Charles disliked peace and silence.
b. Charles wanted to be a sea voyager. e. Charles dreamed of living in the city.
c. Charles liked people when they talked.
25. Which paragraph is the orientation?
a. paragraph 1 d. paragraph 4
b. paragraph 2 e. paragraph 5
c. paragraph 3

26. Elsa : “Will you me to build a snowman?”

Olaf : “Yes, of course............ .”
The correct sentence to complete the dialogue is….
a. I won’t b. I will c. I will not d. Will I? e. Shall I?

The following text is for questions no. 27- 30

The Frog Prince
Long ago there was a king who had a beautiful daughter. He loved her very much. Every day the Princess
would sit by the old palace well and toss a golden ball high in the air and let it drop. She loved to play this
One day she accidentally tosses her ball too high. When it came down, she could not catch it. It feels deep into
the well. The Princess began to cry.” Why are you crying?” said a voice behind her. The Princess looks down.
She saw a frog. “Oh, please Frog”, said the Princess, I lost my ball down the well. If you bring it back to me, I
will do anything you want.” “Anything at all?” asked the frog. “Yes, anything”, said the Princess.
So, the frog dived into the well and gave the ball back to the Princess. “I don’t want money or property”, said
a frog. “Let me live with you and be your favorite friend. “The Princess did not really want to let the frog
come and live with her as her favorite friend, but she was an honest Princess. When she made a promise, she
kept it. So, the frog came back with her to the palace.
One day the Princess discovered that the frog had turned into a handsome prince, so they got married and lived
happily ever after.

27. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. The Princess always kept her word.
b. The frog at last became the Princess soulmate.
c. The Princess got acquainted with the frog due to an accident.
d. The frog had been the Princess beloved pet for a long time.
e. The king adored the Princess.
28. The communicative purpose of this text is to ….
a. Entertain the readers with a fairy tale.
b. Describe how the frog took the ball.
c. Persuade the readers to read the story.
d. Inform the readers about the Princess and the frog’s marriage.
e. Explain to the readers why the Princess married the frog.
29. Every day the Princess would sit by the old palace well and toss a golden ball high in the air and let it
(Paragraph 1) The word “toss” means….
a. Throw d. Hit
b. Catch e. Carry
c. Play with
30. What type of text is used by the writer?
a. Narrative d. Anecdote
b. Report e. Review
c. Explanation
31. "If they had known that the flood was coming, they would not have stayed in their house."
Means _____
a. They knew that the flood was coming therefore they stayed in their house.
b. They decided to stay in their house although the flood was coming.
c. They couldn't stay in their house because they knew that the flood was coming.
d. They didn't know that the flood was coming therefore, they stayed in their house.
e. They didn't want to stay in their house because they knew that the flood was coming.
32. Had he flown to Madura, he would have seen the bull race. We may conclude that ...
a. The bull race was cancelled. d. He found the bull race exciting.
b. He came in time for the bull race. e. He was not present at the bull race.
c. Bull race frightened him.
33. Were the doctor here, he would have examined Mary. This means ...
a. The doctor is here and examining Mary.
b. Mary ls being examined because the doctor is here.
c. Although the doctor is here, Mary is not examined.
d. The doctor ls not here but Mary has been examined.
e. Mary cannot be examined because the doctor is not here.

34. If I work harder, I _____ my paper in due time.

a. will finish b. would finish c. has finished d. will be finished e. will have finished.
35. If it … tomorrow, I won't have to water the plants.
a. Rain b. Rained c. Will rain d. Rains e. Is raining.
36.We’ll get there fast enough if we … tonight.
a. Leave b. Leaved c. Will leave d. Can leaving e. are leaving.
The following text is for questions no. 6-9.
We don’t live in an age of miracles, but sometimes they happen. This was a special New Year’s Eve Miracle.
Elizabeth Barret lives near a shopping center, and sometimes she and her sister, Barbara, play near the stores.
They like playing there. There are lots of people there, and she and Barbara like to look at the things in the

But the lives of children are not sweet. They are full of fears. Children attack and chase other children. Why?
Who knows? But it’s true. And it’s true in Smithtown too.
Elizabeth is eleven years old and isn’t friends with bad children. She doesn’t fight. Her mother says so. And
one New Year’s Eve, Elizabeth and her sister, Barbara, are playing near the stores, but they have to stop.
“Elizabeth,” says Barbara. “Let’s go home. Do you see those girls over there? They go to my school. They are
But it was too late. The bad girl chased Elizabeth and Barbara. They started to run. “Hurry, Elizabeth. Let’s
run across the railroad tracks. Hurry up.” The trains on the Long Island Railroad are always late. It is a fact of
life on Long Island. But the 1:05 out of Ronkokoma was on time the New Year’s Eve.

Vincent Lobianco was at the railroad station, 150 feet away from Elizabeth and Barbara. “Don’t cross the
tracks. Go back!” Mr. Lobianco is a religious man. “Please, God, no. Don’t let it happen.” he shouted. But it
did. Engine #4321 was on top of Elizabeth in two seconds. Mr. Lobianco ran towards the girl, and at the same
time, shouted to a taxi driver at the station. “Call ambulance. Call an ambulance. There is a little girl on the

37. What part of the text is the first paragraph?

a. Identification
b. Thesis
c. Issue
d. Abstract
e. Orientation
38.Which of the following statements is not true according to the text?
a. Elizabeth and Barbara are sisters.
b. Elizabeth and Barbara are girls.
c. Elizabeth is 11 years old.
d. Elizabeth asked Barbara to go home when she saw the bad girls.
e. Elizabeth and Barbara never fight.
39. They are full of fears. What does the word “fear” mean?
a. Happiness
b. Fright
c. sweet experiences
d. better experiences
e. good experiences
40. What type of text is the text above? It is….
a. a narrative
b. a recount
c. an explanation
d. a report
e. a news items

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