Assignment I & II Habtish.d

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By: - Habtamu Demera

Submitted to: - Dr. Demissie Jobir Gelmecha (Associate Professor)

Oct, 2023
Assosa, Ethiopia

1. The manufacturer’s data shows that the same fiber as in question 3 above has a material dispersion
of 15 ps/( at a wavelength of 1550 nm. However, now suppose we use a laser source with
a spectral width 𝜎 = 0.2 nm at an operating wavelength of 1550 nm. What is the rms pulse
broadening per kilometer due to material dispersion in this case?

Dmat = 15ps/ ( at  =1550 nm

  =0.2 nm at  =1550 nm

We will find that the rms material dispersion =?

Where;  mat / L is the rms pulse broadening per kilometer due to material dispersion?

By using this formula we can get the result as follows;

d mat
 mat  .

 d 2n
  
c d 2

  L Dmat ( )

 mat / L    / Dmat
  0.2 nm  x 15 ps /  nm . km  
 7.5 ps / km

2. A manufacturer’s data sheet states that a non-dispersion-shifted fibre has a zero-dispersion
wavelength of 1310 nm and a dispersion slope of 0.092 ps/( nm 2 .km ) Compare the dispersions
for this fibre at wavelengths of 1280 nm and 1550 nm.
0  1310nm
S  0.092 ps / nm 2 .km

0 =Zero wavelength dispersion

S  = dispersion slope

Compare the dispersions for this fiber at wavelengths of 1280 nm and 1550 nm.
By using this equation we can get the result as follows;
Then we find that;

 S0   4
D ( )  1  0  
4    

D(1280)   S0 / 4[1  0 /  ) 4 ]

 (1280)(0.09) / 4[1  (1310 /1280 4 )]

 2.86 ps/ (

D (1550)   S0 / 4[1  0 /  ) 4 ]

 (1280)(0.09) / 4[1  (1310 /1550 4 )]

17.5 ps/ (

3. Consider an LED operating at 850 nm that has a spectral width of 45 nm. (a) What is the pulse
spreading in ns/km due to material dispersion? What is the pulse spreading when a laser diode
having a 2-nm spectral width is used? (b) Find the material-dispersion-induced pulse spreading
at 1550 nm for an LED with a 75-nm spectral width and finally estimate d / d  .

 =850 nm
   45nm is spectral width
a) Find pulse spreading when a laser diode having a 2 nm spectral width used?
d /d   80 ps /  nm  km  at 850 nm

Therefore, for the LED we have from.

 mat / L  (d / d  )

 80 ps /  nm  km    45 nm 

 3.6 ns / km

For a laser diode,

 mat / L  (d / d  )

 80 ps /  nm  km    2 nm 

 0.16 ns / km
b) Find material dispersion induced pulse spreading at 1550nm for an LED with a 75 nm
spectral width and finally estimate d / d 
d mat /d   22 ps /  nm  km 

Dmat      22 ps /  nm  km    75 nm 

 1.65 ns / km

4. Calculate the waveguide dispersion at 1320 nm in units of [ps/(] for a single mode fiber
with core and cladding diameters of 9 mm and 125 mm, respectively. Let the core index n1 =
1.48 and let the index difference  = 0.22 percent.


n2 = 1.48

D = 0.2 percent.
V = 2.4, from the expression in square brackets is 0.26.
 = 1320 nm, we then have
Consequently we can follow the below equation and get the result at the final below:
L d
g 
c dk

 
 2    2 m   2 2  n12 k 2 d   
L 1 dn1
1  dn1
 12 kn  2 k 2
n  2  2 
n 2 2
k    2 x 2 k 2 n
  2 kn 2
 
c 2   a   2  dk  
1 1 1
 dk  dk

L kn1  4    2 m 1 
  N1   
c     2   a 2 a 2 n12k 2   

 
LN1 kn1  4  m    2    
 1   1   
c     2 M   4
 
N1  n1  k (dn1 /dk )

n2  1 d 2 (Vb)
Dwg     [v ( ]
c  dv 2
Let n2 = 1.48 and D = 0.2 percent.

At V = 2.4, from the expression in square brackets is 0.26.

Choosing  = 1320 nm, we then have;
Dwg     –1.9 ps/ (


1. Given a ternary alloy of band gap energy

Eg  4.24 +1.266 +0.266 x, 2 , of Ga x 1 Al x As if x = 0.07
Find the wavelength of operation.


 (  m)  From this equation, we will have;
Eg (eV)
Eg  4.24 +1.266 +0.266 x, 2

Ga x 1 Al x As if x = 0.07

Consequently, we can directly replace the value of x=0.07 and get the below result.

Eg  4.24  1.266  0.07   0.66  0.07  2

 4.33eV
 (  m) 
 0.286 m

2. A laser diode has a central wavelength of 0 1550 nm, a spectral width of   8 nm and a peak
gain of g (0 )  30cm 1 . The cavity length is L  200 m and the refractive index in the cavity is n
r  3.2. Using the Gaussian spectral form, plot g against. Calculate how many modes will be
excited in this laser. Find the wavelength and frequency spacing , f of these modes. If the
modes with amplitude less than 0.1 times of the central (peak) wavelength 0 1550 nm are to be
discarded, estimate the number of remaining modes above this amplitude level.



0  1550nm
  8nm
g 0  10dB  10( 10/10 ) cm  1
L  200 m
nr  3.2

First, let's calculate g (λ) for a range of wavelengths. We'll choose a range of ±3σ around the
central wavelength:

min  0  3
max  0  3
min  1550 nm  3 x 8 nm
 1526 nm
min  1550 nm  3 x 8 nm
 1574 nm

To plot the gain spectrum of the laser diode, we can use the Gaussian spectral form given by:

g ( )  g0 xexp[2(ln2 ) x(  0 )2 /  2 ]


λ = is the wavelength,

g 0 = is the peak gain,

0 = is the central wavelength, and

 = is the spectral width.

The gain spectrum of a laser diode represents the variation in gain (amplification) as a function
of wavelength. In the case of a laser diode, the gain spectrum is typically described using a
Gaussian spectral form.

In the provided, the gain spectrum is plotted using the Gaussian spectral form. The parameters
used in the calculation and plotting are as follows:

0 : The central wavelength of the laser diode, set to 1550 nm.

 : The spectral width of the laser diode, set to 8 nm. This parameter determines the width
of the Gaussian curve.
g 0 : The peak gain of the laser diode, set to 10dB  10( 10/10) cm 1 . The gain is in units of
inverse centimeters ( cm 1 ).
L: The cavity length of the laser diode, set to 200 μm (micrometers).
nr : The refractive index in the laser diode cavity, set to 3.2.

The range of wavelengths over which the gain spectrum is plotted is determined by min and max
, which are calculated based on the central wavelength 0 and spectral width (σ). These values
define a range of ±3σ around 0 .

The gain spectrum is calculated for 1000 equally spaced wavelengths within the specified range.
The gain at each wavelength is determined using the Gaussian spectral form formula. The
resulting gain values are then plotted against the corresponding wavelengths.

The x-axis of the plot represents the wavelength in nanometers (nm), and the y-axis represents the
gain in inverse centimeters ( cm 1 ). The title and axis labels are set accordingly to provide a clear
visualization of the gain spectrum.

By examining the graph, you can observe the shape of the gain spectrum and how the gain varies
with wavelength. The Gaussian curve typically shows a peak at the central wavelength 0 and
gradually decreases towards the edges of the spectral range. The spectral width (σ) determines
the spread of the curve and influences the overall shape of the gain spectrum.

The wavelength spacing (Δλ) will be:

  0 / N .

To Find
The wavelength f  ?
Frequency spacing   ?
We will use the below equation
2n L 2n L
m  (m  1)  r  r
m m 1
 
2nr L
2nr L 2n L
m  (m 1)  f m  r f m1 ,
c c
f 
2nr L
mm1   2
therefore; From the equation below;

 
2nr L
(1550 nm) 2
0.3x3.7 x 200 m
= 1.623 m

 = 1.623 m

Frequency spacing   ? Therefore;

3x108 m / s
2 x3.7 x 200 m
= 202.7GHz

Therefore f = 202.7GHz

Where as to calculate the modes we can use the below formula


2(200 m)3.2

3x108 m / s

= 4.26 x1012

 To calculate the number of modes excited in this laser, we can use the formula:

N  L x nr / 


N = is the number of modes,

L= is the cavity length,

nr  Is the refractive index, and

λ = is the wavelength.

Since the modes are evenly spaced,

 To estimate the number of remaining modes above the amplitude threshold, we need to
calculate the number of modes within the range of:

0  0.10

We can use the formula:

Nthreshold   0.2 x 0  / 

10 | P a g e
3. Consider a GaAs laser has a central wavelength of 0  850 nm. Its cavity length is L  500 m
and the refractive index in the cavity is n r  3.7. If the half power point is   0  2 nm, find the
wavelength, frequency spacing,, f and spectral width, .


0  850 nm.
L  500 m
nr  3.7
  0  2 nm
: - the wavelength=?
: - frequency spacing, f =? And
: - the spectral width, =?

a) the frequency spacing is f ;

f 
2 Ln
3x10 3m / s
f 
2(500 x10 6 m)(3.7)

f = 81.GHz

Subsequently now we to find the wavelength spacing, to get the wavelength spacing we
follow the below formula:
 
2 ln
(850 x10 9 m) 2
 
2(500 x10 6 m)(3.7)

 0.195nm

Then solving for  with

g     0.5 g  0 
 with  – 0    0.195 nm yields

 = 0.195 nm

11 | P a g e
 (  0 ) 2 
exp   
 2 2 
g ( )
 0.5,
g (0 )
(  0 ) 2
 2 ,
2 Ln(0.5)
(2 nm)2
 2

2 Ln(0.5)
 2.8854 x10 18 ,
As the result we can get the value of spectral width.

  1.7nm

By using this equation we can get the spectral width  :

 ( – 0 ) 2 
g ( )  g(0) exp  
 2 
 – 0
2 ln 2

2 ln 2
 0.170

Consequently we can get the result;

 = 0.170

12 | P a g e
4. An optical source is selected from a batch characterized as having lifetimes that follow a slow
internal degradation mode. The –3-dB mean time to failure of these devices at room temperature
is specified as 5 x10 4 h. If the device emits 1 mW at room temperature, what is the expected optical
output power after 1 month of operation, after 1 year, and after 5 years?


From below equation we can get that; what is the expected optical output power after 1
month of operation, after 1 year, and after 5 years?

n th -order harmonic distortion= 20 log
p  p0e t / m
p0  1mW And
 m  2(5 x10 4 hrs)
 10 5hrs
a) 1 month = 720hrs
As a result;
p (1month)  (1mW) exp( 720 /10 5 )

 0.99m W

b) P (1 year) =8760 hrs.

As a result;

p(1year)  (1mW) exp( 8760 /10 5 )

 0.92nW
c) 5 years = 5x8760 hrs.

=43800 hrs.
As a result:

p (years)  (1mW) exp( 43800 /10 5 )

 0.65mW

13 | P a g e
5. Suppose an avalanche photodiode has the following parameters: IL = 1 nA, ID = 1 nA,
 = 0.85, F = M ½ , RL = 103 Ω, and Be = 1 kHz. Consider a sinusoidal varying 850nm signal,
which has a modulation index m = 0.85 and an average power level P0 = –50 dBm, to fall on the
detector at room temperature. Plot the signal-to-noise ratio as a function of M for gains ranging
from 20 to 100. At what value of M does the maximum signal-to-noise ratio occur?


From the below equation we can get the value of S/N

S i p2 M 2

N 2q (I D  I D ) M 2 F (M) Be  2qI L Be  4k BTBe / RL

S i p2 M 2

N 2qI p M 2 F (M) Be  4k BTBe / RL
S 1/ 2(R 0 P0 ) 2 M 2

N 2qB(R 0 P0  I D ) M5/2  2qI L B  4k BTB / RL
1.215 x10 16 M 2

2.176 x1023 M 5/2 1.656 x10 19

From the value of M maximum S/N is found, with M Optimum

x2 2qI L  4k BT / RL
M opt 
xq (I P  I D )

M Optimum  62.1

14 | P a g e

15 | P a g e

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