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Final Term Examination, 2023-2024

Secondary Section (Cambridge System)





Duration: 2 Hours

Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Total Marks:60

Read These Instructions First

Write your Roll Numbers and Name in the spaces at the top of this page.
Write in pencil.
Do not use staples, paper clips, and glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

Suggestions for how long to spend on each section are given in the booklet.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part questions.

For Examiner’s use only

Section Section
Questions 1 Total
Marks 15 30 30 75

Marks Awarded



Q.1 Choose the correct answer for each from the given options. [15]
1. The poem “King Bruce and the spider” is written by:
A) Eliza Cook
B) Julia Carney
C) M.H Gates
D) Louis Newman

2. Choose the correct Passive voice: I will invite them.

A) They would be invited by me
B) They will invite me
C) They invite us
D) We will be invited by them

3. Robert Bruce is the king of

A) Scotland
B) England
C) China
D) Paris

4. Money cannot buy____ happiness

A) none of these
B) the
C) a
D) an

5. To whom we should speak gently with according to the poem, Speak Gently”
A) All people
B) young people
C) old people
D) children

6. The caliph gave the verdict in the favor of

A) rich man
B) stranger
C) farmer
D) beggar

7. Hazarat Abu Bakar fetched water for.

A) poor
B) widows and neighbour

C) orphan
D) relatives

8. One of the key reason of road accident is:

A) Bad condition of vehicle
B) over speeding
C) disregarding rules
D) none of these

9. The Gorakh Hill is the highest place in _____

A) SHandad kot
B) Kahirpur
C) Sehwan
D) Jamshoro

10. What does pondered means

A) thought
B) king
C) hopelessness
D) climbed

11. With the advent of the internet the world has become a ________
A) universe
B) global world
C) global city
D) global village

12. She_____ her homework regularly.

A) does
B) did
C) do
D) done

13. What is the meaning of cross

A) angry
B) happy
C) mad
D) glad

14. Akhtar was ________ because he was asked to clean the cupboard and
A) none of these
B) angry
C) upset
D) happy

15. The poem ”Little things” is written by

A) Julia Carney

B) Thomas Moore
C) Robert Louis
D) Anonymous


Note: Answer any six of the following questions. Each question carries 5
marks. [30]

a. Give the prefix of ---- official

b. Give the suffix of --- salt
c. Give the antonym of -- Fertile
d. Give the synonym of -- Happy
e. Give the gender of --- lion

b. Use the following in the sentence of your own

Educate – merciful – agree- strive- tumble
c. What happened to Abdul Karim when he went for a walk?
d. Why was uncle Inayat liked by the children?
e. How is social media affecting the relationships of people?
f. How many families were going on the trip?
g. What is the message of the poem “Little thing”?
h.What lesson did king Bruce learn from the spider?
i.How did the caliph decide the case?
j.What was Caliph Haroon-ur- Rashid known and respected for?
k.Why is helmet an important safety gear?


NOTE: Answer any three the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks. [30]

Q. Read the given Passage and fill in the blanks from the provided options.

Bridge - river Indus – glimpsed – shrine - souvenirs

On our way back, we took a different route and travelled from the Dadu-Moro____. The
guide announced that, from there, we would cross the ______to go to the other bank

to continue our journey. The landscape here was greener as compared to the right
bank. On the way, we stopped at Hala to buy some _____ from roadside shops We also
_____ the historical city of Matiari in the distance. Earlier, the guide had announced
that we were passing close to Bhit Shah, where the _____ of one of the world's
greatest poets, Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitati.

Q. Write a summary on any one of the following

a) Speak gently b) King Bruce and the spider

Q. Write an application to the Headmaster/ Headmistress to issue the “Merit Certificate”

Q. How is social media assisting the students and professionals in their respective


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