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1. What is a brand? What makes a good brand? Use specific reasons and relevant examples to
support your ideas.
-> A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that distinguishes the
goods or services of one seller from the goods or services of other sellers. Brands are
considered intangible assets of businesses or individuals. Brands play a very important role in
helping businesses stand firm and survive in the market.And having a brand name will make
people easy to identify in all the market.
- High-quality products: when buying a product, consumers will care too much about the
quality of the product first. Therefore, if your company's products are good, consumers will
feel satisfied.
- Good service: services here such as customer care, warranty policy,... make customers feel
comfortable and trust your brand more, and then the customer will continue to use the
product or service of the brand.
For example: Apple is a good brand, its products are very quality, the service is also very
good, and the identity is consistent for all of the line products.

2. How do you think companies can create brand loyalty? What action can companies take if
they start to lose market share? Use specific reasons and relevant examples to support your

- High-quality products: The first thing when buying a product, consumers will care about
the quality of the product first. So, if your company's product is good, consumers will feel
satisfied and will return to buy your product the next time.
- Good service: always go hand in hand with products are services, the services here such as
customer care, warranty policy, .. make customers feel comfortable and trust your brand
more, then Customers will continue to use the brand's products and services.
- Listen to customer feedback: brands should listen to customer feedback to be able to
understand what their customers want and what's wrong with their products so that they can
modify it in time.

-> Companies can respond to a loss of market share by conducting market research,
improving products or services, adjusting pricing strategies, increasing marketing efforts,
focusing on customer retention, exploring new arkets, considering partnerships or
acquisitions, emphasising innovation, and investing in employee training and development.
For example,
KFC , In Muslim countries and the Middle East the chicken served is halal chicken. In India
to match the vegetarian culture of the people here, KFC offers vegetarian cakes and rice….In
Vietnam, the KFC Vietnam menu is a combination of East and West cuisine. In addition to
traditional products such as chicken, burgers, KFC Vietnam also has chicken rice, cabbage
salad... to serve Vietnamese customers.

For example, in 2016, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 faced a scandal about battery explosion and
this effects on their market ( ~ decreased 7.5 % compared with the same period last year). To
solve this problem, they collected these existing products and posted the apology and the
explanation for their errors in writing for their customers.

3. What is brand awareness? How can we build brand awareness?

-> Brand awareness refers to the level of familiarity and recognition that a brand has in
the consumer's mind. It represents the extent to which consumers are aware of a brand's
existence, its name, logo, products, or services. Brand awareness can be measured by
assessing the brand's visibility and recognition in the market. It plays an important role in
impacting consumer perceptions, purchase decisions, and building brand loyalty.

-> To build brand awareness:

- Collaborate with influencers or industry experts: Nowadays, many brands use
influencers like : actors or singers because they have influence with almost everyone.
- Encourage word-of-mouth marketing.
- Develop a Strong Visual Identity: Create a visually appealing and distinctive brand
identity that includes your logo, colors, typography, and other visual elements.
Consistently use these elements across all your marketing materials and platforms to
create brand recognition. ( Apple, Amazon, Vinamilk)

4. Imagine that your company is going to launch a new kind of sports shoes for teenagers at
reasonable prices into the public next month. What kinds of advertising will you choose to
promote your new product? Use specific reasons and relevant examples to support your ideas.

- For promoting the new sports shoes for teenagers at reasonable prices, I would choose a
combination of digital and traditional advertising methods to reach the target audience
effectively. Here are some specific advertising channels that can be used:
- Social Media Advertising: Running ads on popular social media platforms like Instagram
and Facebook, which have a significant teenage user.
- Influencer: Collaborating with popular influencers who have many teenagers following.
They can show the new sports shoes through posts, videos to increase brand awareness of the
- Video Advertising: Creating video advertisements show the features, style, and
affordability of the sports shoes. These videos can be aired on YouTube.
- Outdoor Advertising: Placing billboards or posters in high-traffic areas like shopping
malls, sports centres, or near schools to catch the attention of teenagers and their parents.

5. What are the qualities of a strong brand? Find a local brand in Vietnam and evaluate how
strong the brand is.
-> Qualities of a strong brand include differentiation, consistency, authenticity, clear brand
identity, customer-centricity, emotional appeal, innovation, strong reputation, brand culture,
and brand loyalty.But the first thing make become strong also is good quality or service
decide the strong brand

Vinamilk: Almost all people in Viet Nam know the present of Vinamilk products from the
kid to adult . And I think Vinamik doesn't have any criticism or drama . They build a good
image in customer’s eyes about the freshness, purify and nutritional products for customers.
More than that Vinamilk has a variety of products : yogurt , condensed milk, and cheese.
They are also innovating to catch the change in society . Recently, they have changed their
logo and it has become so hot in social media so it is one way to get more people to
remember and know them.
6. What is your most favorite brand you really like? What are appealing and persuasive ideas
this brand communicates to you?
-> The most favourite brand I really like is Apple.

-> Some appealing and persuasive ideas that the Apple brand communicates to me are:
- Innovation: Apple always comes up with innovation, pushing boundaries, and has
groundbreaking technologies.
- Design and Aesthetics: Apple products are known for their sleek, minimalist designs and
attention to detail. The brand focuses on the importance of aesthetics, creating products that
are visually appealing and desirable.
- User Experience: Apple focuses on providing good user experience. The brand
communicates the idea of simplicity and ease of use, making technology accessible and
enjoyable for users.
- Quality and Reliability: Apple products are high quality, reliable, and durable.

7. What are some examples of some famous brands in the world? Analyse their success.

- Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola is one of the most famous brands in the world, known for its
carbonated beverages. Its success can be attributed to effective marketing campaigns,
strong brand recognition, and a long history of delivering consistent taste and quality.
Coca-Cola has built a loyal customer base and has expanded its product to service diverse
consumer hobbies.

- Apple: Apple is renowned for its innovative technology products, such as iPhones,
MacBooks, and iPads. Its success stems from a combination of many factors including sleek
design, focus on user experience, strong brand loyalty, and high-quality products. Apple
emphasises both functionality and style so it played a significant role in its success.

8. What do you know about Google? and would you like to work for a company like Google?
Explain why / why not. What are the secrets of Google's organizational culture behind the
story of success?
Google is an American multinational technology company. Services and products such as
search engine technology, cloud computing, computer software, quantum computing, e-
commerce, artificial intelligence, and consumer electronics1. It was founded in 1998 by
Sergey Brin and Larry Page - Stanford. Google handles more than 70% of worldwide online
search requests.

Yes, I would because this is positive environment make me feel relaxed ( massage chair,
video games,…), and feel be connected with people ( holding competitive contest in
company: football,dancing) and exciting perks ( free food, training course)

Google’s secret organizational culture which are:

+ Make HR to the science: Google's HR department discovered that women were leaving the
company at a higher rate. They identified the main issue as the maternity leave plan and made
a significant change. By extending paid time off for new mothers from 12 weeks to 5 months,
Google saw a remarkable 50% decrease in attrition rate for women.
+ Comfortable and democratic atmosphere: Google is regarded as a “ Flat ” company – which
with a smaller number of middle managers and an upper management can work with
operation staff. Therefore, this lack of top-down hierarchy cultivates a more open atmosphere
for employees to voice their opinions and new ideas.
+ Clear Mission: Google has a clear mission statement: "To organize the world's information
and make it universally accessible and useful." This mission provides a sense of purpose and
direction for employees, and helps guide decision-making and prioritization within the

9. What perks do you think a company/an organization should offer their employees?
- Work-Life Balance Initiatives: Supporting work-life balance initiatives, such as parental
leave, child care assistance, or flexible scheduling, can help employees effectively manage
their personal and professional responsibilities.
- Flexible Work Arrangements: Providing flexibility in work hours or remote work options
can greatly improve work-life balance and employee satisfaction. This could include flexible
scheduling, remote work opportunities, or compressed workweeks.
- Employee Recognition and Rewards: Recognizing and rewarding employee achievements
through programs such as employee of the month, performance-based bonuses, or annual
awards can boost morale and motivate employees to excel.
- Social and Team-Building Activities: Organizing social events, team-building activities, or
company outings creates opportunities for employees to bond, build relationships, and foster
a positive work environment.
- Employee Discounts and Perks: Offering discounts on company products or services, as
well as partnerships with local businesses for employee perks, can enhance employee
satisfaction and create a positive company culture.

10. How is advertising important to a product?

- Differentiating from competitors: Nike's "Just Do It" advertising campaign emphasizes their
brand's values of determination and athleticism, setting them apart from other athletic
apparel companies and making them a preferred choice for many consumers.
- Expanding market reach: Amazon's advertising campaigns across various platforms and
channels such as; Amazon Alexa; Amazon Appstore; Amazon Music; Amazon
Prime; Amazon Prime Video help them reach a wide audience, expanding their market reach
and attracting more customers to their e-commerce platform
- Influencing consumer behavior: Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign challenges traditional
beauty standards and encourages consumers to embrace their natural selves, leading to a shift
in consumer behavior and an increase in sales for Dove's products.

11. Do you agree that advertising tells you a lot about the culture of a particular society?
- From my viewpoint, I appreciate this statement. To make an advertisement, they must know
clearly about the culture of a country such as belief, desire, habit, cuisine. For example,
Trung Nguyen Coffee x VietNam Airlines – Coffee Story (2021), the video talks about the
origins of the raw materials of Vietnam Coffee, they show the image, video about the place of
planting Robusta coffee beans – Dak Lak. Next, they introduce the famous location in
VietNam – World Coffee Museum – Buon Ma Thuot. Finally, the video advertising
introduces types of coffee in VietNam such as Milk Coffee With Ice – One of the most
delicious and unique coffee; Egg Coffee – HaNoi; Salt Coffee – Thua Thien Hue; Rustic
Coffee – Dak Lak.
12. What are the reasons for advertising? What are some methods of advertising? To you,
what is the most effective advertising way to attract the attention of the young or the old
- Some reasons for advertising, it can increase sales, keep the business at the top of their
consumer’s mind, attract new customers, increase the number of accesses to the company and
the business more to approach customers.
- Some methods of advertising:
Product placement
Outdoor advertising
Viral advertising
- To me, the most effective advertising way to attract the attention of the young or the old
customer nowadays is word of mouth advertising because it saves the cost for marketing and
running advertising media. We can organize free samples about our product. When the
customers are satisfied with the product, they will talk about the quality’s product to others.

13. What makes advertising successful?

- The message of product will make clear, easy to understand
- Advertising must connect with brand (logo, color, image)
- Having an impression and distinctive feature of competitors
- Information of advertising must accurate and be reliable
- Knowing how to tell the brand story.
Emotional Appeal: Advertising that evokes emotions can be highly successful. The "Share a
Coke" campaign by Coca-Cola personalized their bottles with popular names, creating a
sense of nostalgia, personal connection, and happiness among consumers.
Cultural Sensitivity: Successful advertising considers cultural nuances and sensitivities to
avoid controversies or misinterpretations. The "Real Beauty" campaign by Dove aimed to
challenge beauty stereotypes and promote body positivity, sparking conversations about self-
esteem and societal standards.
Targeted Approach: Effective advertising understands its target audience and tailors the
message accordingly. Nike's "Just Do It" campaign resonates with athletes and individuals
seeking motivation and inspiration to push their limits, making it successful in reaching its
intended audience.

14. What are good and bad effects of advertisements on consumers and producers? Give and
analyse examples of acceptable and unacceptable advertisements.

Good effects Bad effects

Producers Increase customer’s Decrease profits of products,

awareness for product, reduce the reputation of
attract new customers, make producers or brand
customers tend to use
producers’ products instead
of competitive products

Consumers Have more information Adversely influences young

about product ( use, generation,
ingredient, benefit, price), misrepresentation, creates
more options for them irresistible desire to buy
unessential things

+ Acceptable advertisement: advertisements about technology such as smartphones, laptops,
ipad, or advertisements about soft drinks like Coca Cola, Pepsi, …
+ Unacceptable advertisement: advertisements about drugs can cure cancer, cigarettes, having
discrimination about culture, nation, gender, committed advertisements “ most”, “magic
cure”, adult advertisement, political advertisement.

15. Which factors are important when choosing a job?

- Working hours: Working hours and rest times in each company and business may vary
depending on the nature and characteristics of each job, working hours can be flexible to
achieve high performance in the workplace. So, we need to consider and evaluate our
working hours and rest time to suit our purposes and needs when looking for a job.
- Opportunities for career advancement: looking for a job that is right for you, can learn and
hone your skills and especially have the opportunity to advance to high positions in the
business after a year. Dedication time, hard work.
- Compensation: the company's treatment of benefits to be received such as health insurance,
retirement plans, vacation time. Salary and allowances when working overtime and on
important occasions such as holidays and Tet.
- Company culture: a good job must go hand in hand with a good working environment,
looking for a certain job must learn about the values and working culture of that company to
make sure it will fit your personality and work style
- Job responsibilities: make sure that the position as well as the job selection must really
match with your capacity and strengths, do not choose jobs that require too much
responsibility for yourself so as not to interfere. Feel burdened or bored with work?
16. Which factors are important when hiring people?
● - Work ethic and attitude: Looking for candidates who have a good work ethic and
attitude, always seeking and orienting to the company's interests, learning hard and
willing to take responsibility for the best work. I did something wrong. Do not blame
and have a negative attitude that causes unnecessary conflicts in the company
● - Skills and qualifications: Specific vacancies will require candidates to have specific
skills and qualifications, which require candidates to solve problems that often arise in
the position they are applying for. Candidate quality assurance. Soft skills are also
valued such as communication skills, situation handling, basic office computing and
problem solving.
● - Experience: Prioritize recruiting candidates who have had experience with the
position applied for before to ensure that after recruitment, it will not take too long to
adapt to the job and can achieve effective results. high performance.
● - Potential for development: looking for candidates who have the ability to develop
and be creative, always learn and advance in their work to help the company grow and
increase revenue. Such potential candidates can be valuable assets to the organization
in the long run.
17. What kinds of people do you think are the most desirable for companies to employ?
The types of people who can be expected for recruitment companies are:
● Good ethics: people who are honest and responsible for the company, work and act
always follow ethical standards, always putting the interests of the collective first.
● Good adaptability: Companies always want their employees to be able to adapt both
in terms of work and working environment in the best way to bring performance to
the company, withstand pressure and not be easy. give up easily when faced with
difficulties or challenges.
● Teamwork skills: the company always wants employees to be able to work well with
others and collaborate effectively in a team environment. There, employees can
communicate clearly, listen to ideas and help each other to find the best and most
effective solution to problems.
● Technical skills: Companies want employees who have the technical skills necessary
to perform the job effectively. Depending on the industry, this may include
proficiency in specific software programs, knowledge of programming languages, or
other technical skills.
● Cultural fit: Companies want employees who fit in with the company culture and
share its values. People who are aligned with the company's mission, vision, and work
style are more likely to thrive and make a positive impact.
18 . What steps do you think job-seeks should take before a job-interview?
● Research the company: Learn as much as you can about the company you are
interviewing with. Check out their website, social media pages, and any recent news
articles about the company. This will help you understand the company's mission,
values, and culture, and will allow you to tailor your responses to the company's
● Review the job description: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the job
responsibilities, requirements, and qualifications. This will help you prepare specific
examples of your experience and skills that are relevant to the job.
● Practice answering common interview questions: Prepare responses to common
interview questions such as "Tell me about yourself" and "What are your strengths
and weaknesses?" Practice your responses out loud to help build your confidence and
improve your
● Arrive early: Plan to arrive at the interview location early to allow time for
unexpected delays. This will also give you time to compose yourself and review your
notes before the interview.
19. . What is an international market? What opportunities can international markets provide?
- An international market is a marketplace that extends beyond the borders of a single
country, where companies can expand their reach and tap into new customer bases. It
involves the buying and selling of goods, services, and resources between different countries.
The growth of international markets has been driven by factors such as advances in
technology and changing trade policies. International markets are guided by principles of
international trade, which include factors like tariffs, quotas, exchange rates, trade
agreements, and regulations imposed by governments. The dynamics of international markets
are influenced by factors such as supply and demand, competition, economic policies,
cultural differences, and geopolitical considerations.
The opportunities that the international market can offer are:
1. Access to new customers: Access to a considerably wider consumer base than the
home market is available in international markets, which may help firms boost sales
and expand their customer base.
2. Diversification of income sources: Businesses may diversify their revenue streams
by entering foreign markets and decreasing their dependence on a single market,
which lowers the risk of economic moves or political instability in a single nation.
3. Cheaper manufacturing costs: Companies may frequently discover cheaper
production costs in global marketplaces, which can help them boost profit margins
and maintain industry competitiveness.
4. Access to new resources: Access to new resources, such as raw materials or talent,
that may not be present in the native market, can be obtained through international
5. Innovation: International markets can provide opportunities for businesses to learn
about new technologies, products, and services, which can help them stay ahead of the
competition and innovate in their industry.
20. What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of international markets?
● Advangtages:
Increased market potential: Accessing international markets opens up a significantly larger
customer base, allowing businesses to tap into new opportunities and increase their sales
Greater profitability: International markets can offer higher profit margins due to factors such
as lower production costs, favorable exchange rates, or higher demand for specific products
or services. This can lead to increased revenue and overall profitability for businesses.
Access to resources: International expansion allows businesses to access new resources,
suppliers, and talent pools that may not be readily available domestically. This can result in
cost savings, improved product quality, or enhanced innovation.
● Disadvantages:
Increased competition: Going global means facing intensified competition from both local
and international competitors. Businesses may need to differentiate their products or adapt
their marketing strategies to effectively compete in diverse markets.
Cultural and language barriers: Language differences, cultural nuances, and consumer
preferences vary across markets. Businesses must invest in localization efforts, such as
translation services, adapting marketing campaigns, and understanding local customs, in
order to effectively connect with customers in different regions.
Market complexities: Entering international markets often involves dealing with complex
legal, regulatory, and cultural frameworks. Businesses need to invest time and resources to
understand and comply with local laws, trade policies, and consumer preferences, which can
pose challenges and increase operational costs.

21. What challenges are there when marketing internationally?

Competition: International markets can be highly competitive, with businesses from around
the world competing for customers. Businesses need to develop strategies for standing out
from the competition and differentiating their products and services.
Cultural differences: Cultural differences can impact the way products and services are
marketed and received. Businesses need to be aware of cultural nuances and adapt their
marketing strategies accordingly.
Language barriers: Language barriers can make it difficult to communicate effectively with
international customers. Businesses need to ensure that their marketing materials are
translated accurately and appropriately for the target audience.
Legal and regulatory challenges: Different countries have different legal and regulatory
requirements that can impact marketing strategies. Businesses need to be aware of these
requirements and ensure that their marketing activities comply with local laws and
Logistical challenges: Shipping and transportation logistics can be complex and expensive
when marketing internationally. Businesses need to have a plan in place for managing
logistics and ensuring that products are delivered on time and in good condition.

22. How has the development of international markets affected you as (a) a seller; (b) a
- The development of international markets has opened up new opportunities for sellers to
expand their market out into the world. Sellers can now reach a global audience, potentially
increasing their sales and revenue.
Besides, the development of the international market also has many drawbacks and
challenges for sellers. Selling internationally may involve dealing with many disadvantages
such as taxes,regulations,shipping logistics and other competitors.

-Additionally, the development of the international markets can bring many positive and
negative effect for customer:
International market creates a competitive price for customers. When international products
penetrate into the countries, consumers can buy many diverse items with the cheap price. It
also enhances the quality of the products or services to adapt more potential customers.
However, customers are also affected by shipping costs and taxes.

23. What preparations should be made when a country does business internationally?
When a country decides to enter international markets they should research and analyze the
target markets first to understand the cultural, economic and the legal of the
countries.Besides, analyze the market demand, competitors and consumer references help the
country have timely plans to deal with the changing of the market.
Moreover, establishing strong relationships and networks with local partners, distributors,
and stakeholders is also vital for effective market entry. The qualified labors and human
resources are also very important for businesses to enter in the international market.

24. What makes a good leader?

A good leader is a combination of various qualities and skills that allows them to effectively
guide and inspire others.
There are some characteristics and skill that a good leader should have
-Vision : A good leader has a clear vision of what they want to achieve. They have a
particular aim and ability to predict what happens next.
-Communication: Communication is a crucial skill that a good leader should have.
Communication helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same
-The leader needs to become an inspiration to people to transfer their ideals and motivate
In addition, the leader should find and give solutions to solve problems when there are
conflicts or arguments in the working environment.

25. What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

There are distinct differences between the two roles:
A manager focuses on executing tasks, organizing resources, and ensuring the efficient
completion of work. Their emphasis is on maintaining stability, implementing processes of
the company.
On the other hand, a leader's primary focus is on inspiring and guiding others. They provide a
vision, inspiring people and empathizes with the needs, concerns, and emotions of their team

26. What should young people prepare to be a great leader at work in the future?
When young people want to become a great leader. They should have a clear vision and
ambition of what they want to achieve. They have a particular aim and ability to predict what
happens next.
In addition, communication skill is a crucial skill that leaders should have. Communication
helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page.
Besides, they have to understand and empathize with the needs, concerns, and emotions of
their team members. They actively support their team and foster a positive work

27. You are the head of the Customer Services department. Your company is recruiting some
new employees for the department. What sort of qualities in employees are you looking for?
Use specific reasons and relevant examples to support your ideas.

As the head of the Customer Services department, when recruiting new employees, I would
look for qualities such as strong communication skills, problem-solving abilities and
empathy. Strong communication skills are crucial for effectively understanding and
addressing customer needs. Empathy enables employees to connect with customers on a
deeper level and interact with customers more clearly. Lastly, problem-solving abilities help
employees deal with complex situations and find solutions for customer issues.
28. You are the head of Research and Development (R&D) department. Your company is
recruiting some new employees for the department. What sort of qualities in employees are
you looking for? Use specific reasons and relevant examples to support your ideas.

As the head of the Research and Development (R&D) department, I am looking for
employees who possess certain qualities. Firstly, I seek individuals with strong analytical
skills, as they will be required to analyze data and make informed decisions. Secondly,
creativity is crucial as it fuels innovation and problem-solving. Lastly, effective
communication skills are essential for collaborating with team members and conveying ideas
clearly. For example, an employee with these qualities can contribute to developing
groundbreaking products and improving existing ones, leading to the company's success.
29. Why don’t some countries practice free trade? Use specific reasons and relevant examples
to support your ideas.
Free trade, the unrestricted flow of goods and services between countries, is not universally
practiced due to several reasons. Here are some specific reasons and relevant examples:
Protectionism: Some countries implement protectionist policies to safeguard domestic
industries and jobs. They may impose trade barriers such as tariffs and import quotas, making
imported goods more expensive and less competitive. For example, the United States has
imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum to protect its domestic steel industry and preserve jobs.
National Security Concerns: Countries may restrict trade in certain strategic industries to
maintain national security. For instance, countries might limit foreign investment or exports
in sectors like defense, technology, or critical infrastructure, in order to protect sensitive
information or ensure self-sufficiency during times of conflict.
Cultural and Environmental Sensitivities: Some nations adopt trade policies to protect
cultural heritage or prevent environmental degradation. They may restrict imports of products
that are deemed culturally offensive or ban goods produced by unsustainable methods. For
example, Japan imposes strict regulations on imported agricultural products to preserve its
traditional farming practices and protect local farmers.
Infant Industry Protection: Developing countries may adopt trade restrictions to nurture
and protect their domestic industries during their early stages. This strategy aims to enable
local industries to grow and become globally competitive. Brazil, for instance, has
historically protected its fledgling aircraft manufacturing industry through tariffs and
Economic Dependence: In some cases, countries may fear becoming overly dependent on
other nations for essential goods. They may choose to restrict trade to maintain economic
independence and reduce vulnerability to fluctuations in global markets. North Korea, for
example, practices limited trade due to its self-reliance policy and political isolation.

30. Which of these business situations would worry you most? Why?
- Your company has to relocate to the other side of the city.
- You have to decide who to make redundant in your new department after a merger.
- Your company language becomes English.
Your company has to relocate to the other side of the city: This situation may worry
employees due to several reasons. It could increase commuting time and expenses, causing
inconvenience for employees who live far away. It may also disrupt work-life balance and
impact productivity. Additionally, the relocation could affect relationships with clients,
suppliers, and other stakeholders, potentially leading to business disruptions.
You have to decide who to make redundant in your new department after a merger:
The of making redundancies can be worrisome due to its impact on both individuals and the
overall work environment. It raises concerns about job security and leads to increased stress
levels among employees. The process of selecting individuals can also be challenging and
emotionally difficult for those involved in decision-making.

Your company language becomes English: The shift to a new company language may
worry employees who are not fluent in English or who are familiar with communicating in
their native language. It may lead to difficulties in understanding and expressing ideas, which
can affect job performance and interpersonal relationships. Employees may also feel the need
to invest time and effort in learning and adapting to the new language.

31. How loyal are you to the brands you have chosen? Why do you think people buy brands?
Use specific reasons and relevant examples to support your ideas.
Quality and Reliability: Consumers often choose brands they perceive as offering high-
quality and reliable products or services. Brands that have built a reputation for consistent
quality over time tend to attract loyal customers. For example, Apple has cultivated
(=improve) a loyal customer base due to its reputation for well-designed, reliable, and user-
friendly products.
Brand Identity and Values: Some individuals align themselves with brands that reflect their
personal values or ốm desired image. People may feel connected to brands that represent their
identity, social status, or affiliations. Examples include brands like Patagonia, known for its
commitment to environmental sustainability, or Tesla, associated with innovative and eco-
friendly electric vehicles.
Emotional Connection: Emotional appeals also play a significant role in brand choices.
Brands that evoke positive emotions or resonate with people's ok aspirations can create strong
connections. Coca-Cola, for example, is often associated with happiness, celebrations, and
nostalgic moments.

33. What reasons are there for advertising, apart from selling a product? Use specific reasons
and relevant examples to support your ideas.
Building Brand Awareness: Advertising helps in creating and increasing brand awareness
among the target audience. By consistently promoting a brand's name, logo, and message,
advertising aims to familiarize consumers with the brand. For instance, Coca-Cola's
advertisements featuring its logo, catchy jingles, and memorable campaigns have helped
build widespread brand recognition and awareness.
Influencing Consumer Behavior: Advertising has the power to shape consumer behavior by
influencing their perceptions, attitudes, and preferences. By strategically presenting a
product/service in a certain way, advertising can create demand, drive consumer interest, and
influence purchasing decisions. An example is fashion advertisements that aim to set trends,
influence style choices, and create a desire for specific clothing brands.
Creating Emotional Connections: Advertising aims to remind emotions and create a
connection between the brand and consumers. By telling compelling stories and tapping into
consumer emotions, advertisements can establish a strong emotional bond. For example,
Apple's emotionally driven advertisements often focus on human experiences, aiming to
create a sense of connection and aspiration among consumers.
34. What do you think are the main problems that businesses face when going through
change? What should be done to deal with them? Use specific reasons and relevant examples
to support your ideas.
Resistance to Change: Change can be met with resistance from employees who may be
comfortable with the status quo or apprehensive about the unknown. To address this,
businesses should focus on effective change management strategies. This includes clearly
communicating the reasons for change, involving employees in the process, providing
training and support, and addressing concerns or fears. For example, when Netflix
transitioned from DVD rentals to streaming, they actively engaged employees and
communicated the need for change, helping them understand the larger vision and benefits.

Communication Issues: In times of change, effective communication is essential. Poor

communication can lead to confusion, misinformation, and resistance. Businesses should
have a well-defined communication plan that emphasizes transparency, regular updates, and
interactive channels. It's important to listen to employees' concerns and feedback, address
them promptly, and provide clear information about the change process. Microsoft's
transition from Windows 7 to Windows 10 involved extensive communication campaigns,
including webcasts, training sessions, and a dedicated support website, ensuring employees
had clear information about the change and its impact.

Disruption of Operations: Change often disrupts existing processes, workflows, and systems,
potentially causing operational challenges. To mitigate disruptions, businesses should
conduct thorough planning and risk assessments, identifying potential bottlenecks and
developing contingency plans. Adequate training and re-skilling of employees may be
necessary to adapt to new processes or technologies. Additionally, temporary measures, such
as phased implementation or parallel testing, can help minimize disruptions during the
transition. When Apple introduced the new iPhone, they carefully executed production ramp-
ups, reducing potential supply chain disruptions and meeting consumer demand swiftly.

35. You have just graduated from your university. You are looking for a job. There are two
1) A job that you don’t like offers you a high salary
2) A job in which you are interested offers you a quite low salary (and you think it is not
suitable for your qualification)
Which one will you choose? Give reasons and specific examples to clarify your choice.
High-paying job you don't like:
Financial stability: A high salary can provide a sense of security and financial stability.
Opportunity for personal growth: Although you may not like the job initially, it could
offer opportunities for skill development and future career advancements.
Ability to pursue personal interests outside of work: With a higher salary, you may have the
resources to engage in hobbies, pursue personal passions, or explore other opportunities.
Lack of motivation and satisfaction: Working in a job that you don't enjoy can lead to
decreased motivation and job satisfaction, potentially affecting your overall well-being.
Limited career growth in the desired field: If the job is not aligned with your long-term
career goals, it may hinder your progress in the desired field.
Lower-paying job in your area of interest:
Passion and fulfillment: Working in a field that aligns with your interests can bring a sense of
passion and fulfillment, making you feel more satisfied with your work.
Unleashing your potential: Engaging in work that you enjoy and find meaningful can lead to
better performance, creativity, and personal growth.
Opportunity for long-term career growth: Starting in a lower-paying job in your desired field
can serve as a stepping stone to gaining relevant experience and opening up opportunities for
growth and advancement.

Financial challenges: Accepting a lower salary may require you to make financial
adjustments and sacrifices, at least in the short term.
Potential for dissatisfaction: While the job aligns with your interests, there may still be
aspects of the role or organization that you don't enjoy or find challenging.

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